diff --git a/wetb/dlc/tests/test_high_level.py b/wetb/dlc/tests/test_high_level.py
index f209f3bec10faa3c3bb54be2335044db970575f1..82a658835e669e305807d92ab36f62d26de7f78f 100644
--- a/wetb/dlc/tests/test_high_level.py
+++ b/wetb/dlc/tests/test_high_level.py
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class TestDLCHighLevel(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(os.path.realpath(self.dlc_hl.res_path), os.path.realpath(testfilepath + "res"))
     def test_sensor_info(self):
-        self.assertEqual(list(self.dlc_hl.sensor_info().name), ['MxTB', 'MyTB', 'MxBR', 'PyBT', 'Pitch', 'PitchBearing', 'Tip1TowerDistance', 'TipTowerDistance'])
+        self.assertEqual(list(self.dlc_hl.sensor_info().name), ['MxTB', 'MyTB', 'MxBR', 'PyBT', 'Power', 'Pitch', 'PitchBearing', 'Tip1TowerDistance', 'TipTowerDistance'])
     def test_sensor_info_filter(self):
         self.assertEqual(list(self.dlc_hl.sensor_info(['fatigue']).m), [4, 4, 10])
diff --git a/wetb/hawc2/at_time_file.py b/wetb/hawc2/at_time_file.py
index 642225edc668e5292e63f7cefb38c4b14c36f41d..10ed8583dd11b1bb280db37a1aa216d43bfcbde1 100644
--- a/wetb/hawc2/at_time_file.py
+++ b/wetb/hawc2/at_time_file.py
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ standard_library.install_aliases()
 import numpy as np
 class AtTimeFile(object):
     """Loads an at time file generated by HAWC2
+    Note that the radius in this context is the curved radius
     >>> atfile = AtTimeFile("at_time.dat") # load file
     >>> atfile.attribute_names # Attribute names
@@ -23,27 +25,34 @@ class AtTimeFile(object):
     [ 0.       -0.775186 -2.91652 ]
     >>> atfile.twist()[:3]) # first 3 twist rows
     [ 0.       -0.775186 -2.91652 ]
-    >>> atfile.twist(10) # Twist at radius = 10 (interpolated)
+    >>> atfile.twist(curved_length=10) # Twist at curved_length = 10 (interpolated)
+    -5.34743208242399
+    >>> atfile.twist(radius=10) # Twist at curved_length = 10 (interpolated)
-    def __init__(self, filename):
+    def __init__(self, filename, blade_radius=None):
+        self.blade_radius = blade_radius
         with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as fid:
             lines = fid.readlines()
         self.attribute_names = lines[2].lower().replace("#", "").split()
         data = np.array([[float(l) for l in lines[i].split() ] for i in range(3, len(lines))])
         self.data = data
         def func_factory(column):
-            def values(radius=None):
-                if radius is None:
+            def values(radius=None, curved_length=None):
+                assert radius is None or curved_length is None, "Specify either radius or curved_length"
+                if radius is None and curved_length is None:
                     return self.data[:, column]
+                elif radius is not None:
+                    assert self.blade_radius is not None, "blade_radius must be specified in __init__ when requesting value of radius (alternatively you can request for curved_length)"
+                    return np.interp(radius/self.blade_radius, self.data[:, 0]/self.data[-1, 0], self.data[:, column])
-                    return np.interp(radius, self.data[:, 0], self.data[:, column])
+                    return np.interp(curved_length, self.data[:, 0], self.data[:, column])
             return values
         for column, att_name in enumerate(self.attribute_names):
             setattr(self, att_name, func_factory(column))
-    def curved_radius(self, radius=None):
-        """Radius of calculation point(s)
+    def ac_radius(self, radius=None):
+        """Radius (curved distance) of aerodynamic calculation point(s) 
diff --git a/wetb/hawc2/htc_file.py b/wetb/hawc2/htc_file.py
index b5ad46c51b68c8e9449c654a8da59bd658d33b0d..9accf428773d469c1f9f67e75b22c675147578ce 100644
--- a/wetb/hawc2/htc_file.py
+++ b/wetb/hawc2/htc_file.py
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class HTCFile(HTCContents, HTCDefaults):
     modelpath = "../"
     initial_comments = None
     _contents = None
-    def __init__(self, filename=None, modelpath="../"):
+    def __init__(self, filename=None, modelpath=None):
@@ -54,15 +54,28 @@ class HTCFile(HTCContents, HTCDefaults):
         if filename is not None:
-            self.modelpath = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), modelpath))
-            self.filename = filename    
-        else:
-            self.modelpath = modelpath            
+            self.filename = filename
+        self.modelpath = modelpath or self.auto_detect_modelpath()
+        if filename and not os.path.isabs(self.modelpath):
+            self.modelpath = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.filename), self.modelpath))
                 #assert 'simulation' in self.contents, "%s could not be loaded. 'simulation' section missing" % filename
+    def auto_detect_modelpath(self):
+        if self.filename is None:
+            return "../"
+        #print (["../"*i for i in range(3)])
+        import numpy as np
+        found = ([np.sum([os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.filename), "../"*i, f)) for f in self.input_files() if not os.path.isabs(f)]) for i in range(4)])
+        #for f in self.input_files():
+        #    print (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.filename), "../",f)), f)
+        if max(found)>0:
+            return "../"* np.argmax(found)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Modelpath cannot be autodetected for '%s'.\nInput files not found near htc file"%self.filename)
     def _load(self):
         self.initial_comments = []
@@ -174,7 +187,7 @@ class HTCFile(HTCContents, HTCDefaults):
     def input_files(self):
         self.contents # load if not loaded
-        files = self.htc_inputfiles
+        files = [os.path.abspath(f).replace("\\","/") for f in self.htc_inputfiles]
         if 'new_htc_structure' in self:
             for mb in [self.new_htc_structure[mb] for mb in self.new_htc_structure.keys() if mb.startswith('main_body')]:
                 if "timoschenko_input" in mb:
diff --git a/wetb/hawc2/simulation_resources.py b/wetb/hawc2/simulation_resources.py
index b9650f8db3bf1e517565dbdb18fe9c9cd91dd4be..85b4a497094f9c2f18b177452a5560878293ef6e 100644
--- a/wetb/hawc2/simulation_resources.py
+++ b/wetb/hawc2/simulation_resources.py
@@ -261,8 +261,9 @@ class PBSClusterSimulationHost(SimulationHost):
     hawc2exe = property(lambda self : os.path.basename(self.sim.hawc2exe))
-    def glob(self, *args,**kwargs):
-        return self.ssh.glob(*args,**kwargs)
+    def glob(self, filepattern, cwd="", recursive=False):
+        return self.ssh.glob(filepattern, cwd, recursive)
     def get_datetime(self):
         v, out, err = self.ssh.execute('date "+%Y,%m,%d,%H,%M,%S"')
         if v == 0:
diff --git a/wetb/hawc2/tests/test_AtTimeFile.py b/wetb/hawc2/tests/test_AtTimeFile.py
index b132016386a8e63c4b1e2d694e07a2dc55958599..6f17562bab8741498c04106893e0541d9f50a17f 100644
--- a/wetb/hawc2/tests/test_AtTimeFile.py
+++ b/wetb/hawc2/tests/test_AtTimeFile.py
