diff --git a/python_scripts/example/mann_functions.py b/python_scripts/example/mann_functions.py
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/python_scripts/example/mann_functions.py
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+Created on 03/06/2014
+@author: MMPE
+@ adapt from wetb: DAVCON 05/02/2019
+import os
+from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline
+import numpy as np
+from spectra import spectra, logbin_spectra, plot_spectra, detrend_wsp
+# Look-Up Tables 
+sp1, sp2, sp3, sp4 = np.load("C:/Users/davcon/Desktop/0_WakeIndicators/Mann_model/mann_spectra_data.npy")
+yp = np.arange(-3, 3.1, 0.1)
+xp = np.arange(0, 5.1, 0.1)
+RBS1 = RectBivariateSpline(xp, yp, sp1)
+RBS2 = RectBivariateSpline(xp, yp, sp2)
+RBS3 = RectBivariateSpline(xp, yp, sp3)
+RBS4 = RectBivariateSpline(xp, yp, sp4)
+def get_mann_model_spectra(ae, L, G, k1):
+    """Mann model spectra
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    ae : int or float
+        Alpha epsilon^(2/3) of Mann model
+    L : int or float
+        Length scale of Mann model
+    G : int or float
+        Gamma of Mann model
+    k1 : array_like
+        Desired wave numbers
+    Returns
+    -------
+    uu : array_like
+        The u-autospectrum of the wave numbers, k1
+    vv : array_like
+        The v-autospectrum of the wave numbers, k1
+    ww : array_like
+        The w-autospectrum of the wave numbers, k1
+    uw : array_like
+        The u,w cross spectrum of the wave numbers, k1
+    """
+    xq = np.log10(L * k1)
+    yq = (np.zeros_like(xq) + G)
+    f = L ** (5 / 3) * ae
+    uu = f * RBS1.ev(yq, xq)
+    vv = f * RBS2.ev(yq, xq)
+    ww = f * RBS3.ev(yq, xq)
+    uw = f * RBS4.ev(yq, xq)
+    return uu, vv, ww, uw
+def _local_error(x, k1, uu, vv, ww=None, uw=None):
+    ae, L, G = x
+    val = 10 ** 99
+    if ae >= 0 and G >= 0 and G <= 5 and L > 0 and np.log10(k1[0] * L) >= -3 and np.log10(k1[0] * L) <= 3:
+        tmpuu, tmpvv, tmpww, tmpuw = get_mann_model_spectra(ae, L, G, k1)
+        val = np.sum((k1 * uu - k1 * tmpuu) ** 2)
+        if vv is not None:
+            val += np.sum((k1 * vv - k1 * tmpvv) ** 2)
+        if ww is not None:
+            val += np.sum((k1 * ww - k1 * tmpww) ** 2) + np.sum((k1 * uw - k1 * tmpuw) ** 2)
+    return val
+def fit_mann_model_spectra(k1, uu, vv=None, ww=None, uw=None, log10_bin_size=.2, min_bin_count=2, start_vals_for_optimisation=(0.01, 50, 3.3), plt=False):
+    """Fit a mann model to the spectra
+    Bins the spectra, into logarithmic sized bins and find the mann model parameters,
+    that minimize the error between the binned spectra and the Mann model spectra
+    using an optimization function
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    k1 : array_like
+        Wave numbers
+    uu : array_like
+        The u-autospectrum of the wave numbers, k1
+    vv : array_like, optional
+        The v-autospectrum of the wave numbers, k1
+    ww : array_like, optional
+        The w-autospectrum of the wave numbers, k1
+    uw : array_like, optional
+        The u,w cross spectrum of the wave numbers, k1
+    log10_bin_size : int or float, optional
+        Bin size (log 10, based)
+    start_vals_for_optimization : (ae, L, G), optional
+        - ae: Alpha epsilon^(2/3) of Mann model\n
+        - L: Length scale of Mann model\n
+        - G: Gamma of Mann model
+    Returns
+    -------
+    ae : int or float
+        Alpha epsilon^(2/3) of Mann model
+    L : int or float
+        Length scale of Mann model
+    G : int or float
+        Gamma of Mann model
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> sf = sample_frq / u_ref
+    >>> u,v,w = # u,v,w wind components
+    >>> ae, L, G = fit_mann_model_spectra(*spectra(sf, u, v, w))
+    >>> u1,v1 = # u,v wind components
+    >>> ae, L, G = fit_mann_model_spectra(*spectra(sf, u, v))
