diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 5b68871be160788a0063d6bb2fa691c67a286036..dbf159b5568de0cfa372e59f265e2c8d4d579aca 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ set(DTUWEC_SRC_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/dtu_we_controller)
 set(BLADED_SRC_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/dtu_we_controller_bladed)
 set(FLAP_SRC_DIR   ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/flap_controller_individual_aep_u_f)
 set(FLAPCYC_SRC_DIR   ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/flap_controller_cyclic)
+set(YAW_SRC_DIR   ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/yaw_controller)
 set(LIB static)
@@ -28,4 +29,7 @@ message("Configuring flap controller source files: " ${FLAP_SRC_DIR})
 message("Configuring cyclic flap controller source files: " ${FLAPCYC_SRC_DIR})
\ No newline at end of file
+message("Configuring yaw controller source files: " ${YAW_SRC_DIR})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/yaw_controller/CMakeLists.txt b/src/yaw_controller/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c0a4db7cbbe3f0f0f5d217554e211421e4666a8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/yaw_controller/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Set the project name
+project(yaw_controller LANGUAGES Fortran)
+message("Configuring Sub-project: " ${PROJECT_NAME})
+message("Root Directory is: " ${ROOT_DIR})
+# set source code
+file(GLOB_RECURSE MODSRC "${ROOT_DIR}/src/modules/global_constants.f90"
+                         "${ROOT_DIR}/src/modules/global_variables.f90"
+					     "${ROOT_DIR}/src/modules/misc_mod.f90"
+					     "${ROOT_DIR}/src/modules/user_defined_types.f90"
+	)
+set(SRC ${YAWSRC_DIR}/yaw_controller.f90					  
+	)
+message("Including the utils: " "${ROOT_DIR}/utils/cmake/CMakeLists.txt")
diff --git a/src/yaw_controller/file_info.h b/src/yaw_controller/file_info.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d6046851e6130b92519cab3431d4a694c9959825
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/yaw_controller/file_info.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+#define FILE_NAME "yaw_controller.dll"
+#define FILE_DESCRIPTION "DTU Wind Energy Controller - yaw controller dll"
diff --git a/src/yaw_controller/yaw_controller.f90 b/src/yaw_controller/yaw_controller.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6251c81d3b83c353e2d500e1770de7fbcff78bee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/yaw_controller/yaw_controller.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+module YawController
+! Implements a basic yaw controller.
+   use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: ieee_value, ieee_quiet_nan, ieee_is_finite
+! Module variables.
+! 32 bit integer.
+   integer, parameter :: ki_9 = selected_int_kind(9)
+! 64 bit real.
+   integer, parameter :: kr_dp = selected_real_kind(15, 307)
+! Pi.
+   real(kind=kr_dp), parameter :: pi = 4.0_kr_dp * atan(1.0_kr_dp)
+! Degrees to radians conversion factor.
+   real(kind=kr_dp), parameter :: deg2rad = pi / 180.0_kr_dp
+! Radians to degrees conversion factor.
+   real(kind=kr_dp), parameter :: rad2deg = 180.0_kr_dp / pi
+! Not a Number.
+! Defined within init_yaw subroutine.
+   real(kind=kr_dp) nan
+   type yaw_str
+      ! Deltat dll [s].
+      real(kind=kr_dp) deltat
+      ! Cutoff frequency of yaw error first order low pass filter [1/s].
+      real(kind=kr_dp) cutoff_freq
+      ! *** VARIABLES ***
+      ! weight factor of exponential moving average/variance filter
+      real(kr_dp) :: alpha
+      ! Last values of the wind speed and direction.
+      real(kr_dp) :: wind_speed_ave, previous_wind_speed_ave
+      real(kr_dp) :: wind_direction_ave, previous_wind_direction_ave
+      ! First iteration flag
+      logical :: first_iteration = .true.
+   end type yaw_str
+! Exchange data from init to update and keep memory.
+   type(yaw_str) yawst
+   subroutine init_yaw(array1, array2) bind(C,name='init_yaw')
+      implicit none
+! Data exchanged with HAWC2.
+      real(kind=kr_dp), intent(in)  :: array1(100)
+      real(kind=kr_dp), intent(out) :: array2(1)
+! array1 contains:
+!   1:  Deltat dll [s].
+!   2:  Cutoff frequency of yaw error first order low pass filter [1/s].
+! Cutoff frequency converted to angular frequency.
+      real(kind=kr_dp) :: cutoff_angular_freq
+! Copy parameters from init block to yawst variable.
+      yawst%deltat                     =      array1( 1)
+      yawst%cutoff_freq                =      array1( 2)
+! Compute angular frequency of cutoff frequency.
+      cutoff_angular_freq = 2 * yawst%cutoff_freq * yawst%deltat * pi
+! Computes the exponential filter weighting factor analytically.
+      yawst%alpha = cos(cutoff_angular_freq) - 1 + sqrt(cos(cutoff_angular_freq)**2 - &
+         4*cos(cutoff_angular_freq) + 3)
+      print*, yawst%alpha
+! Define NaN.
