diff --git a/docs/install-manual-detailed.md b/docs/install-manual-detailed.md
index 692104c3e3af9521aacf4f1eb3b05ae4649623a5..3524da068845fd132b83338337bbcc85b7f4b492 100644
--- a/docs/install-manual-detailed.md
+++ b/docs/install-manual-detailed.md
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
-!! This guide is not finished yet, it is a WIP (Work In Progress) !!
+!! This guide is not finished, and might contain innacuracies. Please report
+any mistakes/bugs by creating an
+This is a WIP (Work In Progress) !!
 # Detailed Installation Manual
@@ -10,8 +13,111 @@ great extent as this manual hopefully will show you.
 The this approach will require you to use the command line, but it is as easy
 as copy-pasting them from this page straight into your command prompt.
+Installation instructions follow in alphabetical orderby platorm.
-## Using Miniconda
+## Linux
+* Use either your system package manager, pip + virtualenv, or Anaconda to
+install the following dependencies:
+> numpy, cython, scipy, pandas, matplotlib, pyscaffold, future, nose, sphinx,
+> xlrd, pytables, h5py, pytest, pytest-cov, setuptools_scm, setuptools
+## Mac
+People who now how to handle Python on the Mac side are kindly requested to
+complete this guide :-)
+## Windows
+### Microsft Visual Studio 2010
+### Command line
+This guide will use the command line (aka command prompt) frequently.
+You can launch a Windows terminal as follows: press Start > and type
+command prompt. A link to the command prompt should be visible now.
+In case you want an alternative, more capable windows terminal, you could consider
+using [ConEmu](https://conemu.github.io/) (this is optional).
+> ConEmu-Maximus5 is a Windows console emulator with tabs, which presents
+> multiple consoles and simple GUI applications as one customizable GUI window
+> with various features.
+### Git
+* Download and install Git version control system for Windows 64-bit
+[here](https://git-scm.com/download/win). Only select the Windows Portable
+option if you know what you are doing or if you do not have administrative
+rights on your computer.
+* Git comes with a simple GUI, but there are more and different options available
+if you are not happy with it, see [here](https://git-scm.com/downloads/guis)
+### Option 1: Anaconda (large download)
+* Anaconda is a professional grade, full blown scientific Python distribution.
+* Download Anaconda Python 2.7 for Windows [here](https://www.continuum.io/downloads).
+Depening on whether you already have a Python system installation, or another
+Anaconda version, you can should chose wisely between the two offered options:
+    * Add Anaconda to the system PATH: you can only have one Anaconda installation
+added to your path, but you can have multiple Anaconda or Miniconda installations
+in parallelel.
+    * Set as your Python default system installation (you can only have one Python
+installation set as your systems default).
+* Although the ```wetb``` module is Python 3.5 compatible, compiling it under
+Windows requires MS Visual Studio 2015. When using Visual Studio 2010, you can
+compile extensions for both Python 2.7 and Python 3.4. If you want to use
+Python 3+, we recommend to use 3.4 for the time being, unless if you know what
+you are doing (and wouldn't care to share installation instructions):
+* Update the root Anaconda environment:
+conda update --all
+* You can now create an independent environment with a specific python version:
+conda create -n py27 python=2.7
+conda create -n py34 python=3.4
+* These environments can be activated as follows:
+activate py27
+activate py34
+use ```deactivate``` to deactivate the environment.
+* You can only have the full Anaconda distribution in the root environment.
+When creating new environments you will have to manually install all packages
+you require for that specific environment.
+### Option 2: Miniconda (smaller download)
+* MS Visual Studio 2010
+* For building Python packages with Python 2.7,
+[http://aka.ms/vcpython27](http://aka.ms/vcpython27), here's the
+[direct link](https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=44266).
 * Download the latest Python 3 (!!) Miniconda installer for your platform
@@ -19,10 +125,29 @@ as copy-pasting them from this page straight into your command prompt.
 * No need to worry about Python 2 or 3 at this stage. You can still use the
 Python 3 installer for creating Python 2 conda environments
+* Before creating/activation/updating any specific miniconda environemnt,
+update the global miniconda environment (conda, pip, etc)
+conda update --all
+* Create a a new environment
+conda create -n py27 python=2.7
+conda create -n py34 python=3.4
+* Activate the envirnment
+activate py27
 * Install the necessary Python dependencies using the conda package manager:
-conda install scipy pandas matplotlib cython xlrd pytables sphinx mingw
+conda install scipy pandas matplotlib cython xlrd pytables sphinx nose setuptools_scm future h5py
 * Not all packages are available in the conda repositories, but they can be
@@ -32,3 +157,18 @@ easily installed with pip:
 pip install pyscaffold pytest pytest-cov
+## And Finally: install wetb
+git clone https://gitlab.windenergy.dtu.dk/toolbox/WindEnergyToolbox.git
+cd WindEnergyToolbox
+python setup.py install
+You can run the tests cases from the source root directory:
+python setup.py test