+    """
+    from scipy.optimize import fmin
+    x = fmin(_local_error, start_vals_for_optimisation, logbin_spectra(k1, uu, vv, ww, uw, log10_bin_size, min_bin_count), disp=False)
+    if plt:
+        if not hasattr(plt, 'plot'):
+            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+#         plot_spectra(k1, uu, vv, ww, uw, plt=plt)
+#         plot_mann_spectra(*x, plt=plt)
+        ae, L, G = x
+        plot_fit(ae, L, G, k1, uu, vv, ww, uw,  log10_bin_size=log10_bin_size, plt=plt)
+        plt.title('ae:%.3f, L:%.1f, G:%.2f' % tuple(x))
+        plt.xlabel('Wavenumber $k_{1}$ [$m^{-1}$]')
+        plt.ylabel(r'Spectral density $k_{1} F(k_{1})/U^{2} [m^2/s^2]$')
+        plt.legend()
+        plt.show()
+    return x
+def residual(ae, L, G, k1, uu, vv=None, ww=None, uw=None, log10_bin_size=.2):
+    """Fit a mann model to the spectra
+    Bins the spectra, into logarithmic sized bins and find the mann model parameters,
+    that minimize the error between the binned spectra and the Mann model spectra
+    using an optimization function
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    ae : int or float
+        Alpha epsilon^(2/3) of Mann model
+    L : int or float
+        Length scale of Mann model
+    G : int or float
+        Gamma of Mann model
+    k1 : array_like
+        Wave numbers
+    uu : array_like
+        The u-autospectrum of the wave numbers, k1
+    vv : array_like, optional
+        The v-autospectrum of the wave numbers, k1
+    ww : array_like, optional
+        The w-autospectrum of the wave numbers, k1
+    uw : array_like, optional
+        The u,w cross spectrum of the wave numbers, k1
+    log10_bin_size : int or float, optional
+        Bin size (log 10, based)
+    start_vals_for_optimization : (ae, L, G), optional
+        - ae: Alpha epsilon^(2/3) of Mann model\n
+        - L: Length scale of Mann model\n
+        - G: Gamma of Mann model
+    Returns
+    -------
+    residual : array_like
+        rms of each spectrum
+    """
+    k1_sp = np.array([sp for sp in logbin_spectra(k1, uu, vv, ww, uw, log10_bin_size) if sp is not None])
+    bk1, sp_meas = k1_sp[0], k1_sp[1:]
+    sp_fit = np.array(get_mann_model_spectra(ae, L, G, bk1))[:sp_meas.shape[0]]
+    return np.sqrt(((bk1 * (sp_meas - sp_fit)) ** 2).mean(1))
+def var2ae(variance, spatial_resolution, N, L, G):
+    """Fit alpha-epsilon to match variance of time series
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    variance : array-like
+        variance of u vind component
+    spatial_resolution : int, float or array_like
+        Distance between samples in meters
+        - For turbulence boxes: 1/dx = Nx/Lx where dx is distance between points, 
+        Nx is number of points and Lx is box length in meters
+        - For time series: Sample frequency / U
+    N : int
+    L : int or float
+        Length scale of Mann model
+    G : int or float
+        Gamma of Mann model
+    Returns
+    -------
+    ae : float
+        Alpha epsilon^(2/3) of Mann model that makes the energy of the model equal to the varians of u
+    """
+    k1 = np.logspace(1,10,1000)/100000000
+    def get_var(uu):
+        return np.trapz(2 * uu[:], k1[:])
+    v1 = get_var(get_mann_model_spectra(0.1, L, G, k1)[0])
+    v2 = get_var(get_mann_model_spectra(0.2, L, G, k1)[0])
+    ae = (variance - v1) / (v2 - v1) * .1 + .1
+    return ae
+def fit_ae(spatial_resolution, u, L, G, plt=False):
+    """Fit alpha-epsilon to match variance of time series
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    spatial_resolution : int, float or array_like
+        Distance between samples in meters
+        - For turbulence boxes: 1/dx = Nx/Lx where dx is distance between points, 
+        Nx is number of points and Lx is box length in meters
+        - For time series: Sample frequency / U
+    u : array-like
