"git@gitlab.windenergy.dtu.dk:toolbox/WindEnergyToolbox.git" did not exist on "6425c3c20975c835a2e9d6e0a7c5d1496d8728a2"
Added possibility to specify units Created examples/docs/example_5_floris.py where floris and pywake are compared added Plant Energy and Floris to CI-image moved example data files resat topfarmkeys after example 6 ran updated no_print statement added plantenergy to ci-file to catch changes added search for topfarm.plugins to the init-file fix pep8 figs extended possible design variable input types: [value] [(value,'unit') [(value, lower, upper)] [(value, lower, upper, unit)] updated example 6 accordingly
Added possibility to specify units Created examples/docs/example_5_floris.py where floris and pywake are compared added Plant Energy and Floris to CI-image moved example data files resat topfarmkeys after example 6 ran updated no_print statement added plantenergy to ci-file to catch changes added search for topfarm.plugins to the init-file fix pep8 figs extended possible design variable input types: [value] [(value,'unit') [(value, lower, upper)] [(value, lower, upper, unit)] updated example 6 accordingly