# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Sep 16 10:21:11 2014 @author: dave """ from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import division from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import absolute_import from builtins import str from future import standard_library standard_library.install_aliases() #print(*objects, sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout) import os import socket import gc import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mpl #from matplotlib.figure import Figure #from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigCanvas #from scipy import interpolate as interp #from scipy.optimize import fmin_slsqp #from scipy.optimize import minimize #from scipy.interpolate import interp1d #import scipy.integrate as integrate #http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/tutorial/interpolate.html import pandas as pd #import openpyxl as px #import numpy as np #import windIO from wetb.prepost import mplutils from wetb.prepost import Simulations as sim from wetb.prepost import dlcdefs plt.rc('font', family='serif') plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=10) plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=10) plt.rc('axes', labelsize=12) # do not use tex on Gorm and or Jess if not socket.gethostname()[:2] in ['g-', 'je', 'j-']: plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.rc('legend', fontsize=11) plt.rc('legend', numpoints=1) plt.rc('legend', borderaxespad=0) def merge_sim_ids(sim_ids, post_dirs, post_dir_save=False): """ """ # map the run_dir to the same order as the post_dirs, labels run_dirs = [] # if sim_id is a list, combine the two dataframes into one df_stats = pd.DataFrame() if type(sim_ids).__name__ == 'list': for ii, sim_id in enumerate(sim_ids): if isinstance(post_dirs, list): post_dir = post_dirs[ii] else: post_dir = post_dirs cc = sim.Cases(post_dir, sim_id, rem_failed=True) df_stats, _, _ = cc.load_stats(columns=None, leq=False) # stats has only a few columns identifying the different cases # add some more for selecting them dfc = cc.cases2df() if '[wsp]' in dfc.columns: wsp = '[wsp]' else: wsp = '[Windspeed]' # columns we want to add from cc.cases (cases dict) to stats cols_cc = set(['[run_dir]', wsp, '[res_dir]', '[wdir]', '[DLC]']) # do not add column twice, some might already be in df stats add_cols = list(cols_cc - set(df_stats.columns)) add_cols.append('[case_id]') dfc = dfc[add_cols] df_stats = pd.merge(df_stats, dfc, on='[case_id]') df_stats.rename(columns={wsp:'[Windspeed]'}, inplace=True) # map the run_dir to the same order as the post_dirs, labels run_dirs.append(df_stats['[run_dir]'].unique()[0]) print('%s Cases loaded.' % sim_id) # if specified, save the merged sims elsewhere if post_dir_save: fpath = os.path.join(post_dir_save, '-'.join(sim_ids) + '.h5') try: os.makedirs(post_dir_save) except OSError: pass else: fpath = os.path.join(post_dir, '-'.join(sim_ids) + '.h5') if ii == 0: # and save somewhere so we can add the second data frame on # disc df_stats.to_hdf(fpath, 'table', mode='w', format='table', complevel=9, complib='blosc') print('%s merged stats written to: %s' % (sim_id, fpath)) else: # instead of doing a concat in memory, add to the hdf store df_stats.to_hdf(fpath, 'table', mode='r+', format='table', complevel=9, complib='blosc', append=True) print('%s merging stats into: %s' % (sim_id, fpath)) # df_stats = pd.concat([df_stats, df_stats2], ignore_index=True) # df_stats2 = None # we might run into memory issues del df_stats, _, cc gc.collect() # and load the reduced combined set print('loading merged stats: %s' % fpath) df_stats = pd.read_hdf(fpath, 'table') else: sim_id = sim_ids sim_ids = [sim_id] post_dir = post_dirs if isinstance(post_dirs, list): post_dir = post_dirs[0] cc = sim.Cases(post_dir, sim_id, rem_failed=True) df_stats, _, _ = cc.load_stats(leq=False) run_dirs = [df_stats['[run_dir]'].unique()[0]] # stats has only a few columns identifying the different cases # add some more for selecting them dfc = cc.cases2df() if 'wsp' in dfc.columns: wsp = '[wsp]' else: wsp = '[Windspeed]' # columns we want to add from cc.cases (cases dict) to stats cols_cc = set(['[run_dir]', wsp, '[res_dir]', '[wdir]', '[DLC]']) # do not add column twice, some might already be in df stats add_cols = list(cols_cc - set(df_stats.columns)) add_cols.append('[case_id]') dfc = dfc[add_cols] df_stats = pd.merge(df_stats, dfc, on='[case_id]') df_stats.rename(columns={wsp:'[Windspeed]'}, inplace=True) return