import matplotlib from openmdao.core.explicitcomponent import ExplicitComponent import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np def mypause(interval): # pause without show backend = plt.rcParams['backend'] if backend in matplotlib.rcsetup.interactive_bk: figManager = matplotlib._pylab_helpers.Gcf.get_active() if figManager is not None: canvas = figManager.canvas if canvas.figure.stale: canvas.draw() canvas.start_event_loop(interval) return class PlotComp(ExplicitComponent): colors = ['b', 'r', 'm', 'c', 'g', 'y', 'orange', 'indigo', 'grey'] * 100 def __init__(self, memory=10, delay=0.001, plot_initial=True, plot_improvements_only=False, ax=None): ExplicitComponent.__init__(self) self.delay = delay self.plot_improvements_only = plot_improvements_only self.ax_ = ax self.memory = memory self.delay = max([delay, 1e-6]) self.plot_initial = plot_initial self.history = [] self.counter = 0 self.by_pass = False @property def ax(self): return self.ax_ or plt.gca() def show(self): def setup(self): self.add_input('turbineX', np.zeros(self.n_wt), units='m') self.add_input('turbineY', np.zeros(self.n_wt), units='m') self.add_input('cost', 0.) if hasattr(self, 'n_vertices'): self.add_input('boundary', np.zeros((self.n_vertices, 2)), units='m') def init_plot(self, limits):'equal') mi = limits.min(0) ma = limits.max(0) ra = ma - mi ext = .1 xlim, ylim = np.array([mi - ext * ra, ma + ext * ra]).T def plot_boundary(self, boundary): b = np.r_[boundary[:], boundary[:1]] plt.plot(b[:, 0], b[:, 1], 'k') def plot_history(self, x, y): rec = self.problem.recorder if rec.num_cases > 0: x = np.r_[rec['turbineX'][-self.memory:], [x]] y = np.r_[rec['turbineY'][-self.memory:], [y]] for c, x_, y_ in zip(self.colors, x.T, y.T):, y_, '--', color=c) def plot_initial2current(self, x0, y0, x, y): rec = self.problem.recorder if rec.num_cases > 0: x0 = rec['turbineX'][0] y0 = rec['turbineY'][0] for c, x0_, y0_, x_, y_ in zip(self.colors, x0, y0, x, y):, x_), (y0_, y_), '-', color=c) def plot_current_position(self, x, y): for c, x_, y_ in zip(self.colors, x, y):, y_, 'o', color=c, ms=5), y_, 'xk', ms=4) def set_title(self, cost0, cost): rec = self.problem.recorder if cost0 != 0:"%d: %f (%.2f%%)" % (rec.num_cases, cost, (cost0 - cost) / cost0 * 100)) else:"%d: %f" % (rec.num_cases, cost)) def get_initial(self): rec = self.problem.recorder if rec.num_cases > 0: x0 = rec['turbineX'][0] y0 = rec['turbineY'][0] cost0 = rec['cost'][0] return x0, y0, cost0 def compute(self, inputs, outputs): if self.by_pass is False: cost = inputs['cost'][0] if (self.plot_improvements_only and 'cost' in self.problem.recorder.driver_iteration_dict and len(self.problem.recorder['cost']) and cost > self.problem.recorder['cost'].min()): return x = inputs['turbineX'] y = inputs['turbineY'] if 'boundary' in inputs: boundary = inputs['boundary'] self.init_plot(boundary) self.plot_boundary(boundary) else: self.init_plot(np.array([x, y]).T) initial = self.get_initial() if initial is not None: x0, y0, cost0 = initial if self.plot_initial: self.plot_initial2current(x0, y0, x, y) if self.memory > 0: self.plot_history(x, y) else: cost0 = cost self.plot_current_position(x, y) self.set_title(cost0, cost) if self.counter == 0: plt.pause(.01) mypause(self.delay) self.counter += 1 class NoPlot(PlotComp): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ExplicitComponent.__init__(self) def show(self): pass def setup(self): self.add_input('cost', 0.) def compute(self, inputs, outputs): pass class TurbineTypePlotComponent(PlotComp): colors = ['b', 'r', 'm', 'c', 'g', 'y', 'orange', 'indigo', 'grey'] * 100 markers = np.array(list("123v^<>.o48spP*hH+xXDd|_")) def __init__(self, turbine_type_names, **kwargs): self.turbine_type_names = turbine_type_names PlotComp.__init__(self, **kwargs) def setup(self): PlotComp.setup(self) self.add_input('turbineType', np.zeros(self.n_wt, def compute(self, inputs, outputs): self.types = np.asarray(inputs['turbineType'], PlotComp.compute(self, inputs, outputs) def init_plot(self, limits): PlotComp.init_plot(self, limits) for m, n in zip(self.markers, self.turbine_type_names):[], [], m + 'k', label=n) def plot_current_position(self, x, y): for m, c, x_, y_ in zip(self.markers[self.types], self.colors, x, y): #, y_, 'o', color=c, ms=5), y_, m + 'k', markeredgecolor=c, markeredgewidth=1, ms=8)