diff --git a/wetb/prepost/dlcdefs.py b/wetb/prepost/dlcdefs.py
index 6938cb5dc4c7d6638ddc4eba6d80b6bc511d1a71..fa821ffeec438135ab823c39d40111f4dbe072a0 100644
--- a/wetb/prepost/dlcdefs.py
+++ b/wetb/prepost/dlcdefs.py
@@ -483,9 +483,10 @@ def excel_stabcon(proot, fext='xlsx', pignore=None, pinclude=None, sheet=0,
                 tags_dict['[pi_gen_reg1.K]'] = hs2.pi_gen_reg1.K
                 tags_dict['[pi_gen_reg2.Kp]'] = hs2.pi_gen_reg2.Kp
                 tags_dict['[pi_gen_reg2.Ki]'] = hs2.pi_gen_reg2.Ki
-                tags_dict['[pi_gen_reg2.Kd]'] = 0.0
+                tags_dict['[pi_gen_reg2.Kd]'] = hs2.pi_gen_reg2.Kd
                 tags_dict['[pi_pitch_reg3.Kp]'] = hs2.pi_pitch_reg3.Kp
                 tags_dict['[pi_pitch_reg3.Ki]'] = hs2.pi_pitch_reg3.Ki
+                tags_dict['[pi_pitch_reg3.Kd]'] = hs2.pi_pitch_reg3.Kd
                 tags_dict['[pi_pitch_reg3.K1]'] = hs2.pi_pitch_reg3.K1
                 tags_dict['[pi_pitch_reg3.K2]'] = hs2.pi_pitch_reg3.K2
                 tags_dict['[aero_damp.Kp2]'] = hs2.aero_damp.Kp2
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/dlctemplate.py b/wetb/prepost/dlctemplate.py
index 1a12702e72efc1140452df42bf7c3e0de06e50f3..ee86a5dd9f3d0241ced94e9df46bdde8370bf0ee 100644
--- a/wetb/prepost/dlctemplate.py
+++ b/wetb/prepost/dlctemplate.py
@@ -19,15 +19,14 @@ import socket
 from argparse import ArgumentParser
 from sys import platform
-#import numpy as np
-#import pandas as pd
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
 #import matplotlib as mpl
 from wetb.prepost import Simulations as sim
-from wetb.prepost import dlcdefs
-from wetb.prepost import dlcplots
-from wetb.prepost.simchunks import create_chunks_htc_pbs
+from wetb.prepost import (dlcdefs, dlcplots, windIO)
+from wetb.prepost.simchunks import (create_chunks_htc_pbs, AppendDataFrames)
 from wetb.prepost.GenerateDLCs import GenerateDLCCases
 plt.rc('font', family='serif')
@@ -459,6 +458,68 @@ def post_launch(sim_id, statistics=True, rem_failed=True, check_logs=True,
     return df_stats, df_AEP, df_Leq
+def postpro_node_merge(tqdm=False):
+    """With postpro_node each individual case has a .csv file for the log file
+    analysis and a .csv file for the statistics tables. Merge all these single
+    files into one table/DataFrame.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    tqdm : boolean, default=False
+        Set to True for displaying a progress bar (provided by the tqdm module)
+        when merging all csv files into a single table/pd.DataFrame.
+    """
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    lf = windIO.LogFile()
+    path_pattern = os.path.join(P_RUN, 'logfiles', '*', '*.csv')
+    csv_fname = '%s_ErrorLogs.csv' % sim_id
+    fcsv = os.path.join(POST_DIR, csv_fname)
+    mdf = AppendDataFrames(tqdm=tqdm)
+    # individual log file analysis does not have header, make sure to include
+    # a line for the header
+    mdf.txt2txt(fcsv, path_pattern, tarmode='r:xz', header=None,
+                header_fjoined=lf._header(), recursive=True)
+    # convert from CSV to DataFrame
+    df = lf.csv2df(fcsv)
+    df.to_hdf(fcsv.replace('.csv', '.h5'), 'table')
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    path_pattern = os.path.join(P_RUN, 'res', '*', '*.csv')
+    csv_fname = '%s_statistics.csv' % sim_id
+    fcsv = os.path.join(POST_DIR, csv_fname)
+    mdf = AppendDataFrames(tqdm=tqdm)
+    # individual log file analysis does not have header, make sure to include
+    # a line for the header
+    mdf.txt2txt(fcsv, path_pattern, tarmode='r:xz', header=0, sep=',',
+                header_fjoined=None, recursive=True, fname_col='[case_id]')
+    # and convert to df: takes 2 minutes
+    fdf = fcsv.replace('.csv', '.h5')
+    store = pd.HDFStore(fdf, mode='w', format='table', complevel=9,
+                        complib='zlib')
+    colnames = ['channel', 'max', 'min', 'mean', 'std', 'range',
+                'absmax', 'rms', 'int', 'm=3', 'm=4', 'm=6', 'm=8', 'm=10',
+                'm=12', 'intabs', '[case_id]']
+    dtypes = {col:np.float64 for col in colnames}
+    dtypes['channel'] = str
+    dtypes['[case_id]'] = str
+    mdf.csv2df_chunks(store, fcsv, chunksize=300000, min_itemsize={}, sep=',',
+                      colnames=colnames, dtypes=dtypes, header=0)
+    store.close()
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # merge missing cols onto stats
+    required = ['[DLC]', '[run_dir]', '[wdir]', '[Windspeed]', '[res_dir]',
+                '[case_id]']
+    df = pd.read_hdf(fdf, 'table')
+    cc = sim.Cases(POST_DIR, sim_id)
+    df_tags = cc.cases2df()[required]
+    df_stats = pd.merge(df, df_tags, on=['[case_id]'])
+    df_stats.to_hdf(fdf, 'table')
+    df_stats.to_csv(fdf.replace('.h5', '.csv'))
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     parser = ArgumentParser(description = "pre- or post-processes DLC's")
@@ -516,6 +577,12 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
                         dest='postpro_node', help='Perform the log analysis '
                         'and stats calculation on the node right after the '
                         'simulation has finished.')
