import os import struct from numpy import newaxis as na import numpy as np from py_wake.deficit_models.deficit_model import DeficitModel from py_wake.superposition_models import LinearSum from py_wake.wind_farm_models.engineering_models import PropagateDownwind, All2AllIterative from py_wake.rotor_avg_models.rotor_avg_model import RotorCenter from py_wake.tests.test_files import tfp from py_wake.utils.grid_interpolator import GridInterpolator from pathlib import Path class FugaUtils(): def __init__(self, path, on_mismatch='raise'): """ Parameters ---------- path : string Path to folder containing 'CaseData.bin', input parameter file (*.par) and loop-up tables on_mismatch : {'raise', 'casedata','input_par'} Determines how to handle mismatch between info from and input.par. If 'raise' a ValueError exception is raised in case of mismatch\n If 'casedata', the values from CaseData.bin is used\n If 'input_par' the values from the input parameter file (*.par) is used """ self.path = Path(path) with open(self.path / 'CaseData.bin', 'rb') as fid: case_name = struct.unpack('127s',[0] # @UnusedVariable self.r = struct.unpack('d',[0] # @UnusedVariable self.zHub = struct.unpack('d',[0] self.low_level = struct.unpack('I',[0] self.high_level = struct.unpack('I',[0] self.z0 = struct.unpack('d',[0] zi = struct.unpack('d',[0] # @UnusedVariable self.ds = struct.unpack('d',[0] closure = struct.unpack('I',[0] if os.path.getsize(self.path / 'CaseData.bin') == 187: self.zeta0 = struct.unpack('d',[0] else: # with open(path + 'CaseData.bin', 'rb') as fid2: # info = # zeta0 = float(info[info.index('Zeta0'):].replace("Zeta0=", "")) if 'Zeta0' in self.zeta0 = float([ 'Zeta0'):].replace("Zeta0=", "").replace("/", "")) f = [f for f in os.listdir(self.path) if f.endswith('.par')][0] lines = (self.path / f).read_text().split("\n") self.prefix = lines[0].strip() self.nx, self.ny = map(int, lines[2:4]) self.dx, self.dy = map(float, lines[4:6]) # @UnusedVariable self.sigmax, self.sigmay = map(float, lines[6:8]) # @UnusedVariable def set_Value(n, v): if on_mismatch == 'raise' and getattr(self, n) != v: raise ValueError("Mismatch between CaseData.bin and %s: %s %s!=%s" % (f, n, getattr(self, n), v)) elif on_mismatch == 'input_par': setattr(self, n, v) set_Value('low_level', int(lines[11])) set_Value('high_level', int(lines[12])) set_Value('z0', float(lines[8])) # roughness level set_Value('zHub', float(lines[10])) # hub height self.nx0 = self.nx // 4 self.ny0 = self.ny // 2 self.x = np.arange(-self.nx0, self.nx * 3 / 4) * self.dx # rotor is located 1/4 downstream self.y = np.arange(self.ny // 2) * self.dy self.zlevels = np.arange(self.low_level, self.high_level + 1) if self.low_level == self.high_level == 9999: self.z = [self.zHub] else: self.z = self.z0 * np.exp(self.zlevels * self.ds) def mirror(self, x, anti_symmetric=False): x = np.asarray(x) return np.concatenate([((1, -1)[anti_symmetric]) * x[::-1], x[1:]]) def load_luts(self, UVLT=['UL', 'UT', 'VL', 'VT'], zlevels=None): return np.array([[np.fromfile(str(self.path / (self.prefix + '%04d%s.dat' % (j, uvlt))), np.dtype('<f'), -1) for j in (zlevels or self.zlevels)] for uvlt in UVLT]) class FugaDeficit(DeficitModel, FugaUtils): ams = 5 invL = 0 args4deficit = ['WS_ilk', 'WS_eff_ilk', 'dw_ijlk', 'hcw_ijlk', 'dh_ijl', 'h_il', 'ct_ilk', 'D_src_il'] def __init__(self, LUT_path=tfp + 'fuga/2MW/Z0=0.03000000Zi=00401Zeta0=0.00E+0/', remove_wriggles=False): """ Parameters ---------- LUT_path : str Path to folder containing 'CaseData.bin', input parameter file (*.par) and loop-up tables remove_wriggles : bool The current Fuga loop-up tables have significan wriggles. If True, all deficit values after the first zero crossing (when going from the center line and out in the lateral direction) is set to zero. This means that all speed-up regions are also removed """ FugaUtils.