diff --git a/AUTHORS.rst b/AUTHORS.rst
index 98c249faa4611e1412a91fb63fc5787a6df367d9..f22da4cd27e5f3090d1a9881b00a8ff435871ff9 100644
--- a/AUTHORS.rst
+++ b/AUTHORS.rst
@@ -3,4 +3,5 @@ Developers
 * Mads Mølgaard Pedersen
-* David Verelst
+* David R.S. Verelst
+* Carlo Tibaldi
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/GenerateDLCs.py b/wetb/prepost/GenerateDLCs.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3bcf9bd2d5db7d36c437f551bc6f0994da094196
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wetb/prepost/GenerateDLCs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Created on Fri Nov 20 10:11:06 2015
+@author: tlbl
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+# arctan and pi are required because they are in the formulas that are
+# evaluated
+from numpy import floor, arctan, pi
+import pandas as pd
+import xlrd
+def multi_for(iterables):
+    """
+    Routine to create list with combination of elements.
+    """
+    if not iterables:
+        yield ()
+    else:
+        for item in iterables[0]:
+            for rest_tuple in multi_for(iterables[1:]):
+                yield (item,) + rest_tuple
+class GeneralDLC(object):
+    """
+    Basic class to generate the DLC spreadsheets. It contains routines to
+    handle the different types of tags.
+    * Constants: are fixed in the current DLC, e.g. reference turbulence\
+        intensity, rotor radius, reference wind speed, ....
+    * Variables: define the number of cases in a DLC through their combination\
+        e.g. wind speed, number of turbulence seeds, yaw angle, ....
+    * Functions: depend on other tags e.g turbulence intensity, file name, ....
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        pass
+    def remove_from_dict(self, non_defaults, defaults):
+        for key in non_defaults.keys():
+            try:
+                del defaults[key]
+            except:
+                pass
+        return defaults
+    def add_variables_tag(self, dlc, variables, variables_order):
+        cases_len = []
+        for tag in variables_order:
+            dlc[tag] = []
+            v = variables[tag]
+            for i in range(len(v)-1):
+                try:
+                    v.remove('')
+                except:
+                    pass
+            if tag == '[seed]':
+                cases_len.append(int(v[0]))
+            else:
+                cases_len.append(len(v))
+        cases_index = multi_for(list(map(range, cases_len)))
+        for irow, row in enumerate(cases_index):
+            counter = floor(irow/len(variables['[wsp]']))+1
+            for icol, col in enumerate(row):
+                if variables_order[icol] == '[seed]':
+                    value = '%4.4i' % (1000*counter + row[variables_order.index('[wsp]')]+1)
+                else:
+                    value = variables[variables_order[icol]][col]
+                    if not isinstance(value, float) and not isinstance(value, int):
+                        value = str(value)
+                dlc[variables_order[icol]].append(value)
+    def add_constants_tag(self, dlc, constants):
+        for key in constants.keys():
+            dlc[key] = [constants[key]]*len(dlc['[wsp]'])
+    def sort_formulas(self, formulas):
+        # sort formulas based on their dependency
+        keys_list = sorted(formulas)
+        for i in range(len(keys_list)):
+            for ikey, key in enumerate(keys_list):
+                formula = formulas[key]
+                for ikey2, key2 in enumerate(keys_list):
+                    if key2 in formula:
+                        if ikey < ikey2:
+                            keys_list.pop(ikey)
+                            keys_list.insert(ikey2, key)
+                            break
+        return keys_list
+    def eval_formulas(self, dlc):
+        for key in dlc.keys():
+            if isinstance(dlc[key][0], str):
+                if "[" in dlc[key][0]:
+                    for key2 in dlc.keys():
+                        for iformula, formula in enumerate(dlc[key]):
+                            if key2 in formula:
+                                dlc[key][iformula] = dlc[key][iformula].replace(key2, '%s'%dlc[key2][iformula])
+                    for iformula, formula in enumerate(dlc[key]):
+                        formula = formula.replace(',', '.')
+                        formula = formula.replace(';', ',')
+                        dlc[key][iformula] = eval(formula)
+    def add_formulas(self, dlc, formulas):
+        keys_list = self.sort_formulas(formulas)
+        for fkey in keys_list:
+            flist = []
+            for i in range(len(dlc['[wsp]'])):
+                formula = formulas[fkey]
+                for key in dlc.keys():
+                    if key in formula:
+                        if formula[0] == '"':
+                            if key == '[wsp]' or key == '[gridgustdelay]':
+                                fmt = '%2.2i'
+                            elif key == '[wdir]' or key == '[G_phi0]':
+                                fmt = '%3.3i'
+                            else:
+                                fmt = '%4.4i'
+                            formula = formula.replace(key, fmt % int(dlc[key][i]))
+                        elif key in formula:
+                            formula = formula.replace(key, '%s' % dlc[key][i])
+                formula = formula.replace(',', '.')
+                formula = formula.replace(';', ',')
+                flist.append(eval(formula))
+            dlc[fkey] = flist
+class GenerateDLCCases(GeneralDLC):
+    """
+    Class to generate Excell sheets for each DLB case starting from a single
+    Excell sheet.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    filename: str
+        Name of the excel spreadsheet containing the definition of all the
+        cases to generate.
+    folder: str
+        Name of the folder in which to save the DLB cases.
+    Example
+    -------
+        DLB = GenerateDLCCases()
+        DLB.execute()
+    """
+    def execute(self, filename='DLCs.xlsx', folder=''):
+        book = xlrd.open_workbook(filename)
+        nsheets = book.nsheets
+        # Loop through all the sheets. Each sheet correspond to a DLC.
