diff --git a/docs/tutorials/1-creating-master-excel.md b/docs/tutorials/1-creating-master-excel.md
index 4edf95f652a467ad148f7c9356b7ab14a95b9b57..f1b245b287e416cdab8f3c6b6e8a3645b65bb22a 100644
--- a/docs/tutorials/1-creating-master-excel.md
+++ b/docs/tutorials/1-creating-master-excel.md
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ The Wind Energy Toolbox has a workflow for automatically running design load
 bases (DLBs) on Gorm.
 This workflow has the following steps:
 1. Create a master Excel sheet defining each case in the DLB
-2. Create subordinate Excel sheets from each tab in the master Excel sheet
-3. Create htc files and PBS job scripts for each requisite simulation using 
-the subordinate Excel files and a master htc file.
+2. [Create subordinate Excel sheets from each tab in the master Excel sheet](https://gitlab.windenergy.dtu.dk/toolbox/WindEnergyToolbox/blob/master/docs/tutorials/2-creating-subordinate-excels.md)
+3. [Create htc files and PBS job scripts for each requisite simulation using 
+the subordinate Excel files and a master htc file.](https://gitlab.windenergy.dtu.dk/toolbox/WindEnergyToolbox/blob/master/docs/tutorials/3-creating-htc-pbs-files.md)
 4. Submit all PBS job scripts to the cluster
 5. Post-process results
 6. Visualize results
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/2-creating-subordinate-excels.md b/docs/tutorials/2-creating-subordinate-excels.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6e92c3dcb00d2319981ae19e24adcbffec5ea59c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/tutorials/2-creating-subordinate-excels.md
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# Tutorial 2: Creating subordinate Excel files
+The Wind Energy Toolbox has a workflow for automatically running design load 
+bases (DLBs) on Gorm.
+This workflow has the following steps:
+1. [Create a master Excel sheet defining each case in the DLB](https://gitlab.windenergy.dtu.dk/toolbox/WindEnergyToolbox/blob/master/docs/tutorials/1-creating-master-excel.md)
+2. Create subordinate Excel sheets from each tab in the master Excel sheet
+3. [Create htc files and PBS job scripts for each requisite simulation using 
+the subordinate Excel files and a master htc file.](https://gitlab.windenergy.dtu.dk/toolbox/WindEnergyToolbox/blob/master/docs/tutorials/3-creating-htc-pbs-files.md)
+4. Submit all PBS job scripts to the cluster
+5. Post-process results
+6. Visualize results
+This tutorial presents how to accomplish Step 2.
+Note that it is possible to customize your simulations by skipping/modifying 
+Such a procedure will be discussed in a later tutorial.
+If there are any problems with this tutorial, please [submit an issue](
+## 1. Background: Subordinate Excel Files
+The subordinate Excel files are a series of basic Excel files that are 
+generated from the master Excel file. (See our tutorial on generating the 
+master Excel file [here]( https://gitlab.windenergy.dtu.dk/toolbox/WindEnergyToolbox/blob/master/docs/tut orials/1-creating-master-excel.md).)
+There is a different subordinate Excel file for every tab in the master Excel 
+file, except for the "Main" tab, one for each case to simulate (e.g., design 
+load case 1.2 from IEC-61400-1).
+Each subordinate Excel file has a single tab that lists the different tag 
+values for the htc master file in the column, and each row corresponds to a 
+different htc file to be generated.
+The generation of the htc files from the subordinate Excel files is discused 
+in the next tutorial.
+## 2. Tutorial
+The generation of the subordinate Excel files is done using the 
+function in the Wind Energy Toolbox.
+On Gorm, the command can be executed from the htc directory with the master 
+Excel file as follows:
+export PATH=/home/python/miniconda3/bin:$PATH
+source activate wetb_py3
+python /home/MET/repositories/toolbox/WindEnergyToolbox/wetb/prepost/GenerateDLCs.py [--folder=$FOLDER_NAME] [--master=$MASTER_NAME]
+source deactivate
+The ```export PATH``` command adds the miniconda bin directory to the path, 
+which is necessary for the toolbox.
+The ```source activate wetb_py3``` and ```source deactivate``` are 
+Gorm-specific commands to activate the Wind Energy Toolbox Python environment.
+The ```--folder``` and ```--master``` flags are optional flags to specify, 
+respectively, the name of the folder to which the subordinate Excel files 
+should be written to and the name of the master Excel file.
+The default values for these two options are './' (i.e., the current 
+directory) and 'DLCs.xlsx', respectively.
+After running the commands in the above box on Gorm, you should see a folder in 
+your htc directory with all of your subordinate Excel files.
+## 3. Issues
+If there are any problems with this tutorial, please [submit an issue](
+We will try to fix it as soon as possible.
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/3-creating-htc-pbs-files.md b/docs/tutorials/3-creating-htc-pbs-files.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2b888f8be097d7b303ad98f8161f6561630bf7c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/tutorials/3-creating-htc-pbs-files.md
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+# Tutorial 3: Creating htc and PBS files
+The Wind Energy Toolbox has a workflow for automatically running design load 
+bases (DLBs) on Gorm.