+    parser.add_argument('--postpro_node_merge', default=False,
+                        action='store_true', dest='postpro_node_merge',
+                        help='Merge all individual statistics and log file '
+                        'analysis .csv files into one table/pd.DataFrame. '
+                        'Requires that htc files have been created with '
+                        '--prep --postpro_node.')
     parser.add_argument('--gendlcs', default=False, action='store_true',
                         help='Generate DLC exchange files based on master DLC '
@@ -578,6 +645,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
                     save_new_sigs=opt.save_new_sigs, save_iter=False,
+    if opt.postpro_node_merge:
+        postpro_node_merge()
     if opt.dlcplot:
         plot_chans = {}
         plot_chans['$B1_{flap}$'] = ['setbeta-bladenr-1-flapnr-1']
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/hawcstab2.py b/wetb/prepost/hawcstab2.py
index ec1c7020e1ec19c6284df9b0e192472b769e6df5..9eaaf88a6108a6c13210557c345b7bbff1f793af 100644
--- a/wetb/prepost/hawcstab2.py
+++ b/wetb/prepost/hawcstab2.py
@@ -373,6 +373,10 @@ class ReadControlTuning(object):
         # set some parameters to zero for the linear case, or when aerodynamic
         # gain scheduling is not used
+        if not hasattr(self.pi_gen_reg2, 'Kd'):
+            setattr(self.pi_gen_reg2, 'Kd', 0.0)
+        if not hasattr(self.pi_pitch_reg3, 'Kd'):
+            setattr(self.pi_pitch_reg3, 'Kd', 0.0)
         if not hasattr(self.pi_pitch_reg3, 'K2'):
             setattr(self.pi_pitch_reg3, 'K2', 0.0)
         if not hasattr(self.aero_damp, 'Kp2'):
@@ -394,10 +398,11 @@ class ReadControlTuning(object):
         tune_tags['[pi_gen_reg2.I]'] = self.pi_gen_reg2.I
         tune_tags['[pi_gen_reg2.Kp]'] = self.pi_gen_reg2.Kp
         tune_tags['[pi_gen_reg2.Ki]'] = self.pi_gen_reg2.Ki
-        tune_tags['[pi_gen_reg2.Kd]'] = 0.0
+        tune_tags['[pi_gen_reg2.Kd]'] = self.pi_gen_reg2.Kd
         tune_tags['[pi_pitch_reg3.Kp]'] = self.pi_pitch_reg3.Kp
         tune_tags['[pi_pitch_reg3.Ki]'] = self.pi_pitch_reg3.Ki
+        tune_tags['[pi_pitch_reg3.Kd]'] = self.pi_pitch_reg3.Kd
         tune_tags['[pi_pitch_reg3.K1]'] = self.pi_pitch_reg3.K1
         tune_tags['[pi_pitch_reg3.K2]'] = self.pi_pitch_reg3.K2
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/mplutils.py b/wetb/prepost/mplutils.py
index 08dcf1f990065ac67c932b4d1fc1de792c1ef374..96f7ae63608ae9a99370739855ca3e31bda3fb37 100644
--- a/wetb/prepost/mplutils.py
+++ b/wetb/prepost/mplutils.py
@@ -278,6 +278,38 @@ def match_yticks(ax1, ax2, nr_ticks_forced=None, extend=False):
     return ax1, ax2
+def psd(ax, time, sig, nfft=None, res_param=250, f0=0, f1=None, nr_peaks=10,
+        min_h=15, mark_peaks=False, col='r-', label=None, alpha=1.0,
+        ypos_peaks=0.9, ypos_peaks_delta=0.12):
+    """Only plot the psd on a given axis and optionally mark the peaks.