+        u vind component
+    L : int or float
+        Length scale of Mann model
+    G : int or float
+        Gamma of Mann model
+    Returns
+    -------
+    ae : float
+        Alpha epsilon^(2/3) of Mann model that makes the energy of the model equal to the varians of u
+    """
+    #if len(u.shape) == 1:
+    #    u = u.reshape(len(u), 1)
+#     if min_bin_count is None:
+#         min_bin_count = max(2, 6 - u.shape[0] / 2)
+#     min_bin_count = 1
+    def get_var(k1, uu):
+        l = 0  #128 // np.sqrt(u.shape[1])
+        return np.trapz(2 * uu[l:], k1[l:])
+    k1, uu = spectra(spatial_resolution, u)[:2]
+    v = get_var(k1,uu)
+    v1 = get_var(k1, get_mann_model_spectra(0.1, L, G, k1)[0])
+    v2 = get_var(k1, get_mann_model_spectra(0.2, L, G, k1)[0])
+    ae = (v - v1) / (v2 - v1) * .1 + .1
+#     print (ae)
+#     k1 = spectra(sf, u)[0]
+#     v1 = get_var(*logbin_spectra(k1, get_mann_model_spectra(0.1, L, G, k1)[0], min_bin_count=min_bin_count)[:2])
+#     v2 = get_var(*logbin_spectra(k1, get_mann_model_spectra(0.2, L, G, k1)[0], min_bin_count=min_bin_count)[:2])
+#     k1, uu = logbin_spectra(*spectra(sf, u), min_bin_count=2)[:2]
+#     #variance = np.mean([detrend_wsp(u_)[0].var() for u_ in u.T])
+#     v = get_var(k1, uu)
+#     ae = (v - v1) / (v2 - v1) * .1 + .1
+#     print (ae)
+    if plt is not False:
+        if not hasattr(plt, 'plot'):
+            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+        plt.semilogx(k1, k1 * uu, 'b-', label='uu')
+        k1_lb, uu_lb = logbin_spectra(*spectra(sf, u), min_bin_count=1)[:2]
+        plt.semilogx(k1_lb, k1_lb * uu_lb, 'r--', label='uu_logbin')
+        muu = get_mann_model_spectra(ae, L, G, k1)[0]
+        plt.semilogx(k1, k1 * muu, 'g', label='ae:%.3f, L:%.1f, G:%.2f' % (ae, L, G))
+        plt.legend()
+        plt.xlabel('Wavenumber $k_{1}$ [$m^{-1}$]')
+        plt.ylabel(r'Spectral density $k_{1} F(k_{1}) [m^2/s^2]$')
+        plt.show()
+    return ae
+def plot_fit(ae, L, G, k1, uu, vv=None, ww=None, uw=None, mean_u=1, log10_bin_size=.2, plt=None):
+#    if plt is None:
+#        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+    plot_spectra(k1, uu, vv, ww, uw, mean_u, log10_bin_size, plt)
+    plot_mann_spectra(ae, L, G, "-", mean_u, plt)
+def plot_mann_spectra(ae, L, G, style='-', u_ref=1, plt=None, spectra=['uu', 'vv', 'ww', 'uw']):
+    if plt is None:
+        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+    mf = 10 ** (np.linspace(-4, 1, 1000))
+    muu, mvv, mww, muw = get_mann_model_spectra(ae, L, G, mf)
+    plt.title("ae: %.3f, L: %.2f, G:%.2f"%(ae,L,G))
+    if 'uu' in spectra: plt.semilogx(mf, mf * muu * 10 ** 0 / u_ref ** 2, 'r' + style)
+    if 'vv' in spectra: plt.semilogx(mf, mf * mvv * 10 ** 0 / u_ref ** 2, 'g' + style)
+    if 'ww' in spectra: plt.semilogx(mf, mf * mww * 10 ** 0 / u_ref ** 2, 'b' + style)
+    if 'uw' in spectra: plt.semilogx(mf, mf * muw * 10 ** 0 / u_ref ** 2, 'm' + style)
+#if __name__ == "__main__":
+#    import gtsdf
+#    from geometry import wsp_dir2uv
+#    #from wetb import wind
+#    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+#     #  """Example of fitting Mann parameters to a "series" of a turbulence box"""
+#    l = 1800
+#    nx = 8192; ny, nz = 32,32;    lx=0.2197265625;ly,lz=1,1;
+#    sf = (nx / l)
+#    s=1;
+#    fn = r'./turb100%d%%s.bin'%s
+#    u, v, w = [np.fromfile(fn % uvw, np.dtype('<f'), -1).reshape(nx , ny*nz) for uvw in ['u', 'v', 'w']  ]
+#    ae, L, G = fit_mann_model_spectra(*spectra(sf, u, v, w), plt= True)
+#    u, v, w = [np.fromfile(fn % uvw, np.dtype('<f'), -1).reshape(nx , ny,nz) for uvw in ['u', 'v', 'w']  ]
+#    #     """ Y and Z vectors """  
+#    Y = np.linspace(-ly/2., ly/2., ny)
+#    Z = np.linspace(-lz/2., lz/2., nz)
+#    plt.close('all')
+#    plt.ion()
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