diff --git a/python_vs_matlab.md b/python_vs_matlab.md
index 37dd5da03b7e4439124fcc38639067a1f447ad96..532863d13ecfd438cc5e887a5753f37254552337 100644
--- a/python_vs_matlab.md
+++ b/python_vs_matlab.md
@@ -5,11 +5,34 @@ but modified to 1) be in markdown, 2) fix some errors, and 3) add more detail.
 This is very much a work in progress. This re-formatting is taking some time.
+  <tr>
+    <th>Python</th>
+    <th>Matlab</th>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><ul>
+        <li>numeric variables are double precision if decimal added</li>
+    </ul>
+    <pre><code>a = 5.  # this is a float
+a = 5  # this is an int</code></pre>
+    </td>
+    <td><ul>
+        <li>numeric variables are double precision by default</li>
+    </ul>
+    <pre><code>a = 5.0;  % this is a double</code></pre>
+    </td> 
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td>Eve</td>
+    <td>Jackson</td> 
+  </tr>
+# test
-Python | Matlab
-| ------------- |-------------|
-numeric variables are double precision if decimal specified <br /> no semicolon needed to supress output <br /> `a = 5.  # this is a float` <br /> `a = 5  # this is an int` | numeric variables are double precision by default <br /> `a = 5.0;  % this is a double`
 numeric arrays are objects defined in NumPy package <br /> indexes start at 0 in Python <br /> structures are defined by indentation, no 'end' <br /> `A = np.empty(10)  # initialize array A`| array indexes start at 1 in Matlab <br /> indentation is for readability only <br /> `for i=1:10` <br /> `    A(i) = i;`
 for i in range(1,11):	|	end
     A.append(i)	|	A % display contents of A