run_dirs, df_stats # ============================================================================= ### STAT PLOTS # ============================================================================= def plot_stats(sim_ids, post_dirs, fig_dir_base=None): """ For each wind speed, take the max of the max. Only one or two sim_ids are supported. When they are from different models/projects, specify for each sim_id a different post_dir Parameters ---------- sim_ids : list list of sim_id's, 1 or 2 post_dirs list of post_dir's, 1 or 2. If 2, should correspond to sim_ids fig_dir_base : str, default=None """ # if sim_id is a list, combine the two dataframes into one df_stats = pd.DataFrame() if type(sim_ids).__name__ == 'list': for ii, sim_id in enumerate(sim_ids): if isinstance(post_dirs, list): post_dir = post_dirs[ii] else: post_dir = post_dirs cc = sim.Cases(post_dir, sim_id, rem_failed=True) if ii == 0: df_stats, _, _ = cc.load_stats() else: # because there is no unique index, we will ignore it df_stats, _, _ = pd.concat([df_stats, cc.load_stats()], ignore_index=True) else: sim_id = sim_ids sim_ids = False post_dir = post_dirs cc = sim.Cases(post_dir, sim_id, rem_failed=True) df_stats, _, _ = cc.load_stats() # if force_dir: # cc.change_results_dir(resdir=force_dir) # for case in cc.cases: # sim_id = cc.cases[case]['[post_dir]'] # cc.cases[case]['[post_dir]'] = post_dir # # add DLC category # f = lambda x: x.split('_')[0] # df_stats['DLC'] = df_stats['[Case id.]'].map(f) # fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(12,8), num=1) # define the number of positions you want to have the color for N = 22 # select a color map cmap = mpl.cm.get_cmap('jet', N) # convert to array cmap_arr = cmap(np.arange(N)) # color=cmap_arr[icol][0:3] # make a stastics plot for each channel gb_ch = df_stats.groupby(df_stats.channel) # channel selection plot_chans = {} plot_chans['DLL-2-inpvec-2'] = 'P_e' plot_chans['bearing-shaft_rot-angle_speed-rpm'] = 'RPM' plot_chans['tower-tower-node-001-momentvec-x'] = 'M_x T_B' plot_chans['tower-tower-node-001-momentvec-y'] = 'M_y T_B' plot_chans['tower-tower-node-001-momentvec-z'] = 'M_z T_B' plot_chans['tower-tower-node-008-momentvec-z'] = 'M_x T_T' plot_chans['tower-tower-node-008-momentvec-z'] = 'M_y T_T' plot_chans['tower-tower-node-008-momentvec-z'] = 'M_z T_T' plot_chans['shaft-shaft-node-004-momentvec-x'] = 'M_x Shaft_{MB}' plot_chans['shaft-shaft-node-004-momentvec-y'] = 'M_y Shaft_{MB}' plot_chans['shaft-shaft-node-004-momentvec-z'] = 'M_z Shaft_{MB}' plot_chans['blade1-blade1-node-003-momentvec-x'] = 'M_x B1_{root}' plot_chans['blade1-blade1-node-003-momentvec-y'] = 'M_y B1_{root}' plot_chans['blade1-blade1-node-003-momentvec-z'] = 'M_z B1_{root}' plot_chans['blade2-blade2-node-003-momentvec-x'] = 'M_x B2_{root}' plot_chans['blade2-blade2-node-003-momentvec-y'] = 'M_y B2_{root}' plot_chans['blade2-blade2-node-003-momentvec-z'] = 'M_z B2_{root}' plot_chans['blade3-blade3-node-003-momentvec-x'] = 'M_x B3_{root}' plot_chans['blade3-blade3-node-003-momentvec-y'] = 'M_y B3_{root}' plot_chans['blade3-blade3-node-003-momentvec-z'] = 'M_z B3_{root}' plot_chans['DLL-5-inpvec-1'] = 'Min tower clearance' plot_chans['bearing-pitch1-angle-deg'] = 'B1_{pitch}' plot_chans['bearing-pitch2-angle-deg'] = 'B2_{pitch}' plot_chans['bearing-pitch3-angle-deg'] = 'B3_{pitch}' plot_chans['setbeta-bladenr-1-flapnr-1'] = 'B1_{flap}' plot_chans['setbeta-bladenr-2-flapnr-1'] = 'B2_{flap}' plot_chans['setbeta-bladenr-3-flapnr-1'] = 'B3_{flap}' mfcs1 = ['k', 'w'] mfcs2 = ['b', 'w'] mfcs3 = ['r', 'w'] stds = ['r', 'b'] for nr, (ch_name, gr_ch) in enumerate(gb_ch): if ch_name not in plot_chans: continue for dlc_name, gr_ch_dlc in gr_ch.groupby(df_stats['[DLC]']): print('start plotting: %s %s' % (str(dlc_name).ljust(7), ch_name)) fig, axes = mplutils.make_fig(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(7,5)) ax = axes[0,0] # seperate figure for the standard deviations fig2, axes2 = mplutils.make_fig(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(7,5)) ax2 = axes2[0,0] if fig_dir_base is None and not sim_ids: res_dir = gr_ch_dlc['[res_dir]'][:1].values[0] run_dir = gr_ch_dlc['[run_dir]'][:1].values[0] fig_dir = os.path.join(fig_dir_base, res_dir) elif fig_dir_base is None and isinstance(sim_ids, list): fig_dir = os.path.join(fig_dir_base, '-'.join(sim_ids)) elif fig_dir_base and not sim_ids: res_dir = gr_ch_dlc['[res_dir]'][:1].values[0] fig_dir = os.path.join(fig_dir_base, res_dir) elif sim_ids and fig_dir_base is not None: # create the compare directory if not defined fig_dir = fig_dir_base # if we have a list of different cases, we also need to group those # because the sim_id wasn't saved before in the data frame, # we need to derive that from the run dir # if there is only one run dir nothing changes ii = 0 sid_names = [] for run_dir, gr_ch_dlc_sid in gr_ch_dlc.groupby(df_stats['[run_dir]']): sid_name = run_dir.split('/')[-2] sid_names.append(sid_name) print(sid_name) wind = gr_ch_dlc_sid['[Windspeed]'].values dmin = gr_ch_dlc_sid['min'].values dmean = gr_ch_dlc_sid['mean'].values dmax = gr_ch_dlc_sid['max'].values dstd = gr_ch_dlc_sid['std'].values if not sim_ids: lab1 = 'mean' lab2 = 'min' lab3 = 'max' lab4 = 'std' else: lab1 = 'mean %s' % sid_name lab2 = 'min %s' % sid_name lab3 = 'max %s' % sid_name lab4 = 'std %s' % sid_name mfc1 = mfcs1[ii] mfc2 = mfcs2[ii] mfc3 = mfcs3[ii] ax.plot(wind, dmean, mec='k', marker='o', mfc=mfc1, ls='', label=lab1, alpha=0.7) ax.plot(wind, dmin, mec='b', marker='^', mfc=mfc2, ls='', label=lab2, alpha=0.7) ax.plot(wind, dmax, mec='r', marker='v', mfc=mfc3, ls='', label=lab3, alpha=0.7) ax2.plot(wind, dstd, mec=stds[ii], marker='s', mfc=stds[ii], ls='', label=lab4, alpha=0.7) ii += 1 # for wind, gr_wind in gr_ch_dlc.groupby(df_stats['[Windspeed]']): # wind = gr_wind['[Windspeed]'].values # dmin = gr_wind['min'].values#.mean() # dmean = gr_wind['mean'].values#.mean() # dmax = gr_wind['max'].values#.mean() ## dstd = gr_wind['std'].mean() # ax.plot(wind, dmean, 'ko', label='mean', alpha=0.7) # ax.plot(wind, dmin, 'b^', label='min', alpha=0.7) # ax.plot(wind, dmax, 'rv', label='max', alpha=0.7) ## ax.errorbar(wind, dmean, c='k', ls='', marker='s', mfc='w', ## label='mean and std', yerr=dstd) ax.grid() ax.set_xlim([3, 27]) leg = ax.legend(loc='best', ncol=2) leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.7) ax.set_title(r'{DLC%s} $%s$' % (dlc_name, plot_chans[ch_name])) ax.set_xlabel('Wind speed [m/s]') fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.92) if not sim_ids: fig_path = os.path.join(fig_dir, ch_name.replace(' ', '_') + '.png') else: sids = '_'.join(sid_names) # fig_dir = run_dir.split('/')[:-1] + 'figures/' fname = '%s_%s.png' % (ch_name.replace(' ', '_'), sids) fig_path = os.path.join(fig_dir, 'dlc%s/' % dlc_name) if not os.path.exists(fig_path): os.makedirs(fig_path) fig_path = fig_path + fname fig.savefig(fig_path)#.encode('latin-1') # canvas.close() fig.clear() print('saved: %s' % fig_path) ax2.grid() ax2.set_xlim([3, 27]) leg = ax2.legend(loc='best', ncol=2) leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.7) ax2.set_title(r'{DLC%s} $%s$' % (dlc_name, plot_chans[ch_name])) ax2.set_xlabel('Wind speed [m/s]') fig2.tight_layout() fig2.subplots_adjust(top=0.92) if not sim_ids: fig_path = os.path.join(fig_dir, ch_name.replace(' ', '_') + '_std.png') else: sids = '_'.join(sid_names) fname = '%s_std_%s.png' % (ch_name.replace(' ', '_'), sids) fig_path = os.path.join(fig_dir, 'dlc%s/' % dlc_name) if not os.path.exists(fig_path): os.makedirs(fig_path) fig_path = fig_path + fname fig2.savefig(fig_path)#.encode('latin-1') # canvas.close() fig2.clear() print('saved: %s' % fig_path) def plot_stats2(sim_ids, post_dirs, plot_chans, fig_dir_base=None, labels=None, post_dir_save=False, dlc_ignore=['00'], figsize=(8,6)): """ Map which channels have to be compared """ # reduce required memory, only use following columns cols = ['[run_dir]', '[DLC]', 'channel', '[res_dir]', '[Windspeed]', 'mean', 'max', 'min', 'std', '[wdir]'] run_dirs, df_stats = merge_sim_ids(sim_ids, post_dirs, post_dir_save=post_dir_save) plot_dlc_stats(df_stats, plot_chans, fig_dir_base, labels=labels, figsize=figsize, dlc_ignore=dlc_ignore) def plot_dlc_stats(df_stats, plot_chans, fig_dir_base, labels=None, figsize=(8,6), dlc_ignore=['00'], run_dirs=None, sim_ids=[]): """Create for each DLC an overview plot of the statistics. df_stats required columns: * [DLC] * [run_dir] * [wdir] * [Windspeed] * channel * stat parameters Parameters ---------- df_stats : pandas.DataFrame plot_chans : dict Dictionary of channels to be plotted. Key is used for the plot title, value is a list of unique channel names that will be included for the statistic values. For example, plot_chans['$B123 M_x$'] = ['blade1-blade1-node-003-momentvec-x', 'blade2-blade2-node-003-momentvec-x'] fig_dir_base : str Base directory of where to store all the