diff --git a/wetb/hawc2/htc_contents.py b/wetb/hawc2/htc_contents.py
index 54c338b47826883c96a64e3db4fa055c6593e2ba..7bbe2c4548aec27ad8c6ca1f6fd633f83465ed5f 100644
--- a/wetb/hawc2/htc_contents.py
+++ b/wetb/hawc2/htc_contents.py
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ class HTCDefaults(object):
             mann.add_line('create_turb_parameters', [L, ae23, Gamma, seed, int(high_frq_compensation)], "L, alfaeps, gamma, seed, highfrq compensation")
         if filenames is None:
-            fmt = "l%.1f_ae%.2f_g%.1f_h%d_%dx%dx%d_%.3fx%.2fx%.2f_s%04d%c.turb"
+            fmt = "mann_l%.1f_ae%.2f_g%.1f_h%d_%dx%dx%d_%.3fx%.2fx%.2f_s%04d%c.turb"
             import numpy as np
             dxyz = tuple(np.array(box_dimension) / no_grid_points)
             filenames = ["./turb/" + fmt % ((L, ae23, Gamma, high_frq_compensation) + no_grid_points + dxyz + (seed, uvw)) for uvw in ['u', 'v', 'w']]
diff --git a/wetb/hawc2/htc_file.py b/wetb/hawc2/htc_file.py
index 10eb514ce850b58647367475c58d960550e30bd7..0a58d861b490e8f8865517e9de4ea8a653891e12 100644
--- a/wetb/hawc2/htc_file.py
+++ b/wetb/hawc2/htc_file.py
@@ -146,8 +146,10 @@ class HTCFile(HTCContents, HTCDefaults):
         if 'soil' in self:
             if 'soil_element' in self.soil:
                 files.append(self.soil.soil_element.get('datafile', [None])[0])
-        if 'force' in self:
-            files.append(self.force.get('dll', [None])[0])
+        try:
+            files.append(self.force.dll.dll[0])
+        except:
+            pass
         return [f for f in set(files) if f]
diff --git a/wetb/hawc2/log_file.py b/wetb/hawc2/log_file.py
index 12dac0ab0be8b0bdda5acd154a733ca999fd9ff1..0316f709232bf56a7f97e26dbd1a01bc17ba57e2 100644
--- a/wetb/hawc2/log_file.py
+++ b/wetb/hawc2/log_file.py
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class LogInterpreter(object):
                     i1 = simulation_txt.rfind("Global time")
                     if i1 > -1:
                         self.current_time = self.extract_time(simulation_txt[i1:])
-                    if self.time_stop > 0:
+                    if self.current_time is not None and self.time_stop > 0:
                         self.pct = int(100 * self.current_time // self.time_stop)
                         self.remaining_time = (time.time() - self.start_time[1]) / (self.current_time - self.start_time[0]) * (self.time_stop - self.current_time)
@@ -123,11 +123,11 @@ class LogInterpreter(object):
         if self.remaining_time:
             if self.remaining_time < 3600:
                 m, s = divmod(self.remaining_time, 60)
-                return "%02d:%02d" % (m, math.ceil(s))
+                return "%02d:%02d" % (m, int(s))
                 h, ms = divmod(self.remaining_time, 3600)
                 m, s = divmod(ms, 60)
-                return "%d:%02d:%02d" % (h, m, math.ceil(s))
+                return "%d:%02d:%02d" % (h, m, int(s))
             return "--:--"
diff --git a/wetb/hawc2/simulation.py b/wetb/hawc2/simulation.py
index aae4a60932023bf471ce231ad0806dc34101fc11..9874f3e81f7e950ed6ae5a995dcfd2cdb9d727f2 100755
--- a/wetb/hawc2/simulation.py
+++ b/wetb/hawc2/simulation.py
@@ -23,8 +23,9 @@ from future import standard_library
 from wetb.utils.cluster_tools import pbsjob
 from wetb.utils.cluster_tools.cluster_resource import LocalResource
-from wetb.utils.cluster_tools.pbsjob import SSHPBSJob
+from wetb.utils.cluster_tools.pbsjob import SSHPBSJob, DONE, NOT_SUBMITTED
 from wetb.utils.cluster_tools.ssh_client import SSHClient
+from wetb.utils.timing import print_time
 from threading import Thread
@@ -98,7 +99,6 @@ class Simulation(object):
