diff --git a/wetb/hawc2/cluster_simulation.py b/wetb/hawc2/cluster_simulation.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c67377f58a723b324b91f1cafe3665520770dcd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wetb/hawc2/cluster_simulation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+from wetb.hawc2.simulation import Simulation, SimulationThread
+import os
+import sys
+from threading import  Thread
+class ClusterSimulation(Simulation):
+    def __init__(self, modelpath, htcfilename, hawc2exe="HAWC2MB.exe"):
+        Simulation.__init__(self, modelpath, htcfilename, hawc2exe=hawc2exe)
+        self.simulation_id = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if f.endswith('.in')][0][:-3]
+        self.host.simulationThread.low_priority = False
+        self.non_blocking_simulation_thread = Thread(target=self.simulate)
+        self.start(1)
+        self.wait()
+        print (self.host.simulationThread.res[1])  # print hawc2 output to stdout
+        sys.exit(self.host.simulationThread.res[0])
+    def update_status(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        Simulation.update_status(self, *args, **kwargs)
+        with open("/home/mmpe/.hawc2launcher/status_%s" % self.simulation_id, 'w') as fid:
+            fid.write (";".join([self.status] + [str(getattr(self.logFile, v)) for v in ['status', 'pct', 'remaining_time', 'lastline']]) + "\n")
+    def show_status(self):
+        pass
diff --git a/wetb/hawc2/hawc2_pbsjob.py b/wetb/hawc2/hawc2_pbsjob.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 1091786a8f939406c2fac23384111f3da3dd0460..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/wetb/hawc2/hawc2_pbsjob.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-from wetb.hawc2.htc_file import HTCFile
-from wetb.utils.cluster_tools.pbsjob import PBSJob
-from wetb.hawc2.log_file import LogInterpreter
-import os
-import time
-from wetb.utils.cluster_tools import pbsjob
-class HAWC2PBSJob(PBSJob):
-    def __init__(self, host, username, password):
-        PBSJob.__init__(self, host, username, password)
-    def submit(self, job, cwd, pbs_out_file):
-        with open (cwd + job) as fid:
-            htcfilename = [l for l in fid if l.startswith('wine')][0].rsplit(" ", 1)[1].strip()
-        print (htcfilename)
-        htcfile = HTCFile(cwd + htcfilename)
-        self.log_filename = htcfile.simulation.logfile[0]
-        self.loginterpreter = LogInterpreter(htcfile.simulation.time_stop[0])
-        PBSJob.submit(self, job, cwd, pbs_out_file)
-    def status_monitor(self, update=5):
-        i = 0
-        self.loglinenumber = 0
-        while self.in_queue():
-            i += 1
-            print (i, self.status, self.get_nodeid())
-            if self.status is pbsjob.RUNNING:
-                #self.test()
-                scratch_log_filename = "/scratch/%s/%s.g-000.risoe.dk/%s" % (self.client.username, self.jobid, self.log_filename)
-                try:
-                    n, out, err = self.client.execute('tail --lines=+%d %s' % (self.loglinenumber, scratch_log_filename))
-                    self.loginterpreter.update_status(out)
-                    print (self.loginterpreter.status, self.loginterpreter.pct, self.loginterpreter.remaining_time, self.loginterpreter.lastline)
-                    with open("status" + self.jobid, 'w') as fid:
-                        fid.write(";".join([self.loginterpreter.status, str(self.loginterpreter.pct), str(self.loginterpreter.remaining_time), self.loginterpreter.lastline]))
-                    #print (out)
-                    self.loglinenumber += out.count ("\n")
-                    #print (err)
-                except Warning as e:
-                    if not "tail: cannot open" in str(e):
-                        print (str(e))
-            time.sleep(update)
-        print (i, self.status, self.get_nodeid())
-    def test(self):
-        self.log_filename = "logfiles/short.log"
-        scratch_log_filename = "/scratch/%s/%s.g-000.risoe.dk/%s" % (self.client.username, self.jobid, self.log_filename)
-        print (scratch_log_filename)
-        try:
-            n, out, err = self.client.execute('tail --lines=+%d %s' % (self.loglinenumber, scratch_log_filename))
-            print (n)
-            print (out)
-            self.loglinenumber += out.count ("\n")
-            print (err)
-        except Warning as e:
-            print (str(e))
diff --git a/wetb/hawc2/htc_file.py b/wetb/hawc2/htc_file.py
index d539794e32d0f8107757e1e8b4e30b5f40d6f4c8..95e3fb7485eca3f670b95e98174977cffb617b31 100644
--- a/wetb/hawc2/htc_file.py
+++ b/wetb/hawc2/htc_file.py
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ class HTCFile(HTCContents, HTCDefaults):
         return [f for f in files if f]
     def turbulence_files(self):
-        if self.wind.turb_format[0] == 0:
+        if 'wind' not in self.contents.keys() or self.wind.turb_format[0] == 0:
             return []
         elif self.wind.turb_format[0] == 1:
             files = [self.get('wind.mann.filename_%s' % comp, [None])[0] for comp in ['u', 'v', 'w']]
diff --git a/wetb/hawc2/log_file.py b/wetb/hawc2/log_file.py
index 622bb6fc009df5834ecf6ab9f2ee3bfe26be5748..48a810c8455258c636a9f521835bfbb63ab6c8c8 100644
--- a/wetb/hawc2/log_file.py
+++ b/wetb/hawc2/log_file.py
@@ -169,6 +169,16 @@ class LogFile(LogInterpreter):
             if txt != "":
                 LogInterpreter.update_status(self, txt)
+class LogInfo(LogFile):
+    def __init__(self, status, pct, remaining_time, lastline):
+        self.status = status
+        self.pct = int(pct)
+        try:
+            self.remaining_time = float(remaining_time)
+        except:
+            self.remaining_time = None
+        self.lastline = lastline
+        self.errors = []
+    def update_status(self):
+        pass
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wetb/hawc2/simulation.py b/wetb/hawc2/simulation.py
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index d1d20e698568c0f91786c47a954c9cdd942955c3..f7d8a444032777b06f4cec184426cac11f17bd64
--- a/wetb/hawc2/simulation.py
+++ b/wetb/hawc2/simulation.py
@@ -1,53 +1,90 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import absolute_import
 from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
 from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-from io import open
 from builtins import str
-from future import standard_library
-import os
-from wetb.hawc2.htc_file import HTCFile
-from wetb.hawc2.log_file import LogFile
-from threading import Timer, Thread
-import sys
-from multiprocessing.process import Process
-import psutil
-from wetb.utils.process_exec import process, exec_process
-import subprocess
-import shutil
-import json
 import glob
-from wetb.hawc2 import log_file
+from io import open
+import io
+import json
+import os
 import re
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import sys
 import threading
+import time
+from wetb.hawc2 import log_file
+from wetb.hawc2.htc_file import HTCFile