+        for isheet in range(1, nsheets):
+            # Read all the initialization constants and functions in the
+            # first sheet
+            general_constants = {}
+            general_functions = {}
+            sheet = book.sheets()[0]
+            for i in range(1, sheet.ncols):
+                if sheet.cell_value(9, i) != '':
+                    general_constants[str(sheet.cell_value(9, i))] = \
+                        sheet.cell_value(10, i)
+                if sheet.cell_value(13, i) != '':
+                    general_functions[str(sheet.cell_value(13, i))] = \
+                        sheet.cell_value(14, i)
+            sheet = book.sheets()[isheet]
+            print('Sheet #%i' % isheet, sheet.name)
+            # Read the actual sheet.
+            constants = {}
+            variables = {}
+            formulas = {}
+            variables_order = []
+            # Loop through the columns
+            for i in range(sheet.ncols):
+                if sheet.cell_value(1, i) is not None:
+                    tag = str(sheet.cell_value(1, i))
+                    if tag is not '':
+                        if sheet.cell_value(0, i) == 'C':
+                            constants[tag] = sheet.cell_value(2, i)
+                        if sheet.cell_value(0, i) == 'V':
+                            variables_order.append(tag)
+                            variables[tag] = \
+                                [sheet.cell_value(j, i) for j in range(2, sheet.nrows)]
+                        if sheet.cell_value(0, i) == 'F':
+                            formulas[tag] = str(sheet.cell_value(2, i))
+            dlc = {}
+            general_constants = self.remove_from_dict(variables,
+                                                      general_constants)
+            general_constants = self.remove_from_dict(constants,
+                                                      general_constants)
+            general_functions = self.remove_from_dict(formulas,
+                                                      general_functions)
+            self.add_variables_tag(dlc, variables, variables_order)
+            self.add_constants_tag(dlc, general_constants)
+            self.add_constants_tag(dlc, constants)
+            self.add_formulas(dlc, formulas)
+            self.add_formulas(dlc, general_functions)
+            self.eval_formulas(dlc)
+            df = pd.DataFrame(dlc)
+            df.to_excel(folder+sheet.name+'.xls', index=False)
+class RunTest():
+    """
+    Class to perform basic testing of the GenerateDLCCases class. It writes the
+    spreadsheets and compare them with a reference set.
+    """
+    def execute(self):
+        from pandas.util.testing import assert_frame_equal
+        a = GenerateDLCCases()
+        a.execute()
+        book = xlrd.open_workbook('DLCs.xlsx')
+        nsheets = book.nsheets
+        for isheet in range(1, nsheets):
+            sheet = book.sheets()[isheet]
+            print('Sheet #%i' % isheet, sheet.name)
+            book1 = pd.read_excel('Reference/'+sheet.name+'.xlsx')
+            book2 = pd.read_excel(sheet.name+'.xls')
+            book2 = book2[book1.columns]
+            assert_frame_equal(book1, book2, check_dtype=False)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    DLB = GenerateDLCCases()
+    DLB.execute()
+    pass
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/dlcdefs.py b/wetb/prepost/dlcdefs.py
index 687cc4ee90de57aaa11dc825539a21009930b1a1..ce8dbc144de91964c096119bf9f4e63159aa1574 100644
--- a/wetb/prepost/dlcdefs.py
+++ b/wetb/prepost/dlcdefs.py
@@ -320,8 +320,10 @@ def excel_stabcon(proot, fext='xlsx', pignore=None, sheet=0,
             tags_dict['[res_dir]'] = 'res/%s/' % dlc_case
             tags_dict['[log_dir]'] = 'logfiles/%s/' % dlc_case
             tags_dict['[htc_dir]'] = 'htc/%s/' % dlc_case
-            tags_dict['[case_id]'] = tags_dict['[Case id.]']
-            tags_dict['[time_stop]'] = tags_dict['[time stop]']
+            if '[Case id.]' in tags_dict.keys():
+                tags_dict['[case_id]'] = tags_dict['[Case id.]']
+            if '[time stop]' in tags_dict.keys():
+                tags_dict['[time_stop]'] = tags_dict['[time stop]']
                 tags_dict['[turb_base_name]'] = tags_dict['[Turb base name]']
             except KeyError:
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/h2_vs_hs2.py b/wetb/prepost/h2_vs_hs2.py
index f0d1f1498fe0952002460d9ccfb813d2464320bb..5dcc64cff5759a0958a0228027b283840f5617bc 100644
--- a/wetb/prepost/h2_vs_hs2.py
+++ b/wetb/prepost/h2_vs_hs2.py
@@ -838,13 +838,20 @@ class Plots(object):
             subplots = mplutils.subplots
         fig, axes = subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, dpi=dpi, figsize=size)
-        axes = axes.ravel()
+        if isinstance(axes, np.ndarray):
+            axes = axes.ravel()
+        else:
+            axes = [axes]
         if title is not None:
         return fig, axes
     def set_axes_label_grid(self, axes, setlegend=False):
-        for ax in axes.ravel():
+        if isinstance(axes, np.ndarray):
+            axes = axes.ravel()
+        for ax in axes:
             if setlegend:
                 leg = ax.legend(loc='best')
                 if leg is not None:
@@ -861,7 +868,7 @@ class Plots(object):
     def distribution(self, results, labels, title, channels, x_ax='pos_z',
                      xlabel='Z-coordinate [m]', nrows=2, ncols=4, size=(16, 5),
-                     i0=1):
+                     i0=1, iplot_legend=0, legloc='best'):
         Compare blade distribution results
@@ -874,7 +881,10 @@ class Plots(object):
         radius2 = res2[x_ax].values
         fig, axes = self.new_fig(title=title, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, size=size)
-        axesflat = axes.flatten()
+        if isinstance(axes, np.ndarray):
+            axesflat = axes.ravel()
+        else:
+            axesflat = axes
         for i, chan in enumerate(channels):
             ax = axesflat[i]
             ax.plot(radius1, res1[chan].values, color=self.h2c,
@@ -919,11 +929,11 @@ class Plots(object):
 #            if err.max() > 50:
 #                axr.set_ylim([0, 35])
-            # use axr for the legend, but only for the first plot
-            if i == 0:
+            # use axr for the legend, but only for defined plot
+            if i == iplot_legend:
                 lines = ax.lines + axr.lines
                 labels = [l.get_label() for l in lines]
-                leg = axr.legend(lines, labels, loc='best')
+                leg = axr.legend(lines, labels, loc=legloc)
         # x-label only on the last row
@@ -960,7 +970,8 @@ class Plots(object):
             self.save_fig(fig, axes, fname)
     def h2_blade_distribution(self, fname_1, fname_2, title, labels, n0=0,
-                              df_stats1=None, df_stats2=None):
+                              df_stats1=None, df_stats2=None,
+                              iplot_legend=0, legloc='best'):
         Compare blade distribution aerodynamics of two HAWC2 cases.
