diff --git a/docs/generate-spreadsheet.md b/docs/generate-spreadsheet.md
index 51ca9d44c37ca7a5f2d50e14fc001d811603eef3..ff87c08675324d45a2836853a08e5b1746dd0fa3 100644
--- a/docs/generate-spreadsheet.md
+++ b/docs/generate-spreadsheet.md
@@ -43,5 +43,5 @@ To generate the files defining the different DLC the following lines need to be
     python /home/MET/repositories/toolbox/WindEnergyToolbox/wetb/prepost/GenerateDLCs.py --folder=DLCs 
 the first two lines activate the virtual environment. The third calls the routine *GenerateDLCs.py * that generates the files.
-The routine should be called from the folder *htc* where also the master preadsheet *DLCs.xlsx* need to be located.
+The routine should be called from the folder *htc* where also the master spreadsheet *DLCs.xlsx* need to be located.
 The generated files are placed in the folder *DLCs*.
diff --git a/docs/install-anaconda.md b/docs/install-anaconda.md
index db7b2bd7d12655f48e5eb4ccb9f1fe2b5371e4b5..4ba6915c47ce027619eb075d9cf8f10f9ac7bc8f 100644
--- a/docs/install-anaconda.md
+++ b/docs/install-anaconda.md
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ conda update --all
 conda create -n wetb_py3 python=3.5
 source activate wetb_py3
 conda install setuptools_scm future h5py pytables pytest nose sphinx
-conda install scipy pandas matplotlib cython xlrd coverage xlwt
+conda install scipy pandas matplotlib cython xlrd coverage xlwt openpyxl
 pip install pyscaffold pytest-cov
diff --git a/docs/install-manual-detailed.md b/docs/install-manual-detailed.md
index aa2216a782555a026b521dc1e46eb6f0a60f6d8b..81acbbbf1f66f1df6eca725f17ec283dc09f15e6 100644
--- a/docs/install-manual-detailed.md
+++ b/docs/install-manual-detailed.md
@@ -165,15 +165,15 @@ activate py27
 * Install the necessary Python dependencies using the conda package manager:
-conda install setuptools_scm future h5py pytables pytest pytest-cov nose sphinx
-conda install scipy pandas matplotlib cython xlrd sphinx
+conda install setuptools_scm future h5py pytables pytest nose sphinx
+conda install scipy pandas matplotlib cython xlrd coverage xlwt openpyxl
 * Not all packages are available in the conda repositories, but they can be
 easily installed with pip:
-pip install pyscaffold pytest
+pip install pyscaffold pytest-cov
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/Simulations.py b/wetb/prepost/Simulations.py
index fa55cdccdbcab0915d37d27ba0fb7f414d63e4f2..4c5d7bd2c6da30fd153caa1714763a2603d3b88a 100755
--- a/wetb/prepost/Simulations.py
+++ b/wetb/prepost/Simulations.py
@@ -1043,10 +1043,11 @@ def launch(cases, runmethod='local', verbose=False, copyback_turb=True,
     elif runmethod == 'none':
-        msg = 'unsupported runmethod, valid options: local, thyra, gorm or opt'
+        msg = 'unsupported runmethod, valid options: local, local-script, ' \
+              'linux-script, windows-script, local-ram, none'
         raise ValueError(msg)
-def post_launch(cases, save_iter=False):
+def post_launch(cases, save_iter=False, silent=False):
     Do some basics checks: do all launched cases have a result and LOG file
     and are there any errors in the LOG files?
@@ -1101,8 +1102,9 @@ def post_launch(cases, save_iter=False):
     nr_tot = len(cases)
     tmp = list(cases.keys())[0]
-    print('checking logs, path (from a random item in cases):')
-    print(os.path.join(run_dir, log_dir))
+    if not silent:
+        print('checking logs, path (from a random item in cases):')
+        print(os.path.join(run_dir, log_dir))
     for k in sorted(cases.keys()):
         # a case could not have a result, but a log file might still exist
@@ -1117,12 +1119,15 @@ def post_launch(cases, save_iter=False):
         errorlogs.PathToLogs = os.path.join(run_dir, log_dir, kk)
-            print('checking logfile progress: ' + str(nr) + '/' + str(nr_tot))
+            if not silent:
+                print('checking logfile progress: % 6i/% 6i' % (nr, nr_tot))
         except IOError:
-            print('           no logfile for:  %s' % (errorlogs.PathToLogs))
+            if not silent:
+                print('           no logfile for:  %s' % (errorlogs.PathToLogs))
         except Exception as e:
-            print('  log analysis failed for: %s' % kk)
-            print(e)
+            if not silent:
+                print('  log analysis failed for: %s' % kk)
+                print(e)
         nr += 1
         # if simulation did not ended correctly, put it on the fail list
@@ -1161,18 +1166,27 @@ def post_launch(cases, save_iter=False):
     return cases_fail
-def copy_pbs_in_failedcases(cases_fail, pbs_fail='pbs_in_fail'):
+def copy_pbs_in_failedcases(cases_fail, pbs_fail='pbs_in_fail', silent=True):
     Copy all the pbs_in files from failed cases to a new directory so it
     is easy to re-launch them
+    if not silent:
+        print('Following failed cases pbs_in files are copied:')
     for cname in cases_fail.keys():
         case = cases_fail[cname]
         pbs_in_fname = '%s.p' % (case['[case_id]'])
-        pbs_in_dir = case['[pbs_in_dir]'].replace('pbs_in', pbs_fail)
         run_dir = case['[run_dir]']
-        fname = os.path.join(run_dir, pbs_in_dir, pbs_in_fname)
+        src = os.path.join(run_dir, case['[pbs_in_dir]'], pbs_in_fname)
+        pbs_in_dir_fail = case['[pbs_in_dir]'].replace('pbs_in', pbs_fail)
+        dst = os.path.join(run_dir, pbs_in_dir_fail, pbs_in_fname)
+        if not silent:
+            print(dst)
+        shutil.copy2(src, dst)
 def logcheck_case(errorlogs, cases, case, silent=False):
@@ -3302,6 +3316,182 @@ class WeibullParameters(object):
         self.Vstep = 2.
         self.shape_k = 2.