+from wetb.hawc2.log_file import LogFile, LogInfo
+from future import standard_library
+import psutil
+from wetb.utils.cluster_tools import pbsjob
+from wetb.utils.cluster_tools.cluster_resource import LocalResource
+from wetb.utils.cluster_tools.pbsjob import SSHPBSJob
+from wetb.utils.cluster_tools.ssh_client import SSHClient
+from threading import Thread
 QUEUED = "queued"  #until start
 PREPARING = "Copy to host"  # during prepare simulation
 INITIALIZING = "Initializing"  #when starting
 SIMULATING = "Simulating"  # when logfile.status=simulating
-FINISH = "Finish"  # when finish
+FINISH = "Finish"  # when HAWC2 finish
 ERROR = "Error"  # when hawc2 returns error
 ABORTED = "Aborted"  # when stopped and logfile.status != Done
 CLEANED = "Cleaned"  # after copy back
 class Simulation(object):
+    """Class for doing hawc2 simulations
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> sim = Simulation("<path>/MyModel","htc/MyHtc")
+    Blocking inplace simulation
+    >>> sim.simulate()
+    Non-blocking distributed simulation(everything copied to temporary folder)\n
+    Starts two threads:
+    - non_blocking_simulation_thread:
+        - prepare_simulation() # copy to temporary folder
+        - simulate() # simulate
+        - finish_simulation # copy results back again
+    - updateStatusThread:
+        - update status every second
+    >>> sim.start()
+    >>> while sim.status!=CLEANED:
+    >>>     sim.show_status()
+    The default host is LocalSimulationHost. To simulate on pbs featured cluster
+    >>> sim.host = PBSClusterSimulationHost(sim, <hostname>, <username>, <password>):
+    >>> sim.start()
+    >>> while sim.status!=CLEANED:
+    >>>     sim.show_status()
+    """
     is_simulating = False
-    _status = QUEUED
-    def __init__(self, modelpath, htcfilename, hawc2exe="HAWC2MB.exe"):
+    status = QUEUED
+    def __init__(self, modelpath, htcfilename, hawc2exe="HAWC2MB.exe", copy_turbulence=True):
         self.modelpath = os.path.abspath(modelpath) + "/"
         self.folder = os.path.dirname(htcfilename)
         if not os.path.isabs(htcfilename):
             htcfilename = os.path.join(modelpath, htcfilename)
-        self.htcfilename = htcfilename
         self.filename = os.path.basename(htcfilename)
         self.htcFile = HTCFile(htcfilename)
         self.time_stop = self.htcFile.simulation.time_stop[0]
-        self.copy_turbulence = True
-        self.simulation_id = os.path.relpath(self.htcfilename, self.modelpath).replace("\\", "_") + "_%d" % id(self)
-        self.stdout_filename = "%s.out" % self.simulation_id
+        self.hawc2exe = hawc2exe
+        self.copy_turbulence = copy_turbulence
+        self.simulation_id = os.path.relpath(htcfilename, self.modelpath).replace("\\", "_").replace("/", "_") + "_%d" % id(self)
+        self.stdout_filename = "stdout/%s.out" % self.simulation_id
         if 'logfile' in self.htcFile.simulation:
             self.log_filename = self.htcFile.simulation.logfile[0]
@@ -60,35 +97,32 @@ class Simulation(object):
         self.logFile = LogFile(os.path.join(self.modelpath, self.log_filename), self.time_stop)
-        self.last_status = self._status
+        self.last_status = self.status
         self.errors = []
-        self.thread = Thread(target=self.simulate_distributed)
-        self.dist_thread = Thread()
-        self.hawc2exe = hawc2exe
-        self.simulationThread = SimulationThread(self)
-        self.timer = RepeatedTimer(self.update_status)
+        self.non_blocking_simulation_thread = Thread(target=self.simulate_distributed)
+        self.updateStatusThread = UpdateStatusThread(self)
+        self.host = LocalSimulationHost(self)
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "Simulation(%s)" % self.filename
-    @property
-    def status(self):
-        return self._status
-    @status.setter
-    def status(self, status):
-        self._status = status
-        self.show_status()
+    def start(self, update_interval=1):
+        """Start non blocking distributed simulation"""
+        self.is_simulating = True
+        self.updateStatusThread.start()
+        self.non_blocking_simulation_thread.start()
-    def update_status(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        if self.status in [INITIALIZING, SIMULATING]:
-            self.logFile.update_status()
+    def wait(self):
+        self.non_blocking_simulation_thread.join()
+        self.update_status()
-            if self.logFile.status == log_file.SIMULATING:
-                self._status = SIMULATING
-            if self.logFile.status == log_file.DONE:
-                self._status = FINISH
+    def abort(self):
+        self.host.stop()
+        for _ in range(100):
+            if self.is_simulating:
+                break
+            time.sleep(0.1)
+        if self.logFile.status not in [log_file.DONE]:
+            self.status = ABORTED
+        self.update_status()
     def show_status(self):
         #print ("log status:", self.logFile.status)
@@ -103,6 +137,8 @@ class Simulation(object):
             sys.stdout.write("."*(100 - self.last_pct) + "|")
             print ("\n")
+        elif self.logFile.status == log_file.UNKNOWN:
+            print (self.status)
             print (self.logFile.status)
         if self.logFile.status != log_file.SIMULATING:
@@ -111,47 +147,37 @@ class Simulation(object):
         self.last_status = self.logFile.status
-    def additional_files(self):
-        additional_files_file = os.path.join(self.modelpath, 'additional_files.txt')
-        additional_files = {}
-        if os.path.isfile(additional_files_file):
-            with open(additional_files_file, encoding='utf-8') as fid:
-                additional_files = json.load(fid)
-        return additional_files
-    def add_additional_input_file(self, file):
-        additional_files = self.additional_files()
-        additional_files['input'] = list(set(additional_files.get('input', []) + [file]))
-        additional_files_file = os.path.join(self.modelpath, 'additional_files.txt')
-        with open(additional_files_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fid:
-                json.dump(additional_files, fid)
     def prepare_simulation(self):
         self.status = PREPARING
+        self.tmp_modelpath = os.path.join(".hawc2launcher/%s/" % self.simulation_id)
+        self.set_id(self.simulation_id, str(self.host), self.tmp_modelpath)
+        self.host._prepare_simulation()
-        self.tmp_modelpath = os.path.join(self.modelpath, "tmp_%s/" % self.simulation_id)
-        for src in self.htcFile.input_files() + self.htcFile.turbulence_files() + self.additional_files().get('input', []):
-            if not os.path.isabs(src):
-                src = os.path.join(self.modelpath, src)
-            for src_file in glob.glob(src):
-                dst = os.path.join(self.tmp_modelpath, os.path.relpath(src_file, self.modelpath))
-                # exist_ok does not exist in Python27
