From 52412c990ceaf940d6be40f66c9452da6a713483 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christian Pavese <>
Date: Tue, 3 May 2016 09:48:15 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Adding function to compute envelope of envelopes

 wetb/prepost/ | 253 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 216 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

diff --git a/wetb/prepost/ b/wetb/prepost/
index 75610151..894fb7d1 100755
--- a/wetb/prepost/
+++ b/wetb/prepost/
@@ -3294,6 +3294,181 @@ class WeibullParameters(object):
         self.Vstep = 2.
         self.shape_k = 2.
+def compute_env_of_env(envelope, dlc_list, Nx=300, Nsectors=12,Ntheta=181):
+    """
+    The function computes load envelopes for given channels and a groups of 
+    load cases starting from the envelopes computed for single simulations.
+    The output is the envelope of the envelopes of the single simulations.
+    This total envelope is projected on defined polar directions.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    envelope : dict, dictionaries of interpolated envelopes of a given 
+                    channel (it's important that each entry of the dictonary
+                    contains a matrix of the same dimensions). The dictonary
+                    is organized by load case
+    dlc_list : list, list of load cases
+    Nx : int, default=300
+        Number of points for the envelope interpolation
+    Nsectors: int, default=12
+        Number of sectors in which the total envelope will be divided. The
+        default is every 30deg
+    Ntheta; int, default=181
+        Number of angles in which the envelope is interpolated in polar
+        coordinates.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    envelope : array (Nsectors x 6), 
+        Total envelope projected on the number of angles defined in Nsectors.
+        The envelope is projected in Mx and My and the other cross-sectional
+        moments are fetched accordingly
+    """
+    # Group all the single DLCs
+    cloud = np.zeros(((Nx+1)*len(envelope),6))   
+    for i in range(len(envelope)):
+        cloud[(Nx+1)*i:(Nx+1)*(i+1),:] = envelope[dlc_list[i]]
+    # Compute tital Hull of all the envelopes
+    hull = scipy.spatial.ConvexHull(cloud[:,:2])
+    cc = np.append(cloud[hull.vertices,:2],\
+                            cloud[hull.vertices[0],:2].reshape(1,2),axis=0)
+    # Interpolate full envelope
+    cc_x,cc_up,cc_low,cc_int= int_envelope(cc[:,0],cc[:,1],Nx=Nx)
+    # Porject full envelope on given direction
+    cc_proj = proj_envelope(cc_x,cc_up,cc_low,cc_int,Nx,Nsectors,Ntheta)
+    env_proj = np.zeros([len(cc_proj),6])
+    env_proj[:,:2] = cc_proj
+    # Based on Mx and My, gather the remaining cross-sectional forces and
+    # moments
+    for ich in range(2, 6):
+        s0 = np.array(cloud[hull.vertices, ich]).reshape(-1, 1)
+        s1 = np.array(cloud[hull.vertices[0], ich]).reshape(-1, 1)
+        s0 = np.append(s0, s1, axis=0)
+        cc = np.append(cc, s0, axis=1)
+        _,_,_,extra_sensor = int_envelope(cc[:,0],cc[:,ich],Nx)
+        es = np.atleast_2d(np.array(extra_sensor[:,1])).T                                        
+        cc_int = np.append(cc_int,es,axis=1)
+        for isec in range(Nsectors):
+            ids = (np.abs(cc_int[:,0]-cc_proj[isec,0])).argmin()
+            env_proj[isec,ich] = (cc_int[ids-1,ich]+cc_int[ids,ich]+\
+                                                    cc_int[ids+1,ich])/3
+    return env_proj
+def int_envelope(ch1,ch2,Nx):
+    # Function to interpolate envelopes and output arrays of same length
+    # Number of points is defined by Nx + 1, where the + 1 is needed to
+    # close the curve
+    upper = []
+    lower = []
+    indmax = np.argmax(ch1)
+    indmin = np.argmin(ch1)
+    if indmax > indmin:
+        lower = np.array([ch1[indmin:indmax+1],ch2[indmin:indmax+1]]).T
+        upper = np.concatenate((np.array([ch1[indmax:],ch2[indmax:]]).T,\
+                        np.array([ch1[:indmin+1],ch2[:indmin+1]]).T),axis=0)
+    else:
+        upper = np.array([ch1[indmax:indmin+1],ch2[indmax:indmin+1]]).T
+        lower = np.concatenate((np.array([ch1[indmin:],ch2[indmin:]]).T,\
+                        np.array([ch1[:indmax+1],ch2[:indmax+1]]).T),axis=0)