figures. A new sub-directory will be created for each DLC. labels : list, default=None Labels used in the legend when comparing various DLB's figsize : tuple, default=(8,6) dlc_ignore : list, default=['00'] By default all but dlc00 (stair case, wind ramp) are plotted. Add more dlc numbers here if necessary. run_dirs : list, default=None If run_dirs is not defined it will be taken from the unique values in the DataFrame. The order of the elements in this list needs to be consistent with labels, sim_ids (if defined). sim_ids : list, default=[] Only used when creating the file name of the figures: appended at the end of the file name (which starts with the unique channel name). """ mfcs1 = ['k', 'w'] mfcs2 = ['b', 'w'] mfcs3 = ['r', 'w'] stds = ['r', 'b'] required = ['[DLC]', '[run_dir]', '[wdir]', '[Windspeed]'] cols = df_stats.columns for col in required: if col not in cols: print('plot_dlc_stats requires DataFrame with following columns:') print(required) print('following column is missing in stats DataFrame:', col) return if run_dirs is None: run_dirs = df_stats['[run_dir]'].unique() if not sim_ids: sim_ids = [] for run_dir in run_dirs: sim_ids.append(run_dir.split(os.path.sep)[-2]) # first, take each DLC appart for dlc_name, gr_dlc in df_stats.groupby(df_stats['[DLC]']): # do not plot the stats for dlc00 if dlc_name in dlc_ignore: continue # cycle through all the target plot channels for ch_dscr, ch_names in plot_chans.items(): # second, group per channel. Note that when the channel names are not # identical, we need to manually pick them. # figure file name will be the first channel if isinstance(ch_names, list): df_chan = gr_dlc[gr_dlc.channel == ch_names[0]] fname_base = ch_names[0].replace(' ', '_') try: df2 = gr_dlc[gr_dlc.channel == ch_names[1]] df_chan = pd.concat([df_chan, df2], ignore_index=True) except IndexError: pass else: ch_name = ch_names ch_names = [ch_name] df_chan = gr_dlc[gr_dlc.channel == ch_names] fname_base = ch_names.replace(' ', '_') # if not, than we are missing a channel description, or the channel # is simply not available in the given result set # if not len(df_chan.channel.unique()) == len(ch_names): # continue lens = [] # instead of groupby, select the run_dir in the same order as # occuring in the labels and post_dirs lists for run_dir in run_dirs: lens.append(len(df_chan[df_chan['[run_dir]']==run_dir])) # for key, gr_ch_dlc_sid in df_chan.groupby(df_chan['[run_dir]']): # lens.append(len(gr_ch_dlc_sid)) # when the channel is simply not present if len(lens) == 0: continue # when only one of the channels was present, but the set is still # complete. # FIXME: what if both channels are present? if len(ch_names) > 1 and (lens[0] < 1): continue elif len(ch_names) > 1 and len(lens)==2 and lens[1] < 1: continue print('start plotting: %s %s' % (str(dlc_name).ljust(7), ch_dscr)) fig, axes = mplutils.make_fig(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=figsize, dpi=120) ax = axes[0,0] # seperate figure for the standard deviations # fig2, axes2 = mplutils.make_fig(nrows=1, ncols=1, # figsize=figsize, dpi=120) # ax2 = axes2[0,0] if fig_dir_base is None and len(sim_ids) < 2: res_dir = df_chan['[res_dir]'][:1].values[0] fig_dir = os.path.join(fig_dir_base, res_dir) elif fig_dir_base is None and len(sim_ids) > 0: fig_dir = os.path.join(fig_dir_base, '-'.join(sim_ids)) # elif fig_dir_base and len(sim_ids) < 2: # res_dir = df_chan['[res_dir]'][:1].values[0] # fig_dir = os.path.join(fig_dir_base, res_dir) elif fig_dir_base is not None: # create the compare directory if not defined fig_dir = fig_dir_base # if we have a list of different cases, we also need to group those # because the sim_id wasn't saved before in the data frame, # we need to derive that from the run dir # if there is only one run dir nothing changes # sid_names = [] # for clarity, set off-set on wind speed when comparing two DLB's if len(lens)==2: windoffset = [-0.2, 0.2] else: windoffset = [0] # instead of groupby, select the run_dir in the same order as # occuring in the labels, post_dirs lists for ii, run_dir in enumerate(run_dirs): gr_ch_dlc_sid = df_chan[df_chan['[run_dir]']==run_dir] if len(gr_ch_dlc_sid) < 1: print('no data for run_dir:', run_dir) continue # for run_dir, gr_ch_dlc_sid in df_chan.groupby(df_chan['[run_dir]']): if labels is None: sid_name = sim_ids[ii] else: sid_name = labels[ii] # sid_names.append(sid_name) print(' sim_id/label:', sid_name) # FIXME: will this go wrong in PY3? if