# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Prepare the zip file for the model """ import os import shutil import sys from refutils import base_to_hs2, base_to_step, base_to_turb from refutils.dll_utils import get_towerclearance_mblade, clone_dll_repo if __name__ == '__main__': # get ref name ci_ref = sys.argv[1] print(f'Preparing zip file for {ci_ref}...') # script inputs mod_dir = '../dtu-10mw-rwt/' # must end with slash zip_name = f'../dtu-10mw-rwt-{ci_ref}' basename = 'DTU_10MW_RWT' dll_git_url = 'https://gitlab.windenergy.dtu.dk/OpenLAC/control-binary/control-win32.git' dll_branch = 'ref_models' dll_list = [('dtu_we_controller.dll', 'dtu_we_controller.dll'), ('generator_servo.dll', 'generator_servo.dll'), ('mech_brake.dll', 'mech_brake.dll'), ('servo_with_limits.dll', 'servo_with_limits.dll')] # ======= make hawcstab2 and step-wind files ======= htc_base = mod_dir + f'htc/{basename}.htc' kwargs = dict(pitch_f=100, pitch_z=0.7, cut_in=4, cut_out=25, n_wsp=22, gen_min=299.85, gen_max=479.56567, gbr=50, pitch_min=0, opt_lambda=7.5, rate_pow=10000, gen_eff=0.94, p1_f=0.05, p1_z=0.7, p2_f=0.06, p2_z=0.7, gs=2, constant_power=1, dt=40, tstart=100, wsp=24, tint=0.157, tb_wid=180, tb_ht=180) # turbulent file turb_path = mod_dir + f'htc/{basename}_turb.htc' base_to_turb(htc_base, turb_path, **kwargs) # hawcstab2 hs2_path = mod_dir + f'{basename}_hs2.htc' base_to_hs2(htc_base, hs2_path, **kwargs) # step wind step_path = mod_dir + f'htc/{basename}_step.htc' base_to_step(htc_base, step_path, **kwargs) # ======= create/clean control folder ======= control_dir = mod_dir + 'control/' # must end with slash! # delete dlls in control repo try: # if control folder exists, delete dlls delete_dlls(control_dir) except FileNotFoundError: # if control folder doesn't exist, create it os.mkdir(control_dir) # ======= download tower clearance ======= get_towerclearance_mblade(folder=control_dir) # ======= get dlls from binary repo ======= # clone dll repo (will throw error if repo not deleted) clone_dll_repo(dll_branch) # copy dlls to control repo [shutil.copy('control-win32/' + t[0], control_dir + t[1]) for t in dll_list] # ======= make the archive ======= shutil.make_archive(zip_name, 'zip', mod_dir) #%%