@@ -975,11 +986,13 @@ class Plots(object):
                                       x_ax='pos_z', xlabel='Z-coordinate [m]',
-                                      size=self.dist_size)
+                                      size=self.dist_size,
+                                      iplot_legend=iplot_legend, legloc=legloc)
         return fig, axes
-    def hs_blade_distribution(self, fname_1, fname_2, title, labels, n0=0):
+    def hs_blade_distribution(self, fname_1, fname_2, title, labels, n0=0,
+                              iplot_legend=0, legloc='best'):
         res1 = self.load_hs(fname_1)
         res2 = self.load_hs(fname_2)
@@ -992,12 +1005,14 @@ class Plots(object):
                                       x_ax='pos_z', xlabel='Z-coordinate [m]',
-                                      size=self.dist_size)
+                                      size=self.dist_size,
+                                      iplot_legend=iplot_legend, legloc=legloc)
         return fig, axes
     def blade_distribution(self, fname_h2, fname_hs2, title, n0=0,
-                           h2_df_stats=None, fname_h2_tors=None):
+                           h2_df_stats=None, fname_h2_tors=None,
+                           iplot_legend=0, legloc='best'):
         """Compare aerodynamics, blade deflections between HAWC2 and HAWCStab2.
         This is based on HAWCSTab2 *.ind files, and an HAWC2 output_at_time
         output file.
@@ -1029,11 +1044,13 @@ class Plots(object):
                                       x_ax='pos_z', xlabel='Z-coordinate [m]',
-                                      size=self.dist_size)
+                                      size=self.dist_size,
+                                      iplot_legend=iplot_legend, legloc=legloc)
         return fig, axes
-    def blade_distribution2(self, fname_h2, fname_hs2, title, n0=0):
+    def blade_distribution2(self, fname_h2, fname_hs2, title, n0=0,
+                            iplot_legend=0, legloc='best'):
         """Compare aerodynamics, blade deflections between HAWC2 and HAWCStab2.
         This is based on HAWCSTab2 *.ind files, and an HAWC2 output_at_time
         output file.
@@ -1050,7 +1067,8 @@ class Plots(object):
         fig, axes = self.distribution(res, labels, title, channels,
                                       x_ax='pos_z', xlabel='Z-coordinate [m]',
-                                      nrows=3, ncols=4, size=(16, 12))
+                                      nrows=3, ncols=4, size=(16, 12),
+                                      iplot_legend=iplot_legend, legloc=legloc)
         return fig, axes
@@ -1066,7 +1084,8 @@ class Plots(object):
         # POWER ---------------------------------------------------------------
         ax = axes[0]
-        ax.set_title('Power [kW]')
+        ax.set_ylabel('Power [kW]')
+        ax.set_xlabel('Wind speed [m/s]')
         # HAWC2
         keys = ['P_aero', 'P_mech']
         lss = [self.h2ls, '--', ':']
@@ -1103,7 +1122,8 @@ class Plots(object):
         # THRUST --------------------------------------------------------------
         ax = axes[1]
-        ax.set_title('Thrust [kN]')
+        ax.set_ylabel('Thrust [kN]')
+        ax.set_xlabel('Wind speed [m/s]')
         keys = ['T_aero', 'T_shafttip']
         lss = [self.h2ls, '--', ':']
         # HAWC2
@@ -1125,6 +1145,7 @@ class Plots(object):
         axr.plot(wind_hs, err, color=self.errc, ls=self.errls, alpha=0.6,
                  label=self.errlab + ' T$_{aero}$')
         ax.set_xlim([wind_h2.min(), wind_h2.max()])
+        ax.set_xlabel('Wind speed [m/s]')
         # legends
         lines, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
@@ -1158,7 +1179,8 @@ class Plots(object):
         yerr2 = res2.pwr_h2_std[key]
         ax.errorbar(wind2, res2.pwr_h2_mean[key].values, color=self.hsc, yerr=yerr2,
                     marker=self.hsms, ls=self.hsls, label=labels[1], alpha=0.7)
-        ax.set_title('Power [kW]')
+        ax.set_ylabel('Power [kW]')
+        ax.set_xlabel('Wind speed [m/s]')
         # relative errors on the right axes
         axr = ax.twinx()
         assert np.allclose(wind1, wind2)
@@ -1191,7 +1213,8 @@ class Plots(object):
         err = np.abs(1.0 - (qq1 / qq2))*100.0
         axr.plot(wind1, err, color=self.errc, ls=self.errls, alpha=0.6,
-        ax.set_title('Thrust [kN]')
+        ax.set_ylabel('Thrust [kN]')
+        ax.set_xlabel('Wind speed [m/s]')
         axes = self.set_axes_label_grid(axes, setlegend=True)
 #        # use axr for the legend
@@ -1221,7 +1244,8 @@ class Plots(object):
                 alpha=0.9, color=self.h2c, ls=self.h2ls, marker=self.h2ms)
         ax.plot(wind2, res2.pwr_hs['P_aero'].values, label=labels[1],
                 alpha=0.7, color=self.hsc, ls=self.hsls, marker=self.hsms)
-        ax.set_title('Power [kW]')
+        ax.set_ylabel('Power [kW]')
+        ax.set_xlabel('Wind speed [m/s]')
         # relative errors on the right axes
         axr = ax.twinx()