str(dlc_name) in ['61', '62']: xdata = gr_ch_dlc_sid['[wdir]'].values xlabel = 'wind direction [deg]' xlims = [0, 360] else: xdata = gr_ch_dlc_sid['[Windspeed]'].values + windoffset[ii] xlabel = 'Wind speed [m/s]' xlims = [3, 27] dmin = gr_ch_dlc_sid['min'].values dmean = gr_ch_dlc_sid['mean'].values dmax = gr_ch_dlc_sid['max'].values dstd = gr_ch_dlc_sid['std'].values if len(sim_ids)==1: lab1 = 'mean' lab2 = 'min' lab3 = 'max' lab4 = 'std' else: lab1 = 'mean %s' % sid_name lab2 = 'min %s' % sid_name lab3 = 'max %s' % sid_name lab4 = 'std %s' % sid_name mfc1 = mfcs1[ii] mfc2 = mfcs2[ii] mfc3 = mfcs3[ii] ax.errorbar(xdata, dmean, mec='k', marker='o', mfc=mfc1, ls='', label=lab1, alpha=0.7, yerr=dstd, ecolor='k') ax.plot(xdata, dmin, mec='b', marker='^', mfc=mfc2, ls='', label=lab2, alpha=0.7) ax.plot(xdata, dmax, mec='r', marker='v', mfc=mfc3, ls='', label=lab3, alpha=0.7) # ax2.plot(xdata, dstd, mec=stds[ii], marker='s', mfc=stds[ii], # ls='', label=lab4, alpha=0.7) # for wind, gr_wind in gr_ch_dlc.groupby(df_stats['[Windspeed]']): # wind = gr_wind['[Windspeed]'].values # dmin = gr_wind['min'].values#.mean() # dmean = gr_wind['mean'].values#.mean() # dmax = gr_wind['max'].values#.mean() ## dstd = gr_wind['std'].mean() # ax.plot(wind, dmean, 'ko', label='mean', alpha=0.7) # ax.plot(wind, dmin, 'b^', label='min', alpha=0.7) # ax.plot(wind, dmax, 'rv', label='max', alpha=0.7) ## ax.errorbar(wind, dmean, c='k', ls='', marker='s', mfc='w', ## label='mean and std', yerr=dstd) # if str(dlc_name) not in ['61', '62']: # ax.set_xticks(gr_ch_dlc_sid['[Windspeed]'].values) ax.grid() ax.set_xlim(xlims) leg = ax.legend(loc='best', ncol=3) leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.7) ax.set_title(r'{DLC%s} %s' % (dlc_name, ch_dscr)) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.92) fig_path = os.path.join(fig_dir, 'dlc%s' % dlc_name) if len(sim_ids)==1: fname = fname_base + '.png' else: fname = '%s_%s.png' % (fname_base, '_'.join(sim_ids)) if not os.path.exists(fig_path): os.makedirs(fig_path) fig_path = os.path.join(fig_path, fname) fig.savefig(fig_path)#.encode('latin-1') fig.clear() print('saved: %s' % fig_path) # ax2.grid() # ax2.set_xlim(xlims) # leg = ax2.legend(loc='best', ncol=3) # leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.7) # ax2.set_title(r'{DLC%s} $%s$' % (dlc_name, ch_dscr)) # ax2.set_xlabel('Wind speed [m/s]') # fig2.tight_layout() # fig2.subplots_adjust(top=0.92) # if not sim_ids: # fig_path = os.path.join(fig_dir, fname_base + '_std.png') # else: # sids = '_'.join(sid_names) # fname = '%s_std_%s.png' % (fname_base, sids) # fig_path = os.path.join(fig_dir, 'dlc%s/' % dlc_name) # if not os.path.exists(fig_path): # os.makedirs(fig_path) # fig_path = fig_path + fname # fig2.savefig(fig_path)#.encode('latin-1') # fig2.clear() # print('saved: %s' % fig_path) class PlotStats(object): def __init__(self): pass def load_stats(self, sim_ids, post_dirs, post_dir_save=False): self.sim_ids = sim_ids self.post_dirs = post_dirs # reduce required memory, only use following columns cols = ['[run_dir]', '[DLC]', 'channel', '[res_dir]', '[Windspeed]', 'mean', 'max', 'min', 'std', '[wdir]'] # if sim_id is a list, combine the two dataframes into one df_stats = pd.DataFrame() if type(sim_ids).__name__ == 'list': for ii, sim_id in enumerate(sim_ids): if isinstance(post_dirs, list): post_dir = post_dirs[ii] else: post_dir = post_dirs cc = sim.Cases(post_dir, sim_id, rem_failed=True) df_stats, _, _ = cc.load_stats(columns=cols, leq=False) print('%s Cases loaded.' % sim_id) # if specified, save the merged sims elsewhere if post_dir_save: fpath = os.path.join(post_dir_save, '-'.join(sim_ids) + '.h5') try: os.makedirs(post_dir_save) except OSError: pass else: fpath = os.path.join(post_dir, '-'.join(sim_ids) + '.h5') if ii == 0: # and save somewhere so we can add the second data frame on # disc df_stats.to_hdf(fpath, 'table', mode='w', format='table', complevel=9, complib='blosc') print('%s merged stats written to: %s' % (sim_id, fpath)) else: # instead of doing a concat in memory, add to the hdf store df_stats.to_hdf(fpath, 'table', mode='r+', format='table', complevel=9, complib='blosc', append=True) print('%s merging stats into: %s' % (sim_id, fpath)) # we might run into memory issues del df_stats, _, cc gc.collect() # and load the reduced combined set print('loading merged stats: %s' % fpath) df_stats = pd.read_hdf(fpath, 'table') else: sim_id = sim_ids sim_ids = [sim_id] post_dir = post_dirs cc = sim.Cases(post_dir, sim_id, rem_failed=True) df_stats, _, _ = cc.load_stats(leq=False) return df_stats def select_extremes_blade_radial(self, df): """ For each radial position of the blade, find the extremes """ def selector(x): """ select following channels: 'local-blade%1i-node-%03i-momentvec-x' 'blade2-blade2-node-003-momentvec-y' """ if x[:11] == 'local-blade' and x[22:31] == 'momentvec': return True else: return False # find all blade local load channels criteria = df.channel.map(lambda x: selector(x)) df = df[criteria] # split channel columns so we can select channels properly df = df.join(df.channel.apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x.split('-')))) df_ext = {'dlc':[], 'case':[], 'node':[], 'max':[], 'min':[], 'comp':[]} def fillvalues(x, ii, maxmin): x['node'].append(m_group[3].ix[ii]) x['dlc'].append(m_group['[DLC]'].ix[ii]) x['case'].append(m_group['[case_id]'].ix[ii]) x['comp'].append(m_group[5].ix[ii]) if maxmin == 'max': x['max'].append(m_group['max'].ix[ii]) x['min'].append(np.nan) else: x['max'].append(np.nan) x['min'].append(m_group['min'].ix[ii]) return x # we take blade1, blade2, and blade3 df_b2 = df[df[0]=='local'] # df_b2 = df_b2[df_b2[1]=='blade2'] df_b2 = df_b2[df_b2[4]=='momentvec'] # df_b2 = df_b2[df_b2[5]=='x'] # make sure we only have blade1, 2 and 3 assert set(df_b2[1].unique()) == set(['blade3', 'blade2', 'blade1']) # # number of nodes # nrnodes = len(df_b2[3].unique()) # group by node number, and take the max for nodenr, group in df_b2.groupby(df_b2[3]): print(nodenr, end=' ') for comp, m_group in df_b2.groupby(group[5]): print(comp) imax = m_group['max'].argmax() imin = m_group['min'].argmin() df_ext = fillvalues(df_ext, imax, 'max') df_ext = fillvalues(df_ext, imin, 'min') df_ext = pd.DataFrame(df_ext) df_ext.sort(columns='node', inplace=True) return df_ext def plot_extremes_blade_radial(self, df_ext, fpath): nrows = 2 ncols = 2 figsize = (11,7.15) fig, axes = mplutils.make_fig(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=figsize) # self.col = ['r', 'k'] # self.alf = [1.0, 0.7] # self.i = 0 mx_max = df_ext['max'][df_ext.comp == 'x'].dropna() mx_min = df_ext['min'][df_ext.comp == 'x'].dropna() my_max = df_ext['max'][df_ext.comp == 'y'].dropna() my_min = df_ext['min'][df_ext.comp == 'y'].dropna() # nodes = df_ext.node.ix[mx_max.index] axes[0,0].plot(mx_max, 'r^', label='$M_{x_{max}}$') axes[0,1].plot(mx_min, 'bv', label='$M_{x_{min}}$') axes[1,0].plot(my_max, 'r^', label='$M_{y_{max}}$') axes[1,1].plot(my_min, 'bv', label='$M_{y_{min}}$') axs = axes.ravel() for ax in axs: ax.grid() ax.legend(loc='best') # axs[0].set_xticklabels([]) # axs[1].set_xticklabels([]) # axs[2].set_xticklabels([]) # axs[-1].set_xlabel('time [s]') fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.06) fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.98) fdir = os.path.dirname(fpath) # fname = os.path.basename(fpath) if not os.path.exists(fdir): os.makedirs(fdir) print('saving: %s ...' % fpath, end='') fig.savefig(fpath)#.encode('latin-1') print('done') fig.clear() # save as tables df_ext.ix[mx_max.index].to_excel(fpath.replace('.png', '_mx_max.xls')) df_ext.ix[mx_min.index].to_excel(fpath.replace('.png', '_mx_min.xls')) df_ext.ix[my_max.index].to_excel(fpath.replace('.png', '_my_max.xls')) df_ext.ix[my_min.index].to_excel(fpath.replace('.png', '_my_min.xls')) def extract_leq_blade_radial(self, df_leq, fpath): def selector(x): """ select following channels: 'local-blade%1i-node-%03i-momentvec-x' 'blade2-blade2-node-003-momentvec-y' """ if x[:11] == 'local-blade' and x[22:31] == 'momentvec': return True else: return False # find all blade local load channels criteria = df_leq.channel.map(lambda x: selector(x)) df = df_leq[criteria] # split channel columns so we can select channels properly df = df.join(df.channel.apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x.split('-')))) df.sort(columns=3, inplace=True) assert set(df[1].unique()) == set(['blade3', 'blade2', 'blade1']) leqs = list(df.keys())[1:10] df_ext = {leq:[] for leq in leqs} df_ext['node'] = [] df_ext['comp'] = [] for nodenr, group in df.groupby(df[3]): print(nodenr, end=' ') for comp, m_group in df.groupby(group[5]): print(comp) for leq in leqs: df_ext[leq].append(m_group[leq].max()) df_ext['node'].append(nodenr) df_ext['comp'].append(comp) df_ext = pd.DataFrame(df_ext) df_ext.sort(columns='node', inplace=True) df_ext[df_ext.comp=='x'].to_excel(fpath.replace('.xls', '_x.xls')) df_ext[df_ext.comp=='y'].to_excel(fpath.replace('.xls', '_y.xls')) df_ext[df_ext.comp=='z'].to_excel(fpath.replace('.xls', '_z.xls')) return