diff --git a/python_scripts/example/spectra.py b/python_scripts/example/spectra.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4bb66b90a1d3483184f40cbc9f3b248dd3bb5f59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python_scripts/example/spectra.py
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+Created on 27/11/2015
+@author: MMPE
+import numpy as np
+import warnings
+def spectrum(x, y=None, k=1):
+    """PSD or Cross spectrum (only positive half)
+    If input time series are two dimensional, then columns are interpreted
+    as different time series and the mean spectrum is returned
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    x : array_like
+        Time series
+    y : array_like, optional
+        If array_like, cross spectrum of x and y is returned
+        if None, cross spectrum of x and x (i.e. PSD) is returned
+    k : int or float, optional
+        Max wave number
+    """
+    if x is None:
+        return None
+    def fft(x):
+        return np.fft.fft(x.T).T / len(x)
+    if y is None or x is y:
+        fftx = fft(x)
+        fftx = fftx * np.conj(fftx)  # PSD, ~ fft(x)**2
+    else:
+        fftx = fft(x) * np.conj(fft(y))  # Cross spectra
+    fftx = fftx[:len(fftx) // 2] * 2  # positive half * 2
+#    if len(fftx.shape) == 2:
+#        fftx = np.mean(fftx, 1)
+    with warnings.catch_warnings():
+        warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+        return np.real(fftx * len(x) / (2 * k))[1:]
+def spectra(spatial_resolution, u, v=None, w=None, detrend=True):
+    """Return the wave number, the uu, vv, ww autospectra and the uw cross spectra
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    spatial_resolution : int, float or array_like
+        Distance between samples in meters
+        - For turbulence boxes: 1/dx = Nx/Lx where dx is distance between points, 
+        Nx is number of points and Lx is box length in meters
+        - For time series: Sample frequency / U
+    u : array_like
+        The u-wind component\n
+        - if shape is (r,): One time series with *r* observations\n
+        - if shape is (r,c): *c* different time series with *r* observations\n
+    v : array_like, optional
+        The v-wind component
+        - if shape is (r,): One time series with *r* observations\n
+        - if shape is (r,c): *c* different time series with *r* observations\n
+    w : array_like, optional
+        The w-wind component
+        - if shape is (r,): One time series with *r* observations\n
+        - if shape is (r,c): *c* different time series with *r* observations\n
+    detrend : boolean, optional
+        if True (default) wind speeds are detrended before calculating spectra
+    Returns
+    -------
+    k1, uu[, vv[, ww, uw]] : 2-5 x array_like
+        - k1: wave number
+        - uu: The uu auto spectrum\n
+        - vv: The vv auto spectrum, only if v is provided\n
+        - ww: The ww auto spectrum, only if w is provided\n
+        - uw: The uw cross spectrum, only if w is provided\n
+        For two dimensional input, the mean spectra are returned
+    """
+    assert isinstance(spatial_resolution, (int, float))
+    k = 2 * np.pi * spatial_resolution
+    if v is not None:
+        assert u.shape == v.shape
+    if w is not None:
+        assert u.shape == w.shape
+    if 1 and len(u.shape) == 2:
+        assert np.abs(np.mean(u, 0)).max() < 3 # davide
+        if v is not None:
+            assert np.abs(np.mean(v, 0)).max() < 1
+        if w is not None:
+            assert np.abs(np.mean(w, 0)).max() < 1
+        if isinstance(k, float):
+            k = np.repeat(k, u.shape[1])
+        else:
+            assert u.shape[1] == k.shape[0]
+        k1_vec = np.array([np.linspace(0, k_ / 2, len(u) // 2)[1:] for k_ in k]).T
+    else:
+        assert np.abs(np.mean(u)) < 1
+        if v is not None:
+            assert np.abs(np.mean(v)) < 1
+        if w is not None:
+            assert np.abs(np.mean(w)) < 1
+        assert isinstance(k, float)
+        k1_vec = np.linspace(0, k / 2, len(u) / 2)[1:]
+    if detrend:
+        u, v, w = detrend_wsp(u, v, w)
+    return [k1_vec] + [spectrum(x1, x2, k=k) for x1, x2 in [(u, u), (v, v), (w, w), (w, u)]]
+def spectra_from_time_series(sample_frq, Uvw_lst):
+    """Return the wave number, the uu, vv, ww autospectra and the uw cross spectra
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    sample_frq : int, float or array_like
+        Sample frequency