         assert np.allclose(wind1, wind2)
@@ -1245,7 +1269,8 @@ class Plots(object):
         err = np.abs(1.0 - (qq1 / qq2))*100.0
         axr.plot(wind1, err, color=self.errc, ls=self.errls, alpha=0.6,
-        ax.set_title('Thrust [kN]')
+        ax.set_ylabel('Thrust [kN]')
+        ax.set_xlabel('Wind speed [m/s]')
         axes = self.set_axes_label_grid(axes, setlegend=True)
 #        # use axr for the legend
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/hawcstab2.py b/wetb/prepost/hawcstab2.py
index c90cb5bfd58a14f48568cb36983f2c05558d041c..00f705e93d8c53389d4860378ad0971ca40b2b54 100644
--- a/wetb/prepost/hawcstab2.py
+++ b/wetb/prepost/hawcstab2.py
@@ -291,73 +291,6 @@ class hs2_control_tuning(object):
             setattr(self.aero_damp, 'Ko2', 0.0)
-class tests(unittest.TestCase):
-    """
-    """
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.fpath_linear = 'data/controller_input_linear.txt'
-        self.fpath_quadratic = 'data/controller_input_quadratic.txt'
-    def test_cmb_df(self):
-        fname1 = 'data/campbell_wind.cmb'
-        speed, freq, damp = results().load_cmb(fname1)
-        df = results().load_cmb_df(fname1)
-        #mods = freq.shape[1]
-        ops = freq.shape[0]
-        self.assertEqual(len(speed), ops)
-        for k in range(ops):
-            df_oper = df[df['wind_ms']==speed[k]]
-            np.testing.assert_allclose(freq[k,:], df_oper['Fd_hz'].values)
-            np.testing.assert_allclose(damp[k,:], df_oper['damp_ratio'].values)
-            np.testing.assert_allclose(np.arange(1,len(df_oper)+1), df_oper['mode'])
-            self.assertEqual(len(df_oper['wind_ms'].unique()), 1)
-            self.assertEqual(df_oper['wind_ms'].unique()[0], speed[k])
-    def test_linear_file(self):
-        hs2 = hs2_control_tuning()
-        hs2.read_parameters(self.fpath_linear)
-        self.assertEqual(hs2.pi_gen_reg1.K, 0.108313E+07)
-        self.assertEqual(hs2.pi_gen_reg2.I, 0.307683E+08)
-        self.assertEqual(hs2.pi_gen_reg2.Kp, 0.135326E+08)
-        self.assertEqual(hs2.pi_gen_reg2.Ki, 0.303671E+07)
-        self.assertEqual(hs2.pi_pitch_reg3.Kp, 0.276246E+01)
-        self.assertEqual(hs2.pi_pitch_reg3.Ki, 0.132935E+01)
-        self.assertEqual(hs2.pi_pitch_reg3.K1, 5.79377)
-        self.assertEqual(hs2.pi_pitch_reg3.K2, 0.0)
-        self.assertEqual(hs2.aero_damp.Kp2, 0.269403E+00)
-        self.assertEqual(hs2.aero_damp.Ko1, -4.21472)
-        self.assertEqual(hs2.aero_damp.Ko2, 0.0)
-    def test_quadratic_file(self):
-        hs2 = hs2_control_tuning()
-        hs2.read_parameters(self.fpath_quadratic)
-        self.assertEqual(hs2.pi_gen_reg1.K, 0.108313E+07)
-        self.assertEqual(hs2.pi_gen_reg2.I, 0.307683E+08)
-        self.assertEqual(hs2.pi_gen_reg2.Kp, 0.135326E+08)
-        self.assertEqual(hs2.pi_gen_reg2.Ki, 0.303671E+07)
-        self.assertEqual(hs2.pi_pitch_reg3.Kp, 0.249619E+01)
-        self.assertEqual(hs2.pi_pitch_reg3.Ki, 0.120122E+01)
-        self.assertEqual(hs2.pi_pitch_reg3.K1, 7.30949)
-        self.assertEqual(hs2.pi_pitch_reg3.K2, 1422.81187)
-        self.assertEqual(hs2.aero_damp.Kp2, 0.240394E-01)
-        self.assertEqual(hs2.aero_damp.Ko1, -1.69769)
-        self.assertEqual(hs2.aero_damp.Ko2, -15.02688)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/tests/data/campbell_diagram.cmb b/wetb/prepost/tests/data/campbell_diagram.cmb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e23e1403864230e29cdb6c9690f06d0d8e0ebd5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wetb/prepost/tests/data/campbell_diagram.cmb
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+  # Wind [m/s]             1             2             3             4             5             6             7             8             9            10             1             2             3             4             5             6             7             8             9            10
+  0.400000E+01  0.228933E+00  0.233973E+00  0.762776E+00  0.965817E+00  0.136002E+01  0.149639E+01  0.159423E+01  0.202127E+01  0.204610E+01  0.208646E+01  0.388822E+00  0.966751E+01  0.102903E+01  0.118873E+01  0.224277E+02  0.237007E+01  0.156716E+02  0.304645E+01  0.155964E+02  0.431867E+01
+  0.500000E+01  0.228944E+00  0.234004E+00  0.763301E+00  0.966955E+00  0.136149E+01  0.149576E+01  0.159339E+01  0.202086E+01  0.204910E+01  0.208435E+01  0.400712E+00  0.973227E+01  0.106285E+01  0.133466E+01  0.224476E+02  0.237088E+01  0.156581E+02  0.304886E+01  0.155855E+02  0.426180E+01
+  0.600000E+01  0.228950E+00  0.233713E+00  0.764151E+00  0.968410E+00  0.136286E+01  0.149520E+01  0.159243E+01  0.202039E+01  0.205218E+01  0.208226E+01  0.406516E+00  0.960985E+01  0.113674E+01  0.151399E+01  0.224486E+02  0.236761E+01  0.156309E+02  0.304953E+01  0.155767E+02  0.419995E+01
+  0.700000E+01  0.228969E+00  0.233943E+00  0.765058E+00  0.970449E+00  0.136386E+01  0.149485E+01  0.159148E+01  0.201989E+01  0.205516E+01  0.208023E+01  0.410362E+00  0.956280E+01  0.125579E+01  0.172544E+01  0.225723E+02  0.236204E+01  0.156830E+02  0.304991E+01  0.156414E+02  0.414330E+01