__init__(self, LUT_path, on_mismatch='input_par') self.remove_wriggles = remove_wriggles self.lut_interpolator = LUTInterpolator(*self.load()) def load(self): def psim(zeta): return self.ams * zeta if not self.zeta0 >= 0: # pragma: no cover # See Colonel.u2b.psim raise NotImplementedError factor = 1 / (1 - (psim(self.zHub * self.invL) - psim(self.zeta0)) / np.log(self.zHub / self.z0)) mdu = self.load_luts(['UL'])[0] du = -np.array(mdu, dtype=np.float32).reshape((len(mdu), self.ny // 2, self.nx)) * factor if self.remove_wriggles: # remove all positive and negative deficits after first zero crossing in lateral direction du *= (np.cumsum(du < 0, 1) == 0) # smooth edges to zero n = 250 du[:, :, :n] = du[:, :, n][:, :, na] * np.arange(n) / n du[:, :, -n:] = du[:, :, -n][:, :, na] * np.arange(n)[::-1] / n n = 50 du[:, -n:, :] = du[:, -n, :][:, na, :] * np.arange(n)[::-1][na, :, na] / n return self.x, self.y, self.z, du def interpolate(self, x, y, z): # self.grid_interplator(np.array([zyx.flatten() for zyx in [z, y, x]]).T, check_bounds=False).reshape(x.shape) return self.lut_interpolator((x, y, z)) def _calc_layout_terms(self, dw_ijlk, hcw_ijlk, h_il, dh_ijl, D_src_il, **_): self.mdu_ijlk = self.interpolate(dw_ijlk, np.abs(hcw_ijlk), (h_il[:, na] + dh_ijl)[:, :, :, na]) * \ ~((dw_ijlk == 0) & (hcw_ijlk <= D_src_il[:, na, :, na]) # avoid wake on itself ) def calc_deficit(self, WS_ilk, WS_eff_ilk, dw_ijlk, hcw_ijlk, dh_ijl, h_il, ct_ilk, D_src_il, **kwargs): if not self.deficit_initalized: self._calc_layout_terms(dw_ijlk, hcw_ijlk, h_il, dh_ijl, D_src_il, **kwargs) return self.mdu_ijlk * (ct_ilk * WS_eff_ilk**2 / WS_ilk)[:, na] def wake_radius(self, D_src_il, dw_ijlk, **_): # Set at twice the source radius for now return np.zeros_like(dw_ijlk) + D_src_il[:, na, :, na] class LUTInterpolator(object): # Faster than scipy.interpolate.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator def __init__(self, x, y, z, V): self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z self.V = V self.nx = nx = len(x) self.ny = ny = len(y) = nz = len(z) assert V.shape == (nz, ny, nx) self.dx, self.dy = [xy[1] - xy[0] for xy in [x, y]] self.x0 = x[0] self.y0 = y[0] Ve = np.concatenate((V, V[-1:]), 0) Ve = np.concatenate((Ve, Ve[:, -1:]), 1) Ve = np.concatenate((Ve, Ve[:, :, -1:]), 2) self.V000 = np.array([V, Ve[:-1, :-1, 1:], Ve[:-1, 1:, :-1], Ve[:-1, 1:, 1:], Ve[1:, :-1, :-1], Ve[1:, :-1, 1:], Ve[1:, 1:, :-1], Ve[1:, 1:, 1:]]).reshape((8, nz * ny * nx)) def __call__(self, xyz): xp, yp, zp = xyz xp = np.maximum(np.minimum(xp, self.x[-1]), self.x[0]) yp = np.maximum(np.minimum(yp, self.y[-1]), self.y[0]) # zp = np.maximum(np.minimum(zp, self.z[-1]), self.z[0]) def i0f(_i): _i0 = np.asarray(_i).astype( _if = _i - _i0 return _i0, _if xi0, xif = i0f((xp - self.x0) / self.dx) yi0, yif = i0f((yp - self.y0) / self.dy) zi0, zif = i0f(np.interp(zp, self.z, np.arange( nx, ny = self.nx, self.ny v000, v001, v010, v011, v100, v101, v110, v111 = self.V000[:, zi0 * nx * ny + yi0 * nx + xi0] v_00 = v000 + (v100 - v000) * zif v_01 = v001 + (v101 - v001) * zif v_10 = v010 + (v110 - v010) * zif v_11 = v011 + (v111 - v011) * zif v__0 = v_00 + (v_10 - v_00) * yif v__1 = v_01 + (v_11 - v_01) * yif return (v__0 + (v__1 - v__0) * xif) # # Slightly slower # xif1, yif1, zif1 = 1 - xif, 1 - yif, 1 - zif # w = np.array([xif1 * yif1 * zif1, # xif * yif1 * zif1, # xif1 * yif * zif1, # xif * yif * zif1, # xif1 * yif1 * zif, # xif * yif1 * zif, # xif1 * yif * zif, # xif * yif * zif]) # # return np.sum(w * self.V01[:, zi0, yi0, xi0], 0) class Fuga(PropagateDownwind): def __init__(self, LUT_path, site, windTurbines, rotorAvgModel=RotorCenter(), deflectionModel=None, turbulenceModel=None, remove_wriggles=False): """ Parameters ---------- LUT_path : str path to look up tables site : Site Site object windTurbines : WindTurbines WindTurbines object representing the wake generating wind turbines rotorAvgModel : RotorAvgModel Model defining one or more points at the down stream rotors to calculate the rotor average wind speeds from.\n Defaults to RotorCenter that uses the rotor center wind speed (i.e. one point) only deflectionModel : DeflectionModel Model describing the deflection of the wake due to yaw misalignment, sheared inflow, etc. turbulenceModel : TurbulenceModel Model describing the amount of added turbulence in the wake """ PropagateDownwind.__init__(self, site, windTurbines, wake_deficitModel=FugaDeficit(LUT_path, remove_wriggles=remove_wriggles), rotorAvgModel=rotorAvgModel, superpositionModel=LinearSum(), deflectionModel=deflectionModel, turbulenceModel=turbulenceModel) class FugaBlockage(All2AllIterative): def __init__(self, LUT_path, site, windTurbines, rotorAvgModel=RotorCenter(), deflectionModel=None, turbulenceModel=None, convergence_tolerance=1e-6, remove_wriggles=False): """ Parameters ---------- LUT_path : str path to look up tables site : Site Site object windTurbines : WindTurbines WindTurbines object representing the wake generating wind turbines rotorAvgModel : RotorAvgModel Model defining one or more points at the down stream rotors to calculate the rotor average wind speeds from.\n Defaults to RotorCenter that uses the rotor center wind speed (i.e. one point) only deflectionModel : DeflectionModel Model describing the deflection of the wake due to yaw misalignment, sheared inflow, etc. turbulenceModel : TurbulenceModel Model describing the amount of added turbulence in the wake """ fuga_deficit = FugaDeficit(LUT_path, remove_wriggles=remove_wriggles) All2AllIterative.__init__(self, site, windTurbines, wake_deficitModel=fuga_deficit, rotorAvgModel=rotorAvgModel, superpositionModel=LinearSum(), deflectionModel=deflectionModel, blockage_deficitModel=fuga_deficit, turbulenceModel=turbulenceModel, convergence_tolerance=convergence_tolerance) def main(): if __name__ == '__main__': from import IEA37Site from import IEA37_WindTurbines import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # setup site, turbines and wind farm model site = IEA37Site(16) x, y = site.initial_position.T windTurbines = IEA37_WindTurbines() path = tfp + 'fuga/2MW/Z0=0.03000000Zi=00401Zeta0=0.00E+0/' for wf_model in [Fuga(path, site, windTurbines), FugaBlockage(path, site, windTurbines)]: plt.figure() print(wf_model) # run wind farm simulation sim_res = wf_model(x, y) # calculate AEP aep = sim_res.aep().sum() # plot wake map flow_map = sim_res.flow_map(wd=30, ws=9.8) flow_map.plot_wake_map() flow_map.plot_windturbines() plt.title('AEP: %.2f GWh' % aep) main()