+    """
+    sps = int(round(1.0/np.diff(time).mean(), 0))
+    if f1 is None:
+        f1 = sps/2.0
+    if nfft is None:
+        nfft = int(round(res_param * sps / (f1-f0), 0))
+    if nfft > len(sig):
+        nfft = len(sig)
+    # calculate the PSD
+    Pxx, freqs = mpl.mlab.psd(sig, NFFT=nfft, Fs=sps)
+    i0 = np.abs(freqs - f0).argmin()
+    i1 = np.abs(freqs - f1).argmin()
+    # plotting psd, marking peaks
+    ax.plot(freqs[i0:i1], Pxx[i0:i1], col, label=label, alpha=alpha)
+    if mark_peaks:
+        ax = peaks(ax, freqs[i0:i1], Pxx[i0:i1], fn_max=f1,
+                   nr_peaks=nr_peaks, col_line=col[:1],
+                   ypos_delta=ypos_peaks_delta, bbox_alpha=0.5,
+                   ypos_mean=ypos_peaks, min_h=min_h, col_text='w')
+    return ax
 def time_psd(results, labels, axes, alphas=[1.0, 0.7], colors=['k-', 'r-'],
              NFFT=None, res_param=250, f0=0, f1=None, nr_peaks=10, min_h=15,
              mark_peaks=False, xlabels=['frequency [Hz]', 'time [s]'],
@@ -317,32 +349,15 @@ def time_psd(results, labels, axes, alphas=[1.0, 0.7], colors=['k-', 'r-'],
         label = labels[i]
         col = colors[i]
         alpha = alphas[i]
-        sps = int(round(1.0/np.diff(time).mean(), 0))
-        if f1 is None:
-            f1 = sps/2.0
-        if NFFT is None:
-            nfft = int(round(res_param * sps / (f1-f0), 0))
-        elif isinstance(NFFT, list):
+        if isinstance(NFFT, list):
             nfft = NFFT[i]
             nfft = NFFT
-        if nfft > len(data):
-            nfft = len(data)
-        # calculate the PSD
-        Pxx, freqs = mpl.mlab.psd(data, NFFT=nfft, Fs=sps)
-        i0 = np.abs(freqs - f0).argmin()
-        i1 = np.abs(freqs - f1).argmin()
-        # plotting psd, marking peaks
-        axes[0].plot(freqs[i0:i1], Pxx[i0:i1], col, label=label, alpha=alpha)
-        if mark_peaks:
-            axes[0] = peaks(axes[0], freqs[i0:i1], Pxx[i0:i1], fn_max=f1,
-                            nr_peaks=nr_peaks, col_line=col[:1],
-                            ypos_delta=ypos_peaks_delta, bbox_alpha=0.5,
-                            ypos_mean=ypos_peaks[i], min_h=min_h, col_text='w')
+        axes[0] = psd(axes[0], time, data, nfft=nfft, res_param=res_param,
+                      f0=f0, f1=f1, nr_peaks=nr_peaks, min_h=min_h,
+                      mark_peaks=mark_peaks, col=col, label=label, alpha=alpha,
+                      ypos_peaks=ypos_peaks, ypos_peaks_delta=ypos_peaks_delta)
         # plotting time series
         axes[1].plot(time, data, col, label=label, alpha=alpha)
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/simchunks.py b/wetb/prepost/simchunks.py
index 0fc2f8eff7501e3ccc26cb14de71518a6c2df8f1..3207c50e2b623f62f1ad4f8c4ce4d9dbb9bda462 100644
--- a/wetb/prepost/simchunks.py
+++ b/wetb/prepost/simchunks.py
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ import zipfile
 import copy
 import tarfile
 import glob
+import shutil
+import tempfile
 import numpy as np
 import pandas as pd
@@ -548,7 +550,6 @@ def merge_from_tarfiles(df_fname, path, pattern, tarmode='r:xz', tqdm=False,
                 return df, storecols
-    return None, None
 # TODO: make this class more general so you can also just give a list of files
@@ -566,10 +567,27 @@ class AppendDataFrames(object):
                 return itereable
         self.tqdm = tqdm
+    def _open(self, fname, tarmode='r:xz'):
+        """Open text file directly or from a tar archive. Return iterable
+        since a tar archive might contain several csv text files
+        """
+        if fname.find('.tar') > -1:
+            with tarfile.open(fname, mode=tarmode) as tar:
+                for tarinfo in tar.getmembers():
+                    linesb = tar.extractfile(tarinfo).readlines()
+                    # convert from bytes to strings
+                    lines = [line.decode() for line in linesb]
+                    yield lines, tarinfo.name
+        else:
+            with open(fname, 'r') as f:
+                lines = f.readlines()
+            yield lines, os.path.basename(fname)
     def df2store(self, store, path, tarmode='r:xz', min_itemsize={},
                  colnames=None, header='infer', columns=None, sep=';',
                  index2col=None, ignore_index=True, fname_col=False):
-        """
+        """This is very slow, use txt2txt instead.
