# Workshop 2: Getting Started with Python This is the second in a series of scientific Python lectures at Risø campus, Denmark Technical University. ## Workshop objective To help Matlab-experienced users begin coding in Python. This includes a review of syntax differences, along with a brief introduction of the most commonly used libraries, and a quick overview of PEP8 coding conventions. ## Who should come This workshop is geared primarily towards new Python users that have previously coded in Matlab. However, there are some topics that may be of use to more experienced users, such as the package tutorials and PEP8 coding conventions. ## Date The workshop date and location will be announced internally at DTU Risø. Please use the contact information below for questions on the workshop contents or arranging a new workshop. ## Topic outline - "Big-picture" differences - Syntax differences - Useful packages: - NumPy/SciPy - Pandas - Matplotlib - PEP8 coding convention ## Prerequisites If you are attending the workshop, please do the following before attending: 1. If you didn't attend Workshop 1, do those prerequisites ([link](https://gitlab.windenergy.dtu.dk/python-at-risoe/scientific-python-workshops/1-intro-to-conda)). 2. If you don't have git installed, [install it](https://git-scm.com/downloads) with the following options: - Default git components - Either git bash only or git bash & Windows command prompt - Use OpenSSH - Open SSL - Checkout Windows-style, commit Unix-style - Use MinTTY - Default extra options 3. Clone the workshop repository to your computer. - In your git terminal (possibly called "Git bash"), change to a directory where you want the new folder to be placed. E.g., `cd /c/Users/rink/Desktop` but replace my username, "rink", with yours. Note that, in git bash, file paths are similar to Unix, with forward slashes and a different way to reference the C-drive. Also, if you have a file path with a space, try putting a single quote before and after the path. - Enter this command into the terminal: `git clone https://gitlab.windenergy.dtu.dk/python-at-risoe/scientific-python-workshops/2-getting-started.git` 4. Test that git is set up properly by trying to pull. - Change into the newly cloned folder `cd 2-getting-started` - Enter this command: `git pull origin master` 5. Just before the workshop, update the folder by pulling the changes (same command as in Step 4). ## Contact Jenni Rinker rink@dtu.dk