+    int_1 = np.linspace(min(min(upper[:,0]),min(lower[:,0])),\
+                        max(max(upper[:,0]),max(upper[:,0])),Nx/2+1)
+    upper = np.flipud(upper)
+    int_2_up = np.interp(int_1,np.array(upper[:,0]),np.array(upper[:,1]))
+    int_2_low = np.interp(int_1,np.array(lower[:,0]),np.array(lower[:,1]))
+    int_env = np.concatenate((np.array([int_1[:-1],int_2_up[:-1]]).T,\
+                          np.array([int_1[::-1],int_2_low[::-1]]).T),axis=0)
+    return int_1, int_2_up, int_2_low, int_env
+def proj_envelope(env_x,env_up,env_low,env,Nx,Nsectors,Ntheta):
+    # Function to project envelope on given angles
+    # Angles of projection is defined by Nsectors
+    # Porjections are obtained in polar coordinates and outputted in
+    # cartesian
+    theta_int = np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,Ntheta)
+    sectors = np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,Nsectors+1)
+    proj = np.zeros([Nsectors,2])
+    R_up = np.sqrt(env_x**2+env_up**2)
+    theta_up = np.arctan2(env_up,env_x)
+    R_low = np.sqrt(env_x**2+env_low**2)
+    theta_low = np.arctan2(env_low,env_x)
+    R = np.concatenate((R_up,R_low))
+    theta = np.concatenate((theta_up,theta_low))
+    R = R[np.argsort(theta)]
+    theta = np.sort(theta)
+    R_int = np.interp(theta_int,theta,R,period=2*np.pi)
+    for i in range(Nsectors):
+        if sectors[i]>=-np.pi and sectors[i+1]<-np.pi/2:
+            indices = np.where(np.logical_and(theta_int >= sectors[i],\
+                                                theta_int <= sectors[i+1]))
+            maxR = max(R_int[indices])
+            proj[i+1,0] = maxR*np.cos(sectors[i+1])
+            proj[i+1,1] = maxR*np.sin(sectors[i+1])
+        elif sectors[i]==-np.pi/2:
+            continue
+        elif sectors[i]>-np.pi/2 and sectors[i+1]<=0:
+            indices = np.where(np.logical_and(theta_int >= sectors[i],\
+                                                theta_int <= sectors[i+1]))
+            maxR = max(R_int[indices])
+            proj[i,0] = maxR*np.cos(sectors[i])
+            proj[i,1] = maxR*np.sin(sectors[i])
+        elif sectors[i]>=0 and sectors[i+1]<np.pi/2:
+            indices = np.where(np.logical_and(theta_int >= sectors[i],\
+                                                theta_int <= sectors[i+1]))
+            maxR = max(R_int[indices])
+            proj[i+1,0] = maxR*np.cos(sectors[i+1])
+            proj[i+1,1] = maxR*np.sin(sectors[i+1])
+        elif sectors[i]==np.pi/2:
+            continue
+        elif sectors[i]>np.pi/2 and sectors[i+1]<=np.pi:
+            indices = np.where(np.logical_and(theta_int >= sectors[i],\
+                                                theta_int <= sectors[i+1]))
+            maxR = max(R_int[indices])
+            proj[i,0] = maxR*np.cos(sectors[i])
+            proj[i,1] = maxR*np.sin(sectors[i])
+    ind = np.where(sectors==0)        
+    proj[ind,0] = max(env[:,0])
+    ind = np.where(sectors==np.pi/2)        
+    proj[ind,1] = max(env[:,1])
+    ind = np.where(sectors==-np.pi)        
+    proj[ind,0] = min(env[:,0])
+    ind = np.where(sectors==-np.pi/2)        
+    proj[ind,1] = min(env[:,1])
+    proj[-1,:] = proj[0,:]
+    return proj
 # FIXME: Cases has a memory leek somewhere, this whole thing needs to be
 # reconsidered and rely on a DataFrame instead of a dict!
@@ -4891,6 +5066,34 @@ class Cases(object):
         return result
     def compute_envelope(self, sig, ch_list, int_env=False, Nx=300):
+        """
+        The function computes load envelopes for given signals and a single 
+        load case. Starting from Mx and My moments, the other cross-sectional 
+        forces are identified.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        sig : list, time-series signal
+        ch_list : list, list of channels for enevelope computation
+        int_env : boolean, default=False
+            If the logic parameter is True, the function will interpolate the 
+            envelope on a given number of points
+        Nx : int, default=300
+            Number of points for the envelope interpolation        
+        Returns
+        -------
+        envelope : dictionary, 
+            The dictionary has entries refered to the channels selected.
