import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from py_wake import NOJ from import wtg_path from import V80, wt9_x, wt9_y, Hornsrev1Site from import iea37_reader from import IEA37_WindTurbines from py_wake.utils.gradients import use_autograd_in, autograd, plot_gradients, fd from py_wake.tests import npt from py_wake.wind_turbines import WindTurbines def _test_wts_wtg(wts_wtg): assert( == 'Vestas V80 (2MW, Offshore)') assert(wts_wtg.diameter(types=0) == 80) assert(wts_wtg.hub_height(types=0) == 67) npt.assert_array_equal(wts_wtg.power(np.array([0, 3, 5, 9, 18, 26]), type_i=0), np.array([0, 0, 154000, 996000, 2000000, 0])) npt.assert_array_equal(wts_wtg.ct(np.array([1, 4, 7, 9, 17, 27]), type_i=0), np.array([0, 0.818, 0.805, 0.807, 0.167, 0])) assert( == 'NEG-Micon 2750/92 (2750 kW)') assert(wts_wtg.diameter(types=1) == 92) assert(wts_wtg.hub_height(types=1) == 70) npt.assert_array_equal(wts_wtg.power(np.array([0, 3, 5, 9, 18, 26]), type_i=1), np.array([0, 0, 185000, 1326000, 2748000, 0])) npt.assert_array_equal(wts_wtg.ct(np.array([1, 4, 7, 9, 17, 27]), type_i=1), np.array([0, 0.871, 0.841, 0.797, 0.175, 0])) def test_from_WAsP_wtg(): vestas_v80_wtg = os.path.join(wtg_path, 'Vestas-V80.wtg') NEG_2750_wtg = os.path.join(wtg_path, 'NEG-Micon-2750.wtg') _test_wts_wtg(WindTurbines.from_WAsP_wtg([vestas_v80_wtg, NEG_2750_wtg])) def test_from_WindTurbines(): vestas_v80_wtg = WindTurbines.from_WAsP_wtg(os.path.join(wtg_path, 'Vestas-V80.wtg')) NEG_2750_wtg = WindTurbines.from_WAsP_wtg(os.path.join(wtg_path, 'NEG-Micon-2750.wtg')) _test_wts_wtg(WindTurbines.from_WindTurbines([vestas_v80_wtg, NEG_2750_wtg])) def test_twotype_windturbines(): v80 = V80() def power(ws, types): power = v80.power(ws) # add 10% type 1 turbines power[types == 1] *= 1.1 return power wts = WindTurbines(names=['V80', 'V88'], diameters=[80, 88], hub_heights=[70, 77], ct_funcs=[v80.ct_funcs[0], v80.ct_funcs[0]], power_funcs=[v80.power, lambda ws:v80.power(ws) * 1.1], power_unit='w' ) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt types0 = [0] * 9 types1 = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0] types2 = [1] * 9 wts.plot(wt9_x, wt9_y, types1) wfm = NOJ(Hornsrev1Site(), wts) npt.assert_array_equal(wts.types(), [0, 1]) npt.assert_almost_equal(wfm.aep(wt9_x, wt9_y, type=types0), 81.2066072392765) npt.assert_almost_equal(wfm.aep(wt9_x, wt9_y, type=types1), 83.72420504573488) npt.assert_almost_equal(wfm.aep(wt9_x, wt9_y, type=types2), 88.87227386796884) if 0: def test_get_defaults(): v80 = V80() npt.assert_array_equal(np.array(v80.get_defaults(1))[:, 0], [0, 70, 80]) npt.assert_array_equal(np.array(v80.get_defaults(1, h_i=100))[:, 0], [0, 100, 80]) npt.assert_array_equal(np.array(v80.get_defaults(1, d_i=100))[:, 0], [0, 70, 100]) def test_gradients(): wt = IEA37_WindTurbines() with use_autograd_in([WindTurbines, iea37_reader]): ws_lst = np.arange(3, 25, .1) plt.plot(ws_lst, wt.power(ws_lst)) ws_pts = np.array([3., 6., 9., 12.]) dpdu_lst = np.diag(autograd(wt.power)(ws_pts)) if 0: for dpdu, ws in zip(dpdu_lst, ws_pts): plot_gradients(wt.power(ws), dpdu, ws, "", 1) dpdu_ref = np.where((ws_pts > 4) & (ws_pts <= 9.8), 3 * 3350000 * (ws_pts - 4)**2 / (9.8 - 4)**3, 0) npt.assert_array_almost_equal(dpdu_lst, dpdu_ref) def test_plot_yz(): wt = IEA37_WindTurbines() wt.plot_yz([0, 300]) if 0: def test_set_gradients(): wt = IEA37_WindTurbines() wt.set_gradient_funcs(lambda ws: np.where((ws > 4) & (ws <= 9.8), 100000 * ws, # not the right gradient, but similar to the reference 0), lambda ws: 0) with use_autograd_in([WindTurbines, iea37_reader]): ws_lst = np.arange(3, 25, .1) plt.plot(ws_lst, wt.power(ws_lst)) ws_pts = np.array([3., 6., 9., 12.]) dpdu_lst = np.diag(autograd(wt.power)(ws_pts)) if 0: for dpdu, ws in zip(dpdu_lst, ws_pts): plot_gradients(wt.power(ws), dpdu, ws, "", 1) dpdu_ref = np.where((ws_pts > 4) & (ws_pts <= 9.8), 100000 * ws_pts, 0) npt.assert_array_almost_equal(dpdu_lst, dpdu_ref) def test_spline(): wt_tab = V80() wt_spline = V80() wt_spline.spline_ct_power(err_tol_factor=1e-2) ws_lst = np.arange(3, 25, .001) # mean and max error assert (wt_tab.power(ws_lst) - wt_spline.power(ws_lst)).mean() < 1 assert ((wt_tab.power(ws_lst) - wt_spline.power(ws_lst)).max()) < 1400 # max change of gradient 80 times lower assert np.diff(np.diff(wt_spline.power(ws_lst))).max() * 80 < np.diff(np.diff(wt_tab.power(ws_lst))).max() ws_pts = [6.99, 7.01] dpdu_tab_pts = np.diag(fd(wt_tab.power)(np.array(ws_pts))) with use_autograd_in(): dpdu_spline_pts = np.diag(autograd(wt_spline.power)(np.array(ws_pts))) npt.assert_array_almost_equal(dpdu_spline_pts, [205555.17794162, 211859.45965873]) if 0: plt.plot(ws_lst, wt_tab.power(ws_lst)) plt.plot(ws_lst, wt_spline.power(ws_lst)) for wt, dpdu_pts, label in [(wt_tab, dpdu_tab_pts, 'V80 tabular'), (wt_spline, dpdu_spline_pts, 'V80 spline')]: for ws, dpdu in zip(ws_pts, dpdu_pts): plot_gradients(wt.power(ws), dpdu, ws, label, 1) ax = plt.gca().twinx() ax.plot(ws_lst, wt.power(ws_lst) - wt_spline.power(ws_lst)) plt.figure() plt.plot(np.diff(np.diff(wt_tab.power(ws_lst)))) plt.plot(np.diff(np.diff(wt_spline.power(ws_lst))))