+  0.800000E+01  0.228981E+00  0.235547E+00  0.751657E+00  0.984742E+00  0.133566E+01  0.150181E+01  0.159480E+01  0.201923E+01  0.205065E+01  0.207803E+01  0.425543E+00  0.105481E+02  0.134744E+01  0.175350E+01  0.276486E+02  0.245076E+01  0.183743E+02  0.308534E+01  0.187826E+02  0.426964E+01
+  0.900000E+01  0.228996E+00  0.236970E+00  0.738114E+00  0.999088E+00  0.128575E+01  0.150896E+01  0.159184E+01  0.201868E+01  0.203967E+01  0.207649E+01  0.441459E+00  0.114513E+02  0.139929E+01  0.171638E+01  0.337118E+02  0.249114E+01  0.211607E+02  0.312301E+01  0.222187E+02  0.437718E+01
+  0.100000E+02  0.229012E+00  0.238179E+00  0.724468E+00  0.101353E+01  0.118278E+01  0.151608E+01  0.157955E+01  0.201827E+01  0.201894E+01  0.207574E+01  0.457749E+00  0.123038E+02  0.140490E+01  0.162917E+01  0.404780E+02  0.248329E+01  0.238259E+02  0.316032E+01  0.259943E+02  0.445668E+01
+  0.110000E+02  0.229026E+00  0.239178E+00  0.710773E+00  0.102810E+01  0.108411E+01  0.152309E+01  0.156056E+01  0.201801E+01  0.198169E+01  0.207582E+01  0.473968E+00  0.131326E+02  0.136375E+01  0.150699E+01  0.411061E+02  0.243142E+01  0.257758E+02  0.319485E+01  0.301264E+02  0.449558E+01
+  0.120000E+02  0.229021E+00  0.239633E+00  0.708997E+00  0.103066E+01  0.107780E+01  0.153402E+01  0.154335E+01  0.202064E+01  0.193052E+01  0.209214E+01  0.486960E+00  0.135941E+02  0.114255E+01  0.126920E+01  0.382470E+02  0.216812E+01  0.252810E+02  0.312680E+01  0.310102E+02  0.472517E+01
+  0.130000E+02  0.229026E+00  0.239785E+00  0.708960E+00  0.103053E+01  0.107743E+01  0.154125E+01  0.153408E+01  0.202211E+01  0.189783E+01  0.210716E+01  0.503753E+00  0.138570E+02  0.104718E+01  0.114424E+01  0.366660E+02  0.198152E+01  0.247994E+02  0.309199E+01  0.311264E+02  0.489292E+01
+  0.140000E+02  0.229030E+00  0.239833E+00  0.708652E+00  0.103012E+01  0.107707E+01  0.154680E+01  0.152747E+01  0.202305E+01  0.187153E+01  0.212208E+01  0.514565E+00  0.140661E+02  0.100617E+01  0.106417E+01  0.355180E+02  0.183957E+01  0.244292E+02  0.307265E+01  0.311685E+02  0.500880E+01
+  0.150000E+02  0.229055E+00  0.240017E+00  0.708136E+00  0.102951E+01  0.107701E+01  0.155133E+01  0.152248E+01  0.202372E+01  0.184933E+01  0.213830E+01  0.544804E+00  0.143364E+02  0.996830E+00  0.101040E+01  0.345994E+02  0.173088E+01  0.241219E+02  0.306084E+01  0.311506E+02  0.500600E+01
+  0.160000E+02  0.229071E+00  0.239853E+00  0.707432E+00  0.102872E+01  0.107759E+01  0.155510E+01  0.151899E+01  0.202423E+01  0.183087E+01  0.215318E+01  0.578800E+00  0.145899E+02  0.100993E+01  0.975174E+00  0.338448E+02  0.165052E+01  0.238541E+02  0.305342E+01  0.310630E+02  0.477124E+01
+  0.170000E+02  0.229085E+00  0.239595E+00  0.706561E+00  0.102777E+01  0.107867E+01  0.155827E+01  0.151662E+01  0.202463E+01  0.181533E+01  0.216331E+01  0.609440E+00  0.148314E+02  0.103970E+01  0.954033E+00  0.331993E+02  0.159293E+01  0.236152E+02  0.304854E+01  0.309315E+02  0.446567E+01
+  0.180000E+02  0.229100E+00  0.239299E+00  0.705540E+00  0.102667E+01  0.108022E+01  0.156096E+01  0.151516E+01  0.202495E+01  0.180218E+01  0.217047E+01  0.642610E+00  0.150961E+02  0.108264E+01  0.943946E+00  0.326383E+02  0.155714E+01  0.234027E+02  0.304542E+01  0.307706E+02  0.420507E+01
+  0.190000E+02  0.229100E+00  0.238941E+00  0.704393E+00  0.102545E+01  0.108151E+01  0.156324E+01  0.151377E+01  0.202521E+01  0.178960E+01  0.217609E+01  0.645467E+00  0.152863E+02  0.113498E+01  0.942057E+00  0.321266E+02  0.153398E+01  0.232221E+02  0.304319E+01  0.306240E+02  0.398727E+01
+  0.200000E+02  0.229117E+00  0.238524E+00  0.703123E+00  0.102411E+01  0.108297E+01  0.156518E+01  0.151271E+01  0.202543E+01  0.177816E+01  0.218066E+01  0.680310E+00  0.155290E+02  0.119543E+01  0.947265E+00  0.316630E+02  0.153812E+01  0.230628E+02  0.304242E+01  0.304641E+02  0.381123E+01
+  0.210000E+02  0.229136E+00  0.238084E+00  0.701736E+00  0.102265E+01  0.108452E+01  0.156681E+01  0.151186E+01  0.202562E+01  0.176741E+01  0.218452E+01  0.719375E+00  0.158119E+02  0.126269E+01  0.958046E+00  0.312303E+02  0.156212E+01  0.229212E+02  0.304250E+01  0.302974E+02  0.366667E+01
+  0.220000E+02  0.229147E+00  0.237523E+00  0.700230E+00  0.102107E+01  0.108627E+01  0.156814E+01  0.151132E+01  0.202577E+01  0.175757E+01  0.218779E+01  0.754378E+00  0.161008E+02  0.133578E+01  0.973260E+00  0.308276E+02  0.160451E+01  0.227919E+02  0.304323E+01  0.301112E+02  0.354965E+01
+  0.230000E+02  0.229161E+00  0.236848E+00  0.698611E+00  0.101939E+01  0.108881E+01  0.156918E+01  0.151172E+01  0.202590E+01  0.174988E+01  0.219054E+01  0.796036E+00  0.163966E+02  0.141457E+01  0.992719E+00  0.304529E+02  0.166798E+01  0.226548E+02  0.304454E+01  0.298809E+02  0.345932E+01
+  0.240000E+02  0.229178E+00  0.236114E+00  0.696892E+00  0.101760E+01  0.109145E+01  0.156999E+01  0.151235E+01  0.202601E+01  0.174276E+01  0.219296E+01  0.838889E+00  0.167029E+02  0.149901E+01  0.101590E+01  0.301033E+02  0.175021E+01  0.225316E+02  0.304628E+01  0.296496E+02  0.338727E+01