@@ -24,11 +24,12 @@ class TestAtTimeFile(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_doc_examples(self):
-        atfile = AtTimeFile(self.testfilepath + "at_time.dat")  # load file
+        atfile = AtTimeFile(self.testfilepath + "at_time.dat", blade_radius=20.501)  # load file
         self.assertEqual(atfile.attribute_names, ['radius_s', 'twist', 'chord'])
         np.testing.assert_array_equal(atfile[:3, 1], [ 0., -0.775186, -2.91652 ])
         np.testing.assert_array_equal(atfile.twist()[:3], [ 0. , -0.775186 , -2.91652 ])
-        self.assertEqual(atfile.twist(10), -5.34743208242399)  # Twist at radius = 10 (interpolated)
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(atfile.twist(radius=10), -5.34743208242399)  # Twist at radius = 10 (interpolated)
+        self.assertEqual(atfile.twist(curved_length=10), -5.34743208242399)  # Twist at radius = 10 (interpolated)
@@ -40,18 +41,24 @@ class TestAtTimeFile(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(atfile.chord()[9], 1.54999)
-    def test_at_time_file_at_radius(self):
+    def test_at_time_file_at_curved_radius(self):
         atfile = AtTimeFile(self.testfilepath + "at_time.dat")
-        self.assertEqual(atfile.radius_s(9), 9)
-        self.assertEqual(atfile.twist(9), -6.635983309665461)
-        self.assertEqual(atfile.chord(9), 1.3888996578373045)
+        self.assertEqual(atfile.radius_s(curved_length=9), 9)
+        self.assertEqual(atfile.twist(curved_length=9), -6.635983309665461)
+        self.assertEqual(atfile.chord(curved_length=9), 1.3888996578373045)
+    def test_at_time_file_at_radius(self):
+        atfile = AtTimeFile(self.testfilepath + "at_time.dat", blade_radius=20.501/2)
+        self.assertEqual(atfile.radius_s(radius=9/2), 9)
+        self.assertEqual(atfile.twist(radius=9/2), -6.635983309665461)
+        self.assertEqual(atfile.chord(radius=9/2), 1.3888996578373045)
     def test_at_time_file_radius(self):
         atfile = AtTimeFile(self.testfilepath + "at_time.dat")
-        self.assertEqual(atfile.curved_radius()[12], 10.2505)
-        self.assertEqual(atfile.curved_radius(10), 10.2505)
-        self.assertEqual(atfile.curved_radius(10.5), 10.2505)
+        self.assertEqual(atfile.ac_radius()[12], 10.2505)
+        self.assertEqual(atfile.ac_radius(10), 10.2505)
+        self.assertEqual(atfile.ac_radius(10.5), 10.2505)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     #import sys;sys.argv = ['', 'Test.testName']
diff --git a/wetb/hawc2/tests/test_files/htcfiles/sub/test.htc b/wetb/hawc2/tests/test_files/htcfiles/sub/test.htc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d2f5ab03572e3dda5c0341fca3235911f813bb92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wetb/hawc2/tests/test_files/htcfiles/sub/test.htc
@@ -0,0 +1,783 @@
+; DTU_10MW_RWT, cpav, 17th Friday 2015
+begin simulation;
+  time_stop     100;
+  solvertype    1;    (newmark)
+  on_no_convergence continue;
+  convergence_limits 1E3 1.0 1E-7; ; . to run again, changed 07/11
+  logfile ./logfiles/dlc12_iec61400-1ed3/dlc12_wsp10_wdir000_s1004.log;
+  visualization ./visualization/dlc12_wsp10_wdir000_s1004.hdf5;
+  animation ./animation/structure_aero_control_turb.dat;
+  begin newmark;
+    deltat    0.02;  
+  end newmark;
+end simulation;
+begin new_htc_structure;
+  beam_output_file_name  ./res_eigen/dlc12_iec61400-1ed3/dlc12_wsp10_wdir000_s1004/dlc12_iec61400-1ed3/dlc12_wsp10_wdir000_s1004/dlc12_wsp10_wdir000_s1004_beam.dat;
+  body_output_file_name  ./res_eigen/dlc12_iec61400-1ed3/dlc12_wsp10_wdir000_s1004/dlc12_iec61400-1ed3/dlc12_wsp10_wdir000_s1004/dlc12_wsp10_wdir000_s1004_body.dat;
+  struct_inertia_output_file_name ./res_eigen/dlc12_iec61400-1ed3/dlc12_wsp10_wdir000_s1004/dlc12_iec61400-1ed3/dlc12_wsp10_wdir000_s1004/dlc12_wsp10_wdir000_s1004_struct.dat;
+  body_eigenanalysis_file_name ./res_eigen/dlc12_iec61400-1ed3/dlc12_wsp10_wdir000_s1004/dlc12_iec61400-1ed3/dlc12_wsp10_wdir000_s1004/dlc12_wsp10_wdir000_s1004_body_eigen.dat;
+  structure_eigenanalysis_file_name ./res_eigen/dlc12_iec61400-1ed3/dlc12_wsp10_wdir000_s1004/dlc12_iec61400-1ed3/dlc12_wsp10_wdir000_s1004/dlc12_wsp10_wdir000_s1004_strc_eigen.dat;
+  system_eigenanalysis ./launcher_test/ssystem_eigenanalysis.dat;
+ begin main_body;         tower 115m
+    name        tower;            
+    type        timoschenko;
+    nbodies     1;
+    node_distribution     c2_def;
+    damping_posdef   0.0 0.0 0.0 4.12E-03 4.12E-03 4.5E-04; Mx My Mz Kx Ky Kz , M´s raises overall level, K´s raises high freguency level "tuned by Larh"
+     begin timoschenko_input;
+      filename ./data/DTU_10MW_RWT_Tower_st.dat;
+      set 1 2; 
+    end timoschenko_input;
+    begin c2_def;              Definition of centerline (main_body coordinates)
+      nsec 11;
+      sec	1	0	0	0.00	0;  x,y,z,twist
+      sec	2	0	0	-11.50	0;
+      sec	3	0	0	-23.00	0;
+      sec	4	0	0	-34.50	0;
+      sec	5	0	0	-46.00	0;
+      sec	6	0	0	-57.50	0;
+      sec	7	0	0	-69.00	0;
+      sec	8	0	0	-80.50	0;
+      sec	9	0	0	-92.00	0;
+      sec	10	0	0	-103.50	0;
+      sec	11	0	0	-115.63	0;	  
+     end c2_def;
+    end main_body;
+  begin main_body;
+    name        towertop;              
+    type        timoschenko;
+    nbodies     1;
+    node_distribution     c2_def;
+    damping_posdef  0.0  0.0  0.0  7.00E-03  7.00E-03  7.00E-03;   "changed by Larh"	
+	concentrated_mass	2.0	0.0	2.6870E+00	3.0061E-01	4.4604E+05	4.1060E+06	4.1060E+05	4.1060E+06;	Nacelle mass and inertia "corrected by Anyd 25/4/13"
+	begin timoschenko_input;
+      filename ./data/DTU_10MW_RWT_Towertop_st.dat;
+      set 1 2;                
+    end timoschenko_input;
+    begin c2_def;              Definition of centerline (main_body coordinates)
+      nsec 2;
+      sec 1 0.0 0.0  0.0    0.0; x,y,z,twist
+      sec 2 0.0 0.0 -2.75   0.0; 
+    end c2_def;
+  end main_body;
+  begin main_body;
+    name        shaft;              
+    type        timoschenko;
+    nbodies     1;
+    node_distribution     c2_def;
+	damping_posdef  0.0 0.0 0.0 4.65E-04  4.65E-04  3.983E-03; "tuned by Anyd 23/5/13 to 31.45 log decr. damping for free free with stiff rotor and tower"
+    concentrated_mass	1.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	3.751E+06;	generator equivalent slow shaft "re_tuned by Anyd 20/2/13"  
+    concentrated_mass	5.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	1.0552E+05	0.0	0.0	3.257E+05;	hub mass and inertia;	"re_tuned by Anyd 20/2/13"  
+	begin timoschenko_input;
+      filename ./data/DTU_10MW_RWT_Shaft_st.dat;
+      set 1 1;                
+    end timoschenko_input;
+    begin c2_def;              Definition of centerline (main_body coordinates)
+      nsec 5;
+      sec 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; Tower top x,y,z,twist
+      sec 2 0.0 0.0 -1.5 0.0; 
+      sec 3 0.0 0.0 -3.0 0.0; 
+      sec 4 0.0 0.0 -4.4 0.0; Main bearing
+      sec 5 0.0 0.0 -7.1 0.0; Rotor centre
+    end c2_def;
+  end main_body;	
+  begin main_body;
+    name        hub1;              
+    type        timoschenko;
+    nbodies     1;
+    node_distribution     c2_def;