-                if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(dst)):
-                    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst))  #, exist_ok=True)
-                shutil.copy(src_file, dst)
-                if not os.path.isfile(dst) or os.stat(dst).st_size != os.stat(src_file).st_size:
-                    print ("error copy ", dst)
-                else:
-                    #print (dst)
-                    pass
-        self.logFile.filename = os.path.join(self.tmp_modelpath, self.log_filename)
-        self.simulationThread.modelpath = self.tmp_modelpath
+    def simulate(self):
+        #starts blocking simulation
+        self.is_simulating = True
+        self.errors = []
+        self.status = INITIALIZING
+        self.logFile.clear()
+        self.host._simulate()
+        if self.host.returncode or 'error' in self.host.stdout.lower():
+            if "error" in self.host.stdout.lower():
+                self.errors = (list(set([l for l in self.host.stdout.split("\n") if 'error' in l.lower()])))
+            self.status = ERROR
+        if  'HAWC2MB version:' not in self.host.stdout:
+            self.errors.append(self.host.stdout)
+            self.status = ERROR
+        self.logFile.update_status()
+        self.errors.extend(list(set(self.logFile.errors)))
+        self.update_status()
+        self.is_simulating = False
+        if self.host.returncode or self.errors:
+            raise Exception("Simulation error:\n" + "\n".join(self.errors))
+        elif self.logFile.status != log_file.DONE or self.logFile.errors:
+            raise Warning("Simulation succeded with errors:\nLog status:%s\nErrors:\n%s" % (self.logFile.status, "\n".join(self.logFile.errors)))
+        else:
+            self.status = FINISH
     def finish_simulation(self):
@@ -160,56 +186,64 @@ class Simulation(object):
             if self.status == CLEANED: return
             if self.status != ERROR:
                 self.status = CLEANED
+        self.host._finish_simulation()
+        self.set_id(self.simulation_id)
-        files = self.htcFile.output_files()
-        if self.copy_turbulence:
-            files.extend(self.htcFile.turbulence_files())
-        for dst in files:
-            if not os.path.isabs(dst):
-                dst = os.path.join(self.modelpath, dst)
-            src = os.path.join(self.tmp_modelpath, os.path.relpath(dst, self.modelpath))
-            for src_file in glob.glob(src):
-                dst_file = os.path.join(self.modelpath, os.path.relpath(src_file, self.tmp_modelpath))
-                # exist_ok does not exist in Python27
-                if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(dst_file)):
-                    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst_file))  #, exist_ok=True)
-                if not os.path.isfile(dst_file) or os.path.getmtime(dst_file) != os.path.getmtime(src_file):
-                    shutil.copy(src_file, dst_file)
-        self.logFile.filename = os.path.join(self.modelpath, self.log_filename)
+    def update_status(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.host.update_logFile_status()
+        if self.status in [INITIALIZING, SIMULATING]:
+            if self.logFile.status == log_file.SIMULATING:
+                self.status = SIMULATING
+            if self.logFile.status == log_file.DONE and self.is_simulating is False:
+                self.status = FINISH
+    def _input_sources(self):
+        def fmt(src):
+            if os.path.isabs(src):
+                src = os.path.relpath(os.path.abspath(src), self.modelpath)
+            else:
+                src = os.path.relpath (src)
+            assert not src.startswith(".."), "%s referes to a file outside the model path\nAll input files be inside model path" % src
+            return src
+        return [fmt(src) for src in self.htcFile.input_files() + self.htcFile.turbulence_files() + self.additional_files().get('input', [])]
+    def _output_sources(self):
+        def fmt(dst):
+            if os.path.isabs(dst):
+                dst = os.path.relpath(os.path.abspath(dst), self.modelpath)
+            else:
+                dst = os.path.relpath (dst)
+            dst = dst.replace("\\", "/")
+            assert not dst.startswith(".."), "%s referes to a file outside the model path\nAll input files be inside model path" % dst
+            return dst
+        return [fmt(dst) for dst in self.htcFile.output_files() + ([], self.htcFile.turbulence_files())[self.copy_turbulence] + [self.stdout_filename]]
-        try:
-            shutil.rmtree(self.tmp_modelpath)
-        except (PermissionError, OSError) as e:
-            raise Warning(str(e))
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "Simulation(%s)" % self.filename
-    def simulate(self):
-        #starts blocking simulation
-        self.is_simulating = True
-        self.errors = []
-        self.logFile.clear()
-        self.status = INITIALIZING
-        self.returncode, self.stdout = 1, "Simulation failed"
-        self.simulationThread.start()
-        self.simulationThread.join()
-        self.returncode, self.stdout = self.simulationThread.res
-        if self.returncode or 'error' in self.stdout.lower():
-            self.errors = list(set([l for l in self.stdout.split("\n") if 'error' in l.lower()]))
-            self.status = ERROR
-        self.is_simulating = False
-        self.logFile.update_status()
-        self.errors.extend(list(set(self.logFile.errors)))
-        if self.returncode:
-            raise Exception("Simulation error:\n" + "\n".join(self.errors))
-        elif self.logFile.status != log_file.DONE  or self.errors or self.logFile.errors:
-            raise Warning("Simulation succeded with errors:\nLog status:%s\n" % self.logFile.status + "\n".join(self.logFile.errors))
-        else:
-            self.status = FINISH
+    def additional_files(self):
+        additional_files_file = os.path.join(self.modelpath, 'additional_files.txt')
+        additional_files = {}
+        if os.path.isfile(additional_files_file):
+            with open(additional_files_file, encoding='utf-8') as fid:
+                additional_files = json.load(fid)
+        return additional_files
+    def add_additional_input_file(self, file):
+        additional_files = self.additional_files()
+        additional_files['input'] = list(set(additional_files.get('input', []) + [file]))
+        additional_files_file = os.path.join(self.modelpath, 'additional_files.txt')
+        with open(additional_files_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fid:
+                json.dump(additional_files, fid)
     def simulate_distributed(self):
@@ -217,7 +251,6 @@ class Simulation(object):
     def fix_errors(self):
         def confirm_add_additional_file(folder, file):
             if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.modelpath, folder, file)):
@@ -243,102 +276,302 @@ class Simulation(object):
     def get_confirmation(self, title, msg):
+        """override in subclass"""
