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+The Wind Energy Toolbox (or ``wetb``, pronounce as wee-tee-bee) is a
+collection of Python scripts that facilitate working with (potentially a
+lot) of HAWC2, HAWCStab2, FAST or other text input based simulation
+Note that this toolbox is very much a WIP (work in progress). For
+example, some of the functions in the `prepost <#prepost>`__ module have
+a similar functions in `Hawc2io <wetb/hawc2/Hawc2io.py>`__. These
+different implementations will be merged in due time.
+How to create HAWC2 DLB's and run them on a cluster
+The process of how to generated, run and post-process a design load
+basis (DLB) of HAWC2 simulations on a DTU Wind Energy cluster is
+outlined in more detail in the documentation:
+-  `Auto-generation of Design Load Cases <docs/howto-make-dlcs.md>`__
+-  `House rules mimer/hawc2sim and HAWC2 folder
+   structure <docs/houserules-mimerhawc2sim.md>`__
+-  `Generate DLB spreadsheets <docs/generate-spreadsheet.md>`__
+-  `How to use the Statistics DataFrame <docs/using-statistics-df.md>`__
+You can also use the Pdap for post-processing, which includes a MS Word
+report generator based on a full DLB, a GUI for easy plotting of HAWC2
+result files, and a Python scripting interface:
+-  `Pdap <http://www.hawc2.dk/Download/Post-processing-tools/Pdap>`__
+-  `Pdap
+   report/docs <http://orbit.dtu.dk/en/publications/post-processing-of-design-load-cases-using-pdap%28827c432b-cf7d-44eb-899b-93e9c0648ca5%29.html>`__
+Works with Python 2 and Python 3
+This module is tested for Python 2 and 3 compatibility, and works on
+both Windows and Linux. Testing for Mac is on the way, but in theory it
+should work. Python 2 and 3 compatibility is achieved with a single code
+base with the help of the Python module
+`future <http://python-future.org/index.html>`__.
+Switching to Python 3 is in general a very good idea especially since
+Python 3.5 was released. Some even dare to say it `is like eating your
+vegetables <http://nothingbutsnark.svbtle.com/porting-to-python-3-is-like-eating-your-vegetables>`__.
+So if you are still on Python 2, we would recommend you to give Python 3
+a try!
+You can automatically convert your code from Python 2 to 3 using the
+`2to3 <https://docs.python.org/2/library/2to3.html>`__ utility which is
+included in Python 2.7 by default. You can also write code that is
+compatible with both 2 and 3 at the same time (you can find additional
+resources in `issue
+1 <https://gitlab.windenergy.dtu.dk/toolbox/WindEnergyToolbox/issues/1>`__).
+-  `numpy <http://www.numpy.org/>`__
+-  `cython <http://cython.org/>`__
+-  `scipy <http://scipy.org/scipylib/>`__
+-  `pandas <http://pandas.pydata.org/>`__
+-  xlrd and xlwt from `python-excel <http://www.python-excel.org/>`__
+-  `openpyxl <http://openpyxl.readthedocs.org/en/default/>`__
+-  h5py
+-  `matplotlib <http://matplotlib.org/>`__
+-  `pytables <http://www.pytables.org/>`__
+-  `pyscaffold <http://pyscaffold.readthedocs.org/en/>`__
+-  pytest, pytest-cov
+-  six, `future <http://python-future.org/index.html>`__
+Detailed installation instructions, including how to install Python from
+scratch, are described in the `detailed installation
+manual <docs/install-manual-detailed.md>`__.
+If you know what you are doing, you can install as a package as follows:
+    python setup.py install
+Or in development mode, install from your working directory
+    pip install -e ./
+Or create a binary wheel distribution package with:
+    python setup.py bdist_wheel -d dist
+Only a small part of the code is covered by unittests currently. More
+tests are forthcoming.