             self.log_filename = os.path.relpath(self.log_filename)
         self.log_filename = unix_path(self.log_filename)
         self.logFile = LogFile(os.path.join(self.modelpath, self.log_filename), self.time_stop)
         self.last_status = self.status
@@ -129,6 +129,8 @@ class Simulation(object):
         if self.logFile.status not in [log_file.DONE]:
             self.status = ABORTED
+        self.is_simulating = False
+        self.is_done = True
         if update_status:
@@ -191,6 +193,7 @@ class Simulation(object):
         self.status = INITIALIZING
+        self.returncode, self.stdout = self.host.returncode, self.host.stdout
         if self.host.returncode or 'error' in self.host.stdout.lower():
             if "error" in self.host.stdout.lower():
                 self.errors = (list(set([l for l in self.host.stdout.split("\n") if 'error' in l.lower()])))
@@ -244,6 +247,7 @@ class Simulation(object):
                 self.status = FINISH
     def __str__(self):
         return "Simulation(%s)" % self.filename
@@ -335,10 +339,12 @@ class UpdateStatusThread(Thread):
     def run(self):
-        print ("Wrong updatestatus")
         while self.simulation.is_done is False:
-            time.sleep(self.interval)
+            time.sleep(0.5)
+            t = time.time()
+            while self.simulation.is_simulating and time.time() < t + self.interval:
+                time.sleep(1)
 class SimulationResource(object):
@@ -455,8 +461,11 @@ class SimulationThread(Thread):
     def run(self):
         import psutil
         p = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
-        if self.low_priority:
-            p.set_nice(psutil.BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS)
+        try:
+            if self.low_priority:
+                p.set_nice(psutil.BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS)
+        except:
+            pass
         errorcode = self.process.returncode
@@ -473,7 +482,7 @@ class PBSClusterSimulationHost(SimulationResource, SSHClient):
     def __init__(self, simulation, resource, host, username, password, port=22):
         SimulationResource.__init__(self, simulation)
         SSHClient.__init__(self, host, username, password, port=port)
-        self.pbsjob = SSHPBSJob(host, username, password, port)
+        self.pbsjob = SSHPBSJob(resource.shared_ssh)
         self.resource = resource
     hawc2exe = property(lambda self : os.path.basename(self.sim.hawc2exe))
@@ -505,8 +514,8 @@ class PBSClusterSimulationHost(SimulationResource, SSHClient):
                     dst_file = os.path.join(self.modelpath, os.path.relpath(src_file, self.tmp_modelpath))
                     os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst_file), exist_ok=True)
-                    self.download(src_file, dst_file, verbose=False)
-                except ValueError as e:
+                    self.download(src_file, dst_file, retry=3)
+                except Exception as e:
                     print (self.modelpath, src_file, self.tmp_modelpath)
                     raise e
@@ -545,25 +554,29 @@ class PBSClusterSimulationHost(SimulationResource, SSHClient):
     def update_logFile_status(self):
-        status = self.pbsjob.status
+        def pbsjob_status():
+            if self.pbsjob._status in [NOT_SUBMITTED, DONE]:
+                return self.pbsjob._status
+            if self.pbsjob.jobid in self.resource.is_executing:
+                self.pbsjob._status = pbsjob.RUNNING
+            elif self.simulation_id in self.resource.finished:
+                self.pbsjob._status = DONE
+                self.pbsjob.jobid = None