+            Inside the dictonary under each entry there is a matrix with 6 
+            columns, each for the sectional forces and moments
+        """
         envelope= {}
         for ch in ch_list:
@@ -4898,16 +5101,23 @@ class Cases(object):
             chi1 = self.res.ch_dict[ch[1]]['chi']
             s0 = np.array(sig[:, chi0]).reshape(-1, 1)
             s1 = np.array(sig[:, chi1]).reshape(-1, 1)
+            # Compute a Convex Hull, the vertices number varies according to
+            # the shape of the poligon
             cloud =  np.append(s0, s1, axis=1)
             hull = scipy.spatial.ConvexHull(cloud)
             closed_contour = np.append(cloud[hull.vertices,:],
+            # Interpolate envelope for a given number of points
             if int_env:
-                closed_contour_int = self.int_envelope(closed_contour[:,0],\
-                                                    closed_contour[:,1],Nx=Nx)                
+                _,_,_,closed_contour_int = int_envelope(closed_contour[:,0],
+                                                        closed_contour[:,1],Nx)                
+            # Based on Mx and My envelope, the other cross-sectional moments
+            # and forces components are identified and appended to the initial
+            # envelope
             for ich in range(2, len(ch)):
                 chix = self.res.ch_dict[ch[ich]]['chi']
                 s0 = np.array(sig[hull.vertices, chix]).reshape(-1, 1)
@@ -4915,8 +5125,8 @@ class Cases(object):
                 s0 = np.append(s0, s1, axis=0)
                 closed_contour = np.append(closed_contour, s0, axis=1)
                 if int_env:
-                    extra_sensor = self.int_envelope(closed_contour[:,0],\
-                                                    closed_contour[:,ich],Nx=Nx)
+                    _,_,_,extra_sensor = int_envelope(closed_contour[:,0],
+                                                       closed_contour[:,ich],Nx)
                     es = np.atleast_2d(np.array(extra_sensor[:,1])).T                                        
                     closed_contour_int = np.append(closed_contour_int,es,axis=1)
@@ -4924,40 +5134,9 @@ class Cases(object):
                 envelope[ch[0]] = closed_contour_int
                 envelope[ch[0]] = closed_contour
         return envelope
-    def int_envelope(ch1,ch2,Nx):
-        # Function to interpolate envelopes and output arrays of same length
-        # Number of points is defined by Nx + 1, where the + 1 is needed to
-        # close the curve
-        upper = []
-        lower = []
-        indmax = np.argmax(ch1)
-        indmin = np.argmin(ch1)
-        if indmax > indmin:
-            lower = np.array([ch1[indmin:indmax+1],ch2[indmin:indmax+1]]).T
-            upper = np.concatenate((np.array([ch1[indmax:],ch2[indmax:]]).T,\
-                            np.array([ch1[:indmin+1],ch2[:indmin+1]]).T),axis=0)
-        else:
-            upper = np.array([ch1[indmax:indmin+1],ch2[indmax:indmin+1]]).T
-            lower = np.concatenate((np.array([ch1[indmin:],ch2[indmin:]]).T,\
-                                np.array([ch1[:indmax+1],ch2[:indmax+1]]).T),axis=0)
-        int_1 = np.linspace(min(min(upper[:,0]),min(lower[:,0])),\
-                            max(max(upper[:,0]),max(upper[:,0])),Nx/2+1)
-        upper = np.flipud(upper)
-        int_2_up = np.interp(int_1,np.array(upper[:,0]),np.array(upper[:,1]))
-        int_2_low = np.interp(int_1,np.array(lower[:,0]),np.array(lower[:,1]))
-        int_env = np.concatenate((np.array([int_1[:-1],int_2_up[:-1]]).T,\
-                                np.array([int_1[::-1],int_2_low[::-1]]).T),axis=0)
-        return int_env
     def envelope(self, silent=False, ch_list=[], append=''):
         Calculate envelopes and save them in a table.