+  0.250000E+02  0.229186E+00  0.235316E+00  0.695102E+00  0.101572E+01  0.109457E+01  0.157057E+01  0.151364E+01  0.202611E+01  0.173710E+01  0.219518E+01  0.859064E+00  0.169785E+02  0.159098E+01  0.104301E+01  0.297783E+02  0.184710E+01  0.224109E+02  0.304806E+01  0.293981E+02  0.333190E+01
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/tests/data/controller_input_linear.txt b/wetb/prepost/tests/data/controller_input_linear.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4a75841485f6d252c3398508c91b123c9d95167d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wetb/prepost/tests/data/controller_input_linear.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+PI generator torque controller in region 1 (variable speed, variable power), starting at istate = 3
+K =   0.108313E+07 [Nm/(rad/s)^2]
+PI generator torque controller in region 2 (constant speed, variable power)
+I =   0.307683E+08 [kg*m^2]
+Kp =   0.135326E+08 [Nm/(rad/s)]
+Ki =   0.303671E+07 [Nm/rad]
+PI pitch angle controller in region 3 (constant speed, constant power)
+Kp =   0.276246E+01 [rad/(rad/s)]
+Ki =   0.132935E+01 [rad/rad]
+K1 =        5.79377 [deg] (dq/dtheta =     -159.47784 kNm/deg)
+Additional terms due to the Aerodynamic damping
+Kp2 =   0.269403E+00 [rad/(rad/s)]
+Ko1 =       -4.21472 [deg] (dq/domega =     2461.64665 kNm/(rad/s))
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/tests/data/controller_input_quadratic.txt b/wetb/prepost/tests/data/controller_input_quadratic.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..062781f61b1750095b78c74865637282accd90ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wetb/prepost/tests/data/controller_input_quadratic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+PI generator torque controller in region 1 (variable speed, variable power), starting at istate = 3
+K =   0.108313E+07 [Nm/(rad/s)^2]
+PI generator torque controller in region 2 (constant speed, variable power)
+I =   0.307683E+08 [kg*m^2]
+Kp =   0.135326E+08 [Nm/(rad/s)]
+Ki =   0.303671E+07 [Nm/rad]
+PI pitch angle controller in region 3 (constant speed, constant power)
+Kp =   0.249619E+01 [rad/(rad/s)]
+Ki =   0.120122E+01 [rad/rad]
+K1 =        7.30949 [deg], K2 =     1422.81187 [deg^2] (dq/dtheta =     -176.48944 kNm/deg)
+Additional terms due to the Aerodynamic damping
+Kp2 =   0.240394E-01 [rad/(rad/s)]
+Ko1 =       -1.69769 [deg], Ko2 =      -15.02688 [deg^2] (dq/domega =      243.08924 kNm/(rad/s))
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/tests/test_hawcstab2.py b/wetb/prepost/tests/test_hawcstab2.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..249df2097c7a4167640d420eb3af1a1064981151
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wetb/prepost/tests/test_hawcstab2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+Created on 05/11/2015
+@author: MMPE
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from future import standard_library
+import unittest
+import os
+import numpy as np
+from wetb.prepost.hawcstab2 import results, hs2_control_tuning
+class Tests(unittest.TestCase):
+    """
+    """
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.fpath_linear = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+                                         'data/controller_input_linear.txt')
+        self.fpath_quad = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+                                       'data/controller_input_quadratic.txt')
+    def test_cmb_df(self):
+        fname1 = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+                              'data/campbell_diagram.cmb')
+        speed, freq, damp = results().load_cmb(fname1)
+        df = results().load_cmb_df(fname1)
+        #mods = freq.shape[1]
+        ops = freq.shape[0]
+        self.assertEqual(len(speed), ops)
+        for k in range(ops):
+            df_oper = df[df['wind_ms']==speed[k]]
+            np.testing.assert_allclose(freq[k,:], df_oper['Fd_hz'].values)
+            np.testing.assert_allclose(damp[k,:], df_oper['damp_ratio'].values)
+            np.testing.assert_allclose(np.arange(1,len(df_oper)+1), df_oper['mode'])
+            self.assertEqual(len(df_oper['wind_ms'].unique()), 1)
+            self.assertEqual(df_oper['wind_ms'].unique()[0], speed[k])
+    def test_linear_file(self):
+        hs2 = hs2_control_tuning()
+        hs2.read_parameters(self.fpath_linear)
+        self.assertEqual(hs2.pi_gen_reg1.K, 0.108313E+07)
+        self.assertEqual(hs2.pi_gen_reg2.I, 0.307683E+08)
+        self.assertEqual(hs2.pi_gen_reg2.Kp, 0.135326E+08)
+        self.assertEqual(hs2.pi_gen_reg2.Ki, 0.303671E+07)
+        self.assertEqual(hs2.pi_pitch_reg3.Kp, 0.276246E+01)
+        self.assertEqual(hs2.pi_pitch_reg3.Ki, 0.132935E+01)
+        self.assertEqual(hs2.pi_pitch_reg3.K1, 5.79377)
+        self.assertEqual(hs2.pi_pitch_reg3.K2, 0.0)