+            return self.pbsjob._status
+        status = pbsjob_status()
         if status == pbsjob.NOT_SUBMITTED:
         elif status == pbsjob.DONE:
             self.is_simulating = False
-            try:
-                _, out, _ = self.execute("cat .hawc2launcher/status_%s" % self.simulation_id)
-                out = out.split(";")
-                if len(out) == 5:
-                    self.status = out[0]
-                    self.logFile = LogInfo(*out[1:])
-            except Exception as e:
-                if "No such file or directory" in str(e):
-                    pass
-                else:
-                    raise
+            if self.simulation_id in self.resource.loglines:
+                self.logline = self.resource.loglines[self.simulation_id]
+                self.status = self.logline[0]
+                self.logFile = LogInfo(*self.logline[1:])
     def start(self):
         """Start non blocking distributed simulation"""
@@ -578,6 +591,8 @@ class PBSClusterSimulationHost(SimulationResource, SSHClient):
+        self.is_simulating = False
+        self.is_done = True
         if self.status != ERROR and self.logFile.status not in [log_file.DONE]:
             self.status = ABORTED
diff --git a/wetb/hawc2/tests/test_htc_file.py b/wetb/hawc2/tests/test_htc_file.py
index f0ecc3d0611190d02287d5cd8cf53f6dfa18aee6..e852d6256d2292c577ccd68a9b9c0f617a6834de 100644
--- a/wetb/hawc2/tests/test_htc_file.py
+++ b/wetb/hawc2/tests/test_htc_file.py
@@ -118,9 +118,9 @@ class TestHtcFile(unittest.TestCase):
         htcfile.add_mann_turbulence(30.1, 1.1, 3.3, 102, False)
         s = """begin mann;
     create_turb_parameters\t30.1 1.1 3.3 102 0;\tL, alfaeps, gamma, seed, highfrq compensation
-    filename_u\t./turb/l30.1_ae1.10_g3.3_h0_4096x32x32_1.465x3.12x3.12_s0102u.turb;
-    filename_v\t./turb/l30.1_ae1.10_g3.3_h0_4096x32x32_1.465x3.12x3.12_s0102v.turb;
-    filename_w\t./turb/l30.1_ae1.10_g3.3_h0_4096x32x32_1.465x3.12x3.12_s0102w.turb;
+    filename_u\t./turb/mann_l30.1_ae1.10_g3.3_h0_4096x32x32_1.465x3.12x3.12_s0102u.turb;
+    filename_v\t./turb/mann_l30.1_ae1.10_g3.3_h0_4096x32x32_1.465x3.12x3.12_s0102v.turb;
+    filename_w\t./turb/mann_l30.1_ae1.10_g3.3_h0_4096x32x32_1.465x3.12x3.12_s0102w.turb;
     box_dim_u\t4096 1.4652;
     box_dim_v\t32 3.2258;
     box_dim_w\t32 3.2258;
diff --git a/wetb/utils/cluster_tools/cluster_resource.py b/wetb/utils/cluster_tools/cluster_resource.py
index 162036fd95edafba7bd1e7e45a1d961b9fbefca1..ebdf6f4aece80b05aa114b39ab516ea5bb76e989 100644
--- a/wetb/utils/cluster_tools/cluster_resource.py
+++ b/wetb/utils/cluster_tools/cluster_resource.py
@@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ import threading
 import psutil
 from wetb.utils.cluster_tools import pbswrap
-from wetb.utils.cluster_tools.ssh_client import SSHClient
+from wetb.utils.cluster_tools.ssh_client import SSHClient, SharedSSHClient
+from _collections import deque
+import time
 class Resource(object):
@@ -44,9 +46,11 @@ class Resource(object):
 class SSHPBSClusterResource(Resource, SSHClient):
     def __init__(self, host, username, password, port, min_cpu, min_free):
         Resource.__init__(self, min_cpu, min_free)
+        self.shared_ssh = SharedSSHClient(host, username, password, port)
         SSHClient.__init__(self, host, username, password, port=port)
         self.lock = threading.Lock()
     def new_ssh_connection(self):
         return SSHClient(self.host, self.username, self.password, self.port)
@@ -87,6 +91,8 @@ class SSHPBSClusterResource(Resource, SSHClient):
 class LocalResource(Resource):
     def __init__(self, process_name):
