image: continuumio/anaconda3 stages: - test - test_plugins - build - deploy # ===== TEST PyWake debian===== test_PyWake: # name the job what we like image: continuumio/anaconda3 stage: # build, test, deploy defined by default [2] test script: - pip install -e .[test] --timeout 3600 --default-timeout=3600 - pytest tags: # only runners with this tag can do the job [3] - ci-ubuntu ## ===== TEST PyWake debian===== #test_PyWake_python3.6: # name the job what we like # image: continuumio/anaconda3:5.2.0 # stage: # build, test, deploy defined by default [2] # test # script: # - apt update # - apt install libgl1-mesa-glx -y # - python -m pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall pip # - pip install tensorflow --user # - pip install -e .[test] --timeout 3600 --default-timeout=3600 # - python -c "from pathlib import Path; Path('matplotlibrc').write_text('backend'+chr(58)+' Agg')" # - pytest # tags: # only runners with this tag can do the job [3] # - ci-ubuntu # ===== Check code style ===== check_code_style: # name the job what we like stage: # build, test, deploy defined by default [2] test script: - pip install -e . --user - pycodestyle --ignore=E501,W504,E741 py_wake tags: # only runners with this tag can do the job [3] - python # ===== TEST PyWake on Windows ===== test_PyWake_windows: # name the job what we like stage: # build, test, deploy defined by default [2] test coverage: '/(?i)total.*? (100(?:\.0+)?\%|[1-9]?\d(?:\.\d+)?\%)$/' script: # runs on windows machine due to tag below - conda init powershell - "if (test-path $PROFILE.CurrentUserAllHosts) { & $PROFILE.CurrentUserAllHosts}" - conda activate py38 - pip install -e .[test] --no-deps - pytest --cov-report term-missing:skip-covered --cov=py_wake --cov-config .coveragerc tags: # tag for shared runner on windows machine - ANMH_old # ===== Trigger PyWakePark pipeline ===== trigger_pywake_park_test: stage: test_plugins variables: TRIGGER_BRANCH: $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME trigger: project: TOPFARM/cuttingedge/pywake/pywake_park strategy: depend only: - schedules # ===== Trigger PyWakeEllipSys pipeline ===== trigger_pywake_ellipsys_test: stage: test_plugins variables: TRIGGER_BRANCH: $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME trigger: project: TOPFARM/cuttingedge/pywake/pywake_ellipsys strategy: depend only: - schedules # ===== Trigger TriggerHub pipeline ===== trigger_hub_test: stage: test variables: TRIGGER_BRANCH: $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME trigger: project: TOPFARMPrivate/triggerhub/pywaketriggers strategy: depend only: - master # ===== build documentation ===== pages: # "pages" is a job specifically for GitLab pages [1] stage: # build, test, deploy defined by default [2] deploy script: # use sphinx to build docs, move to public page - apt-get update - apt-get -y install make pandoc graphviz - pip install --upgrade pip - pip install pypandoc - pip install sphinx --upgrade - pip install nbsphinx --upgrade - pip install nbconvert --upgrade - pip install git+ - pip install -e .[test] - cd docs/validation_report - python - cd report - apt-get install -y texlive-latex-extra - pdflatex validation_report.tex - bibtex validation_report.aux - pdflatex validation_report.tex - pdflatex validation_report.tex - cd ../../ - pwd - make html #- make latexpdf - cd ../; mv docs/build/html public/ artifacts: # required for GitLab pages [1] paths: - public only: # only run for these branches - /^test_docdeploy.*/ - master tags: # only runners with this tag can do the job [3] - ci-ubuntu pypi_linux: stage: deploy only: - tags - test_pypi script: - apt-get update - apt-get install -y pandoc - pip install --upgrade pip - pip install pypandoc - pip install -e .[test] --upgrade - python -c 'from git_utils import get_tag; get_tag(verbose=True)' - python -m pip install -U setuptools wheel - python sdist bdist_wheel - python -m pip install -U twine - python -c 'from git_utils import rename_dist_file; rename_dist_file()' - twine upload dist/* -u $TWINE_USERNAME -p $TWINE_PASSWORD #- twine upload --repository-url dist/* -u $TWINE_USERNAME -p $TWINE_PASSWORD # for testing purposes tags: - ci-ubuntu build_conda: stage: build image: condaforge/mambaforge:latest dependencies: [] script: - export VERSION=`git describe --tags --always | sed 's/v//' | sed 's/-/.dev/' | sed 's/-/_/'` - mamba install -c conda-forge --override-channels -y boa conda-verify - conda mambabuild --no-anaconda-upload -c conda-forge --override-channels --output-folder ./conda_channel ./recipe artifacts: untracked: false expire_in: "3 days" paths: ["conda_channel/noarch/py_wake*.tar.bz2"] rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG && $CI_COMMIT_REF_PROTECTED - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event" when: manual allow_failure: true changes: - - recipe/meta.yaml - when: never tags: - ci-ubuntu deploy_conda: stage: deploy image: docker:latest dependencies: ["build_conda"] needs: ["build_conda"] script: - CONDA_PKG=`basename ./conda_channel/noarch/py_wake*.tar.bz2` - cp -p ./conda_channel/noarch/$CONDA_PKG /conda_channel_open/noarch/${CONDA_PKG}.tmp - chown 1000:1000 /conda_channel_open/noarch/${CONDA_PKG}.tmp - mv /conda_channel_open/noarch/${CONDA_PKG}.tmp /conda_channel_open/noarch/${CONDA_PKG} rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG && $CI_COMMIT_REF_PROTECTED tags: - conda_channel # current # pypi_windows: # stage: # deploy # only: # - tags # - test_pypi # script: # - c:/Anaconda3/envs/pyTopfarm/python.exe bdist_wheel # - twine upload dist/* -u %TWINE_USERNAME% -p %TWINE_PASSWORD% # #- twine upload --repository-url dist/* -u %TWINE_USERNAME% -p %TWINE_PASSWORD% # for testing purposes # tags: # - CPAV_old_PC