+        self.assertEqual(hs2.aero_damp.Kp2, 0.269403E+00)
+        self.assertEqual(hs2.aero_damp.Ko1, -4.21472)
+        self.assertEqual(hs2.aero_damp.Ko2, 0.0)
+    def test_quadratic_file(self):
+        hs2 = hs2_control_tuning()
+        hs2.read_parameters(self.fpath_quad)
+        self.assertEqual(hs2.pi_gen_reg1.K, 0.108313E+07)
+        self.assertEqual(hs2.pi_gen_reg2.I, 0.307683E+08)
+        self.assertEqual(hs2.pi_gen_reg2.Kp, 0.135326E+08)
+        self.assertEqual(hs2.pi_gen_reg2.Ki, 0.303671E+07)
+        self.assertEqual(hs2.pi_pitch_reg3.Kp, 0.249619E+01)
+        self.assertEqual(hs2.pi_pitch_reg3.Ki, 0.120122E+01)
+        self.assertEqual(hs2.pi_pitch_reg3.K1, 7.30949)
+        self.assertEqual(hs2.pi_pitch_reg3.K2, 1422.81187)
+        self.assertEqual(hs2.aero_damp.Kp2, 0.240394E-01)
+        self.assertEqual(hs2.aero_damp.Ko1, -1.69769)
+        self.assertEqual(hs2.aero_damp.Ko2, -15.02688)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/tests/test_windIO.py b/wetb/prepost/tests/test_windIO.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e6951ab7d2a908446cbb7ff3b4df2601a3136375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wetb/prepost/tests/test_windIO.py
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+Created on 05/11/2015
+@author: MMPE
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from future import standard_library
+import unittest
+import os
+import numpy as np
+from wetb.prepost.windIO import LoadResults
+class TestsLoadResults(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.respath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+                                    '../../hawc2/tests/test_files/hawc2io/')
+        self.fascii = 'Hawc2ascii'
+        self.fbin = 'Hawc2bin'
+    def loadresfile(self, resfile):
+        res = LoadResults(self.respath, resfile)
+        self.assertTrue(hasattr(res, 'sig'))
+        self.assertEqual(res.Freq, 40.0)
+        self.assertEqual(res.N, 800)
+        self.assertEqual(res.Nch, 28)
+        self.assertEqual(res.Time, 20.0)
+        self.assertEqual(res.sig.shape, (800, 28))
+        return res
+    def test_load_ascii(self):
+        res = self.loadresfile(self.fascii)
+        self.assertEqual(res.FileType, 'ASCII')
+    def test_load_binary(self):
+        res = self.loadresfile(self.fbin)
+        self.assertEqual(res.FileType, 'BINARY')
+    def test_compare_ascii_bin(self):
+        res_ascii = LoadResults(self.respath, self.fascii)
+        res_bin = LoadResults(self.respath, self.fbin)
+        for k in range(res_ascii.sig.shape[1]):
+            np.testing.assert_allclose(res_ascii.sig[:,k], res_bin.sig[:,k],
+                                       rtol=1e-02, atol=0.001)
+    def test_unified_chan_names(self):
+        res = LoadResults(self.respath, self.fascii, readdata=False)
+        self.assertFalse(hasattr(res, 'sig'))
+        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res.ch_df.index.values, np.arange(0,28))
+        self.assertEqual(res.ch_df.ch_name.values[0], 'Time')
+        self.assertEqual(res.ch_df.ch_name.values[27],
+                         'windspeed-global-Vy--2.50-1.00--52.50')
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/windIO.py b/wetb/prepost/windIO.py
index ebf6e7647f4102f64e38e9a7a588b0d19abb515c..5c38c195d772b9eb74eba2f86c53c504060572ae 100755
--- a/wetb/prepost/windIO.py
+++ b/wetb/prepost/windIO.py
@@ -27,14 +27,12 @@ __version__ = '0.5'
 import os
 import copy
-import unittest
 import struct
 import math
 from time import time
 import codecs
 import scipy
-import scipy.io as sio
 import scipy.integrate as integrate
 import array
 import numpy as np
@@ -130,9 +128,8 @@ class LoadResults(object):
         # remove .log, .dat, .sel extensions who might be accedental left
         if file_name[-4:] in ['.htc','.sel','.dat','.log']:
             file_name = file_name[:-4]
-        # FIXME: since HAWC2 will always have lower case output files, convert
-        # any wrongly used upper case letters to lower case here
-        self.file_name = file_name.lower()
+        self.file_name = file_name
         # create for any supported channel the
         # continue if the file has been succesfully read
@@ -824,6 +821,8 @@ class LoadResults(object):
                 channelinfo['pos'] = (x, y, z)
                 channelinfo['units'] = units
                 channelinfo['chi'] = ch
+                channelinfo['sensortype'] = 'windspeed'
+                channelinfo['component'] = direction[1:]
             # WIND SPEED AT BLADE
             # 0: WSP Vx, glco, R= 61.5
@@ -1013,19 +1012,34 @@ class LoadResults(object):
     # TODO: general signal method, this is not HAWC2 specific, move out
     def calc_fatigue(self, signal, no_bins=46, m=[3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12], neq=1):
-        signal is 1D
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        signal: 1D array
+            One dimentional array containing the signal.