         return True
     def show_message(self, msg, title="Information"):
         print (msg)
+class UpdateStatusThread(Thread):
+    def __init__(self, simulation, interval=1):
+        Thread.__init__(self)
+        self.simulation = simulation
+        self.interval = interval
     def start(self):
-        """Start non blocking distributed simulation"""
-        self.timer.start(1000)
-        self.thread.start()
+        Thread.start(self)
+    def run(self):
+        while self.simulation.is_simulating:
+            self.simulation.update_status()
+            time.sleep(self.interval)
+class SimulationResource(object):
+    def __init__(self, simulation):
+        self.sim = simulation
+    logFile = property(lambda self : self.sim.logFile, lambda self, v: setattr(self.sim, "logFile", v))
+    errors = property(lambda self : self.sim.errors)
+    modelpath = property(lambda self : self.sim.modelpath)
+    tmp_modelpath = property(lambda self : self.sim.tmp_modelpath, lambda self, v: setattr(self.sim, "tmp_modelpath", v))
+    simulation_id = property(lambda self : self.sim.simulation_id)
+    stdout_filename = property(lambda self : self.sim.stdout_filename)
+    htcFile = property(lambda self : self.sim.htcFile)
+    additional_files = property(lambda self : self.sim.additional_files)
+    _input_sources = property(lambda self : self.sim._input_sources)
+    _output_sources = property(lambda self : self.sim._output_sources)
+    log_filename = property(lambda self : self.sim.log_filename)
+    status = property(lambda self : self.sim.status, lambda self, v: setattr(self.sim, "status", v))
+    is_simulating = property(lambda self : self.sim.is_simulating, lambda self, v: setattr(self.sim, "is_simulating", v))
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.host
+class LocalSimulationHost(SimulationResource):
+    def __init__(self, simulation):
+        SimulationResource.__init__(self, simulation)
+        LocalResource.__init__(self, "hawc2mb")
+        self.simulationThread = SimulationThread(self.sim)
+    def _prepare_simulation(self):
+        # must be called through simulation object
+        self.tmp_modelpath = os.path.join(self.modelpath, self.tmp_modelpath)
+        self.sim.set_id(self.simulation_id, 'Localhost', self.tmp_modelpath)
+        for src in self._input_sources():
+            for src_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.modelpath, src)):
+                dst = os.path.join(self.tmp_modelpath, os.path.relpath(src_file, self.modelpath))
+                # exist_ok does not exist in Python27
+                if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(dst)):
+                    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst))  #, exist_ok=True)
+                shutil.copy(src_file, dst)
+                if not os.path.isfile(dst) or os.stat(dst).st_size != os.stat(src_file).st_size:
+                    print ("error copy ", dst)
+        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.tmp_modelpath, 'stdout')):
+            os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.tmp_modelpath, 'stdout'))  #, exist_ok=True)
+        self.logFile.filename = os.path.join(self.tmp_modelpath, self.log_filename)
+        self.simulationThread.modelpath = self.tmp_modelpath
+    def _simulate(self):
+        #must be called through simulation object
+        self.returncode, self.stdout = 1, "Simulation failed"
+        self.simulationThread.start()
+        self.simulationThread.join()
+        self.returncode, self.stdout = self.simulationThread.res
+        self.logFile.update_status()
+        self.errors.extend(list(set(self.logFile.errors)))
+    def _finish_simulation(self):
+        for dst in self._output_sources():
+            src = os.path.join(self.tmp_modelpath, dst)
+            for src_file in glob.glob(src):
+                dst_file = os.path.join(self.modelpath, os.path.relpath(src_file, self.tmp_modelpath))
+                # exist_ok does not exist in Python27
+                if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(dst_file)):
+                    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst_file))  #, exist_ok=True)
+                if not os.path.isfile(dst_file) or os.path.getmtime(dst_file) != os.path.getmtime(src_file):
+                    shutil.copy(src_file, dst_file)
+        self.logFile.filename = os.path.join(self.modelpath, self.log_filename)
-    def stop(self):
-        self.timer.stop()
-        self.simulationThread.process.kill()
-            self.finish_simulation()
-        except:
-            pass
-        if self.logFile.status not in [log_file.DONE]:
-            self.status = ABORTED
-        self.update_status()
+            shutil.rmtree(self.tmp_modelpath)
+        except (PermissionError, OSError) as e:
+            raise Warning(str(e))
+    def update_logFile_status(self):
+        self.logFile.update_status()
+    def stop(self):
+        self.simulationThread.stop()
+        self.simulationThread.join()
-#class SimulationProcess(Process):
-#    def __init__(self, modelpath, htcfile, hawc2exe="HAWC2MB.exe"):
-#        Process.__init__(self)
-#        self.modelpath = modelpath
-#        self.htcfile = os.path.abspath(htcfile)
-#        self.hawc2exe = hawc2exe
-#        self.res = [0, "", "", ""]
-#        self.process = process([self.hawc2exe, self.htcfile] , self.modelpath)
-#    def run(self):
-#        p = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
-#        p.nice = psutil.BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS
-#        exec_process(self.process)
 class SimulationThread(Thread):
-    def __init__(self, simulation):
+    def __init__(self, simulation, low_priority=True):
         self.sim = simulation
         self.modelpath = self.sim.modelpath
         self.res = [0, "", ""]
+        self.low_priority = low_priority
     def start(self):
-        si = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
-        si.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
         CREATE_NO_WINDOW = 0x08000000
         modelpath = self.modelpath
         htcfile = os.path.relpath(self.sim.htcFile.filename, self.sim.modelpath)
         hawc2exe = self.sim.hawc2exe
         stdout = self.sim.stdout_filename
-        self.process = subprocess.Popen('"%s" %s 1> %s 2>&1' % (hawc2exe, htcfile, stdout), stdout=None, stderr=None, shell=True, cwd=modelpath, creationflags=CREATE_NO_WINDOW)
+        if os.name == "nt":
+            self.process = subprocess.Popen('"%s" %s 1> %s 2>&1' % (hawc2exe, htcfile, stdout), stdout=None, stderr=None, shell=True, cwd=modelpath)  #, creationflags=CREATE_NO_WINDOW)
+        else:
+            self.process = subprocess.Popen('wine "%s" %s 1> %s 2>&1' % (hawc2exe, htcfile, stdout), stdout=None, stderr=None, shell=True, cwd=modelpath)
     def run(self):
         p = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
-        p.set_nice(psutil.BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS)