         N = max(1, multiprocessing.cpu_count() / 2)
@@ -97,11 +103,11 @@ class LocalResource(Resource):
     def check_resources(self):
         def name(i):
-                return psutil.Process(i).name
-            except (psutil._error.AccessDenied, psutil._error.NoSuchProcess):
+                return psutil.Process(i).name()
+            except (psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.NoSuchProcess):
                 return ""
         no_cpu = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
-        cpu_free = no_cpu - self.acquired  #(1 - psutil.cpu_percent(.5) / 100) * no_cpu
-        no_current_process = len([i for i in psutil.get_pid_list() if name(i).lower().startswith(self.process_name.lower())])
-        return no_cpu, cpu_free, no_current_process
+        cpu_free = (1 - psutil.cpu_percent(.5) / 100) * no_cpu
+        no_current_process = len([i for i in psutil.pids() if name(i).lower().startswith(self.process_name.lower())])
+        return no_cpu, cpu_free, self.acquired
diff --git a/wetb/utils/cluster_tools/pbsjob.py b/wetb/utils/cluster_tools/pbsjob.py
index 7b6d6f8e8827eecad29c19fab91f6e3ca280577c..901c00bc62eea095b078c05d4356c269cbf4a63b 100644
--- a/wetb/utils/cluster_tools/pbsjob.py
+++ b/wetb/utils/cluster_tools/pbsjob.py
@@ -12,14 +12,15 @@ RUNNING = "Running"
 DONE = "Done"
-class SSHPBSJob(SSHClient):
+class SSHPBSJob(object):
     _status = NOT_SUBMITTED
     nodeid = None
     jobid = None
-    def __init__(self, host, username, password, port=22):
-        SSHClient.__init__(self, host, username, password, port=port)
+    def __init__(self, sshClient):
+        self.ssh = sshClient
     def submit(self, job, cwd, pbs_out_file):
         self.cwd = cwd
@@ -31,25 +32,27 @@ class SSHPBSJob(SSHClient):
         if cwd != "":
             cmds.append("cd %s" % cwd)
         cmds.append("qsub %s" % job)
-        _, out, _ = self.execute(";".join(cmds))
+        ssh = SSHClient(self.ssh.host, self.ssh.username, self.ssh.password, self.ssh.port)
+        _, out, _ = ssh.execute(";".join(cmds))
         self.jobid = out.split(".")[0]
         self._status = PENDING
     def status(self):
         if self._status in [NOT_SUBMITTED, DONE]:
             return self._status
-        with self:
+        with self.ssh:
             if self.is_executing():
                 self._status = RUNNING
-            elif self.file_exists(self.pbs_out_file):
+            elif self.ssh.file_exists(self.pbs_out_file):
                 self._status = DONE
                 self.jobid = None
         return self._status
     def get_nodeid(self):
-            _, out, _ = self.execute("qstat -f %s | grep exec_host" % self.jobid)
+            _, out, _ = self.ssh.execute("qstat -f %s | grep exec_host" % self.jobid)
             return out.strip().replace("exec_host = ", "").split(".")[0]
         except Warning as e:
             if 'qstat: Unknown Job Id' in str(e):
@@ -59,7 +62,7 @@ class SSHPBSJob(SSHClient):
     def stop(self):
         if self.jobid:
-                self.execute("qdel %s" % self.jobid)
+                self.ssh.execute("qdel %s" % self.jobid)
             except Warning as e:
                 if 'qdel: Unknown Job Id' in str(e):
@@ -68,7 +71,7 @@ class SSHPBSJob(SSHClient):
     def is_executing(self):
-            self.execute("qstat %s" % self.jobid)
+            self.ssh.execute("qstat %s" % self.jobid)
             return True
         except Warning as e:
             if 'qstat: Unknown Job Id' in str(e):
diff --git a/wetb/utils/cluster_tools/ssh_client.py b/wetb/utils/cluster_tools/ssh_client.py
index cdda5b515e55fb9a73279d7dc122f93a091ed0c5..97d6ed8d8e5e968c5205c9eb0d3d849cfe412046 100644
