.. PyWake documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Mon Dec 3 13:24:21 2018. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Welcome to PyWake =========================================== .. image:: logo.svg :width: 70 % :align: center PyWake is an open-sourced and Python-based wind farm simulation tool developed at DTU capable of computing flow fields, power production of individual turbines as well as the Annual Energy Production (AEP) of a wind farm. The software solution provides an interface to both a selection different engineering models as well as CDF RANS (PyWakeEllipSys). It is highly efficient in calculating how the wake propagates within a wind farm and can quantify the interaction between turbines. What can PyWake do? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The main objective of PyWake is to calculate the wake interaction in a wind farm in a computationally inexpensive way for a range of steady state conditions. It is very useful for computing the power production of a wind farm while considering the wake losses for a specific wind farm layout configuration. Some of the main capabilities of PyWake that have been in constant development in the last few years include: * The possibility to use different engineering wake models for the simulation, such as the NOJ and Bastankhah wake deficit models. * The option of choosing between different sites and their wind resource, with the additional option of user-defined sites. * The ability to have user-defined wind turbines or import turbine files from WAsP. * The capability of working with chunkification and parallelization. * The advantage of visualizing flow maps for the wind farm layout in study. For installation instructions, please see the :ref:`Installation Guide <installation>`. Source code repository and issue tracker: https://gitlab.windenergy.dtu.dk/TOPFARM/PyWake License: MIT_ .. _MIT: https://gitlab.windenergy.dtu.dk/TOPFARM/PyWake/blob/master/LICENSE Getting Started ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ PyWake is equipped with many capabilities that can range from basic to complex. For new users, the :ref:`Overview </notebooks/Overview.ipynb>` section contains a basic description of PyWake’s architecture and the elements behind it. Plus, the :ref:`Quickstart </notebooks/Quickstart.ipynb>` section shows how to set up and perform some basic operations in PyWake. Explanations of PyWake's core objects can be found in the following tutorials: * :ref:`Site </notebooks/Site.ipynb>`: this tutorial walks through the set up of pre-defined sites in PyWake as well as the possibility for user-defined sites. * :ref:`Wind Turbine </notebooks/WindTurbines.ipynb>`: this example demonstrates how to set up a wind turbine object and also to create user-defined turbines with specific power and CT curves. * :ref:`Engineering Wind Farm Models </notebooks/EngineeringWindFarmModels.ipynb>`: here there is a detailed explanation of all the wake deficit models available in PyWake as well as other engineering models such as wake superposition, deflection, etc. The :ref:`Wind farm simulation </notebooks/RunWindFarmSimulation.ipynb>` example shows how to execute PyWake and extract relevant information about the wind farm studied. In addition, PyWake's capablities to calculate gradients are demonstrated in the :ref:`Gradients, parallelization and precision </notebooks/gradients_parallellization.ipynb>` example, and an optimization with TOPFARM is available in the :ref:`Optimization </notebooks/Optimization.ipynb>` tutorial. Lastly, the remaining notebooks illustrate some relevant examples and exercises to see the different properties that PyWake has to offer. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Contents installation notebooks/Overview notebooks/ChangeLog notebooks/Publications .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Tutorials notebooks/Quickstart notebooks/Site notebooks/WindTurbines notebooks/EngineeringWindFarmModels notebooks/RunWindFarmSimulation notebooks/gradients_parallellization notebooks/Optimization notebooks/YawMisalignment notebooks/Noise notebooks/exercises/CombineModels notebooks/exercises/Validation notebooks/exercises/Improve_layout notebooks/exercises/WakeDeflection .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Model Verification notebooks/literature_verification/TurbOPark .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Validation validation .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: API Reference api/WindTurbines api/Site api/WindFarmModel api/EngineeringWindFarmModels api/PredefinedEngineeringWindFarmModels api/SimulationResult api/FlowMap