+        if self.low_priority:
+            p.set_nice(psutil.BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS)
         errorcode = self.process.returncode
+        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(self.modelpath + self.sim.stdout_filename)):
+            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.modelpath + self.sim.stdout_filename))
         with open(self.modelpath + self.sim.stdout_filename, encoding='utf-8') as fid:
             stdout = fid.read()
         self.res = errorcode, stdout
+    def stop(self):
+        subprocess.Popen("TASKKILL /F /PID {pid} /T".format(pid=self.process.pid))
+class PBSClusterSimulationHost(SimulationResource, SSHClient):
+    def __init__(self, simulation, host, username, password, port=22):
+        SimulationResource.__init__(self, simulation)
+        SSHClient.__init__(self, host, username, password, port=port)
+        self.pbsjob = SSHPBSJob(host, username, password, port)
+    hawc2exe = property(lambda self : os.path.basename(self.sim.hawc2exe))
+    def _prepare_simulation(self):
+        with self:
+            self.execute(["mkdir -p .hawc2launcher/%s" % self.simulation_id], verbose=False)
+            self.execute("mkdir -p %s%s" % (self.tmp_modelpath, os.path.dirname(self.log_filename)))
+            for src in self._input_sources():
+                for src_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.modelpath, src)):
+                    dst = (self.tmp_modelpath + os.path.relpath(src_file, self.modelpath)).replace("\\", "/")
+                    self.execute("mkdir -p %s" % os.path.dirname(dst), verbose=False)
+                    self.upload(src_file, dst, verbose=False)
+                    ##assert self.ssh.file_exists(dst)
+            f = io.StringIO(self.pbsjobfile())
+            f.seek(0)
+            self.upload(f, self.tmp_modelpath + "%s.in" % self.simulation_id)
+            self.execute("mkdir -p .hawc2launcher/%s/stdout" % self.simulation_id)
+            remote_log_filename = "%s%s" % (self.tmp_modelpath, self.log_filename)
+            self.execute("rm -f %s" % remote_log_filename)
+    def _finish_simulation(self):
+        with self:
+            for dst in self._output_sources():
+                src = os.path.join(self.tmp_modelpath, dst).replace("\\", "/")
+                for src_file in self.glob(src):
+                    dst_file = os.path.join(self.modelpath, os.path.relpath(src_file, self.tmp_modelpath))
+                    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst_file), exist_ok=True)
+                    self.download(src_file, dst_file, verbose=False)
+            self.execute('rm -r .hawc2launcher/%s' % self.simulation_id)
+            self.execute('rm .hawc2launcher/status_%s' % self.simulation_id)
+    def _simulate(self):
+        """starts blocking simulation"""
+        self.sim.logFile = LogInfo(log_file.MISSING, 0, "None", "")
+        self.pbsjob.submit("%s.in" % self.simulation_id, self.tmp_modelpath , self.sim.stdout_filename)
+        sleeptime = 1
+        while self.is_simulating:
+            #self.__update_logFile_status()
+            time.sleep(sleeptime)
+        local_out_file = self.modelpath + self.sim.stdout_filename
+        with self:
+            try:
+                self.download(self.tmp_modelpath + self.sim.stdout_filename, local_out_file)
+                with open(local_out_file) as fid:
+                    _, self.stdout, returncode_str, _ = fid.read().split("---------------------")
+                    self.returncode = returncode_str.strip() != "0"
+            except Exception:
+                self.returncode = 1
+                self.stdout = "error: Could not download and read stdout file"
+            try:
+                self.download(self.tmp_modelpath + self.log_filename, self.modelpath + self.log_filename)
+            except Exception:
+                raise Exception ("Logfile not found")
+        self.sim.logFile = LogFile.from_htcfile(self.htcFile, self.modelpath)
+    def update_logFile_status(self):
+        status = self.pbsjob.status
+        if status == pbsjob.NOT_SUBMITTED:
+            pass
+        elif status == pbsjob.DONE:
+            self.is_simulating = False
+            pass
+        else:
+            try:
+                _, out, _ = self.execute("cat .hawc2launcher/status_%s" % self.simulation_id)
+                out = out.split(";")
+                if len(out) == 5:
+                    self.status = out[0]
+                    self.logFile = LogInfo(*out[1:])
+            except Exception as e:
+                if "No such file or directory" in str(e):
+                    pass
+                else:
+                    raise
-class RepeatedTimer(object):
-    def __init__(self, function, *args, **kwargs):
-        self._timer = None
-        self.function = function
-        self.args = args
-        self.kwargs = kwargs
-        self.is_running = False
+    def start(self):
+        """Start non blocking distributed simulation"""
+        self.non_blocking_simulation_thread.start()
-    def _run(self):
-        self.is_running = False
-        self.start(self.interval)
-        self.function(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
-    def start(self, interval_ms=None):
-        self.interval = interval_ms
-        if not self.is_running:
-            self._timer = Timer(interval_ms / 1000, self._run)
-            self._timer.start()
-            self.is_running = True
+    def abort(self):
+        self.pbsjob.stop()
+        self.stop()
+        try:
+            self.finish_simulation()
+        except:
+            pass
+        if self.status != ERROR and self.logFile.status not in [log_file.DONE]:
+            self.status = ABORTED
     def stop(self):
-        self._timer.cancel()
-        self.is_running = False
+        self.is_simulating = False
+        self.pbsjob.stop()
+    def pbsjobfile(self):
+        cp_back = ""
+        for folder in set([os.path.relpath(os.path.dirname(f)) for f in self.htcFile.output_files() + self.htcFile.turbulence_files()]):
+            cp_back += "mkdir -p $PBS_O_WORKDIR/%s/. \n" % folder
+            cp_back += "cp -R -f %s/. $PBS_O_WORKDIR/%s/.\n" % (folder, folder)
+        rel_htcfilename = os.path.relpath(self.htcFile.filename, self.modelpath).replace("\\", "/")
+        return """
+### Standard Output
+#PBS -N h2l_%s
+### merge stderr into stdout
+#PBS -j oe
+#PBS -o %s
+### Maximum wallclock time format HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS
+#PBS -l walltime=01:00:00
+###PBS -a 201547.53
+#PBS -lnodes=1:ppn=1
+### Queue name
+#PBS -q workq
+### Create scratch directory and copy data to it
+cp -R . /scratch/$USER/$PBS_JOBID
+### Execute commands on scratch nodes
+cd /scratch/$USER/$PBS_JOBID
+echo "---------------------"
+python -c "from wetb.hawc2.cluster_simulation import ClusterSimulation;ClusterSimulation('.','%s', '%s')"
+echo "---------------------"
+echo $?