         # TODO: it seems that with threading you could parallelize this kind
@@ -614,40 +632,69 @@ class AppendDataFrames(object):
     # FIXME: when merging log file analysis (files with header), we are still
     # skipping over one case
     def txt2txt(self, fjoined, path, tarmode='r:xz', header=None, sep=';',
-                fname_col=False):
+                fname_col=False, header_fjoined=None, recursive=False):
         """Read as strings, write to another file as strings.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        fjoined
+        path
+        tarmode
+        header : int, default=None
+            Indicate if data files contain a header and on which line it is
+            located. Set to None if data files do not contain header, and in
+            that case the joined file will not contain a header either. All
+            lines above the header are ignored.
+        sep
+        fname_col
+        header_fjoined : str, default=None
+            If the data files do not contain a header write out header_fjoined
+            as the header of the joined file.
+        recursive
-        if header is not None:
+        if isinstance(header, int):
             write_header = True
             icut = header + 1
             # when header is None, there is no header
             icut = 0
             write_header = False
-        with open(fjoined, 'w') as f:
-            for fname in self.tqdm(glob.glob(path)):
-                with tarfile.open(fname, mode=tarmode) as tar:
-                    for tarinfo in tar.getmembers():
-                        linesb = tar.extractfile(tarinfo).readlines()
-                        # convert from bytes to strings
-                        lines = [line.decode() for line in linesb]
-                        # only include the header at the first round
-                        if write_header:
-                            line = lines[header]
-                            # add extra column with the file name if applicable
-                            if fname_col:
-                                rpl = sep + fname_col + '\n'
-                                line = line.replace('\n', rpl)
-                            f.write(line)
-                            write_header = False
-                        # but cut out the header on all other occurances
-                        for line in lines[icut:]:
-                            if fname_col:
-                                case_id = os.path.basename(tarinfo.name)
-                                case_id = '.'.join(case_id.split('.')[:-1])
-                                line = line.replace('\n', sep + case_id + '\n')
-                            f.write(line)
-                f.flush()
+        if isinstance(header_fjoined, str):
+            write_header = True
+        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False) as ft:
+            ftname = ft.name
+            for fname in self.tqdm(glob.glob(path, recursive=recursive)):
+                for lines, case_id in self._open(fname, tarmode=tarmode):
+                    # only include the header at the first round
+                    if write_header:
+                        if header_fjoined is None:
+                            header_fjoined = lines[header]
+                        # add extra column with the file name if applicable
+                        if fname_col:
+                            rpl = sep + fname_col + '\n'
+                            header_fjoined = header_fjoined.replace('\n', rpl)
+                        ft.write(header_fjoined)
+                        write_header = False
+                    # but cut out the header on all other occurances
+                    case_id = '.'.join(case_id.split('.')[:-1])
+                    for line in lines[icut:]:
+                        if fname_col:
+                            line = line.replace('\n', sep + case_id + '\n')
+                        ft.write(line)
+                ft.flush()
+        # and move from temp dir to fjoined
+        shutil.move(ftname, fjoined)
     def csv2df_chunks(self, store, fcsv, chunksize=100000, min_itemsize={},
                       colnames=None, dtypes={}, header='infer', sep=';'):
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/windIO.py b/wetb/prepost/windIO.py
index c0ae4ba4b0a385ece0c452febc02838e70b91b79..2e4c71b7e4b3713eccfefd567f03f8900008bb9b 100755
--- a/wetb/prepost/windIO.py
+++ b/wetb/prepost/windIO.py
@@ -380,11 +380,11 @@ class LogFile(object):
             contents = contents + '\n'
         return contents
-    def csv2df(self, fname):
+    def csv2df(self, fname, header=0):
         """Read a csv log file analysis and convert to a pandas.DataFrame
         colnames, min_itemsize, dtypes = self.headers4df()
-        df = pd.read_csv(fname, header=0, names=colnames, sep=';', )
+        df = pd.read_csv(fname, header=header, names=colnames, sep=';', )
         for col, dtype in dtypes.items():
             df[col] = df[col].astype(dtype)
             # replace nan with empty for str columns