+def compute_env_of_env(envelope, dlc_list, Nx=300, Nsectors=12, Ntheta=181):
+    """
+    The function computes load envelopes for given channels and a groups of 
+    load cases starting from the envelopes computed for single simulations.
+    The output is the envelope of the envelopes of the single simulations.
+    This total envelope is projected on defined polar directions.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    envelope : dict, dictionaries of interpolated envelopes of a given 
+                    channel (it's important that each entry of the dictonary
+                    contains a matrix of the same dimensions). The dictonary
+                    is organized by load case
+    dlc_list : list, list of load cases
+    Nx : int, default=300
+        Number of points for the envelope interpolation
+    Nsectors: int, default=12
+        Number of sectors in which the total envelope will be divided. The
+        default is every 30deg
+    Ntheta; int, default=181
+        Number of angles in which the envelope is interpolated in polar
+        coordinates.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    envelope : array (Nsectors x 6), 
+        Total envelope projected on the number of angles defined in Nsectors.
+        The envelope is projected in Mx and My and the other cross-sectional
+        moments and forces are fetched accordingly (at the same time step where
+        the corresponding Mx and My are occuring)
+    """
+    # Group all the single DLCs
+    cloud = np.zeros(((Nx+1)*len(envelope),6))   
+    for i in range(len(envelope)):
+        cloud[(Nx+1)*i:(Nx+1)*(i+1),:] = envelope[dlc_list[i]]
+    # Compute total Hull of all the envelopes
+    hull = scipy.spatial.ConvexHull(cloud[:,:2])
+    cc = np.append(cloud[hull.vertices,:2],
+                   cloud[hull.vertices[0],:2].reshape(1,2),axis=0)
+    # Interpolate full envelope
+    cc_x,cc_up,cc_low,cc_int= int_envelope(cc[:,0], cc[:,1], Nx=Nx)
+    # Project full envelope on given direction
+    cc_proj = proj_envelope(cc_x, cc_up, cc_low, cc_int, Nx, Nsectors, Ntheta)
+    env_proj = np.zeros([len(cc_proj),6])
+    env_proj[:,:2] = cc_proj
+    # Based on Mx and My, gather the remaining cross-sectional forces and
+    # moments
+    for ich in range(2, 6):
+        s0 = np.array(cloud[hull.vertices, ich]).reshape(-1, 1)
+        s1 = np.array(cloud[hull.vertices[0], ich]).reshape(-1, 1)
+        s0 = np.append(s0, s1, axis=0)
+        cc = np.append(cc, s0, axis=1)
+        _,_,_,extra_sensor = int_envelope(cc[:,0],cc[:,ich],Nx)
+        es = np.atleast_2d(np.array(extra_sensor[:,1])).T                                        
+        cc_int = np.append(cc_int,es,axis=1)
+        for isec in range(Nsectors):
+            ids = (np.abs(cc_int[:,0]-cc_proj[isec,0])).argmin()
+            env_proj[isec,ich] = (cc_int[ids-1,ich]+cc_int[ids,ich]+\
+                                                    cc_int[ids+1,ich])/3
+    return env_proj
+def int_envelope(ch1,ch2,Nx):
+    # Function to interpolate envelopes and output arrays of same length
+    # Number of points is defined by Nx + 1, where the + 1 is needed to
+    # close the curve
+    upper = []
+    lower = []
+    indmax = np.argmax(ch1)
+    indmin = np.argmin(ch1)
+    if indmax > indmin:
+        lower = np.array([ch1[indmin:indmax+1],ch2[indmin:indmax+1]]).T
+        upper = np.concatenate((np.array([ch1[indmax:],ch2[indmax:]]).T,
+                                np.array([ch1[:indmin+1],ch2[:indmin+1]]).T),
+                                axis=0)
+    else:
+        upper = np.array([ch1[indmax:indmin+1],ch2[indmax:indmin+1]]).T
+        lower = np.concatenate((np.array([ch1[indmin:],ch2[indmin:]]).T,
+                                np.array([ch1[:indmax+1],ch2[:indmax+1]]).T),
+                                axis=0)
+    int_1 = np.linspace(min(upper[:,0].min(),lower[:,0].min()),
+                        max(upper[:,0].max(),lower[:,0].max()),Nx/2+1)
+    upper = np.flipud(upper)
+    int_2_up = np.interp(int_1,np.array(upper[:,0]),np.array(upper[:,1]))
+    int_2_low = np.interp(int_1,np.array(lower[:,0]),np.array(lower[:,1]))
+    int_env = np.concatenate((np.array([int_1[:-1],int_2_up[:-1]]).T,
+                              np.array([int_1[::-1],int_2_low[::-1]]).T),
+                              axis=0)
+    return int_1, int_2_up, int_2_low, int_env
+def proj_envelope(env_x, env_up, env_low, env, Nx, Nsectors, Ntheta):
+    # Function to project envelope on given angles
+    # Angles of projection is defined by Nsectors
+    # Projections are obtained in polar coordinates and outputted in
+    # cartesian
+    theta_int = np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,Ntheta)
+    sectors = np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,Nsectors+1)
+    proj = np.zeros([Nsectors,2])
+    R_up = np.sqrt(env_x**2+env_up**2)
+    theta_up = np.arctan2(env_up,env_x)
+    R_low = np.sqrt(env_x**2+env_low**2)
+    theta_low = np.arctan2(env_low,env_x)
+    R = np.concatenate((R_up,R_low))
+    theta = np.concatenate((theta_up,theta_low))
+    R = R[np.argsort(theta)]
+    theta = np.sort(theta)
+    R_int = np.interp(theta_int,theta,R,period=2*np.pi)
+    for i in range(Nsectors):
+        if sectors[i]>=-np.pi and sectors[i+1]<-np.pi/2:
+            indices = np.where(np.logical_and(theta_int >= sectors[i],
+                                              theta_int <= sectors[i+1]))