+        no_bins: int
+            Number of bins for the binning of the amplitudes.
+        m: list
+            Values of the slope of the SN curve.
+        neq: int
+            Number of equivalent cycles
+        Returns
+        -------
+        eq: list
+            Damage equivalent loads for each m value.
             sig_rf = rainflow_astm(signal)
-        except:
+        except (TypeError) as e:
+            print(e)
             return []
         if len(sig_rf) < 1 and not sig_rf:
             return []
         hist_data, x, bin_avg =  rfc_hist(sig_rf, no_bins)
         m = np.atleast_1d(m)
         eq = []
@@ -1855,154 +1869,6 @@ class Bladed(object):
         return df
-class Tests(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        pass
-    def print_test_info(self):
-        pass
-    def test_reshaped(self):
-        """
-        Make sure we correctly reshape the array instead of the manual
-        index reassignments
-        """
-        fpath = 'data/turb_s100_3.00w.bin'
-        fid = open(fpath, 'rb')
-        turb = np.fromfile(fid, 'float32', 32*32*8192)
-        turb.shape
-        fid.close()
-        u = np.zeros((8192,32,32))
-        for i in range(8192):
-            for j in range(32):
-                for k in range(32):
-                    u[i,j,k] = turb[ i*1024 + j*32 + k]
-        u2 = np.reshape(turb, (8192, 32, 32))
-        self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(np.equal(u, u2)))
-    def test_headers(self):
-        fpath = 'data/'
-        basename = 'turb_s100_3.00_refoctave_header'
-        fid = open(fpath + basename + '.wnd', 'rb')
-        R1 = struct.unpack("h",fid.read(2))[0]
-        R2 = struct.unpack("h",fid.read(2))[0]
-        turb = struct.unpack("i",fid.read(4))[0]
-        lat = struct.unpack("f",fid.read(4))[0]
-        # last line
-        fid.seek(100)
-        LongVertComp = struct.unpack("f",fid.read(4))[0]
-        fid.close()
-        basename = 'turb_s100_3.00_python_header'
-        fid = open(fpath + basename + '.wnd', 'rb')
-        R1_p = struct.unpack("h",fid.read(2))[0]
-        R2_p = struct.unpack("h",fid.read(2))[0]
-        turb_p = struct.unpack("i",fid.read(4))[0]
-        lat_p = struct.unpack("f",fid.read(4))[0]
-        # last line
-        fid.seek(100)
-        LongVertComp_p = struct.unpack("f",fid.read(4))[0]
-        fid.close()
-        self.assertEqual(R1, R1_p)
-        self.assertEqual(R2, R2_p)
-        self.assertEqual(turb, turb_p)
-        self.assertEqual(lat, lat_p)
-        self.assertEqual(LongVertComp, LongVertComp_p)
-    def test_write_bladed(self):
-        fpath = 'data/'
-        turb = Turbulence()
-        # write with Python
-        basename = 'turb_s100_3.00'
-        turb.write_bladed(fpath, basename, shape=(8192,32,32))
-        python = turb.read_bladed(fpath, basename)
-        # load octave
-        basename = 'turb_s100_3.00_refoctave'
-        octave = turb.read_bladed(fpath, basename)
-        # float versions of octave
-        basename = 'turb_s100_3.00_refoctave_float'
-        fid = open(fpath + basename + '.wnd', 'rb')
-        octave32 = np.fromfile(fid, 'float32', 8192*32*32*3)
-        # find the differences
-        nr_diff = (python-octave).__ne__(0).sum()
-        print(nr_diff)
-        print(nr_diff/len(python))
-        self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(python == octave))
-    def test_turbdata(self):
-        shape = (8192,32,32)
-        fpath = 'data/'
-        basename = 'turb_s100_3.00_refoctave'
-        fid = open(fpath + basename + '.wnd', 'rb')
-        # check the last element of the header
-        fid.seek(100)
-        print(struct.unpack("f",fid.read(4))[0])
-        # save in a list using struct
-        items = (os.path.getsize(fpath + basename + '.wnd')-104)/2
-        data_list = [struct.unpack("h",fid.read(2))[0] for k in range(items)]
-        fid.seek(104)
-        data_16 = np.fromfile(fid, 'int16', shape[0]*shape[1]*shape[2]*3)
-        fid.seek(104)
-        data_8 = np.fromfile(fid, 'int8', shape[0]*shape[1]*shape[2]*3)
-        self.assertTrue(np.alltrue( data_16 == data_list ))
-        self.assertFalse(np.alltrue( data_8 == data_list ))
-    def test_compare_octave(self):
-        """
-        Compare the results from the original script run via octave
-        """
-        turb = Turbulence()
-        iu, iv, iw = turb.convert2bladed('data/', 'turb_s100_3.00',
-                                         shape=(8192,32,32))
-        res = sio.loadmat('data/workspace.mat')
-        # increase tolerances, values have a range up to 5000-10000
-        # and these values will be written to an int16 format for BLADED!
-        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(res['iu'], iu, rtol=1e-03, atol=1e-2))
-        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(res['iv'], iv, rtol=1e-03, atol=1e-2))
-        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(res['iw'], iw, rtol=1e-03, atol=1e-2))
-    def test_allindices(self):
-        """
-        Verify that all indices are called
-        """
-        fpath = 'data/turb_s100_3.00w.bin'
-        fid = open(fpath, 'rb')
-        turb = np.fromfile(fid, 'float32', 32*32*8192)
-        turb.shape
-        fid.close()
-        check = []
-        for i in range(8192):
-            for j in range(32):
-                for k in range(32):
-                    check.append(i*1024 + j*32 + k)
-        qq = np.array(check)
-        qdiff = np.diff(qq)
-        self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(np.equal(qdiff, np.ones(qdiff.shape))))
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
+    pass