[metadata] name = wetb summary = Wind Energy Toolbox author = DTU Wind Energy author-email = mmpe@dtu.dk license = GPLv3 home-page = https://gitlab.windenergy.dtu.dk/toolbox/WindEnergyToolbox description-file = README # Add here all kinds of additional classifiers as defined under # https://pypi.python.org/pypi?%3Aaction=list_classifiers classifiers = Development Status :: 4 - Beta, Programming Language :: Python, Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7, Programming Language :: Python :: 3, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6, Environment :: Console, Intended Audience :: Education, Intended Audience :: Science/Research, License :: OSI Approved :: GPL License, Operating System :: OS Independent, Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux, Operating System :: Unix, Operating System :: MacOS, Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics [entry_points] # Add here console scripts like: # console_scripts = # hello_world = wetb.module:function # as well as other entry_points. [files] # Add here 'data_files', 'packages' or 'namespace_packages'. # Additional data files are defined as key value pairs of source and target: packages = wetb # data_files = # share/wetb_docs = docs/* [extras] # Add here additional requirements for extra features, like: # PDF = # ReportLab>=1.2 # RXP #ALL = # django # cookiecutter [test] # py.test options when running `python setup.py test` #addopts = tests [tool:pytest] # Options for py.test: # Specify command line options as you would do when invoking py.test directly. # e.g. --cov-report html (or xml) for html/xml output or --junitxml junit.xml # in order to write a coverage file that can be read by Jenkins. #addopts = # --cov wetb --cov-report term-missing # --verbose python_files = WindEnergyToolbox/wetb/* [aliases] docs = build_sphinx [bdist_wheel] # Use this option if your package is pure-python universal = 0 [build_sphinx] # Options for Sphinx build source_dir = docs build_dir = docs/_build [pbr] # Let pbr run sphinx-apidoc autodoc_tree_index_modules = True # autodoc_tree_excludes = ... # Let pbr itself generate the apidoc # autodoc_index_modules = True # autodoc_exclude_modules = ... # Convert warnings to errors # warnerrors = True [devpi:upload] # Options for the devpi: PyPI serer and packaging tool # VCS export must be deactivated since we are using setuptools-scm no-vcs = 1 formats = bdist_wheel