+    damping_posdef  0.0  0.0  0.0  3.00E-06  3.00E-06  2.00E-05;   "changed by Larh"	
+	begin timoschenko_input;
+      filename ./data/DTU_10MW_RWT_Hub_st.dat;
+      set 1 2;                
+    end timoschenko_input;
+    begin c2_def;              Definition of centerline (main_body coordinates)
+      nsec 2;
+      sec 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; x,y,z,twist
+      sec 2 0.0 0.0 2.8 0.0; 
+    end c2_def;
+  end main_body;
+begin main_body;
+  name           hub2;
+  copy_main_body hub1;
+end main_body;
+begin main_body;
+  name        blade1;
+  type        timoschenko;
+  nbodies     10;
+  node_distribution     c2_def;
+  damping_posdef     0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00153 0.00255 0.00033;
+  begin timoschenko_input;
+        filename	./data/DTU_10MW_RWT_Blade_st.dat;
+        set	1 1;		set subset
+  end timoschenko_input;
+   begin c2_def;
+    nsec 20;
+    sec 1  -6.48506643395348917053e-16  5.04432273032044074237e-05 2.39808173319033927116e-16 -1.02444066874147825530e+01;
+    sec 2  -1.77803489746453341307e-03  1.40884010924257948444e-02 4.94005896339658523431e+00 -1.03091808614494873098e+01;
+    sec 3  -1.29212241029686869531e-01  5.79344574853726257402e-02 1.04152655253544850211e+01 -1.03512581325657002651e+01;
+    sec 4  -6.50220227984423693179e-01  1.59254321735797399473e-01 1.63759726688984237342e+01 -8.39274960342848785899e+00;
+    sec 5  -1.10016152136135403339e+00  2.09976513503588618770e-01 2.27401393284814510309e+01 -5.29939281517982863079e+00;
+    sec 6  -1.27609842156438824112e+00  2.52497605662293733708e-01 2.93954065626978966463e+01 -3.67457815074469085204e+00;
+    sec 7  -1.26200198053285372879e+00  3.08809307184219228315e-01 3.62056325665537315217e+01 -2.38384593727400062591e+00;
+    sec 8  -1.12902484623288623666e+00  3.89613109385942235630e-01 4.30213648789366942538e+01 -1.07640254791781408983e+00;
+    sec 9  -9.75642487443318273677e-01  5.00517978918732286964e-01 4.96926697536713462000e+01 3.99910621631581308932e-01;
+    sec 10  -8.30703689432845115981e-01  6.43627562673231068402e-01 5.60820487321786202983e+01 1.90120197901677179253e+00;
+    sec 11  -7.03732321571815977457e-01  8.14873082490295441715e-01 6.20751462106500326854e+01 3.28366369604164543006e+00;
+    sec 12  -5.97896788566067871606e-01  1.00643157409663430712e+00 6.75876008339258476099e+01 4.46194140922395110493e+00;
+    sec 13  -5.12851158579595400866e-01  1.20836579160246815334e+00 7.25674388984144798087e+01 5.41647291969291710956e+00;
+    sec 14  -4.46215476488487916562e-01  1.41156599583795405728e+00 7.69934419594975452128e+01 6.17190016755864956366e+00;
+    sec 15  -3.94337497995550290142e-01  1.60817569136336380176e+00 8.08706180936091385547e+01 6.77035476874162256422e+00;
+    sec 16  -3.51792123394631617295e-01  1.79298858887296819198e+00 8.42241469170983663162e+01 7.23511092753480955508e+00;
+    sec 17  -3.07790697631454057692e-01  1.96360524492743881986e+00 8.70930265569473078813e+01 7.57092772105627531687e+00;
+    sec 18  -2.56218346285707054832e-01  2.11879327890513113886e+00 8.95242977444024887745e+01 7.76961278403044897090e+00;
+    sec 19  -1.94041837542441558684e-01  2.25830640717902486614e+00 9.15683243220642566484e+01 7.83441475282797217261e+00;
+    sec 20  -1.24300073691619730742e-01  2.38167115113771243884e+00 9.32752800000000092950e+01 7.79502842679776009049e+00;
+  end c2_def;
+end main_body;
+begin main_body;
+  name           blade2;
+  copy_main_body blade1;
+end main_body;
+  begin orientation;
+    begin base;
+      body   tower;
+      inipos        0.0 0.0 0.0;         initial position of node 1
+      body_eulerang 0.0 0.0 0.0;
+    end base;
+    begin relative;
+      body1  tower last;
+      body2  towertop 1;
+      body2_eulerang 0.0 0.0 0.0; 
+    end relative;
+    begin relative;
+      body1  towertop last;
+      body2  shaft 1;
+      body2_eulerang 90.0 0.0 0.0;
+      body2_eulerang -5.0 0.0 0.0;    5 deg tilt angle
+      body2_eulerang 0.0 0.0 0;
+      mbdy2_ini_rotvec_d1 0.0 0.0 -1.0 0.5; mbdy2_ini_rotvec_d1 0.0 0.0 -1.0 0.5; 
+    end relative;
+begin relative;
+    body1 shaft last;
+    body2 hub1 1;
+    body2_eulerang -90.000000 0.000000 0.000000;
+;body2_eulerang 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000;
+; body2_eulerang 2.500000 0.000000 0.000000;
+  end relative;
+  begin relative;
+    body1 shaft last;
+    body2 hub2 1;
+    body2_eulerang -90.000000 0.000000 0.000000;
+    body2_eulerang 0.000000 180.000000 0.000000;
+; body2_eulerang 2.500000 0.000000 0.000000;
+  end relative;
+  begin relative;
+    body1 hub1 last;
+    body2 blade1 1;
+    body2_eulerang 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000;
+  end relative;
+  begin relative;
+    body1 hub2 last;
+    body2 blade2 1;
+    body2_eulerang 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000;
+  end relative;
+end orientation;
+begin constraint;   
+    begin fix0;  fixed to ground in translation and rotation of node 1
+      body tower;
+    end fix0;
+     begin fix1; tower towertop
+		   body1 tower last;
+		   body2 towertop 1;
+		 end fix1;
+begin fix1; shaft hub
+    body1 shaft last;
+    body2 hub1 1;
+  end fix1;
+  begin fix1;
+    body1 shaft last;
+    body2 hub2 1;
+  end fix1;
+   ;
+    begin bearing1;                       free bearing
+      name  shaft_rot;
+      body1 towertop last;
+      body2 shaft 1;
+      bearing_vector 2 0.0 0.0 -1.0;        x=coo (0=global.1=body1.2=body2) vector in body2 coordinates where the free rotation is present
+   end bearing1; 
+;    begin bearing3;                       free bearing
+;      name  shaft_rot;
+;      body1 towertop last;
+;      body2 shaft 1;
+;      bearing_vector 2 0.0 0.0 -1.0;        x=coo (0=global.1=body1.2=body2) vector in body2 coordinates where the free rotation is present
+;      omegas 0.0;
+;   end bearing3; 
+  begin bearing2;
+    name pitch1;
+    body1 hub1 last;
+    body2 blade1 1;
+    bearing_vector 2 0.000 0.000 -1.000;
+  end bearing2;
+  begin bearing2;
+    name pitch2;
+    body1 hub2 last;
+    body2 blade2 1;
+    bearing_vector 2 0.000 0.000 -1.000;
+  end bearing2;
+end constraint;
+end new_htc_structure;
+begin wind;
+  density                 1.225;
+  wsp                     10;
+  tint                    0.2096;
+  horizontal_input        1;
+  windfield_rotations     0 0.0 0.0;    yaw, tilt, rotation
+  center_pos0             0.0 0.0 -119; hub heigth
+  shear_format            3 0.2; 
+  turb_format             1;  0=none, 1=mann,2=flex
+  tower_shadow_method     3;  0=none, 1=potential flow, 2=jet
+  scale_time_start        0; 
+  wind_ramp_factor   0.0 100 0.8 1.0;
+; iec_gust;
+;  wind_ramp_abs  400.0  401.0  0.0   1.0;   wsp. after the step:  5.0 
+;  wind_ramp_abs  501.0  502.0  0.0   1.0;   wsp. after the step:  6.0 
+;  wind_ramp_abs  602.0  603.0  0.0   1.0;   wsp. after the step:  7.0 
+;  wind_ramp_abs  703.0  704.0  0.0   1.0;   wsp. after the step:  8.0 
+;  wind_ramp_abs  804.0  805.0  0.0   1.0;   wsp. after the step:  9.0 