+echo "---------------------"
+### Copy back from scratch directory
+cd /scratch/$USER/$PBS_JOBID
+echo $PBS_JOBID
+cd /scratch/
+### rm -r $PBS_JOBID
+exit""" % (self.simulation_id, self.stdout_filename, rel_htcfilename, self.hawc2exe, cp_back)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    sim = Simulation('C:\mmpe\HAWC2\Hawc2_model/', 'htc/error.htc')
-    sim.simulate()
diff --git a/wetb/utils/cluster_tools/cluster_resource.py b/wetb/utils/cluster_tools/cluster_resource.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..804c6ed904e531b4e025ba5c8d3d22ee3386d925
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wetb/utils/cluster_tools/cluster_resource.py
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+Created on 04/04/2016
+@author: MMPE
+from wetb.utils.cluster_tools.ssh_client import SSHClient
+from wetb.utils.cluster_tools import pbswrap
+import multiprocessing
+import psutil
+class Resource(object):
+    def __init__(self, min_cpu, min_free):
+        self.min_cpu = min_cpu
+        self.min_free = min_free
+    def ok2submit(self):
+        """Always ok to have min_cpu cpus and ok to have more if there are min_free free cpus"""
+        total, free, user = self.check_resources()
+        if user < self.min_cpu:
+            return True
+        elif free > self.min_free:
+            return True
+        else:
+            return False
+class SSHPBSClusterResource(Resource, SSHClient):
+    def __init__(self, host, username, password, port, min_cpu, min_free):
+        Resource.__init__(self, min_cpu, min_free)
+        SSHClient.__init__(self, host, username, password, port=port)
+    def new_ssh_connection(self):
+        return SSHClient(self.host, self.username, self.password, self.port)
+    def check_resources(self):
+        with self:
+            _, output, _ = self.execute('pbsnodes -l all')
+            pbsnodes, nodes = pbswrap.parse_pbsnode_lall(output.split("\n"))
+            _, output, _ = self.execute('qstat -n1')
+            users, host, nodesload = pbswrap.parse_qstat_n1(output.split("\n"))
+        # if the user does not have any jobs, this will not exist
+        try:
+            cpu_user = users[self.username]['cpus']
+            cpu_user += users[self.username]['Q']
+        except KeyError:
+            cpu_user = 0
+        cpu_free, nodeSum = pbswrap.count_cpus(users, host, pbsnodes)
+        return nodeSum['used_cpu'] + cpu_free, cpu_free, cpu_user
+class LocalResource(Resource):
+    def __init__(self, process_name):
+        N = max(1, multiprocessing.cpu_count() / 4)
+        Resource.__init__(self, N, N)
+        self.process_name = process_name
+        self.host = 'Localhost'
+    def check_resources(self):
+        def name(i):
+            try:
+                return psutil.Process(i).name
+            except psutil._error.AccessDenied:
+                return ""
+        no_cpu = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
+        cpu_free = (1 - psutil.cpu_percent(.5) / 100) * no_cpu
+        no_current_process = len([i for i in psutil.get_pid_list() if name(i).lower().startswith(self.process_name.lower())])
+        return no_cpu, cpu_free, no_current_process
diff --git a/wetb/utils/cluster_tools/pbsjob.py b/wetb/utils/cluster_tools/pbsjob.py
index ae18eaf8ccd00bf8c0129c65d5743900b0ba0dad..7b6d6f8e8827eecad29c19fab91f6e3ca280577c 100644
--- a/wetb/utils/cluster_tools/pbsjob.py
+++ b/wetb/utils/cluster_tools/pbsjob.py
@@ -3,42 +3,35 @@ Created on 04/12/2015
 @author: mmpe
-#import x
-import time
-from wetb.utils.cluster_tools.ssh_client import SSHClient
 import os
-import paramiko
-import subprocess
+from wetb.utils.cluster_tools.ssh_client import SSHClient
 NOT_SUBMITTED = "Job not submitted"
 PENDING = "Pending"
 RUNNING = "Running"
 DONE = "Done"
-class PBSJob(object):
+class SSHPBSJob(SSHClient):
     _status = NOT_SUBMITTED
     nodeid = None
-    def __init__(self, host, username, password):
-        self.client = SSHClient(host, username, password, port=22)
+    jobid = None
-    def execute(self, cmd, cwd="./"):
-        proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, cwd=cwd)
-        stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
-        errorcode = proc.returncode
-        return errorcode, stdout.decode(), stderr.decode()
+    def __init__(self, host, username, password, port=22):
+        SSHClient.__init__(self, host, username, password, port=port)
     def submit(self, job, cwd, pbs_out_file):
         self.cwd = cwd
         self.pbs_out_file = os.path.relpath(cwd + pbs_out_file).replace("\\", "/")
         self.nodeid = None
-        try:
-            os.remove (self.pbs_out_file)
-        except FileNotFoundError:
-            pass
-        _, out, _ = self.execute("qsub %s" % job, cwd)
+        #self.execute()
+        cmds = ['rm -f %s' % self.pbs_out_file]
+        if cwd != "":
+            cmds.append("cd %s" % cwd)
+        cmds.append("qsub %s" % job)
+        _, out, _ = self.execute(";".join(cmds))
         self.jobid = out.split(".")[0]
         self._status = PENDING
@@ -46,44 +39,38 @@ class PBSJob(object):
     def status(self):
         if self._status in [NOT_SUBMITTED, DONE]:
             return self._status
-        if self.nodeid is None:
-            self.nodeid = self.get_nodeid()
-            if self.nodeid is not None:
+        with self:
+            if self.is_executing():
                 self._status = RUNNING
-        if self.in_queue() and self.nodeid is None:
-            self._status = PENDING
-        elif os.path.isfile(self.pbs_out_file):
-            self._status = DONE
+            elif self.file_exists(self.pbs_out_file):
+                self._status = DONE
+                self.jobid = None
         return self._status
     def get_nodeid(self):
-            errorcode, out, err = self.execute("qstat -f %s | grep exec_host" % self.jobid)
-            if errorcode == 0:
-                return out.strip().replace("exec_host = ", "").split(".")[0]
-            elif errorcode == 1 and out == "":
-                return None
-            elif errorcode == 153 and 'qstat: Unknown Job Id' in err:
+        try:
+            _, out, _ = self.execute("qstat -f %s | grep exec_host" % self.jobid)
+            return out.strip().replace("exec_host = ", "").split(".")[0]
+        except Warning as e:
+            if 'qstat: Unknown Job Id' in str(e):
                 return None
-            else:
-                raise Exception(str(errorcode) + out + err)
+            #raise e
     def stop(self):
-        try:
-            self.execute("qdel %s" % self.jobid)
-        except Warning as e:
-            if 'qdel: Unknown Job Id' in str(e):
-                return
-            raise e
+        if self.jobid:
+            try:
+                self.execute("qdel %s" % self.jobid)
+            except Warning as e:
+                if 'qdel: Unknown Job Id' in str(e):
+                    return
+                raise e
-    def in_queue(self):
-        errorcode, out, err = self.execute("qstat %s" % self.jobid)
-        if errorcode == 0:
+    def is_executing(self):
+        try:
+            self.execute("qstat %s" % self.jobid)
             return True
-        elif 'qstat: Unknown Job Id' in str(err):
-            return False
-        else:
-            raise Exception(str(errorcode) + out + err)
+        except Warning as e:
+            if 'qstat: Unknown Job Id' in str(e):
+                return False
+            raise e
diff --git a/wetb/utils/cluster_tools/pbswrap.py b/wetb/utils/cluster_tools/pbswrap.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5eb3f37091f97405676dac4fd4347c12050bbbe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wetb/utils/cluster_tools/pbswrap.py
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+# Author: David Verelst - david.verelst@gmail.com
+# Version: 0.10 - 15/03/2010
+# Version: 0.11 - 13/04/2010 : adding nodes down, offline to the total
+#                                 overview of available nodes
+# version: 0.20 - 17/11/2011 : major rewrite, support added for gorm
+# version: 0.30 - 19/12/2012 : refactoring, added the node overview
+# version: 0.40 - 26/03/2014 : removed Thyra, added support for Jess
+import os
+import socket
+def print_dashboard(users, host, pbsnodes):
+    # print nicely
+    # the header
+    #    ---------------------------------------------
+    #         User  Running   Queued  Waiting    Other
+    #    ---------------------------------------------
+    #         jber        3        0        0        0
+    print
+    print ('-' * 54)
+    print ('cpus'.rjust(18) + 'nodes'.rjust(9))
+    print ('User'.rjust(9) + 'Running'.rjust(9) + 'Running'.rjust(9) \
+        + 'Queued'.rjust(9) + 'Waiting'.rjust(9) + 'Other'.rjust(9))
+    # nodeSum: overview (summation of all jobs) nodes per user:
+    # nodeSum = [running, queued, waiting, other, cpus]
+    nodeSum = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
+    print ('-' * 54)
+    # print all values in the table: the nodes used per user
+    #userlist = users['users'].keys()
+    #userlist.sort()
+    for uid in sorted(users):
+        # or get the unique nodes the user is on
+        try:
+            R = len(users[uid]['nodes'])
+        except KeyError:
+            # means it is not running yet but queued, waiting or otherwise
+            R = users[uid]['R']
+        Q = users[uid]['Q']
+        W = users[uid]['W']
+        O = users[uid]['E'] + users[uid]['H'] + users[uid]['T'] \
+           + users[uid]['S'] + users[uid]['O'] + users[uid]['C']
+        cpus = users[uid]['cpus']
+        print (uid.rjust(9) + str(cpus).rjust(9) + str(R).rjust(9) \
+            + str(Q).rjust(9) + str(W).rjust(9) + str(O).rjust(9))
+        nodeSum[0] += R
+        nodeSum[1] += Q
+        nodeSum[2] += W
+        nodeSum[3] += O
+        nodeSum[4] += cpus
+    nr_nodes = pbsnodes['nr_nodes']
+    down = pbsnodes['down']
+    others = pbsnodes['others']
+    total_cpu = host['cpu_per_node'] * nr_nodes
+    # the summed up for each node status (queued, running,...)
