from abc import abstractmethod, ABC from numpy import newaxis as na import numpy as np class WakeModel(ABC): """ Base class for wake models Make a subclass and implement calc_deficit and calc_effective_WS Implementations of linear and squared sum available through inherritance Prefixs: i: turbine j: downstream points/turbines k: wind speed l: wind direction m: turbine and wind direction (il.flatten()) n: from_turbine, to_turbine and wind direction (iil.flatten()) Arguments available for calc_deficit (specifiy in args4deficit): - WS_lk: Local wind speed without wake effects - WS_eff_lk: Local wind speed with wake effects - D_src_l: Diameter of source turbine - D_dst_jl: Diameter of destination turbine - dw_jl: Downwind distance from turbine i to point/turbine j - hcw_jl: Horizontal cross wind distance from turbine i to point/turbine j - cw_jl: Cross wind(horizontal and vertical) distance from turbine i to point/turbine j - ct_lk: Thrust coefficient """ def __init__(self, windTurbines): self.windTurbines = windTurbines def calc_wake(self, WS_ilk, TI_ilk, dw_iil, cw_iil, dh_iil, dw_order_indices_l, types_i): I, L = dw_iil.shape[1:] i1, i2, _ = np.where((np.abs(dw_iil) + np.abs(cw_iil) + np.eye(I)[:, :, na]) == 0) if len(i1): msg = "\n".join(["Turbines %d and %d are at the same position" % (i1[i], i2[i]) for i in np.unique([i1, i2], 0)]) raise Exception(msg) K = WS_ilk.shape[2] deficit_nk = np.zeros((I * I * L, K)) # deficit_ijlk = deficit_nk.reshape((I, I, L, K)) # from i to j indices = np.arange(I * I * L).reshape((I, I, L)) WS_mk = WS_ilk.astype(np.float).reshape((I * L, K)) WS_eff_mk = WS_mk.copy() dw_n = dw_iil.flatten() cw_n = cw_iil.flatten() dh_n = dh_iil.flatten() power_ilk = np.zeros((I, L, K)) ct_ilk = np.zeros((I, L, K)) types_i = np.asarray(types_i) D_i = self.windTurbines.diameter(types_i) H_i = self.windTurbines.hub_height(types_i) i_wd_l = np.arange(L) for j in range(I): i_wt_l = dw_order_indices_l[:, j] m = i_wt_l * L + i_wd_l # current wt (j'th most upstream wts for all wdirs) # n_uw = np.array([indices[dw_order_indices_l[l, :j], i, l] for i, l in zip(i_wt_l, i_wd_l)]).T # # n_dw = np.array([indices[i, dw_order_indices_l[l, j + 1:], l] for i, l in zip(i_wt_l, i_wd_l)]).T n_uw = np.array([indices[uwi, i, l] for uwi, i, l in zip(dw_order_indices_l[:, :j], i_wt_l, i_wd_l)]).T n_dw = np.array([indices[i, dwi, l] for dwi, i, l in zip(dw_order_indices_l[:, j + 1:], i_wt_l, i_wd_l)]).T WS_eff_lk = self.calc_effective_WS(WS_mk[m], deficit_nk[n_uw]) WS_eff_mk[m] = WS_eff_lk ct_lk, power_lk = self.windTurbines.ct_power(WS_eff_lk, types_i[i_wt_l]) power_ilk[i_wt_l, i_wd_l] = power_lk ct_ilk[i_wt_l, i_wd_l, :] = ct_lk if j < I - 1: arg_funcs = {'WS_lk': lambda: WS_mk[m], 'WS_eff_lk': lambda: WS_eff_mk[m], 'D_src_l': lambda: D_i[i_wt_l], 'D_dst_jl': lambda: D_i[dw_order_indices_l[:, j + 1:]].T, 'dw_jl': lambda: dw_n[n_dw], 