+;  wind_ramp_abs  905.0  906.0  0.0   1.0;   wsp. after the step: 10.0 
+;  wind_ramp_abs  1006.0  1007.0  0.0   1.0;   wsp. after the step: 11.0 
+;  wind_ramp_abs  1107.0  1108.0  0.0   1.0;   wsp. after the step: 12.0 
+;  wind_ramp_abs  1208.0  1209.0  0.0   1.0;   wsp. after the step: 13.0 
+;  wind_ramp_abs  1309.0  1310.0  0.0   1.0;   wsp. after the step: 14.0 
+;  wind_ramp_abs  1410.0  1411.0  0.0   1.0;   wsp. after the step: 15.0 
+;  wind_ramp_abs  1511.0  1512.0  0.0   1.0;   wsp. after the step: 16.0 
+;  wind_ramp_abs  1612.0  1613.0  0.0   1.0;   wsp. after the step: 17.0 
+;  wind_ramp_abs  1713.0  1714.0  0.0   1.0;   wsp. after the step: 18.0 
+;  wind_ramp_abs  1814.0  1815.0  0.0   1.0;   wsp. after the step: 19.0 
+;  wind_ramp_abs  1915.0  1916.0  0.0   1.0;   wsp. after the step: 20.0 
+;  wind_ramp_abs  2016.0  2017.0  0.0   1.0;   wsp. after the step: 21.0 
+;  wind_ramp_abs  2117.0  2118.0  0.0   1.0;   wsp. after the step: 22.0 
+;  wind_ramp_abs  2218.0  2219.0  0.0   1.0;   wsp. after the step: 23.0 
+;  wind_ramp_abs  2319.0  2320.0  0.0   1.0;   wsp. after the step: 24.0 
+;  wind_ramp_abs  2420.0  2421.0  0.0   1.0;   wsp. after the step: 25.0 
+  begin mann;
+    create_turb_parameters 29.4 1.0 3.9 1004 1.0;      L, alfaeps, gamma, seed, highfrq compensation
+    filename_u    ./turb/turb_wsp10_s1004u.bin; 
+    filename_v    ./turb/turb_wsp10_s1004v.bin; 
+    filename_w    ./turb/turb_wsp10_s1004w.bin; 
+    box_dim_u    1024 0.8544921875; 
+    box_dim_v    32 6.5; 
+    box_dim_w    32 6.5; 
+    std_scaling   1.0 0.7 0.5; 
+  end mann; 
+  begin tower_shadow_potential_2;
+    tower_mbdy_link tower;
+    nsec  2;
+    radius      0.0  4.15;
+    radius     115.63 2.75; (radius)
+  end tower_shadow_potential_2;
+end wind;
+begin aerodrag;
+  begin aerodrag_element;
+    mbdy_name tower;
+    aerodrag_sections uniform 10;
+    nsec 2;
+    sec 0.0 0.6 8.3;  tower bottom
+    sec 115.63 0.6 5.5;  tower top (diameter)
+  end aerodrag_element;
+  begin aerodrag_element;        Nacelle drag side
+    mbdy_name shaft;
+    aerodrag_sections uniform 2;
+    nsec 2;
+    sec 0.0   0.8 10.0;  
+    sec 7.01  0.8 10.0;  
+  end aerodrag_element;
+end aerodrag;
+begin aero; 
+  nblades  2;
+  hub_vec shaft -3;         rotor rotation vector (normally shaft composant directed from pressure to sustion side)
+  link 1 mbdy_c2_def blade1;
+  link 2 mbdy_c2_def blade2;
+    link	3 mbdy_c2_def blade3;
+    ae_filename	./data/DTU_10MW_RWT_ae.dat;
+    pc_filename	./data/DTU_10MW_RWT_pc.dat;
+  induction_method   1;     0=none, 1=normal
+  aerocalc_method    1;     0=ingen aerodynamic, 1=med aerodynamic
+  aerosections       50; def. 50
+  ae_sets            1 1 1;
+  tiploss_method     1;     0=none, 1=prandtl
+  dynstall_method    2;     0=none, 1=stig øye method,2=mhh method
+end aero; 
+begin dll;
+  begin type2_dll; 
+    name risoe_controller;
+    filename  ./control/risoe_controller.dll;
+    dll_subroutine_init init_regulation;
+    dll_subroutine_update update_regulation;
+    arraysizes_init  52 1;
+    arraysizes_update  12 100;
+	begin init;
+; Overall parameters
+      constant   1 10000.0; Rated power [kW]                         
+      constant   2   0.628; Minimum rotor speed [rad/s]
+      constant   3   1.005; Rated rotor speed [rad/s]
+      constant   4  15.6E+06; Maximum allowable generator torque [Nm]
+      constant   5  110.0; Minimum pitch angle, theta_min [deg], 
+							; if |theta_min|>90, then a table of <wsp,theta_min> is read;
+							; from a file named 'wptable.n', where n=int(theta_min)
+      constant   6  82.0; Maximum pitch angle [deg]
+      constant   7  10.0; Maximum pitch velocity operation [deg/s]
+      constant   8   0.4; Frequency of generator speed filter [Hz]
+      constant   9   0.7; Damping ratio of speed filter [-]
+      constant  10  2.42; Frequency of free-free DT torsion mode [Hz], if zero no notch filter used
+; Partial load control parameters
+      constant  11   0.108212E+08; Optimal Cp tracking K factor [Nm/(rad/s)^2],;
+                         ; Qg=K*Omega^2, K=eta*0.5*rho*A*Cp_opt*R^3/lambda_opt^3                     
+      constant  12   3.237E+07; Proportional gain of torque controller [Nm/(rad/s)]
+      constant  13   7.263E+06; Integral gain of torque controller [Nm/rad]
+      constant  14   0.0; Differential gain of torque controller [Nm/(rad/s^2)]
+;     Full load control parameters
+      constant  15   2; Generator control switch [1=constant power, 2=constant torque]
+      constant  16   5.525E-01; Proportional gain of pitch controller [rad/(rad/s)]
+      constant  17   1.817E-01; Integral gain of pitch controller [rad/rad]
+      constant  18   0.0; Differential gain of pitch controller [rad/(rad/s^2)]
+      constant  19   0.4e-8; Proportional power error gain [rad/W]
+      constant  20   0.4e-8; Integral power error gain [rad/(Ws)]
+      constant  21 	 1.113E+01; Coefficient of linear term in aerodynamic gain scheduling, KK1 [deg]
+      constant  22 	 4.791E+02; Coefficient of quadratic term in aerodynamic gain scheduling, KK2 [deg^2] &
+							; (if zero, KK1 = pitch angle at double gain)
+      constant  23   1.3; Relative speed for double nonlinear gain [-]
+;     Cut-in simulation parameters
+      constant  24  -1; Cut-in time [s]
+      constant  25  1.0; Time delay for soft start of torque [1/1P]
+;     Cut-out simulation parameters
+      constant  26  -1; Cut-out time [s]
+      constant  27   5.0; Time constant for linear torque cut-out [s]
+      constant  28  1; Stop type [1=normal, 2=emergency]
+      constant  29  1.0; Time delay for pitch stop after shut-down signal [s]
+      constant  30  3; Maximum pitch velocity during initial period of stop [deg/s]
+      constant  31  3.0; Time period of initial pitch stop phase [s] (maintains pitch speed specified in constant 30)
+      constant  32  4; Maximum pitch velocity during final phase of stop [deg/s]
+;     Expert parameters (keep default values unless otherwise given)
+      constant  33   2.0; Lower angle above lowest minimum pitch angle for switch [deg]
+      constant  34   2.0; Upper angle above lowest minimum pitch angle for switch [deg], if equal then hard switch
+      constant  35  95.0; Ratio between filtered speed and reference speed for fully open torque limits [%]
+      constant  36   2.0; Time constant of 1st order filter on wind speed used for minimum pitch [1/1P]
+      constant  37   1.0; Time constant of 1st order filter on pitch angle used for gain scheduling [1/1P]
+;     Drivetrain damper
+      constant  38   0.0; Proportional gain of active DT damper [Nm/(rad/s)], requires frequency in input 10
+;	  Over speed
+	  constant  39  250.0; Overspeed percentage before initiating turbine controller alarm (shut-down) [%]
+;     Additional non-linear pitch control term (not used when all zero)
+	  constant  40   0.0; Err0 [rad/s] 
+	  constant  41   0.0; ErrDot0 [rad/s^2]
+	  constant  42   0.0; PitNonLin1 [rad/s]
+;     Storm control command
+	  constant 43   28.0; Wind speed 'Vstorm' above which derating of rotor speed is used [m/s]