+            maxR = R_int[indices].max()
+            proj[i+1,0] = maxR*np.cos(sectors[i+1])
+            proj[i+1,1] = maxR*np.sin(sectors[i+1])
+        elif sectors[i]==-np.pi/2:
+            continue
+        elif sectors[i]>-np.pi/2 and sectors[i+1]<=0:
+            indices = np.where(np.logical_and(theta_int >= sectors[i],
+                                              theta_int <= sectors[i+1]))
+            maxR = R_int[indices].max()
+            proj[i,0] = maxR*np.cos(sectors[i])
+            proj[i,1] = maxR*np.sin(sectors[i])
+        elif sectors[i]>=0 and sectors[i+1]<np.pi/2:
+            indices = np.where(np.logical_and(theta_int >= sectors[i],
+                                              theta_int <= sectors[i+1]))
+            maxR = R_int[indices].max()
+            proj[i+1,0] = maxR*np.cos(sectors[i+1])
+            proj[i+1,1] = maxR*np.sin(sectors[i+1])
+        elif sectors[i]==np.pi/2:
+            continue
+        elif sectors[i]>np.pi/2 and sectors[i+1]<=np.pi:
+            indices = np.where(np.logical_and(theta_int >= sectors[i],
+                                              theta_int <= sectors[i+1]))
+            maxR = R_int[indices].max()
+            proj[i,0] = maxR*np.cos(sectors[i])
+            proj[i,1] = maxR*np.sin(sectors[i])
+    ind = np.where(sectors==0)        
+    proj[ind,0] = env[:,0].max()
+    ind = np.where(sectors==np.pi/2)        
+    proj[ind,1] = env[:,1].max()
+    ind = np.where(sectors==-np.pi)        
+    proj[ind,0] = env[:,0].min()
+    ind = np.where(sectors==-np.pi/2)        
+    proj[ind,1] = env[:,1].min()
+    return proj
 # FIXME: Cases has a memory leek somewhere, this whole thing needs to be
 # reconsidered and rely on a DataFrame instead of a dict!
@@ -3470,7 +3660,7 @@ class Cases(object):
         launch(self.cases, runmethod=runmethod, verbose=verbose, silent=silent,
                check_log=check_log, copyback_turb=copyback_turb)
-    def post_launch(self, save_iter=False):
+    def post_launch(self, save_iter=False, copy_pbs_failed=True):
         Post Launching Maintenance
@@ -3480,6 +3670,10 @@ class Cases(object):
         # TODO: integrate global post_launch in here
         self.cases_fail = post_launch(self.cases, save_iter=save_iter)
+        if copy_pbs_failed:
+            copy_pbs_in_failedcases(self.cases_fail, pbs_in_fail='pbs_in_fail',
+                                    silent=self.silent)
         if self.rem_failed:
@@ -4898,7 +5092,35 @@ class Cases(object):
         return result
-    def compute_envelope(self, sig, ch_list):
+    def compute_envelope(self, sig, ch_list, int_env=False, Nx=300):
+        """
+        The function computes load envelopes for given signals and a single 
+        load case. Starting from Mx and My moments, the other cross-sectional 
+        forces are identified.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        sig : list, time-series signal
+        ch_list : list, list of channels for enevelope computation
+        int_env : boolean, default=False
+            If the logic parameter is True, the function will interpolate the 
+            envelope on a given number of points
+        Nx : int, default=300
+            Number of points for the envelope interpolation        
+        Returns
+        -------
+        envelope : dictionary, 
+            The dictionary has entries refered to the channels selected.
+            Inside the dictonary under each entry there is a matrix with 6 
+            columns, each for the sectional forces and moments
+        """
         envelope= {}
         for ch in ch_list:
@@ -4906,19 +5128,73 @@ class Cases(object):
             chi1 = self.res.ch_dict[ch[1]]['chi']
             s0 = np.array(sig[:, chi0]).reshape(-1, 1)
             s1 = np.array(sig[:, chi1]).reshape(-1, 1)
+            # Compute a Convex Hull, the vertices number varies according to
+            # the shape of the poligon
             cloud =  np.append(s0, s1, axis=1)
             hull = scipy.spatial.ConvexHull(cloud)
             closed_contour = np.append(cloud[hull.vertices,:],
+            # Interpolate envelope for a given number of points
+            if int_env:
+                _,_,_,closed_contour_int = int_envelope(closed_contour[:,0],
+                                                        closed_contour[:,1],Nx)                
+            # Based on Mx and My envelope, the other cross-sectional moments
+            # and forces components are identified and appended to the initial
+            # envelope
             for ich in range(2, len(ch)):
                 chix = self.res.ch_dict[ch[ich]]['chi']
                 s0 = np.array(sig[hull.vertices, chix]).reshape(-1, 1)
                 s1 = np.array(sig[hull.vertices[0], chix]).reshape(-1, 1)
                 s0 = np.append(s0, s1, axis=0)
                 closed_contour = np.append(closed_contour, s0, axis=1)
-            envelope[ch[0]] = closed_contour
+                if int_env:
+                    _,_,_,extra_sensor = int_envelope(closed_contour[:,0],
+                                                       closed_contour[:,ich],Nx)
+                    es = np.atleast_2d(np.array(extra_sensor[:,1])).T                                        
+                    closed_contour_int = np.append(closed_contour_int,es,axis=1)
+            if int_env:
+                envelope[ch[0]] = closed_contour_int
+            else:
+                envelope[ch[0]] = closed_contour