+! Cannot be a parameter. See https://community.intel.com/t5/Intel-Fortran-Compiler/Set-Parameter-To-NaN/td-p/1132223
+      nan = ieee_value(1.0_kr_dp, ieee_quiet_nan)
+! Initialize previous states of filter.
+      yawst%previous_wind_speed_ave     = nan !0.0_kr_dp ! nan
+      yawst%previous_wind_direction_ave = nan !0.0_kr_dp ! nan
+! Set the state.
+! No output needed for init.
+      array2 = 0.0_kr_dp
+   end subroutine init_yaw
+   subroutine update_yaw(array1, array2) bind(C,name='update_yaw')
+      implicit none
+! Data exchanged with HAWC2.
+      real(kind=kr_dp), dimension(100), intent(in)  :: array1  ! outvec
+      real(kind=kr_dp), dimension(100), intent(out) :: array2  ! inpvec -> actions
+! array1 contains:
+!       1: Time [s]
+!    2, 3: Wind speed and direction in non-rotating rotor coordinates [m/s, deg]
+!       4: angle of yaw bearing node [rad]
+!       5: Yaw setpoint [deg]
+! array2 contains:
+!  1: Demanded yaw bearing angle [rad]
+!  2: Yaw error [rad]
+!  3: Filtered wind speed [m/s]
+!  4: Filtered wind direction [rad]
+!  5: Instantaneous wind speed [m/s]
+!  6: Instantaneous wind direction [rad]
+!  7: angle of yaw bearing node [rad]
+!  8: yaw setpoint [rad]
+! *** Variables from HAWC2 output block. ***
+! general time;  Time [s]  1
+      real(kind=kr_dp) time
+! wind free_wind_hor_center_pos0 2;
+! Instantaneous horizontal wind speed [m/s].
+      real(kind=kr_dp) wind_speed_hor_instantaneous
+! Instantaneous wind direction [rad] (converted from deg).
+      real(kind=kr_dp) wind_direction_instantaneous
+! Current nacelle angle [rad].
+! constraint bearing2 yaw_rot 1 only 1; Rotation of yaw bearing [rad]
+      real(kind=kr_dp) current_nacelle_angle
+! hawc2farm yaw_setpoint ;  Yaw offset setpoint [rad] (converted from deg).
+      real(kind=kr_dp) yaw_setpoint
+! *** Return values ***
+! error in yaw alignment [rad]
+      real(kind=kr_dp) error
+! Demanded nacelle yaw angle [rad]
+      real(kind=kr_dp) demanded_yaw_bearing_angle
+! *** Controller code. ***
+! Copy values from the input array.
+      time                                  = array1(1)
+      wind_speed_hor_instantaneous          = array1(2)
+      wind_direction_instantaneous          = array1(3) * deg2rad
+      current_nacelle_angle                 = array1(4)
+      yaw_setpoint                          = array1(5) * deg2rad
+! Push most recent filtered values to previous memory slot.
+      yawst%previous_wind_speed_ave     = yawst%wind_speed_ave
+      yawst%previous_wind_direction_ave = yawst%wind_direction_ave
+! Compute the average wind speed and direction.
+! - Since we are using rotor coordinates, yawst%wind_direction_ave is the current yaw error.
+      if (yawst%first_iteration) then
+         yawst%wind_speed_ave = wind_speed_hor_instantaneous
+         yawst%wind_direction_ave = wind_direction_instantaneous
+         yawst%first_iteration = .false.
+      else
+         !perform exponential moving average
+         ! https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/6874/exponential-weighted-moving-skewness-kurtosis
+         yawst%wind_speed_ave = (1 - yawst%alpha) * yawst%previous_wind_speed_ave + &
+            yawst%alpha * wind_speed_hor_instantaneous
+         yawst%wind_direction_ave = (1 - yawst%alpha) * yawst%previous_wind_direction_ave + &
+            yawst%alpha * wind_direction_instantaneous
+      endif
+      ! Calculate error between desired and actual yaw alignment.
+      error = (yawst%wind_direction_ave - yaw_setpoint)
+      ! jyli: added yaw_bearing_node angle as I believe this compensates any reference frame.
+      ! jyli: Potential sign error.
+      ! Calculate yaw command.
+      demanded_yaw_bearing_angle = current_nacelle_angle - error
+! Set the action.
+      array2 = 0.0_kr_dp
+      array2(1) = demanded_yaw_bearing_angle
+! Set some other outputs of this dll.
+      array2(2) = error
+      array2(3) = yawst%wind_speed_ave
+      array2(4) = yawst%wind_direction_ave
+! Input pass-through.
+      array2(5) = wind_speed_hor_instantaneous
+      array2(6) = wind_direction_instantaneous
+      array2(7) = current_nacelle_angle
+      array2(8) = yaw_setpoint
+   end subroutine update_yaw
+end module YawController