+    print ('-' * 54)
+    print ('total'.rjust(9) + str(nodeSum[4]).rjust(9) + str(nodeSum[0]).rjust(9) \
+        + str(nodeSum[1]).rjust(9) + str(nodeSum[2]).rjust(9)\
+        + str(nodeSum[3]).rjust(9))
+    print ('-' * 54)
+    print ('free'.rjust(9) + str(total_cpu - nodeSum[4]).rjust(9) \
+        + str(nr_nodes - nodeSum[0] - others - down).rjust(9))
+    print ('down'.rjust(9) + str(down).rjust(18))
+    print ('-' * 54)
+    print
+def print_node_loading(users, host, nodes, nodesload):
+    """
+    Give an overview of how each node is loaded
+    """
+    if len(host) < 1:
+        print ('It is very quit, nobody is working on the cluster.')
+        return
+    hostname = host['name']
+    cpunode = host['cpu_per_node']
+    print
+    # print a header
+    if hostname == 'gorm':
+        print ('-' * 79)
+        header = '|'.join([str(k).center(5) for k in range(1, 13, 1)]) + '|'
+        print ('id'.center(5), header)
+        print ('-' * 79)
+    elif hostname == 'jess':
+        print ('-' * 126)
+        header = '|'.join([str(k).center(5) for k in range(1, 21, 1)]) + '|'
+        print ('id'.center(5), header)
+        print ('-' * 126)
+    # print who is using the nodes
+    for node in sorted(nodes):
+        status = nodes[node]
+        # now we have a list of user on this node
+        try:
+            users = sorted(nodesload[node])
+            for kk in range(len(users), cpunode):
+                users.append('')
+            # limit uid names to 5 characters
+            printlist = '|'.join([k[:5].center(5) for k in users]) + '|'
+        # if it doesn't exist in the nodesload, just print the status
+        except KeyError:
+            printlist = status.center(5)
+        print (node, printlist)
+    # print a header
+    if hostname == 'gorm':
+        print ('-' * 79)
+        print ('id'.center(5), header)
+        print ('-' * 79)
+    elif hostname == 'jess':
+        print ('-' * 126)
+        print ('id'.center(5), header)
+        print ('-' * 126)
+    #print
+def parse_pbsnode_lall(output):
+    # read the qstat output
+    frees, exclusives, others, down = 0, 0, 0, 0
+    nr_nodes = 0
+    nodes = {}
+    for k in output:
+        if len(k) > 2:
+            line = k.split()
+            status = line[1]
+            node = line[0].split('.')[0]
+            if node.startswith('v-'):
+                #host = 'valde'
+                # uglye monkey patch: ignore any valde nodes
+                continue
+            #elif node.startswith('g-'):
+                #host = 'gorm'
+            #elif node.startswith('th-'):
+                #host = 'thyra'
+            if status == 'free':
+                frees += 1
+                nr_nodes += 1
+            elif status == 'job-exclusive':
+                exclusives += 1
+                nr_nodes += 1
+            elif status == 'down,offline':
+                down += 1
+            elif status == 'offline':
+                down += 1
+            elif status == 'down':
+                down += 1
+            else:
+                others += 1
+            nodes[node] = status
+    #check = frees + exclusives + down + others
+    pbsnodes = {'frees' : frees, 'nr_nodes' : nr_nodes, 'others' : others,
+               'exclusives' : exclusives, 'down' : down}
+    return pbsnodes, nodes
+def parse_qstat_n1(output):
+    """
+    Parse the output of qstat -n1
+    """
+    # for global node usage, keep track of how many processes are running on
+    # each of the nodes
+    nodesload = {}
+    # store it all in dictionaries
+    host = {}
+    users = {}
+    # get the hostname
+    hostname = output[1]
+    if hostname[:5] == 'g-000':
+        host['name'] = 'gorm'
+        host['cpu_per_node'] = 12
+    else:
+        # 272 nodes are 2 x 10 core (twenty) processors
+        host['name'] = 'jess'
+        #total_nodes = 80
+        host['cpu_per_node'] = 20
+    # take the available nodes in nr_nodes: it excludes the ones
+    # who are down
+    #queue['_total_cpu_'] = cpu_node*nr_nodes
+    for line in output[5:]:  # first 5 are not relevant
+        if line == "":
+            continue
+        items = line.split()
+        queue = items[2]
+        # uglye monkey patch: ignore any valde nodes
+        if queue == 'valdeq':
+            continue
+        jobid = items[0]
+        # valid line starts with the jobid, which is an int
+        jobid = jobid.split('.')[0]
+        userid = items[1]
+        # nr nodes used by the job
+        job_nodes = int(items[5])
+        # status of the job
+        job_status = items[9]
+        # is the user already in the queue dict?