df_ext class PlotPerf(object): def __init__(self, nrows=4, ncols=1, figsize=(14,11)): self.fig, self.axes = mplutils.make_fig(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=figsize) # self.axs = self.axes.ravel() self.col = ['r', 'k'] self.alf = [1.0, 0.7] self.i = 0 def plot(self, res, label_id): """ """ i = self.i sim_id = label_id time = res.sig[:,0] self.t0, self.t1 = time[0], time[-1] # find the wind speed for channame, chan in res.ch_dict.items(): if channame.startswith('windspeed-global-Vy-0.00-0.00'): break wind = res.sig[:,chan['chi']] chi = res.ch_dict['bearing-shaft_rot-angle_speed-rpm']['chi'] rpm = res.sig[:,chi] chi = res.ch_dict['bearing-pitch1-angle-deg']['chi'] pitch = res.sig[:,chi] chi = res.ch_dict['tower-tower-node-001-momentvec-x']['chi'] tx = res.sig[:,chi] chi = res.ch_dict['tower-tower-node-001-momentvec-y']['chi'] ty = res.sig[:,chi] chi = res.ch_dict['DLL-2-inpvec-2']['chi'] power = res.sig[:,chi] try: chi = res.ch_dict['Tors_e-1-100.11']['chi'] except KeyError: chi = res.ch_dict['Tors_e-1-86.50']['chi'] tors_1 = res.sig[:,chi] # try: # chi = res.ch_dict['Tors_e-1-96.22']['chi'] # except: # chi = res.ch_dict['Tors_e-1-83.13']['chi'] # tors_2 = res.sig[:,chi] try: chi = res.ch_dict['Tors_e-1-84.53']['chi'] except: chi = res.ch_dict['Tors_e-1-73.21']['chi'] tors_3 = res.sig[:,chi] ax = self.axes.ravel() ax[0].plot(time, wind, self.col[i]+'--', label='%s wind speed' % sim_id, alpha=self.alf[i]) ax[0].plot(time, pitch, self.col[i]+'-.', label='%s pitch' % sim_id, alpha=self.alf[i]) ax[0].plot(time, rpm, self.col[i]+'-', label='%s RPM' % sim_id, alpha=self.alf[i]) ax[1].plot(time, tx, self.col[i]+'--', label='%s Tower FA' % sim_id, alpha=self.alf[i]) ax[1].plot(time, ty, self.col[i]+'-', label='%s Tower SS' % sim_id, alpha=self.alf[i]) ax[2].plot(time, power/1e6, self.col[i]+'-', alpha=self.alf[i], label='%s El Power' % sim_id) ax[3].plot(time, tors_1, self.col[i]+'--', label='%s torsion tip' % sim_id, alpha=self.alf[i]) # ax[3].plot(time, tors_2, self.col[i]+'-.', label='%s torsion 96 pc' % sim_id, # alpha=self.alf[i]) # ax[3].plot(time, tors_3, self.col[i]+'-', label='%s torsion 84 pc' % sim_id, # alpha=self.alf[i]) self.i += 1 def final(self, fig_path, fig_name): axs = self.axes.ravel() for ax in axs: ax.set_xlim([self.t0, self.t1]) ax.grid() ax.legend(loc='best') axs[0].set_xticklabels([]) axs[1].set_xticklabels([]) axs[2].set_xticklabels([]) axs[-1].set_xlabel('time [s]') self.fig.tight_layout() self.fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.06) self.fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.98) if not os.path.exists(fig_path): os.makedirs(fig_path) fname = os.path.join(fig_path, fig_name) print('saving: %s ...' % fname, end='') self.fig.savefig(fname)#.encode('latin-1') print('done') self.fig.clear() def plot_dlc01_powercurve(sim_ids, post_dirs, run_dirs, fig_dir_base): """ Create power curve based on steady DLC01 results Use the same format as for HS2 for easy comparison! """ def plot_dlc00(sim_ids, post_dirs, run_dirs, fig_dir_base=None, labels=None, cnames=['dlc00_stair_wsp04_25_noturb.htc', 'dlc00_ramp_wsp04_25_04_noturb.htc'], figsize=(14,11)): """ This version is an update over plot_staircase. """ stairs = [] # if sim_id is a list, combine the two dataframes into one if type(sim_ids).__name__ == 'list': for ii, sim_id in enumerate(sim_ids): if isinstance(post_dirs, list): post_dir = post_dirs[ii] else: post_dir = post_dirs stairs.append(sim.Cases(post_dir, sim_id, rem_failed=True)) else: post_dir = post_dirs stairs.append(sim.Cases(post_dir, sim_id, rem_failed=True)) for cname in cnames: fp = PlotPerf(figsize=figsize) for i, cc in enumerate(stairs): if isinstance(cname, list): _cname = cname[i] else: _cname = cname if _cname in cc.cases_fail: print('no result for %s' % cc.sim_id) continue cc.change_results_dir(run_dirs[i]) try: res = cc.load_result_file(cc.cases[_cname]) except KeyError: for k in sorted(cc.cases.keys()): print(k) print('-'*79) print(cc.sim_id, _cname) print('-'*79) raise KeyError if labels is not None: label = labels[i] else: label = cc.sim_id fp.plot(res, label) dlcf = 'dlc' + cc.cases[_cname]['[DLC]'] fig_path = os.path.join(fig_dir_base, dlcf) fp.final(fig_path, _cname.replace('.htc', '.png')) def plot_staircase(sim_ids, post_dirs, run_dirs, fig_dir_base=None, cname='dlc00_stair_wsp04_25_noturb.htc'): """ Default stair and ramp names: dlc00_stair_wsp04_25_noturb dlc00_ramp_wsp04_25_04_noturb """ stairs = [] col = ['r', 'k'] alf = [1.0, 0.7] # if sim_id is a list, combine the two dataframes into one if type(sim_ids).