--- a/wetb/utils/cluster_tools/ssh_client.py
+++ b/wetb/utils/cluster_tools/ssh_client.py
@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@ from io import StringIO
 import paramiko
 import os
 import sys
+import threading
+from _collections import deque
+import time
+import traceback
 class SSHClient(object):
     "A wrapper of paramiko.SSHClient"
@@ -31,6 +35,7 @@ class SSHClient(object):
         self.disconnect += 1
         if self.client is None:
+        return self.client
     def connect(self):
         if self.password is None:
@@ -50,14 +55,20 @@ class SSHClient(object):
-    def download(self, remotefilepath, localfile, verbose=False):
+    def download(self, remotefilepath, localfile, verbose=False, retry=1):
         if verbose:
             print ("Download %s > %s" % (remotefilepath, str(localfile)))
         with self:
-            if isinstance(localfile, (str, bytes, int)):
-                ret = self.sftp.get(remotefilepath, localfile)
-            elif hasattr(localfile, 'write'):
-                ret = self.sftp.putfo(remotefilepath, localfile)
+            for i in range(retry):
+                try:
+                    if isinstance(localfile, (str, bytes, int)):
+                        ret = self.sftp.get(remotefilepath, localfile)
+                    elif hasattr(localfile, 'write'):
+                        ret = self.sftp.putfo(remotefilepath, localfile)
+                    break
+                except:
+                    pass
+                print ("retry", i)
         if verbose:
             print (ret)
@@ -96,8 +107,12 @@ class SSHClient(object):
         if verbose:
             print (">>> " + command)
-        with self:
-            stdin, stdout, stderr = self.client.exec_command(command)
+        with self as ssh:
+            if ssh is None:
+                exc_info = sys.exc_info()
+                traceback.print_exception(*exc_info)
+                raise Exception("ssh_client exe ssh is NOne")
+            stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(command)
             if feed_password:
                 stdin.write(self.password + "\n")
@@ -143,6 +158,39 @@ class SSHClient(object):
         return files
+class SharedSSHClient(SSHClient):
+    def __init__(self, host, username, password=None, port=22, key=None, passphrase=None):
+        SSHClient.__init__(self, host, username, password=password, port=port, key=key, passphrase=passphrase)
+        self.shared_ssh_lock = threading.RLock()
+        self.shared_ssh_queue = deque()
+        self.next = None
+    def execute(self, command, sudo=False, verbose=False):
+        res = SSHClient.execute(self, command, sudo=sudo, verbose=verbose)
+        return res
+    def __enter__(self):
+        with self.shared_ssh_lock:
+            if self.next == threading.currentThread():
+                return self.client
+            self.shared_ssh_queue.append(threading.current_thread())
+            if self.next is None:
+                self.next = self.shared_ssh_queue.popleft()
+        while self.next != threading.currentThread():
+            time.sleep(1)
+        return self.client
+    def __exit__(self, *args):
+        with self.shared_ssh_lock:
+            if next != threading.current_thread():
+                with self.shared_ssh_lock:
+                    if len(self.shared_ssh_queue) > 0:
+                        self.next = self.shared_ssh_queue.popleft()
+                    else:
+                        self.next = None
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     from mmpe.ui.qt_ui import QtInputUI
     q = QtInputUI(None)