+        try:
+            users[userid]['jobs'].append(jobid)
+            users[userid][job_status] += job_nodes
+        # if the user wasn't added before, create the sub dictionaries
+        except KeyError:
+            # initialise the users dictionary and job list
+            users[userid] = dict()
+            users[userid]['C'] = 0
+            users[userid]['E'] = 0
+            users[userid]['H'] = 0
+            users[userid]['Q'] = 0
+            users[userid]['R'] = 0
+            users[userid]['T'] = 0
+            users[userid]['W'] = 0
+            users[userid]['S'] = 0
+            users[userid]['O'] = 0
+            users[userid]['cpus'] = 0
+            users[userid]['jobs'] = []
+            users[userid]['nodes'] = set()
+            # set the values
+            users[userid]['jobs'].append(jobid)
+            users[userid][job_status] += job_nodes
+        if job_status == 'R':
+            # each occurance of the node name is seprated by a + and
+            # indicates a process running on a CPU of that node
+            nodes = items[11].split('+')
+            # TODO: take into account cpu number for jess: j-304/5
+            # on jess, the cpu number of the node is indicated, ignore for now
+            if host['name'].startswith('jess'):
+                for i, node in enumerate(nodes):
+                    nodes[i] = node.split('/')[0]
+            # keep track of the number of processes the user running
+            users[userid]['cpus'] += len(nodes)
+            # for the number of used nodes, keep track of the unique nodes used
+            users[userid]['nodes'].update(set(nodes))
+            # remember all the nodes the user is on in a dictionary
+            for node in nodes:
+                try:
+                    nodesload[node].append(userid)
+                except KeyError:
+                    nodesload[node] = [userid]
+    return users, host, nodesload
+def count_cpus(users, host, pbsnodes):
+    """
+    See how many cpu's are actually free
+    """
+    nodeSum = {'R':0, 'Q':0, 'W':0, 'O':0, 'used_cpu':0, 'H':0}
+    for uid in users:
+        # or get the unique nodes the user is on
+        try:
+            nodeSum['R'] = len(users[uid]['nodes'])
+        except KeyError:
+            # means it is not running yet but queued, waiting or otherwise
+            nodeSum['R'] = users[uid]['R']
+        nodeSum['Q'] += users[uid]['Q']
+        nodeSum['W'] += users[uid]['W']
+        nodeSum['H'] += users[uid]['H']
+        nodeSum['used_cpu'] += users[uid]['cpus']
+        nodeSum['O'] += users[uid]['E'] + users[uid]['T'] + users[uid]['S'] \
+                      + users[uid]['O'] + users[uid]['C']
+    # free cpus
+    down_cpu = host['cpu_per_node'] * pbsnodes['down']
+    total_cpu = host['cpu_per_node'] * pbsnodes['nr_nodes']
+    cpu_free = total_cpu - down_cpu - nodeSum['used_cpu']
+    return cpu_free, nodeSum
+PBS_TEMP = """
+### Standard Output
+#PBS -N [jobname]
+#PBS -o ./[pbs_out_file]
+### Standard Error
+#PBS -e ./[pbs_err_file]
+#PBS -W umask=003
+### Maximum wallclock time format HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS
+#PBS -l walltime=[walltime]
+#PBS -lnodes=[lnodes]:ppn=[ppn]
+### Queue name
+#PBS -q [queue]
+### Browse to current working dir
+### ===========================================================================
+### set environment variables, activate python virtual environment, execute
+### ===========================================================================
+### wait for jobs to finish
+# TODO: this is very similar compared to what happens in qsub-wrap
+def create_input(walltime='00:59:59', queue='xpresq', pbs_in='pbs_in/', ppn=1,
+                 pbs_out='pbs_out/', jobname=None, commands=None, lnodes=1):
+    """
+    Create a PBS script for a command. Optionally, define a python environment.
+    """
+    pbs_err_file = os.path.join(pbs_out, jobname + '.err')
+    pbs_out_file = os.path.join(pbs_out, jobname + '.out')
+    pbs_in_file = os.path.join(pbs_in, jobname + '.pbswrap')
+    pbs_script = PBS_TEMP
+    pbs_script = pbs_script.replace('[jobname]', jobname)
+    pbs_script = pbs_script.replace('[pbs_out_file]', pbs_out_file)
+    pbs_script = pbs_script.replace('[pbs_err_file]', pbs_err_file)
+    pbs_script = pbs_script.replace('[walltime]', walltime)
+    pbs_script = pbs_script.replace('[lnodes]', str(lnodes))
+    pbs_script = pbs_script.replace('[ppn]', str(ppn))
+    pbs_script = pbs_script.replace('[queue]', queue)
+    pbs_script = pbs_script.replace('[commands]', commands)
+    print ('following commands will be executed on the cluster:')
+    print ('%s' % (commands))
+    # make sure a pbs_in and pbs_out directory exists
+    if not os.path.exists(pbs_in):
+        os.makedirs(pbs_in)
+    if not os.path.exists(pbs_out):
+        os.makedirs(pbs_out)
+    # write the pbs_script
+    FILE = open(pbs_in_file, 'w')
+    FILE.write(pbs_script)
+    FILE.close()
+    return pbs_in_file
+def test():
+    # sample output
+    FILE = open('tests/sampleoutput_pbsnodes', 'rb')
+    output = FILE.readlines()
+    FILE.close()
+    pbsnodes, nodes = parse_pbsnode_lall(output)
+    # sample output
+    FILE = open('tests/sampleoutput_qstat', 'rb')
+    output = FILE.readlines()
+    FILE.close()
+    users, host, nodesload = parse_qstat_n1(output)
+    print_node_loading(users, host, nodes, nodesload)
+    print_dashboard(users, host, pbsnodes)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    #command = 'pbsnodes -l all' # | cut -c 22-35
+    output = os.popen('pbsnodes -l all').readlines()
+    pbsnodes, nodes = parse_pbsnode_lall(output)
+    output = os.popen('qstat -n1').readlines()
+    users, host, nodesload = parse_qstat_n1(output)
+    print_node_loading(users, host, nodes, nodesload)
+    print_dashboard(users, host, pbsnodes)
diff --git a/wetb/utils/cluster_tools/ssh_client.py b/wetb/utils/cluster_tools/ssh_client.py
index 1d70e472b1aed1705b436038bed2d5ff42e4b564..ea125bb77ade4aeeb662d91e9701ce201d552b8e 100644
--- a/wetb/utils/cluster_tools/ssh_client.py
+++ b/wetb/utils/cluster_tools/ssh_client.py
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ class SSHClient(object):
         self.password = password
         self.port = port
         self.key = key
+        self.disconnect = 0
+        self.client = None
         if key is not None:
             self.key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key(StringIO(key), password=passphrase)
@@ -26,6 +28,11 @@ class SSHClient(object):
         return self.host, self.username, self.password, self.port
     def __enter__(self):
+        self.disconnect += 1
+        if self.client is None:
+            self.connect()
+    def connect(self):
         self.client = paramiko.SSHClient()
         self.client.connect(self.host, self.port, username=self.username, password=self.password, pkey=self.key, timeout=self.TIMEOUT)
@@ -36,7 +43,9 @@ class SSHClient(object):
         return self
     def __exit__(self, *args):
-        self.close()
+        self.disconnect -= 1
+        if self.disconnect == 0:
+            self.close()
     def download(self, remotefilepath, localfile, verbose=False):
@@ -68,6 +77,7 @@ class SSHClient(object):
             self.client = None
+        self.disconnect = False
     def file_exists(self, filename):
         _, out, _ = (self.execute('[ -f %s ] && echo "File exists" || echo "File does not exists"' % filename.replace("\\", "/")))
@@ -133,7 +143,7 @@ class SSHClient(object):
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     from mmpe.ui.qt_ui import QtInputUI
     q = QtInputUI(None)
-    import x
+    x = None
     username, password = "mmpe", x.password  #q.get_login("mmpe")