__name__ == 'list': for ii, sim_id in enumerate(sim_ids): if isinstance(post_dirs, list): post_dir = post_dirs[ii] else: post_dir = post_dirs stairs.append(sim.Cases(post_dir, sim_id, rem_failed=True)) else: sim_id = sim_ids sim_ids = [sim_id] post_dir = post_dirs stairs.append(sim.Cases(post_dir, sim_id, rem_failed=True)) fig, axes = mplutils.make_fig(nrows=3, ncols=1, figsize=(14,10)) ax = axes.ravel() for i, cc in enumerate(stairs): if cname in cc.cases_fail: print('no result for %s' % cc.sim_id) continue cc.change_results_dir(run_dirs[i]) res = cc.load_result_file(cc.cases[cname]) respath = cc.cases[cname]['[run_dir]'] fname = os.path.join(respath, cname) df_respost = pd.read_hdf(fname + '_postres.h5', 'table') sim_id = cc.sim_id time = res.sig[:,0] t0, t1 = time[0], time[-1] # find the wind speed for channame, chan in res.ch_dict.items(): if channame.startswith('windspeed-global-Vy-0.00-0.00'): break wind = res.sig[:,chan['chi']] chi = res.ch_dict['bearing-pitch1-angle-deg']['chi'] pitch = res.sig[:,chi] chi = res.ch_dict['bearing-shaft_rot-angle_speed-rpm']['chi'] rpm = res.sig[:,chi] chi = res.ch_dict['bearing-pitch1-angle-deg']['chi'] pitch = res.sig[:,chi] chi = res.ch_dict['tower-tower-node-001-momentvec-x']['chi'] tx = res.sig[:,chi] chi = res.ch_dict['tower-tower-node-001-momentvec-y']['chi'] ty = res.sig[:,chi] chi = res.ch_dict['DLL-2-inpvec-2']['chi'] power = res.sig[:,chi] chi = res.ch_dict['DLL-2-inpvec-2']['chi'] power_mech = df_respost['stats-shaft-power'] ax[0].plot(time, wind, col[i]+'--', label='%s wind speed' % sim_id, alpha=alf[i]) ax[0].plot(time, pitch, col[i]+'-.', label='%s pitch' % sim_id, alpha=alf[i]) ax[0].plot(time, rpm, col[i]+'-', label='%s RPM' % sim_id, alpha=alf[i]) ax[1].plot(time, tx, col[i]+'--', label='%s Tower FA' % sim_id, alpha=alf[i]) ax[1].plot(time, ty, col[i]+'-', label='%s Tower SS' % sim_id, alpha=alf[i]) ax[2].plot(time, power/1e6, col[i]+'-', label='%s El Power' % sim_id, alpha=alf[i]) ax[2].plot(time, power_mech/1e3, col[i]+'-', alpha=alf[i], label='%s Mech Power' % sim_id) ax[0].set_xlim([t0, t1]) ax[0].grid() ax[0].legend(loc='best') ax[0].set_xticklabels([]) # ax[0].set_xlabel('time [s]') ax[1].set_xlim([t0, t1]) ax[1].grid() ax[1].legend(loc='best') ax[1].set_xticklabels([]) # ax[1].set_xlabel('time [s]') ax[2].set_xlim([t0, t1]) ax[2].grid() ax[2].legend(loc='best') ax[2].set_xlabel('time [s]') fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.06) fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.92) if not os.path.exists(fig_dir_base): os.makedirs(fig_dir_base) fig_path = os.path.join(fig_dir_base, '-'.join(sim_ids) + '_stair.png') print('saving: %s ...' % fig_path, end='') fig.savefig(fig_path)#.encode('latin-1') print('done') fig.clear() if __name__ == '__main__': # auto configure directories: assume you are running in the root of the # relevant HAWC2 model # and assume we are in a simulation case of a certain turbine/project P_RUN, P_SOURCE, PROJECT, sim_id, P_MASTERFILE, MASTERFILE, POST_DIR \ = dlcdefs.configure_dirs() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # manually configure all the dirs # p_root_remote = '/mnt/hawc2sim' # p_root_local = '/home/dave/DTU/Projects/AVATAR/' # # project name, sim_id, master file name # PROJECT = 'DTU10MW' # sim_id = 'C0014' # MASTERFILE = 'dtu10mw_master_C0014.htc' # # MODEL SOURCES, exchanche file sources # P_RUN = os.path.join(p_root_remote, PROJECT, sim_id+'/') # P_SOURCE = os.path.join(p_root_local, PROJECT) # # location of the master file # P_MASTERFILE = os.path.join(p_root_local, PROJECT, 'htc', '_master/') # # location of the pre and post processing data # POST_DIR = os.path.join(p_root_remote, PROJECT, 'python-prepost-data/') # force_dir = P_RUN # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PLOT STATS, when comparing cases sim_ids = [sim_id] run_dirs = [P_RUN] figdir = os.path.join(P_RUN, '..', 'figures/%s' % sim_id) print('='*79) print(' P_RUN: %s' % P_RUN) print('P_SOURCE: %s' % P_SOURCE) print(' PROJECT: %s' % PROJECT) print(' sim_id: %s' % sim_id) print(' master: %s' % MASTERFILE) print(' figdir: %s' % figdir) print('='*79) plot_stats2(sim_ids, POST_DIR, fig_dir_base=figdir) plot_dlc00(sim_ids, POST_DIR, run_dirs, fig_dir_base=figdir)