+	  constant 44   28.0; Cut-out wind speed (only used for derating of rotor speed in storm) [m/s]	  
+;     Safety system parameters
+	  constant 45   300.0; Overspeed percentage before initiating safety system alarm (shut-down) [%]
+	  constant 46    1.5; Max low-pass filtered tower top acceleration level [m/s^2] - max in DLC 1.3=1.1 m/s^2
+;     Turbine parameter
+	  constant 47  192.19808; Nominal rotor diameter [m]
+;     Parameters for rotor inertia reduction in variable speed region
+      constant 48    0.0; Proportional gain on rotor acceleration in variable speed region [Nm/(rad/s^2)] (not used when zero)
+;     Parameters for alternative partial load controller with PI regulated TSR tracking
+      constant 49    0.0; Optimal tip speed ratio [-] (only used when K=constant 11 = 0 otherwise  Qg=K*Omega^2 is used)
+;     Parameters for adding aerodynamic drivetrain damping on gain scheduling
+      constant 50    0.0; Proportional gain of aerodynamic DT damping [Nm/(rad/s)]
+      constant 51    0.0; Coefficient of linear term in aerodynamic DT damping scheduling, KK1 [deg]
+      constant 52    0.0; Coefficient of quadratic term in aerodynamic DT damping scheduling, KK2 [deg^2]
+	end init;
+    begin output;
+      general time; [s]     
+      constraint bearing1 shaft_rot 1 only 2; Drivetrain speed [rad/s]
+      constraint bearing2 pitch1 1 only 1; [rad]         
+      constraint bearing2 pitch2 1 only 1; [rad]
+      constraint bearing2 pitch2 1 only 1; [rad]	! Changed from pitch 3 - Keep the line for the output order
+      wind free_wind 1 0.0 0.0 -119; Global coordinates at hub height
+	  dll inpvec 2 2; Elec. power from generator servo .dll
+	  dll inpvec 2 8; Grid state flag from generator servo .dll
+	  mbdy state acc tower 10 1.0 global only 1; Tower top x-acceleration [m/s^2]
+	  mbdy state acc tower 10 1.0 global only 2; Tower top y-acceleration [m/s^2]
+    end output;     
+  end type2_dll;
+   begin type2_dll;
+     name generator_servo;
+     filename  ./control/generator_servo.dll;
+     dll_subroutine_init init_generator_servo;
+     dll_subroutine_update update_generator_servo;
+     arraysizes_init  7 1;
+     arraysizes_update  4 8;
+ 	begin init;
+       constant 1  20.0; Frequency of 2nd order servo model of generator-converter system [Hz]   
+       constant 2  0.9; Damping ratio 2nd order servo model of generator-converter system [-]
+       constant 3 15.6E+06; Maximum allowable LSS torque (pull-out torque) [Nm]
+       constant 4 0.94; Generator efficiency [-]
+       constant 5 1.0; Gearratio [-]
+       constant 6 0.0; Time for half value in softstart of torque [s]
+       constant 7 1000; Time for grid loss [s]
+     end init;
+     begin output;
+       general time;   Time [s]    
+       dll inpvec 1 1;   Electrical torque reference [Nm]  
+       constraint bearing1 shaft_rot 1 only 2;   Generator LSS speed [rad/s]   
+       mbdy momentvec shaft 1 1 shaft only 3;   Shaft moment [kNm] (Qshaft)
+     end output;
+     begin actions;    
+        mbdy moment_int shaft 1 -3 shaft towertop 2;   Generator LSS torque [Nm]
+     end actions;
+   end type2_dll;
+   begin type2_dll;
+     name mech_brake;
+     filename  ./control/mech_brake.dll;
+     dll_subroutine_init init_mech_brake;
+     dll_subroutine_update update_mech_brake;
+     arraysizes_init    7 1;
+     arraysizes_update  4 6;
+ 	begin init;
+      constant 1 2727252.0; Fully deployed maximum brake torque [Nm]
+      constant 2     100.0; Parameter alpha used in Q = tanh(omega*alpha), typically 1e2/Omega_nom
+      constant 3       0.625; Delay time for before brake starts to deploy [s] - from 5MW*1P_5/1P_10
+      constant 4       0.75; Time for brake to become fully deployed [s]
+     end init;
+     begin output;
+	   general time; Time [s]
+	   constraint bearing1 shaft_rot 1 only 2; Generator LSS speed [rad/s]
+	   dll inpvec 1 25; Command to deploy mechanical disc brake [0,1]
+     end output;
+     begin actions;    
+        mbdy moment_int shaft 1 3 shaft towertop 2;   Generator LSS torque [Nm]
+     end actions;
+   end type2_dll;
+  begin type2_dll;
+    name servo_with_limits;
+    filename  ./control/servo_with_limits.dll;
+    dll_subroutine_init init_servo_with_limits;
+    dll_subroutine_update update_servo_with_limits;
+    arraysizes_init  10 1;
+    arraysizes_update  5 9;
+	begin init;
+      constant 1   3; Number of blades [-]
+      constant 2   1.0; Frequency of 2nd order servo model of pitch system [Hz]
+      constant 3   0.7; Damping ratio 2nd order servo model of pitch system [-]
+      constant 4  10.0; Max. pitch speed [deg/s]
+      constant 5  15.0; Max. pitch acceleration [deg/s^2]
+      constant 6  -5.0; Min. pitch angle [deg] 
+      constant  7 90.0; Max. pitch angle [deg] 	  
+	  constant  8 1000; Time for pitch runaway [s]
+	  constant  9 -1; Time for stuck blade 1 [s]
+	  constant 10 0; Angle of stuck blade 1 [deg]
+	end init;
+    begin output;
+      general time;  Time                         [s]     
+       dll inpvec 1 2;  Pitch1 demand angle          [rad]
+       dll inpvec 1 3;  Pitch2 demand angle          [rad]
+       dll inpvec 1 4;  Pitch3 demand angle          [rad]
+       dll inpvec 1 26;  Flag for emergency pitch stop         [0=off/1=on]
+    end output;           
+    begin actions;    
+      constraint bearing2 angle pitch1; Angle pitch1 bearing    [rad]
+      constraint bearing2 angle pitch2; Angle pitch2 bearing    [rad]
+      general ignore 1;
+    end actions;                      
+  end type2_dll;
+;	--- DLL for tower-blade tip distance --;
+  begin type2_dll;
+    name disttowtip;
+    filename  ./control/towclearsens.dll;
+    dll_subroutine_init initialize;
+    dll_subroutine_update update;
+    arraysizes_init  1 1;
+    arraysizes_update  12 4;
+	begin init;
+	  constant  1  3.79; Tower radius close to downward blade tip [m] 
+	end init;
+    begin output;
+	  mbdy state pos tower    3 0.62 global; [1,2,3]. Tower position: 30.18 m
+	  mbdy state pos blade1  19 1.0 global; [4,5,6]
+	  mbdy state pos blade2  19 1.0 global; [7,8,9]
+	  mbdy state pos blade2  19 1.0 global; [10,11,12]
+    end output;           
+  end type2_dll;
+end dll;
+begin output;
+  filename ./res/dlc12_iec61400-1ed3/dlc12_wsp10_wdir000_s1004;
+;time 100 700;
+  data_format  hawc_binary;
+  buffer 1;
+  general time;  
+  general constant 1.0;	constant 1.0 - to mesure activity of flap in terms of displacement
+  constraint bearing1 shaft_rot 2; angle and angle velocity 
+  constraint bearing2 pitch1 5;    angle and angle velocity 
+  constraint bearing2 pitch2 5;    angle and angle velocity 
+;  constraint bearing2 pitch3 5;    angle and angle velocity 
+  aero omega;
+  aero torque;
+  aero power;
+  aero thrust;
+  wind free_wind 1 0.0 0.0 -119; local wind at fixed position: coo (1=global,2=non-rotation rotor coo.), pos x, pos y, pos z
+; Moments:
+  mbdy momentvec tower  1 1  tower # tower base;
+  mbdy momentvec tower  10 2 tower # tower yaw bearing;
+  mbdy momentvec shaft  4 1  shaft # main bearing;
+; Displacements and accellerations