         return envelope
+    def int_envelope(ch1,ch2,Nx):
+        # Function to interpolate envelopes and output arrays of same length
+        # Number of points is defined by Nx + 1, where the + 1 is needed to
+        # close the curve
+        upper = []
+        lower = []
+        indmax = np.argmax(ch1)
+        indmin = np.argmin(ch1)
+        if indmax > indmin:
+            lower = np.array([ch1[indmin:indmax+1],ch2[indmin:indmax+1]]).T
+            upper = np.concatenate((np.array([ch1[indmax:],ch2[indmax:]]).T,\
+                            np.array([ch1[:indmin+1],ch2[:indmin+1]]).T),axis=0)
+        else:
+            upper = np.array([ch1[indmax:indmin+1,:],ch2[indmax:indmin+1,:]]).T
+            lower = np.concatenate((np.array([ch1[indmin:],ch2[indmin:]]).T,\
+                                np.array([ch1[:indmax+1],ch2[:indmax+1]]).T),axis=0)
+        int_1 = np.linspace(min(min(upper[:,0]),min(lower[:,0])),\
+                            max(max(upper[:,0]),max(upper[:,0])),Nx/2+1)
+        upper = np.flipud(upper)
+        int_2_up = np.interp(int_1,np.array(upper[:,0]),np.array(upper[:,1]))
+        int_2_low = np.interp(int_1,np.array(lower[:,0]),np.array(lower[:,1]))
+        int_env = np.concatenate((np.array([int_1[:-1],int_2_up[:-1]]).T,\
+                                np.array([int_1[::-1],int_2_low[::-1]]).T),axis=0)
+        return int_env
     def envelope(self, silent=False, ch_list=[], append=''):
@@ -5089,37 +5365,68 @@ class Results(object):
         return M_x_equiv
-class ManTurb64(object):
+class MannTurb64(prepost.PBSScript):
     alfaeps, L, gamma, seed, nr_u, nr_v, nr_w, du, dv, dw high_freq_comp
     mann_turb_x64.exe fname 1.0 29.4 3.0 1209 256 32 32 2.0 5 5 true
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.man64_exe = 'mann_turb_x64.exe'
-        self.wine = 'WINEARCH=win64 WINEPREFIX=~/.wine64 wine'
-    def run():
-        pass
+    def __init__(self, silent=False):
+        super(MannTurb64, self).__init__()
+        self.exe = 'time wine mann_turb_x64.exe'
+        # PBS configuration
+        self.umask = '003'
+        self.walltime = '00:59:59'
+        self.queue = 'workq'
+        self.lnodes = '1'
+        self.ppn = '1'
+        self.silent = silent
+        self.pbs_in_dir = 'pbs_in_turb/'
-    def gen_pbs(cases):
+    def gen_pbs(self, cases):
         case0 = cases[list(cases.keys())[0]]
-        pbs = prepost.PBSScript()
-        # make sure the path's end with a trailing separator
-        pbs.pbsworkdir = os.path.join(case0['[run_dir]'], '')
-        pbs.path_pbs_e = os.path.join(case0['[pbs_out_dir]'], '')
-        pbs.path_pbs_o = os.path.join(case0['[pbs_out_dir]'], '')
-        pbs.path_pbs_i = os.path.join(case0['[pbs_in_dir]'], '')
-        pbs.check_dirs()
+        # make sure the path's end with a trailing separator, why??
+        self.pbsworkdir = os.path.join(case0['[run_dir]'], '')
+        if not self.silent:
+            print('\nStart creating PBS files for turbulence with Mann64...')
         for cname, case in cases.items():
-            base = case['[case_id]']
-            pbs.path_pbs_e = os.path.join(case['[pbs_out_dir]'], base + '.err')
-            pbs.path_pbs_o = os.path.join(case['[pbs_out_dir]'], base + '.out')
-            pbs.path_pbs_i = os.path.join(case['[pbs_in_dir]'], base + '.pbs')
-            pbs.execute()
-            pbs.create()
+            # only relevant for cases with turbulence
+            if '[tu_model]' in case and int(case['[tu_model]']) == 0:
+                continue
+            if '[Turb base name]' not in case:
+                continue
+            base_name = case['[Turb base name]']
+            # pbs_in/out dir can contain subdirs, only take the inner directory
+            out_base = misc.path_split_dirs(case['[pbs_out_dir]'])[0]
+            turb = case['[turb_dir]']
+            self.path_pbs_e = os.path.join(out_base, turb, base_name + '.err')
+            self.path_pbs_o = os.path.join(out_base, turb, base_name + '.out')
+            self.path_pbs_i = os.path.join(self.pbs_in_dir, base_name + '.p')
+            if case['[turb_db_dir]'] is not None:
+                self.prelude = 'cd %s' % case['[turb_db_dir]']
+            else:
+                self.prelude = 'cd %s' % case['[turb_dir]']
+            # alfaeps, L, gamma, seed, nr_u, nr_v, nr_w, du, dv, dw high_freq_comp
+            rpl = (float(case['[AlfaEpsilon]']),
+                   float(case['[L_mann]']),
+                   float(case['[Gamma]']),
+                   int(case['[tu_seed]']),
+                   int(case['[turb_nr_u]']),
+                   int(case['[turb_nr_v]']),
+                   int(case['[turb_nr_w]']),
+                   float(case['[turb_dx]']),
+                   float(case['[turb_dy]']),
+                   float(case['[turb_dz]']),
+                   int(case['[high_freq_comp]']))
+            params = '%1.6f %1.6f %1.6f %i %i %i %i %1.4f %1.4f %1.4f %i' % rpl
+            self.execution = '%s %s %s' % (self.exe, base_name, params)
+            self.create(check_dirs=True)
 def eigenbody(cases, debug=False):
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/dlcdefs.py b/wetb/prepost/dlcdefs.py
index 78a968547c910f712d245ef27a1bfc30bc4211ec..e7ef0a6a43b75347d75473d136007016c6f3032c 100644
--- a/wetb/prepost/dlcdefs.py
+++ b/wetb/prepost/dlcdefs.py
@@ -208,6 +208,7 @@ def tags_defaults(master):
     master.tags['[log_dir]']       = 'logfiles/'