'cw_jl': lambda: np.sqrt(cw_n[n_dw]**2 + dh_n[n_dw]**2), 'hcw_jl': lambda: cw_n[n_dw], 'dh_jl': lambda: dh_n[n_dw], 'h_l': lambda: H_i[i_wt_l], 'ct_lk': lambda: ct_lk} args = {k: arg_funcs[k]() for k in self.args4deficit} deficit_nk[n_dw] = self.calc_deficit(**args) # WS_mk[m], D_i[i_wt_l], # D_i[dw_order_indices_l[:, j + 1:]].T, # dw_n[n_dw], # cw_n[n_dw], # ct_lk) WS_eff_ilk = WS_eff_mk.reshape((I, L, K)) return WS_eff_ilk, TI_ilk, power_ilk, ct_ilk def wake_map(self, WS_ilk, WS_eff_ilk, dw_ijl, cw_ijl, dh_ijl, ct_ilk, types_i, WS_jlk): D_i = self.windTurbines.diameter(types_i) H_i = self.windTurbines.hub_height(types_i) I, J, L = dw_ijl.shape K = WS_ilk.shape[2] deficit_ijlk = [] for i in range(I): deficit_jlk = np.zeros((J, L, K)) for l in range(L): m = dw_ijl[i, :, l] > 0 arg_funcs = {'WS_lk': lambda: WS_ilk[i, l][na], 'WS_eff_lk': lambda: WS_eff_ilk[i, l][na], 'D_src_l': lambda: D_i[i][na], 'D_dst_jl': lambda: None, 'dw_jl': lambda: dw_ijl[i, :, l][m][:, na], 'cw_jl': lambda: np.sqrt(cw_ijl[i, :, l][m]**2 + dh_ijl[i, :, l][m]**2)[:, na], 'hcw_jl': lambda: cw_ijl[i, :, l][m][:, na], 'dh_jl': lambda: dh_ijl[i, :, l][m][:, na], 'h_l': lambda: H_i[i][na], 'ct_lk': lambda: ct_ilk[i, l][na]} args = {k: arg_funcs[k]() for k in self.args4deficit} deficit_jlk[:, l][m] = self.calc_deficit(**args)[:, 0] deficit_ijlk.append(deficit_jlk) deficit_ijlk = np.array(deficit_ijlk) return self.calc_effective_WS(WS_jlk, deficit_ijlk) @abstractmethod def calc_deficit(self, WS_lk, D_src_l, D_dst_jl, dw_jl, cw_jl, ct_lk): """ ct or a??? """ pass class SquaredSum(): def calc_effective_WS(self, WS_lk, deficit_jlk): return WS_lk - np.sqrt(np.sum(deficit_jlk**2, 0)) class LinearSum(): def calc_effective_WS(self, WS_lk, deficit_jlk): return WS_lk - np.sum(deficit_jlk, 0) def main(): if __name__ == '__main__': from import iea37_path from import read_iea37_windfarm,\ read_iea37_windrose from import IEA37_WindTurbines from import UniformSite from py_wake.aep._aep import AEP class MyWakeModel(WakeModel, SquaredSum): args4deficit = ['WS_lk', 'dw_jl'] def calc_deficit(self, WS_lk, dw_jl): # 10% deficit downstream return (WS_lk * .1)[na] * (dw_jl > 0)[:, :, na] _, _, freq = read_iea37_windrose(iea37_path + "iea37-windrose.yaml") n_wt = 16 x, y, _ = read_iea37_windfarm(iea37_path + 'iea37-ex%d.yaml' % n_wt) site = UniformSite(freq, ti=0.75) windTurbines = IEA37_WindTurbines(iea37_path + 'iea37-335mw.yaml') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x_j = np.linspace(-1500, 1500, 500) y_j = np.linspace(-1500, 1500, 300) wake_model = MyWakeModel(windTurbines) aep = AEP(site, windTurbines, wake_model) X, Y, Z = aep.wake_map(x_j, y_j, 110, x, y, wd=[0, 30], ws=[8, 9, 10]) plt.figure() c = plt.contourf(X, Y, Z, np.arange(2, 9.1, .01)) plt.colorbar(c) plt.plot(x, y, '2k') for i, (x_, y_) in enumerate(zip(x, y)): plt.annotate(i, (x_, y_)) plt.axis('equal') main()