+  mbdy state pos tower 10 1.0 global only 1 # Tower top FA displ; 
+  mbdy state pos tower 10 1.0 global only 2 # Tower top SS displ; 
+  mbdy state acc tower 10 1.0 global only 1 # Tower top FA acc; 
+  mbdy state acc tower 10 1.0 global only 2 # Tower top SS acc; 
+  mbdy state pos blade1  19 1.0 global # gl blade 1 tip pos;
+  mbdy state pos blade2  19 1.0 global # gl blade 2 tip pos;
+;  mbdy state pos blade3  26 1.0 global # gl blade 3 tip pos;
+  mbdy state pos blade1  19 1.0 blade1 # blade 1 tip pos;
+  mbdy state pos tower    3 0.62 global; [1,2,3]. Tower position: 30.18 m  
+; - Monitor Aerodynamics -;
+  aero windspeed 3 1 1 72.5;
+  aero alfa 1 72.5;
+  aero alfa 2 72.5; 
+  aero alfa 3 72.5; 
+  aero cl 1 72.5;
+  aero cl 2 72.5;
+  aero cl 3 72.5;
+  aero cd 1 72.5;
+  aero cd 2 72.5;
+  aero cd 3 72.5;    
+; - Main Controller - 
+; Output to controller
+; dll outvec 1 1 # time;
+; dll outvec 1 2 # slow speed shaft rad/s;
+; dll outvec 1 3 # pitch angle 1;
+; dll outvec 1 4 # pitch angle 2;
+; dll outvec 1 5 # pitch angle 3;
+; dll outvec 1 6 # WSP_x_global;
+; dll outvec 1 7 # WSP_y_global;
+; dll outvec 1 8 # WSP_z_global;
+; dll outvec 1 9 # Elec. pwr;
+; dll outvec 1 10 # Grid flag;
+; Input from controller
+  dll inpvec 1  1 # Generator torque reference            [Nm];
+  dll inpvec 1  2 # Pitch angle reference of blade 1      [rad];
+  dll inpvec 1  3 # Pitch angle reference of blade 2      [rad];
+;  dll inpvec 1  4 # Pitch angle reference of blade 3      [rad];
+; dll inpvec 1  5 # Power reference                       [W];
+; dll inpvec 1  6 # Filtered wind speed                   [m/s];
+; dll inpvec 1  7 # Filtered rotor speed                  [rad/s];
+; dll inpvec 1  8 # Filtered rotor speed error for torque [rad/s];
+; dll inpvec 1  9 # Bandpass filtered rotor speed         [rad/s];
+; dll inpvec 1 10 # Proportional term of torque contr.    [Nm];
+; dll inpvec 1 11 # Integral term of torque controller    [Nm];
+; dll inpvec 1 12 # Minimum limit of torque               [Nm];
+; dll inpvec 1 13 # Maximum limit of torque               [Nm];
+  dll inpvec 1 14 # Torque limit switch based on pitch    [-];
+; dll inpvec 1 15 # Filtered rotor speed error for pitch  [rad/s];
+; dll inpvec 1 16 # Power error for pitch                 [W];
+; dll inpvec 1 17 # Proportional term of pitch controller [rad];
+; dll inpvec 1 18 # Integral term of pitch controller     [rad];
+; dll inpvec 1 19 # Minimum limit of pitch                [rad];
+; dll inpvec 1 20 # Maximum limit of pitch                [rad];
+  dll inpvec 1 21 # Torque reference from DT dammper      [Nm];
+  dll inpvec 1 22 # Status signal                         [-];
+; dll inpvec 1 23 # Total added pitch rate                [rad/s];  
+  dll inpvec 1 24 # Filtered Mean pitch for gain sch      [rad];  
+  dll inpvec 1 25 # Flag for mechnical brake              [0=off/1=on];
+  dll inpvec 1 26 # Flag for emergency pitch stop         [0=off/1=on];
+  dll inpvec 1 27 # LP filtered acceleration level        [m/s^2];
+;; Output to generator model
+; dll outvec 2 1  # time;
+; dll outvec 2 2  # Electrical torque reference [Nm];
+; dll outvec 2 3  # omega LSS;
+; Input from generator model
+   dll inpvec 2 1  # Mgen LSS [Nm];
+   dll inpvec 2 2  # Pelec W;
+   dll inpvec 2 3  # Mframe;
+   dll inpvec 2 4  # Mgen HSS;
+   dll inpvec 2 5  # Generator Pmech kW;
+   dll inpvec 2 6  # Filtered Gen speed;
+   dll inpvec 2 7  # Resulting Eff;
+   dll inpvec 2 8  # Grid flag;
+; Output to mechanical brake
+   dll inpvec 3 1 # Brake torque [Nm];
+;; Input from mechanical brake
+; dll outvec 3 1 # Time [s];
+; dll outvec 3 2 # Generator LSS speed [rad/s];
+; dll outvec 3 3 # Deploy brake;
+;; Output to pitch servo
+; dll outvec 4 1 # time;
+; dll outvec 4 2 # pitchref 1;
+; dll outvec 4 3 # pitchref 2;
+; dll outvec 4 4 # pitchref 3;
+; dll outvec 4 5 # Emerg. stop;
+; Input from pitch servo
+   dll inpvec 4 1 # pitch 1;
+   dll inpvec 4 2 # pitch 2;
+;   dll inpvec 4 3 # pitch 3;
+; Check tower clearence
+   dll inpvec 5 1 # Bltip tow min d [m];
+; - Check on flap control:
+;; - From flap controller: - 
+; dll type2_dll cyclic_flap_controller inpvec 1	# Ref flap signal bl 1 [deg];
+; dll type2_dll cyclic_flap_controller inpvec 2	# Ref flap signal bl 2 [deg];
+; dll type2_dll cyclic_flap_controller inpvec 3	# Ref flap signal bl 3 [deg];
+;; - Mbc values
+; dll type2_dll cyclic_flap_controller inpvec 4	# momvec mbc cos [kNm];
+; dll type2_dll cyclic_flap_controller inpvec 5	# momvec mbc sin [kNm];
+; dll type2_dll cyclic_flap_controller inpvec 6	# momvec mbc filt cos [kNm];
+; dll type2_dll cyclic_flap_controller inpvec 7	# momvec mbc filt sin [kNm];
+; dll type2_dll cyclic_flap_controller inpvec 8	# flap mbc cos [deg];
+; dll type2_dll cyclic_flap_controller inpvec 9	# flap mbc sin [deg];
+;; - Check Gains -;
+; dll type2_dll cyclic_flap_controller inpvec 10	# lead angle [deg];	
+; dll type2_dll cyclic_flap_controller inpvec 11	# scaling on rat pow [-];	
+; dll type2_dll cyclic_flap_controller inpvec 12	# actual kp [deg/kNm];	
+; dll type2_dll cyclic_flap_controller inpvec 13	# actual ki [deg/kNms];	
+; dll type2_dll cyclic_flap_controller inpvec 14	# actual kd [deg s/kNm];	
+;; - Actual deflections -
+;  aero beta 1 1;
+;  aero beta 2 1;
+;  aero beta 3 1;   
+;; - Mbc values
+; dll type2_dll cyclic_flap_controller inpvec 4	# momvec mbc cos [kNm];
+; dll type2_dll cyclic_flap_controller inpvec 5	# momvec mbc sin [kNm];
+; dll type2_dll cyclic_flap_controller inpvec 6	# momvec mbc filt cos [kNm];
+; dll type2_dll cyclic_flap_controller inpvec 7	# momvec mbc filt sin [kNm];
+; dll type2_dll cyclic_flap_controller inpvec 8	# flap mbc cos [deg];
+; dll type2_dll cyclic_flap_controller inpvec 9	# flap mbc sin [deg];
+; sectional blade loads
+mbdy forcevec blade1 1 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 2 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 3 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 4 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 5 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 6 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 7 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 8 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 9 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 10 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 11 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 12 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 13 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 14 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 15 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 16 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 17 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 18 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 19 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 19 2 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 1 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 2 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 3 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 