     master.tags['[meander_dir]']   = False
     master.tags['[opt_dir]']       = False
+    master.tags['[pbs_in_dir]']    = 'pbs_in/'
     master.tags['[pbs_out_dir]']   = 'pbs_out/'
     master.tags['[res_dir]']       = 'res/'
     master.tags['[iter_dir]']      = 'iter/'
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/dlcplots.py b/wetb/prepost/dlcplots.py
index 1d5b3e12fd6703793139c665d6b62281b9cb694e..8594b90e0ab00a14f5d7ffe280178f0c00e4970c 100644
--- a/wetb/prepost/dlcplots.py
+++ b/wetb/prepost/dlcplots.py
@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ from builtins import str
 from future import standard_library
 #print(*objects, sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout)
 import os
@@ -47,7 +45,7 @@ plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=10)
 plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=10)
 plt.rc('axes', labelsize=12)
 # do not use tex on Gorm
-if not socket.gethostname()[:2] == 'g-':
+if not socket.gethostname()[:2] in ['g-', 'je']:
     plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
 plt.rc('legend', fontsize=11)
 plt.rc('legend', numpoints=1)
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/dlctemplate.py b/wetb/prepost/dlctemplate.py
index bf42c8a2e9d0d8e95b650b584d649dbbc2157c3c..ed8f40472c932572ba0837ac9ff7e4b5d6ff2db4 100755
--- a/wetb/prepost/dlctemplate.py
+++ b/wetb/prepost/dlctemplate.py
@@ -32,7 +32,11 @@ plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=10)
 plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=10)
 plt.rc('axes', labelsize=12)
 # on Gorm tex printing doesn't work
-if not socket.gethostname()[:2] == 'g-':
+if socket.gethostname()[:2] == 'g-':
+    RUNMETHOD = 'gorm'
+elif socket.gethostname()[:4] == 'jess':
+    RUNMETHOD = 'jess'
     plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
 plt.rc('legend', fontsize=11)
 plt.rc('legend', numpoints=1)
@@ -109,6 +113,22 @@ def master_tags(sim_id, runmethod='local', silent=False, verbose=False):
     master.tags['[model_zip]'] = PROJECT
     master.tags['[model_zip]'] += '_' + master.tags['[sim_id]'] + '.zip'
     # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # FIXME: this is very ugly. We should read default values set in the htc
+    # master file with the HAWC2Wrapper !!
+    # default tags turbulence generator (required for 64-bit Mann generator)
+    # alfaeps, L, gamma, seed, nr_u, nr_v, nr_w, du, dv, dw high_freq_comp
+    master.tags['[AlfaEpsilon]'] = 1.0
+    master.tags['[L_mann]'] = 29.4
+    master.tags['[Gamma]'] = 3.0
+    master.tags['[tu_seed]'] = 0
+    master.tags['[turb_nr_u]'] = 8192
+    master.tags['[turb_nr_v]'] = 32
+    master.tags['[turb_nr_w]'] = 32
+    master.tags['[turb_dx]'] = 1
+    master.tags['[turb_dy]'] = 6.5
+    master.tags['[turb_dz]'] = 6.5
+    master.tags['[high_freq_comp]'] = 1
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     return master
@@ -162,7 +182,8 @@ def variable_tag_func(master, case_id_short=False):
 ### PRE- POST
 # =============================================================================
-def launch_dlcs_excel(sim_id, silent=False):
+def launch_dlcs_excel(sim_id, silent=False, verbose=False, pbs_turb=True,
+                      runmethod=None, write_htc=True):
     Launch load cases defined in Excel files
@@ -195,12 +216,11 @@ def launch_dlcs_excel(sim_id, silent=False):
     for opt in opt_tags:
         opt['[zip_root_files]'] = f_ziproot
-    runmethod = 'gorm'
-#    runmethod = 'local-script'
-#    runmethod = 'windows-script'
-#    runmethod = 'jess'
+    if runmethod == None:
+        runmethod = RUNMETHOD
     master = master_tags(sim_id, runmethod=runmethod, silent=silent,
-                         verbose=False)
+                         verbose=verbose)
     master.tags['[sim_id]'] = sim_id
     master.output_dirs.append('[Case folder]')
     master.output_dirs.append('[Case id.]')
@@ -215,12 +235,18 @@ def launch_dlcs_excel(sim_id, silent=False):
     # variable_tag func is not required because everything is already done
     # in dlcdefs.excel_stabcon
     no_variable_tag_func = None
-    sim.prepare_launch(iter_dict, opt_tags, master, no_variable_tag_func,
-                       write_htc=True, runmethod=runmethod, verbose=False,
-                       copyback_turb=True, msg='', update_cases=False,
-                       ignore_non_unique=False, run_only_new=False,
-                       pbs_fname_appendix=False, short_job_names=False,
-                       silent=silent)
+    cases = sim.prepare_launch(iter_dict, opt_tags, master, no_variable_tag_func,
+                               write_htc=write_htc, runmethod=runmethod,
+                               copyback_turb=True, update_cases=False, msg='',
+                               ignore_non_unique=False, run_only_new=False,
+                               pbs_fname_appendix=False, short_job_names=False,
+                               silent=silent, verbose=verbose)
+    if pbs_turb:
+        # to avoid confusing HAWC2 simulations and Mann64 generator PBS files,
+        # MannTurb64 places PBS launch scripts in a "pbs_in_turb" folder
+        mann64 = sim.MannTurb64(silent=silent)
+        mann64.gen_pbs(cases)
 def launch_param(sim_id):
@@ -464,7 +490,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     # create HTC files and PBS launch scripts (*.p)
     if opt.prep:
         print('Start creating all the htc files and pbs_in files...')
