import numpy as np from numpy import newaxis as na from abc import abstractmethod, ABC class Shear(ABC): @abstractmethod def __call__(self, WS_ilk, WD_ilk, h_i): """Get wind speed at height Parameters ---------- WS_ilk : array_like wind speed WD_ilk : array_like wind direction h_i : array_like height Returns ------- WS_ilk : array_like Wind speed at height h_i """ class PowerShear(): def __init__(self, h_ref, alpha, interp_method='nearest'): self.h_ref = h_ref from import get_sector_xr self.alpha = get_sector_xr(alpha, "Power shear coefficient") self.interp_method = interp_method def __call__(self, WS, WD, h): alpha = self.alpha.interp_all(WD, method=self.interp_method) if alpha.shape == (): alpha = return (h / self.h_ref) ** alpha * WS # ====================================================================================================================== # Potentially the code below can be used to implement power/log shear interpolation between grid layers # ====================================================================================================================== # class InterpolationShear(ABC): # @abstractmethod # def setup(self, ds): # """""" # # @abstractmethod # def __call__(self): # """""" # # # class LinearInterpolationShear(): # def setup(self, ds): # pass # # def __call__(self, WS_ilk, WD_ilk, h_i): # return WS_ilk # # # class PowerInterpolationShear(): # """Apply wind shear coefficient based on speed-up factor at different # # height and a reference far field wind shear coefficient (alpha_far)""" # # def __init__(self, alpha_far=.143): # self.alpha_far = alpha_far # # def setup(self, ds): # ds['wind_shear'] = copy.deepcopy(ds['spd']) # # heights = ds['wind_shear'].coords['z'].data # # # if there is only one layer, assign default value # if len(heights) == 1: # # ds['wind_shear'].data = (np.zeros_like(ds['wind_shear'].data) + self.alpha_far) # # print('Note there is only one layer of wind resource data, ' + # 'wind shear are assumed as uniform, i.e., {0}'.format(self.alpha_far)) # else: # ds['wind_shear'].data[:, :, 0, :] = (self.alpha_far + # np.log(ds['spd'].data[:, :, 0, :] / ds['spd'].data[:, :, 1, :]) / # np.log(heights[0] / heights[1])) # # for h in range(1, len(heights)): # ds['wind_shear'].data[:, :, h, :] = ( # self.alpha_far + # np.log(ds['spd'].data[:, :, h, :] / ds['spd'].data[:, :, h - 1, :]) / # np.log(heights[h] / heights[h - 1])) # # def __call__(self, WS_ilk, WD_ilk, h_i): # ????? WS_ilk = (WS_ilk * (H_hub / self.height_ref) ** wind_shear_il[i_wt, l_wd])