Missing interpolation type argument
Hi PyWake team,
inside the method _local_wind in the XRsite class (location: py_wake\site\xrsite.py) the inputs WD, WS, TI and TI_std get interpolated using the class interp_ilk. However, the interpolation type passed to the XRsite class is not passed in that interpolation call, such that it will always be the default of the interp_ilk class ('linear').
Here is the code part (from line 145 in xrsite.py):
def get(n, default=None):
if n in self.ds:
return self.ds[n].interp_ilk(lw.coords, deg=(n == 'WD'))
return default
if 'time' in lw.coords:
default_ws = lw.ws[na, :, na]
default_ws = lw.ws[na, na]
WS, WD, TI, TI_std = [get(n, d) for n, d in [('WS', default_ws), ('WD', lw.wd[na, :, na]),
('TI', None), ('TI_std', None)]]
Here it should be
return self.ds[n].interp_ilk(lw.coords, deg=(n == 'WD'), interp_method=self.interp_method)
instead of
return self.ds[n].interp_ilk(lw.coords, deg=(n == 'WD'))
Would be great to get feedback what you think on that issue.
Best regards, Christopher