-        launch_dlcs_excel(sim_id)
+        launch_dlcs_excel(sim_id, silent=False)
     # post processing: check log files, calculate statistics
     if opt.check_logs or opt.stats or opt.fatigue or opt.envelopeblade or opt.envelopeturbine:
         post_launch(sim_id, check_logs=opt.check_logs, update=False,
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/misc.py b/wetb/prepost/misc.py
index 0c1ab9b0d9c3b95738847d0c5d7127027d453d43..73aca12551262ff28b8124ab3f3d6deb5f8a3032 100644
--- a/wetb/prepost/misc.py
+++ b/wetb/prepost/misc.py
@@ -68,6 +68,16 @@ class Logger(object):
+def path_split_dirs(path):
+    """
+    Return a list with dirnames. Ignore any leading "./"
+    """
+    dirs = path.split(os.path.sep)
+    if dirs[0] == '.':
+        dirs.pop(0)
+    return dirs
 def print_both(f, text, end='\n'):
     Print both to a file and the console
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/prepost.py b/wetb/prepost/prepost.py
index bb6a864633a2f837c53622ea8b5793f2a0395367..c706aa79cb69e6f97edcc2a9e50cc8763c5a3a8b 100644
--- a/wetb/prepost/prepost.py
+++ b/wetb/prepost/prepost.py
@@ -12,9 +12,6 @@ from io import open
 from future import standard_library
 import os
 import copy
@@ -37,6 +34,9 @@ class PBSScript(object):
 ### Queue name
 #PBS -q [queue]
+### #PBS -a [start_time]
+### #PBS -W depend=afterany:[job_id]
 ### Browse to current working dir
 echo ""
@@ -75,13 +75,13 @@ exit
     def __init__(self):
         # PBS configuration
-        self.jobname = None
+        self.jobname = 'no_name_job'
         # relative paths with respect to PBS working directory
         self.path_pbs_o = 'pbs_out/dummy.out'
         self.path_pbs_e = 'pbs_out/dummy.err'
         self.path_pbs_i = 'pbs_in/dummy.pbs'
         # absolute path of the PBS working directory
-        self.pbsworkdir = None
+        self.pbsworkdir = './'
         self.umask = '003'
         self.walltime = '00:59:59'
         self.queue = 'workq'
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/demo_dlc_remote.zip b/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/demo_dlc_remote.zip
index 60fe434ad3dc15cf5e1dd1977c630107c611ac55..3c02a1d7a11acaeff10fdae72416c4856fcbc4bc 100644
Binary files a/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/demo_dlc_remote.zip and b/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/demo_dlc_remote.zip differ
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/htc/DLCs/dlc01_demos.xlsx b/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/htc/DLCs/dlc01_demos.xlsx
index 1f4c2311367ccea9d06f57db32793e8948f0e959..246cbf5e6e5c94b732349be0a6a09336fb1f715f 100755
Binary files a/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/htc/DLCs/dlc01_demos.xlsx and b/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/htc/DLCs/dlc01_demos.xlsx differ
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/htc/_master/demo_dlc_master_A0001.htc b/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/htc/_master/demo_dlc_master_A0001.htc
index 6e956f80d62257709ddd129408b8d77305da4339..bc61a68f9b4130bdf42526dec5101aeacbfeadcd 100755
--- a/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/htc/_master/demo_dlc_master_A0001.htc
+++ b/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/htc/_master/demo_dlc_master_A0001.htc
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ begin wind ;
     filename_u    ./[turb_dir][Turb base name]u.bin ;
     filename_v    ./[turb_dir][Turb base name]v.bin ;
     filename_w    ./[turb_dir][Turb base name]w.bin ;
-    box_dim_u    8192 [turb_dx] ;
+    box_dim_u    512 [turb_dx] ;
     box_dim_v    32 7.5;
     box_dim_w    32 7.5;
     std_scaling   1.0 0.7 0.5 ;
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/htc/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_noturb.htc b/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/htc/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_s100.htc
similarity index 98%
rename from wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/htc/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_noturb.htc
rename to wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/htc/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_s100.htc
index c54c20d0df50daf94a80962feaefcd924123559f..83b325ad95ebc9df30b2f10f26d1365d6aa05b65 100644
--- a/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/htc/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_noturb.htc
+++ b/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/htc/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_s100.htc
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ begin simulation;
   solvertype   1 ;    (newmark)
   on_no_convergence continue ;
 ;  convergence_limits 1E3 1.0 1E-7 ;
-  logfile ./logfiles/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_noturb.log ;
+  logfile ./logfiles/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_s100.log ;
   begin newmark;
     deltat    0.02;
   end newmark;
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ end simulation;
 begin new_htc_structure;
-;  beam_output_file_name  ./res_eigen/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_noturb/dlc01_steady_wsp10_noturb_beam.dat;
-;  body_output_file_name  ./res_eigen/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_noturb/dlc01_steady_wsp10_noturb_body.dat;
-;  struct_inertia_output_file_name ./res_eigen/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_noturb/dlc01_steady_wsp10_noturb_struct.dat;
-;  body_eigenanalysis_file_name ./res_eigen/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_noturb/dlc01_steady_wsp10_noturb_body_eigen.dat;
-;  structure_eigenanalysis_file_name ./res_eigen/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_noturb/dlc01_steady_wsp10_noturb_strc_eigen.dat;
+;  beam_output_file_name  ./res_eigen/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_s100/dlc01_steady_wsp10_s100_beam.dat;
+;  body_output_file_name  ./res_eigen/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_s100/dlc01_steady_wsp10_s100_body.dat;
+;  struct_inertia_output_file_name ./res_eigen/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_s100/dlc01_steady_wsp10_s100_struct.dat;
+;  body_eigenanalysis_file_name ./res_eigen/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_s100/dlc01_steady_wsp10_s100_body_eigen.dat;
+;  structure_eigenanalysis_file_name ./res_eigen/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_s100/dlc01_steady_wsp10_s100_strc_eigen.dat;
   begin main_body;         tower 123.6m
     name        tower ;
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ begin wind ;
   windfield_rotations     0 8.0 0.0 ;    yaw, tilt (positive=upflow=wind coming from below), rotation
