diff --git a/topfarm/_topfarm.py b/topfarm/_topfarm.py
index 33ca50ba55a692900543a02c0a5fdd888dde6cac..92485e04a31cd9a5803b0e837edcedb82de84ea3 100644
--- a/topfarm/_topfarm.py
+++ b/topfarm/_topfarm.py
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ import os
 import time
 import numpy as np
 import warnings
-from openmdao.api import Problem, ScipyOptimizeDriver, IndepVarComp, \
-    SqliteRecorder
 with warnings.catch_warnings():
     warnings.simplefilter('ignore', FutureWarning)
+    from openmdao.api import Problem, ScipyOptimizeDriver, IndepVarComp, \
+        SqliteRecorder
 class TopFarm(object):
     """Optimize wind farm layout in terms of
diff --git a/topfarm/tests/topfarm/test_utils.py b/topfarm/tests/topfarm/test_utils.py
index 90aafeed9e0e12cdafbb76457bfd7febdd09dde1..c4c8400ac2d252d3a3abc78ac9e0dbec3a0c4fff 100644
--- a/topfarm/tests/topfarm/test_utils.py
+++ b/topfarm/tests/topfarm/test_utils.py
@@ -5,28 +5,66 @@ from topfarm.cost_models.cost_model_wrappers import CostModelComponent
 import pytest
 import os
-from topfarm.utils import pos_from_case, latest_id
+from topfarm.utils import pos_from_case, latest_id, _random_positions
 thisdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
 turbines = np.array([[ 2.4999377 , -2.99987763],
                    [ 6.        , -6.99997496],
                    [ 4.49993771, -2.99985273],
                    [ 3.00004123, -6.9999519 ]])
+x = np.array([-0.5463264 ,  0.4158521 ,  1.50479727,  3.04121982,  0.82494571,
+            1.48072571,  0.03939927,  2.27593243, -0.18551361,  0.24885285,
+            1.12706339,  2.25472924,  0.04329133,  0.292686  ,  5.18916103,
+            1.76294032,  6.96910295,  4.80383887,  5.93002915,  6.07458626])
-def test_pos_from_case():
+y = np.array([-4.28630451, -1.03701919, -6.11562032,  0.60293213, -6.83330699,
+           -1.9655984 , -7.06706521, -3.56006813,  0.70979837, -2.17497837,
+            0.94819493, -1.94630408, -6.75376048, -6.97213247, -7.11506022,
+           -6.99383667,  0.63581096, -4.57807581, -2.76544057, -8.85507948])
+boundary = [(0, 0), (6, 1), (7, -11), (-1, -10)]
+n_wt, n_iter, step_size, min_space, pad, plot, verbose = \
+    (20, 1000, 0.1, 2.1, 1.01, False, False)
+turbines2_ref = np.array([[-0.53056298, -5.34414632],
+       [ 1.72713409, -1.7339491 ],
+       [ 3.90444365, -5.82606831],
+       [ 4.49089193,  0.74539327],
+       [ 1.26552562, -6.75507526],
+       [ 1.45466343, -4.37313716],
+       [-0.99102804, -9.94909137],
+       [ 3.8725124 , -3.68277265],
+       [-0.02498702, -0.28473405],
+       [-0.25686194, -2.60098671],
+       [ 2.30453881,  0.38010616],
+       [ 3.97302933, -1.39592567],
+       [-0.74326151, -7.47172573],
+       [ 1.4151898 , -9.31374061],
+       [ 5.65712132, -7.44164592],
+       [ 3.56099506, -8.48762334],
+       [ 6.12959435, -0.59355499],
+       [ 6.27224495, -5.30888086],
+       [ 6.34616645, -3.15591179],
+       [ 6.42858562, -9.90795045]])
+def testpos_from_case():
     crf = "../test_files/recordings/cases_20180621_111710.sql"
     path = os.path.join(thisdir, crf)
     np.testing.assert_allclose(turbines, pos_from_case(path))
-def test_latest_id():
+def testlatest_id():
     crd = "../test_files/recordings"
     path = os.path.join(thisdir, crd)
     ref_path = os.path.join(path,'cases_20180621_111710.sql')
     assert latest_id(path) == ref_path
+def test_random_positions():
+    turbines2 = _random_positions(x, y, boundary, n_wt, n_iter, step_size,
+                                 min_space, pad, plot, verbose)
+    np.testing.assert_allclose(turbines2, turbines2_ref)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    test_pos_from_case()
-    test_latest_id()
-#    pass
\ No newline at end of file
+#    testpos_from_case()
+#    testlatest_id()
+#    test_random_positions()
+    pass
\ No newline at end of file