4 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 5 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 6 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 7 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 8 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 9 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 10 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 11 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 12 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 13 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 14 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 15 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 16 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 17 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 18 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 19 1 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 19 2 local # blade 1 local e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 1 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 2 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 3 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 4 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 5 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 6 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 7 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 8 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 9 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 10 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 11 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 12 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 13 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 14 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 15 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 16 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 17 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 18 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 19 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy forcevec blade1 19 2 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 1 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 2 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 3 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 4 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 5 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 6 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 7 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 8 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 9 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 10 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 11 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 12 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 13 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 14 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 15 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 16 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 17 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 18 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 19 1 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+mbdy momentvec blade1 19 2 blade1 # blade 1 blade1 e coo;
+end output;
+begin output_at_time aero 15;
+  filename ./res/rotor_check_inipos;
+  alfa 1;
+end output_at_time;
+begin output_at_time aero 15;
+  filename ./res/rotor_check_inipos2;
+  alfa 1;
+end output_at_time;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wetb/hawc2/tests/test_htc_file.py b/wetb/hawc2/tests/test_htc_file.py
index ff649e749ae467ec643a7d1353021f1eb8172d93..9d8e4031e4fb308258f3caeaeac6982ba7067723 100644
--- a/wetb/hawc2/tests/test_htc_file.py
+++ b/wetb/hawc2/tests/test_htc_file.py
@@ -32,16 +32,16 @@ class TestHtcFile(unittest.TestCase):
     def check_htc_file(self, f):
         with open(f) as fid:
             orglines = fid.readlines()
-        htcfile = HTCFile(f)
+        htcfile = HTCFile(f,"../")
         newlines = str(htcfile).split("\n")
         htcfile.save(self.testfilepath + 'tmp.htc')
         #with open(self.testfilepath + 'tmp.htc') as fid:
         #    newlines = fid.readlines()
         for i, (org, new) in enumerate(zip(orglines, newlines), 1):
             fmt = lambda x : x.strip().replace("\t", " ").replace("  ", " ").replace("  ", " ").replace("  ", " ").replace("  ", " ")
             if fmt(org) != fmt(new):
@@ -52,14 +52,13 @@ class TestHtcFile(unittest.TestCase):
                 print ()
         assert len(orglines) == len(newlines)
     def test_htc_files(self):
         for f in ['test3.htc']:
             self.check_htc_file(self.testfilepath + f)
     def test_htc_file_get(self):
-        htcfile = HTCFile(self.testfilepath + "test3.htc")
+        htcfile = HTCFile(self.testfilepath + "test3.htc",'../')
         self.assertEqual(htcfile['simulation']['time_stop'][0], 200)
         self.assertEqual(htcfile['simulation/time_stop'][0], 200)
         self.assertEqual(htcfile['simulation.time_stop'][0], 200)
@@ -68,7 +67,7 @@ class TestHtcFile(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(htcfile.dll.type2_dll__2.name[0], "risoe_controller2")
         s = """begin simulation;\n  time_stop\t200;"""
         self.assertEqual(str(htcfile.simulation)[:len(s)], s)
     def test_htc_file_get2(self):
         htcfile = HTCFile(self.testfilepath + "test.htc")
         self.assertEqual(htcfile['simulation']['logfile'][0], './logfiles/dlc12_iec61400-1ed3/dlc12_wsp10_wdir000_s1004.log')
@@ -76,14 +75,14 @@ class TestHtcFile(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(htcfile['simulation.logfile'][0], './logfiles/dlc12_iec61400-1ed3/dlc12_wsp10_wdir000_s1004.log')
         self.assertEqual(htcfile.simulation.logfile[0], './logfiles/dlc12_iec61400-1ed3/dlc12_wsp10_wdir000_s1004.log')
         self.assertEqual(htcfile.simulation.newmark.deltat[0], 0.02)
     def test_htc_file_set(self):
         htcfile = HTCFile(self.testfilepath + "test.htc")
         time_stop = htcfile.simulation.time_stop[0]
         htcfile.simulation.time_stop = time_stop * 2
         self.assertEqual(htcfile.simulation.time_stop[0], 2 * time_stop)
         self.assertEqual(htcfile.simulation.time_stop.__class__, HTCLine)
         htcfile.output.time = 10, 20
         self.assertEqual(htcfile.output.time[:2], [10, 20])
         self.assertEqual(str(htcfile.output.time), "time\t10 20;\n")
@@ -91,12 +90,12 @@ class TestHtcFile(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(htcfile.output.time[:2], [11, 21])
         htcfile.output.time = "12 22"
         self.assertEqual(htcfile.output.time[:2], [12, 22])
     def test_htc_file_set_key(self):
         htcfile = HTCFile(self.testfilepath + "test.htc")
         htcfile.simulation.name = "value"
         self.assertEqual(htcfile.simulation.name[0], "value")
     def test_htc_file_del_key(self):
         htcfile = HTCFile(self.testfilepath + "test.htc")
         del htcfile.simulation.logfile
@@ -105,16 +104,16 @@ class TestHtcFile(unittest.TestCase):
