from topfarm.constraint_components.boundary_component import \ PolygonBoundaryComp from topfarm.constraint_components.spacing_component import SpacingComp import os import numpy as np from openmdao.api import CaseReader def pos_from_case(case_recorder_filename): ''' Input: a recorded optimization case Returns the positions at the last step of that optimization ''' if not os.path.exists(case_recorder_filename): string = 'The specified optimization recording does not exists: ' string += case_recorder_filename raise Warning(string) cr = CaseReader(case_recorder_filename) driver_case = cr.driver_cases.get_case(-1) desvars = driver_case.get_desvars() x = np.array(desvars['turbineX']) y = np.array(desvars['turbineY']) turbines = np.column_stack((x, y)) return turbines def latest_id(case_recorder_dir): ''' Input: path to the directory of recorded optimizations Returns the absolute path to the most recent recording in that directory ''' files = os.listdir(case_recorder_dir) files = [x for x in files if x.startswith('cases_') and x.endswith('.sql')] if len(files) == 0: string = 'No recorded files found in the specified directory: ' string += case_recorder_dir + '\n' + 9 * ' ' string += 'Start a new optimization or specify another directory ' string += 'for resumed optimization' raise Warning(string) latest = max(files) latest = os.path.join(case_recorder_dir, latest) return latest def shuffle_positions(boundary, n_wt, min_space, init_pos, shuffle_type='abs', n_iter=1000, step_size=0.1, pad=1.1, offset=0.5, plot=True, verbose=True): ''' Input: boundary: list of tuples, e.g.: [(0, 0), (6, 1), (7, -11), (-1, -10)] n_wt: number of wind turbines min_space: the minimum spacing between turbines init_pos: inital positions that suffeling is based off of if the shuffle_type requires it shuffle_type: 'abs': absolute random positions that respect the boundary, and aims to respect the minimum spacing 'rel': moves each turbine with an offset compared to the initial positions - not implemented yet. n_iter: number of iterations allowed to try and satisfy the minimum spacing constraint step_size: the multiplier on the spacing gradient that the turbines are moved in each step pad: the multiplier on the boundary gradient plot: plot the generated random layout verbose: print helpful text to the console Returns an array of xy coordinates of the wind turbines ''' if shuffle_type == 'abs': def _random(b): return np.random.rand(n_wt) * (max(b) - min(b)) + min(b) x, y = map(_random, np.array(boundary).T) turbines = _shuffle_positions_abs(x, y, boundary, n_wt, n_iter, step_size, min_space, pad, plot, verbose) elif shuffle_type == 'rel': turbines = _shuffle_postions_rel(init_pos, offset, boundary, n_wt, plot) return turbines def _shuffle_postions_rel(init_pos, offset, boundary, n_wt, plot): turbineX = init_pos[:, 0] turbineY = init_pos[:, 1] ba = np.array(boundary).T turbines = np.array(init_pos) + np.random.rand(n_wt, 2) * 2 * offset - offset if plot: plt.figure() plt.cla() plt.plot(ba[0], ba[1]) plt.plot(turbineX, turbineY, '.') plt.plot(turbines.T[0], turbines.T[1], 'o') return turbines def _shuffle_positions_abs(turbineX, turbineY, boundary, n_wt, n_iter, step_size, min_space, pad, plot, verbose): boundary_comp = PolygonBoundaryComp(boundary, n_wt) spacing_comp = SpacingComp(n_wt=n_wt) min_space2 = min_space**2 ba = np.array(boundary).T if plot: plt.figure() plt.cla() plt.plot(ba[0], ba[1]) plt.plot(turbineX, turbineY, '.') for j in range(n_iter): dist = spacing_comp._compute(turbineX, turbineY) dx, dy = spacing_comp._compute_partials(turbineX, turbineY) index = np.argmin(dist) if dist[index] < min_space2 or j == 0: turbineX += dx[index] * step_size turbineY += dy[index] * step_size turbineX, turbineY = _move_inside_boundary(n_wt, turbineX, turbineY, boundary_comp, pad) else: if verbose: print('Obtained required spacing after {} iterations'.format( j)) break if plot: plt.plot(turbineX, turbineY, 'o') dist = spacing_comp._compute(turbineX, turbineY) index = np.argmin(dist) if verbose: print('Spacing obtained: {}'.format(dist[index]**0.5)) print('Spacing required: {}'.format(min_space)) turbines = np.array([turbineX, turbineY]).T return turbines def _move_inside_boundary(n_wt, turbineX, turbineY, boundary_comp, pad): for i in range(0, n_wt): dng = boundary_comp.calc_distance_and_gradients(turbineX, turbineY) dist = dng[0][i] if dist < 0: dx = dng[1][i] dy = dng[2][i] turbineX[i] -= dx * dist * pad turbineY[i] -= dy * dist * pad return turbineX, turbineY def smart_start(x, y, val, N_WT, min_space): ''' Selects the a number of gridpoints (N_WT) in the grid defined by x and y, where val has the maximum value, while chosen points spacing (min_space) is respected. Input: x and y: arrays (nD) with coordinates val: array (nD), the corresponding value of the desired variable in the grid points. This could be e.g. the AEP or wind speed. N_WT: integer, number of wind turbines min_space: float, minimum space between turbines Output: Positions where the aep or wsp is highest, while respecting the minimum spacing requirement. ''' arr = np.array([x.flatten(), y.flatten(), val.flatten()]) xs, ys = [], [] for i in range(N_WT): try: max_ind = np.argmax(arr[2]) x0 = arr[0][max_ind] y0 = arr[1][max_ind] xs.append(x0) ys.append(y0) index = np.where((arr[0] - x0)**2 + (arr[1] - y0)**2 >= min_space**2)[0] arr = arr[:, index] except ValueError: xs.append(np.nan) ys.append(np.nan) print('Could not respect the spacing constraint') return xs, ys if __name__ == '__main__': import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.clf() boundary = [(0, 0), (6, 1), (7, -11), (-1, -10), (0, 0)] n_wt = 20 init_pos = np.column_stack((np.random.randint(0, 6, (n_wt)), np.random.randint(-10, 0, (n_wt)))) min_space = 2.1 turbines = shuffle_positions(boundary, n_wt, min_space, init_pos, shuffle_type='rel') print(turbines) x = np.arange(0, 20, 0.1) y = np.arange(0, 10, 0.1) YY, XX = np.meshgrid(y, x) val = np.sin(XX) + np.sin(YY) N_WT = 30 min_space = 2.1 xs, ys = smart_start(XX, YY, val, N_WT, min_space) plt.figure(1) c = plt.contourf(XX, YY, val, 100) plt.colorbar(c) for i in range(N_WT): circle = plt.Circle((xs[i], ys[i]), min_space / 2, color='b', fill=False) plt.gcf().gca().add_artist(circle) plt.plot(xs[i], ys[i], 'rx') plt.axis('equal')