   center_pos0             0.0 0.0 -127 ; hub heigth
   shear_format            3 0 ;
-  turb_format             0     ;  0=none, 1=mann,2=flex
+  turb_format             1     ;  0=none, 1=mann,2=flex
   tower_shadow_method     3     ;  0=none, 1=potential flow, 2=jet
   scale_time_start       20 ;
   wind_ramp_factor   0.0 20 0.8 1.0 ;
@@ -378,11 +378,11 @@ begin wind ;
 ;  wind_ramp_abs  2400.0  4200.0  0.0  -21.0 ;   wsp. after the step: 25.0
   begin mann ;
-    create_turb_parameters 29.4 1.0 3.9 0 1.0 ;      L, alfaeps, gamma, seed, highfrq compensation
-    filename_u    ./turb/noneu.bin ;
-    filename_v    ./turb/nonev.bin ;
-    filename_w    ./turb/nonew.bin ;
-    box_dim_u    8192 0.048828125 ;
+    create_turb_parameters 29.4 1.0 3.9 100 1.0 ;      L, alfaeps, gamma, seed, highfrq compensation
+    filename_u    ./turb/turb_s100_10msu.bin ;
+    filename_v    ./turb/turb_s100_10msv.bin ;
+    filename_w    ./turb/turb_s100_10msw.bin ;
+    box_dim_u    512 0.78125 ;
     box_dim_v    32 7.5;
     box_dim_w    32 7.5;
     std_scaling   1.0 0.7 0.5 ;
@@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ end dll;
 begin output;
-  filename ./res/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_noturb ;
+  filename ./res/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_s100 ;
   time 20 40 ;
   data_format  hawc_binary;
   buffer 1 ;
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/htc/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp8_noturb.htc b/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/htc/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp8_noturb.htc
index 94abe5e13faf4dbd2ffcf86f0bb95df884a573a8..670f943f7bf345a12acbf4095f98e2d51b41144a 100644
--- a/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/htc/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp8_noturb.htc
+++ b/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/htc/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp8_noturb.htc
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ begin wind ;
     filename_u    ./turb/noneu.bin ;
     filename_v    ./turb/nonev.bin ;
     filename_w    ./turb/nonew.bin ;
-    box_dim_u    8192 0.0390625 ;
+    box_dim_u    512 0.0390625 ;
     box_dim_v    32 7.5;
     box_dim_w    32 7.5;
     std_scaling   1.0 0.7 0.5 ;
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/htc/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp9_noturb.htc b/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/htc/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp9_noturb.htc
index 537e8ef73085b26598c46f2986c11fc8ad738464..11e58632838311500ae0549609c245cf0620ead0 100644
--- a/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/htc/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp9_noturb.htc
+++ b/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/htc/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp9_noturb.htc
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ begin wind ;
     filename_u    ./turb/noneu.bin ;
     filename_v    ./turb/nonev.bin ;
     filename_w    ./turb/nonew.bin ;
-    box_dim_u    8192 0.0439453125 ;
+    box_dim_u    512 0.0439453125 ;
     box_dim_v    32 7.5;
     box_dim_w    32 7.5;
     std_scaling   1.0 0.7 0.5 ;
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/pbs_in/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_noturb.p b/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/pbs_in/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_s100.p
similarity index 80%
rename from wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/pbs_in/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_noturb.p
rename to wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/pbs_in/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_s100.p
index 1bc115f781b7821f729e97bddcf49683bb623c20..6a62ecceb1be436ba34a622fdb95db9f66890924 100644
--- a/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/pbs_in/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_noturb.p
+++ b/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/pbs_in/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_s100.p
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 ### Standard Output 
-#PBS -N dlc01_steady_wsp10_noturb 
-#PBS -o ./pbs_out/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_noturb.out
+#PBS -N dlc01_steady_wsp10_s100 
+#PBS -o ./pbs_out/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_s100.out
 ### Standard Error 
-#PBS -e ./pbs_out/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_noturb.err
+#PBS -e ./pbs_out/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_s100.err
 #PBS -W umask=003
 ### Maximum wallclock time format HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS
 #PBS -l walltime=04:00:00
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ mkdir -p htc/dlc01_demos/
 mkdir -p res/dlc01_demos/
 mkdir -p logfiles/dlc01_demos/
 mkdir -p turb/
-cp -R $PBS_O_WORKDIR/htc/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_noturb.htc ./htc/dlc01_demos/
-cp -R $PBS_O_WORKDIR/../turb/none*.bin turb/ 
-time WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.wine32 wine hawc2-latest ./htc/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_noturb.htc  &
+cp -R $PBS_O_WORKDIR/htc/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_s100.htc ./htc/dlc01_demos/
+cp -R $PBS_O_WORKDIR/../turb/turb_s100_10ms*.bin turb/ 
+time WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.wine32 wine hawc2-latest ./htc/dlc01_demos/dlc01_steady_wsp10_s100.htc  &
 ### wait for jobs to finish 
 echo ""
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/pbs_in_turb/turb_s100_10ms.p b/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/pbs_in_turb/turb_s100_10ms.p
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..df16aba35748c37417076913bbd9b514fce34301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/pbs_in_turb/turb_s100_10ms.p
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+### Standard Output
+#PBS -N no_name_job
+#PBS -o ./pbs_out/turb/turb_s100_10ms.out
+### Standard Error
+#PBS -e ./pbs_out/turb/turb_s100_10ms.err
+#PBS -W umask=003
+### Maximum wallclock time format HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS
+#PBS -l walltime=00:59:59
+#PBS -lnodes=1:ppn=1
+### Queue name
+#PBS -q workq
+### #PBS -a [start_time]
+### #PBS -W depend=afterany:[job_id]
+### Browse to current working dir
+echo ""
+echo "current working dir:"
+echo ""
+### ===========================================================================
+echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+echo "PRELUDE"
+echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+cd ../turb/
+echo ""
+echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+time wine mann_turb_x64.exe turb_s100_10ms 1.000000 29.400000 3.000000 100 8192 32 32 0.7812 6.5000 6.5000 1
+### wait for jobs to finish
+echo ""
+echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+echo "CODA"
+echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+echo ""
+### ===========================================================================
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/prepost/remote_tags.txt b/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/prepost/remote_tags.txt
index 21c9f3dd8e9452763faab41e0e8920e87c22a63d..c191125c1237fc1732a98ab1327ff1ae1734004a 100644
--- a/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/prepost/remote_tags.txt
+++ b/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/ref/prepost/remote_tags.txt
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
                  opt_tags set
                  [Case folder] : dlc01_demos         
-                    [Case id.] : dlc01_steady_wsp10_noturb
+                    [Case id.] : dlc01_steady_wsp10_s100
                  [Cut-in time] : -1                  
                 [Cut-out time] : -1                  
                          [DLC] : 01                  
@@ -146,9 +146,9 @@
                           [TI] : 0.2096              
           [Time pitch runaway] : 5000                
            [Time stuck DLC22b] : -1                  
-              [Turb base name] : none                
+              [Turb base name] : turb_s100_10ms      
                    [Windspeed] : 10                  
-                     [case_id] : dlc01_steady_wsp10_noturb
+                     [case_id] : dlc01_steady_wsp10_s100
                     [data_dir] : data/               
                  [dis_setbeta] : True                
                     [duration] : 20.0                
@@ -168,10 +168,10 @@
                           [t0] : 20                  
                    [time stop] : 40                  
                    [time_stop] : 40                  
-                    [tu_model] : 0                   
-                     [tu_seed] : 0                   
-              [turb_base_name] : none                
-                     [turb_dx] : 0.048828125         
+                    [tu_model] : 1                   
+                     [tu_seed] : 100                 
+              [turb_base_name] : turb_s100_10ms      
+                     [turb_dx] : 0.78125             
                         [wdir] : 0                   
                     [windramp] : False               
                   [wsp factor] : 0.8                 
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/source/demo_dlc_remote.zip b/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/source/demo_dlc_remote.zip
index 60fe434ad3dc15cf5e1dd1977c630107c611ac55..3c02a1d7a11acaeff10fdae72416c4856fcbc4bc 100644
Binary files a/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/source/demo_dlc_remote.zip and b/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/source/demo_dlc_remote.zip differ
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/source/htc/DLCs/dlc01_demos.xlsx b/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/source/htc/DLCs/dlc01_demos.xlsx
index 1f4c2311367ccea9d06f57db32793e8948f0e959..246cbf5e6e5c94b732349be0a6a09336fb1f715f 100755
Binary files a/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/source/htc/DLCs/dlc01_demos.xlsx and b/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/source/htc/DLCs/dlc01_demos.xlsx differ
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/source/htc/_master/demo_dlc_master_A0001.htc b/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/source/htc/_master/demo_dlc_master_A0001.htc
index 6e956f80d62257709ddd129408b8d77305da4339..bc61a68f9b4130bdf42526dec5101aeacbfeadcd 100755
--- a/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/source/htc/_master/demo_dlc_master_A0001.htc
+++ b/wetb/prepost/tests/data/demo_dlc/source/htc/_master/demo_dlc_master_A0001.htc
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ begin wind ;
     filename_u    ./[turb_dir][Turb base name]u.bin ;
     filename_v    ./[turb_dir][Turb base name]v.bin ;
     filename_w    ./[turb_dir][Turb base name]w.bin ;
-    box_dim_u    8192 [turb_dx] ;
+    box_dim_u    512 [turb_dx] ;
     box_dim_v    32 7.5;
     box_dim_w    32 7.5;
     std_scaling   1.0 0.7 0.5 ;
diff --git a/wetb/prepost/tests/test_Simulations.py b/wetb/prepost/tests/test_Simulations.py
index 61628546afc1110717316b1ec79f6269a2926fc5..a439a53e04a92992cab62e9637ce8a11ad5e3e89 100644
--- a/wetb/prepost/tests/test_Simulations.py
+++ b/wetb/prepost/tests/test_Simulations.py
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ standard_library.install_aliases()
 import unittest
 import os
 import filecmp
-import pickle
+import shutil
+#import pickle
 from wetb.prepost import dlctemplate as tmpl
@@ -40,17 +41,25 @@ class TestGenerateInputs(unittest.TestCase):
         # location of the pre and post processing data
         tmpl.POST_DIR = os.path.join(p_root, tmpl.PROJECT, 'remote',
+        # make sure the remote dir is empty so a test does not pass on data
+        # generated during a previous cycle
+        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(p_root, tmpl.PROJECT, 'remote')):
+            shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(p_root, tmpl.PROJECT, 'remote'))
         tmpl.force_dir = tmpl.P_RUN
-        tmpl.launch_dlcs_excel('remote', silent=True)
+        tmpl.launch_dlcs_excel('remote', silent=True, runmethod='gorm')
-        # we can not check-in empty dirs in git
-        for subdir in ['control', 'data', 'htc', 'pbs_in']:
+        # we can not check-in empty dirs so we can not compare the complete
+        # directory structure withouth manually creating the empty dirs here
+        for subdir in ['control', 'data', 'htc', 'pbs_in', 'pbs_in_turb',
+                       'htc/_master', 'htc/dlc01_demos', 'pbs_in/dlc01_demos']:
             remote = os.path.join(p_root, tmpl.PROJECT, 'remote', subdir)
             ref = os.path.join(p_root, tmpl.PROJECT, 'ref', subdir)
             cmp = filecmp.dircmp(remote, ref)
-            self.assertTrue(len(cmp.diff_files)==0)
-            self.assertTrue(len(cmp.right_only)==0)
-            self.assertTrue(len(cmp.left_only)==0)
+            self.assertEqual(len(cmp.diff_files), 0, cmp.diff_files)
+            self.assertEqual(len(cmp.right_only), 0, cmp.right_only)
+            self.assertEqual(len(cmp.left_only), 0, cmp.left_only)
         # for the pickled file we can just read it
         remote = os.path.join(p_root, tmpl.PROJECT, 'remote', 'prepost')