+    Uvw_lst : array_like
+        list of U, v and w, [(U1,v1,w1),(U2,v2,w2)...], v and w are optional
+    Returns
+    -------
+    k1, uu[, vv[, ww, uw]] : 2-5 x array_like
+        - k1: wave number
+        - uu: The uu auto spectrum\n
+        - vv: The vv auto spectrum, only if v is provided\n
+        - ww: The ww auto spectrum, only if w is provided\n
+        - uw: The uw cross spectrum, only if w is provided\n
+        For two dimensional input, the mean spectra are returned
+    """
+    assert isinstance(sample_frq, (int, float))
+    Uvw_arr = np.array(Uvw_lst)
+    Ncomp = Uvw_arr.shape[1]
+    U, v, w = [Uvw_arr[:, i, :].T for i in range(Ncomp)] + [None] * (3 - Ncomp)
+    k = 2 * np.pi * sample_frq / U.mean(0)
+    if v is not None:
+        assert np.abs(np.nanmean(v, 0)).max() < 1, "Max absolute mean of v is %f" % np.abs(np.nanmean(v, 0)).max()
+    if w is not None:
+        assert np.abs(np.nanmean(w, 0)).max() < 1
+    k1_vec = np.array([np.linspace(0, k_ / 2, U.shape[0] / 2)[1:] for k_ in k]).T
+    u = U - np.nanmean(U, 0)
+    u, v, w = detrend_wsp(u, v, w)
+    return [k1_vec] + [spectrum(x1, x2, k=k) for x1, x2 in [(u, u), (v, v), (w, w), (w, u)]]
+def bin_fixed(x, y, bin_size, min_bin_count=2):
+    #x=k1
+    bins_dav=[0.001,0.002,0.003,0.004,.005,0.006,0.007,0.008,0.009,0.01,0.02,0.03,0.04,0.05,0.06,0.07,0.08,0.09,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1]
+    nbr_in_bins=np.histogram(x, bins_dav)[0]
+    mask = nbr_in_bins >= min_bin_count
+    return np.histogram(x, bins_dav, weights=y)[0][mask] / nbr_in_bins[mask], nbr_in_bins
+def bin_spectrum(x, y, bin_size, min_bin_count=2):
+    assert min_bin_count > 0
+    x = x / bin_size
+    low, high = np.floor(np.nanmin(x)), np.ceil(np.nanmax(x))
+    bins = int(high - low)
+    nbr_in_bins = np.histogram(x, bins, range=(low, high))[0]
+    if len(x.shape) == 2:
+        min_bin_count *= x.shape[1]
+    mask = nbr_in_bins >= min_bin_count
+    return np.histogram(x, bins, range=(low, high), weights=y)[0][mask] / nbr_in_bins[mask], nbr_in_bins
+def fixbin_spectrum(k1, xx, log10_bin_size=.2, min_bin_count=2):
+    ln_bin_size =  np.log(10)*log10_bin_size 
+    if xx is None:
+        return None
+    return (bin_fixed((k1), (xx), ln_bin_size, min_bin_count)[0])
+def logbin_spectrum(k1, xx, log10_bin_size=.2, min_bin_count=2):
+    ln_bin_size =  np.log(10)*log10_bin_size 
+    if xx is None:
+        return None
+    return (bin_spectrum(np.log(k1), (xx), ln_bin_size, min_bin_count)[0])
+def logbin_spectra(k1, uu, vv=None, ww=None, uw=None, log10_bin_size=0.2, min_bin_count=2):
+    return tuple([logbin_spectrum(k1, xx, log10_bin_size, min_bin_count) for xx in [k1, uu, vv, ww, uw]])
+def fixedbin_spectra(k1, uu, vv=None, ww=None, uw=None, log10_bin_size=0.2, min_bin_count=2):
+    return tuple([fixbin_spectrum(k1, xx, log10_bin_size, min_bin_count) for xx in [k1, uu, vv, ww, uw]])
+def plot_spectrum(spacial_frq, u, plt=None):
+    if plt is None:
+        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+    k1, uu = logbin_spectra(*spectra(spacial_frq, u))[:2]
+    plt.semilogx(k1, k1 * uu, 'b-')
+def detrend_wsp(u, v=None, w=None):
+    def _detrend(wsp):
+        if wsp is None:
+            return None
+        dwsp = np.atleast_2d(wsp.copy().T).T
+        t = np.arange(dwsp.shape[0])
+        A = np.vstack([t, np.ones(len(t))]).T
+        for i in range(dwsp.shape[1]):
+            trend, offset = np.linalg.lstsq(A, dwsp[:, i], rcond=None)[0]
+            dwsp[:, i] = dwsp[:, i] - t * trend + t[-1] / 2 * trend
+        return dwsp.reshape(wsp.shape)
+    return [_detrend(wsp) for wsp in [u, v, w]]
+def plot_spectra(k1, uu, vv=None, ww=None, uw=None, mean_u=1, log10_bin_size=.2, plt=None, marker_style='.'):
+    if plt is None:
+        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+    bk1, buu, bvv, bww, buw = logbin_spectra(k1, uu, vv, ww, uw, log10_bin_size)
+    def plot(xx, label, color, plt):
+        plt.semilogx(bk1, bk1 * xx * 10 ** 0 / mean_u ** 2, marker_style + color, label=label)
+    plot(buu, 'uu', 'r', plt)
+    plt.xlabel('Wavenumber $k_{1}$ [$m^{-1}$]')
+    if mean_u == 1:
+        plt.ylabel(r'Spectral density $k_{1} F(k_{1}) [m^2/s^2]$')
+    else:
+        plt.ylabel(r'Spectral density $k_{1} F(k_{1})/U^{2} [-]$')
+    if (bvv) is not None:
+        plot(bvv, 'vv', 'g', plt)
+    if bww is not None:
+        plot(bww, 'ww', 'b', plt)
+        plot(buw, 'uw', 'm', plt)