+This workflow has the following steps:
+1. [Create a master Excel sheet defining each case in the DLB](https://gitlab.windenergy.dtu.dk/toolbox/WindEnergyToolbox/blob/master/docs/tutorials/1-creating-master-excel.md)
+2. [Create subordinate Excel sheets from each tab in the master Excel sheet](https://gitlab.windenergy.dtu.dk/toolbox/WindEnergyToolbox/blob/master/docs/tutorials/2-creating-subordinate-excels.md)
+3. Create htc files and PBS job scripts for each requisite simulation using 
+the subordinate Excel files and a master htc file.
+4. Submit all PBS job scripts to the cluster
+5. Post-process results
+6. Visualize results
+This tutorial presents how to accomplish Step 3.
+Note that it is possible to customize your simulations by skipping/modifying 
+Such a procedure will be discussed in a later tutorial.
+If there are any problems with this tutorial, please [submit an issue](
+## 1. Background: htc and PBS file creation
+The main function used in this tutorial is [dlctemplate.py](https://gitlab.windenergy.dtu.dk/toolbox/WindEnergyToolbox/blob/master/wetb/prepost/dlctemplate.py),
+which creates all htc and PBS job scripts for the cases specified in the 
+subordinate Excel file folder.
+The htc files are the main input files for HAWC2 simulations.
+They are created by copying the master htc file in the ```_master/``` folder in 
+your htc directory and replacing all of the tags with the values specified in 
+the subordinate Excel files.
+All of htc files for a single case are saved in a case-specific folder in your 
+htc folder.
+Thus, if you were running a standard DLB calculation for IEC 61400-1, your 
+folder structure after generating your htc files might look like this:
+|-- $TURB_NAME/
+|   |-- $SET_ID/
+|   |   |-- DLCs.xlsx
+|   |   |-- _master/
+|   |   |   |-- $MASTER_NAME.htc
+|   |   |-- DLCs/
+|   |   |-- htc/
+|   |   |   |-- dlc12_iec61400-1ed3/
+|   |   |   |   |-- dlc12_wsp04_wdir000_s2001.htc
+|   |   |   |   |-- dlc12_wsp04_wdir000_s2002.htc
+|   |   |   |   |-- ...
+|   |   |   |-- dlc13_iec61400-1ed3/
+|   |   |   |-- ...
+The PBS job scripts are a series of text files that are used to tell the job 
+scheduler on the high-performance computing (HPC) cluster how to run each job.
+These files end with ".p", and are saved to a folder ```pbs_in/``` that is 
+created in the main set ID folder on Gorm.
+## 2. Tutorial
+There are two ways to call ```dlctemplate.py```.
+The first is to call the function directly.
+The second is to wrap it in a job scheduler to submit the job to the HPC cluster.
+The first option is fine if you have only a few htc files or if the job 
+scheduler is not working for some reason.
+The second option is generally preferred.
+### 2.1 Directly generate htc files
+The htc and PBS files can be directly generated by running the following 
+commands from the set ID directory:
+export PATH=/home/python/miniconda3/bin:$PATH
+source activate wetb_py3
+python /home/MET/repositories/toolbox/WindEnergyToolbox/wetb/prepost/dlctemplate.py --prep
+source deactivate
+The ```export PATH``` command adds the miniconda bin directory to the path, 
+which is necessary for the toolbox.
+The ```source activate wetb_py3``` and ```source deactivate``` are 
+Gorm-specific commands to activate the Wind Energy Toolbox Python environment.
+The ```--prep``` option tells the script to run in preparation mode, in which 
+case it creates the htc and pbs files.
+After running the commands in the above box on Gorm, you should have all of your 
+PBS input files in ```pbs_in/``` and all of your htc files in ```htc```.
+### 2.2 Generate files using job scheduler
+From the set ID folder, run the following code:
+qsub-wrap.py -f /home/MET/repositories/toolbox/WindEnergyToolbox/wetb/prepost/dlctemplate.py --prep
+## 3. Issues
+If there are any problems with this tutorial, please [submit an issue](
+We will try to fix it as soon as possible.
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/data/DLCs_onshore/Main.txt b/docs/tutorials/data/DLCs_onshore/Main.txt
index d1b1b3c728fef1b5d84482e98b95d7d9c9189505..e1e1d3d65103af8382bd6aac7f2f1912625e25d4 100644
--- a/docs/tutorials/data/DLCs_onshore/Main.txt
+++ b/docs/tutorials/data/DLCs_onshore/Main.txt
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Default constants:	[ref_ti]	[ref_wind_speed]	[tsr]	[hub_height]	[diameter]	[t0]
 Default functions:	[Turb base name]	[time stop]	[turb_dx]	[wsp factor]	[wind_ramp_t1]	[wind_ramp_factor1]	[time_start]																														
-	"""turb_wsp[wsp]_s[seed]"""	[t0]+[sim_time]	"[wsp]*[time stop]/8192,0"	[tsr]/[wsp]	[t0]	[wsp factor]	[t0]																														
+	"""turb_wsp[wsp]_s[seed]"""	[t0]+[sim_time]	"[wsp]*[sim_time]/8192,0"	[tsr]/[wsp]	[t0]	[wsp factor]	[t0]