+Contents of WindEnergyToolbox, `wetb <wetb>`__
+-  `hawc2 <#hawc2>`__
+-  `gtsdf <#gtsdf>`__
+-  `fatigue\_tools <#fatigue_tools>`__
+-  `wind <#wind>`__
+-  `dlc <#dlc>`__
+-  `prepost <#prepost>`__
+-  `fast <#fast>`__
+-  `utils <#utils>`__
+`hawc2 <wetb/hawc2>`__
+-  `Hawc2io <wetb/hawc2/Hawc2io.py>`__: Read binary, ascii and flex
+   result files
+-  `sel\_file <wetb/hawc2/sel_file.py>`__: Read/write \*.sel (sensor
+   list) files
+-  `htc\_file <wetb/hawc2/htc_file.py>`__: Read/write/manipulate htc
+   files
+-  `ae\_file <wetb/hawc2/ae_file.py>`__: Read AE (aerodynamic blade
+   layout) files
+-  `pc\_file <wetb/hawc2/pc_file.py>`__: Read PC (profile coefficient)
+   files
+-  `shear\_file <wetb/hawc2/shear_file.py>`__: Create user defined shear
+   file
+-  `at\_time\_file <wetb/hawc2/at_time_file.py>`__: Read at
+   output\_at\_time files
+-  `log\_file <wetb/hawc2/log_file.py>`__: Read and interpret log files
+-  `ascii2bin <wetb/hawc2/ascii2bin>`__: Compress HAWC2 ascii result
+   files to binary
+`gtsdf <wetb/gtsdf>`__
+General Time Series Data Format, a binary hdf5 data format for storing
+time series data. - `gtsdf <wetb/gtsdf/gtsdf.py>`__: read/write/append
+gtsdf files - `unix\_time <wetb/gtsdf/unix_time.py>`__: convert between
+datetime and unix time (seconds since 1/1/1970)
+`fatigue\_tools <wetb/fatigue_tools>`__
+-  `fatigue <wetb/fatigue_tools/fatigue.py>`__: Rainflow counting, cycle
+   matrix and equivalent loads
+-  `bearing\_damage <wetb/fatigue_tools/bearing_damage.py>`__: Calculate
+   a comparable measure of bearing damage
+`wind <wetb/wind>`__
+-  `shear <wetb/wind/shear.py>`__: Calculate and fit wind shear
+`dlc <wetb/dlc>`__
+Module for working with "Design load cases" (Code independent) -
+`high\_level <wetb/dlc/high_level.py>`__ Class for working with the
+highlevel dlc excell sheet
+`prepost <wetb/prepost>`__
+Module for creating an arbitrary number of HAWC2 simulations, and
+optionally corresponding execution scripts for a PBS Torque cluster
+(Linux), simple bash (Linux), or Windows batch scripts. A
+post-processing module is also included that calculates statistical
+parameters, performs rainflow counting for fatigue load calculations,
+and create load envelopes.
+Additional documentation can be found here:
+-  `Auto-generation of Design Load Cases <docs/howto-make-dlcs.md>`__
+-  `How to use the Statistics DataFrame <docs/using-statistics-df.md>`__
+`fast <wetb/fast>`__
+Tools for working with NREL's FAST code (An aeroelastic computer-aided
+engineering (CAE) tool for horizontal axis wind turbines) -
+`fast\_io <wetb/fast/fast_io.py>`__: Read binary and ascii result files
+`utils <wetb/utils>`__
+Other functions - `geometry <wetb/utils/geometry.py>`__: Different kind
+of geometry conversion functions -
+`process\_exec <wetb/utils/process_exec.py>`__: Run system command in
+subprocess - `timing <wetb/utils/timing.py>`__: Decorators for
+evaluating execution time of functions -
+`caching <wetb/utils/caching.py>`__: Decorators to create cached
+(calculate once) functions and properties
+This project has been set up using PyScaffold 2.5. For details and usage
+information on PyScaffold see http://pyscaffold.readthedocs.org/.