             del htcfile.hydro.water_properties.water_kinematics_dll
         except KeyError:
     def test_htcfile_setname(self):
         htcfile = HTCFile(self.testfilepath + "test.htc")
         htcfile.set_name("mytest", htc_folder="htcfiles")
         self.assertEqual(os.path.relpath(htcfile.filename, self.testfilepath), r'mytest.htc')
         self.assertEqual(htcfile.simulation.logfile[0], './log/mytest.log')
         self.assertEqual(htcfile.output.filename[0], './res/mytest')
     def test_set_time(self):
         htcfile = HTCFile(self.testfilepath + "test.htc")
         htcfile.set_time(10, 20, 0.2)
@@ -122,9 +121,9 @@ class TestHtcFile(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(htcfile.simulation.newmark.deltat[0], 0.2)
         self.assertEqual(htcfile.wind.scale_time_start[0], 10)
         self.assertEqual(htcfile.output.time[:2], [10, 20])
     def test_add_section(self):
         htcfile = HTCFile()
@@ -132,7 +131,7 @@ class TestHtcFile(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(htcfile.wind.mann.create_turb_parameters[0], 29.4)
         self.assertEqual(htcfile.wind.mann.create_turb_parameters[3], 1004)
         self.assertEqual(htcfile.wind.mann.create_turb_parameters.comments, "L, alfaeps, gamma, seed, highfrq compensation")
     def test_add_mann(self):
         htcfile = HTCFile()
         htcfile.add_mann_turbulence(30.1, 1.1, 3.3, 102, False)
@@ -149,8 +148,8 @@ class TestHtcFile(unittest.TestCase):
             self.assertEqual(a.strip(), b.strip())
         self.assertEqual(htcfile.wind.turb_format[0], 1)
         self.assertEqual(htcfile.wind.turb_format.comments, "")
     def test_sensors(self):
         htcfile = HTCFile()
@@ -162,13 +161,13 @@ class TestHtcFile(unittest.TestCase):
         for a, b in zip(s.split("\n"), str(htcfile.output).split("\n")):
             self.assertEqual(a.strip(), b.strip())
         #print (htcfile)
     def test_output_at_time(self):
-        htcfile = HTCFile(self.testfilepath + "test2.htc")
+        htcfile = HTCFile(self.testfilepath + "test2.htc",'../')
         self.assertTrue('begin output_at_time aero 15.0;' in str(htcfile))
     def test_output_files(self):
         htcfile = HTCFile(self.testfilepath + "test.htc")
         output_files = htcfile.output_files()
@@ -192,11 +191,11 @@ class TestHtcFile(unittest.TestCase):
             except ValueError:
                 raise ValueError(f + " is not in list")
     def test_turbulence_files(self):
-        htcfile = HTCFile(self.testfilepath + "dlc14_wsp10_wdir000_s0000.htc")
+        htcfile = HTCFile(self.testfilepath + "dlc14_wsp10_wdir000_s0000.htc",'../')
         self.assertEqual(htcfile.turbulence_files(), ['./turb/turb_wsp10_s0000u.bin', './turb/turb_wsp10_s0000v.bin', './turb/turb_wsp10_s0000w.bin'])
     def test_input_files(self):
         htcfile = HTCFile(self.testfilepath + "test.htc")
         input_files = htcfile.input_files()
@@ -213,20 +212,20 @@ class TestHtcFile(unittest.TestCase):
-                  self.testfilepath + 'test.htc'
+                  self.testfilepath.replace("\\","/") + 'test.htc'
             except ValueError:
                 raise ValueError(f + " is not in list")
     def test_input_files2(self):
-        htcfile = HTCFile(self.testfilepath + "ansi.htc")
+        htcfile = HTCFile(self.testfilepath + "ansi.htc",'../')
         input_files = htcfile.input_files()
         self.assertTrue('./htc_hydro/ireg_airy_h6_t10.inp' in input_files)
     def test_continue_in_files(self):
         htcfile = HTCFile(self.testfilepath + "continue_in_file.htc", ".")
         self.assertIn('main_body__31', htcfile.new_htc_structure.keys())
@@ -234,22 +233,32 @@ class TestHtcFile(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertIn('./data/NREL_5MW_st1.txt', htcfile.input_files())
         self.assertEqual(str(htcfile).count("exit"), 1)
         self.assertIn('filename\t./res/oc4_p2_load_case_eq;', str(htcfile))
     def test_tjul_example(self):
         htcfile = HTCFile(self.testfilepath + "./tjul.htc", ".")
     def test_ansi(self):
-        htcfile = HTCFile(self.testfilepath + "./ansi.htc")
+        htcfile = HTCFile(self.testfilepath + "./ansi.htc",'../')
     def test_file_with_BOM(self):
         htcfile = HTCFile(self.testfilepath + 'DLC15_wsp11_wdir000_s0000_phi000_Free_v2_visual.htc')
         self.assertEqual(str(htcfile)[0], ";")
     def test_htc_reset(self):
         htcfile = HTCFile(self.testfilepath + "test.htc")
         self.assertEqual(htcfile.wind.wsp[0], 10)
+    def test_htc_model_autodetect(self):
+        htcfile = HTCFile(self.testfilepath + "test.htc")
+        self.assertEqual(os.path.relpath(htcfile.modelpath,os.path.dirname(htcfile.filename)), "..")
+        htcfile = HTCFile(self.testfilepath + "sub/test.htc")
+        self.assertEqual(os.path.relpath(htcfile.modelpath,os.path.dirname(htcfile.filename)).replace("\\","/"), "../..")
+        self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "Modelpath cannot be autodetected", HTCFile, self.testfilepath + "test2.htc")
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     #import sys;sys.argv = ['', 'Test.testName']
diff --git a/wetb/hawc2/tests/test_logfile.py b/wetb/hawc2/tests/test_logfile.py
index 3625e37562f8b060ba995af8b875236f2749b100..0056df8a511017363d926aaf876e039e85d1e571 100644
--- a/wetb/hawc2/tests/test_logfile.py
+++ b/wetb/hawc2/tests/test_logfile.py
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class TestLogFile(unittest.TestCase):
         self.tfp = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_files/')  # test file path
     def test_from_htcfile(self):
-        htcfile = HTCFile(self.tfp + 'logfiles/model/htc/dlc14_iec61400-1ed3/dlc14_wsp10_wdir000_s0000.htc')
+        htcfile = HTCFile(self.tfp + 'logfiles/model/htc/dlc14_iec61400-1ed3/dlc14_wsp10_wdir000_s0000.htc',"../")
         logfile = LogFile.from_htcfile(htcfile, self.tfp + 'logfiles/model/')
         self.assertEqual(logfile.status, DONE)
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ class TestLogFile(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_reset(self):
-        htcfile = HTCFile(self.tfp + 'logfiles/model/htc/dlc14_iec61400-1ed3/dlc14_wsp10_wdir000_s0000.htc')
+        htcfile = HTCFile(self.tfp + 'logfiles/model/htc/dlc14_iec61400-1ed3/dlc14_wsp10_wdir000_s0000.htc',"../")
         logfile = LogFile.from_htcfile(htcfile, self.tfp + 'logfiles/model/')
         self.assertEqual(logfile.status, DONE)
diff --git a/wetb/utils/cluster_tools/cluster_resource.py b/wetb/utils/cluster_tools/cluster_resource.py
index 55206763141b49d1ce2d99cca0953728b8cf6c98..5c128cc59a8f84fafdd630cb3d31f0c1b17acfdc 100644
--- a/wetb/utils/cluster_tools/cluster_resource.py
+++ b/wetb/utils/cluster_tools/cluster_resource.py
@@ -112,6 +112,9 @@ class SSHPBSClusterResource(Resource):
         Resource.__init__(self, min_cpu, min_free)
         self.ssh = sshclient
         self.resource_lock = threading.Lock()
+    def glob(self, filepattern, cwd="", recursive=False):
+        return self.ssh.glob(filepattern, cwd, recursive)
     def host(self):