from py_wake.turbulence_model import TurbulenceModel, MaxSum import numpy as np from numpy import newaxis as na from py_wake.wake_models.noj import NOJ class STFTurbulenceModel(MaxSum, TurbulenceModel): args4addturb = ['dw_jl', 'cw_jl', 'D_src_l', 'ct_lk', 'TI_lk'] def calc_added_turbulence(self, dw_jl, cw_jl, D_src_l, ct_lk, TI_lk): """ Calculate the added turbulence intensity at locations specified by downstream distances (dw_jl) and crosswind distances (cw_jl) caused by the wake of a turbine (diameter: D_src_l, thrust coefficient: Ct_lk). Returns ------- TI_eff_jlk: array:float Effective turbulence intensity [-] """ s_jl = dw_jl / D_src_l # In the standard (see page 78), the maximal added TI is calculated as # TI_add = 0.9/(1.5 + 0.3*d*sqrt(V_hub/c)) # where d is the downwind distance normalised by rotor diameter, c=1.0m/s # Here it is assumed Ct = 7/V_hub (see Eq. (3.12) of ST Frandsen's thesis) # thus, when using the acutal Ct, the function will be tranformed into: # TI_add = 0.9/(1.5 + 0.8*d/sqrt(Ct)) TI_add_jlk = 0.9 / (1.5 + 0.8 * (dw_jl / D_src_l[na])[:, :, na] / np.sqrt(ct_lk)[na]) with np.warnings.catch_warnings(): np.warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', r'divide by zero encountered in true_divide') # Theta_w is the characteristic view angle defined in Eq. (3.18) of # ST Frandsen's thesis theta_w = (180.0 / np.pi * np.arctan(1 / s_jl) + 10) / 2 # thetq denotes the acutally view angles theta = np.arctan(cw_jl / dw_jl) * 180.0 / np.pi # weights_jl = np.where(theta < 3 * theta_w, np.exp(-(theta / theta_w)**2), 0) weights_jl = np.where(theta < theta_w, np.exp(-(theta / theta_w)**2), 0) # the way effective added TI is calculated is derived from Eqs. (3.16-18) # in ST Frandsen's thesis TI_add_jlk = weights_jl[:, :, na] * (np.sqrt(TI_add_jlk**2 + TI_lk[na]**2) - TI_lk[na]) return TI_add_jlk class NOJ_STF(NOJ, STFTurbulenceModel): pass def main(): if __name__ == '__main__': from py_wake.aep_calculator import AEPCalculator from import iea37_path from import IEA37Site from import IEA37_WindTurbines from py_wake.wake_models.noj import NOJ # setup site, turbines and wakemodel site = IEA37Site(16) x, y = site.initial_position.T windTurbines = IEA37_WindTurbines() class NOJ_STF(NOJ, STFTurbulenceModel): pass wake_model = NOJ_STF(windTurbines) # calculate AEP aep_calculator = AEPCalculator(site, windTurbines, wake_model) aep = aep_calculator.calculate_AEP(x, y)[0].sum() # plot wake mape import matplotlib.pyplot as plt X, Y, Z = aep_calculator.ti_map(wt_x=x, wt_y=y, wd=[0], ws=[9]) c = plt.contourf(X, Y, Z, levels=100, cmap='Blues') plt.colorbar(c, label='turbulence intensity [m/s]') plt.title('AEP: %.2f GWh' % aep) windTurbines.plot(x, y) main()