''' Created on 10/07/2013 @author: Mads M. Pedersen (mmpe@dtu.dk) Wrapper functions and decorators for compiling functions using Cython ''' import inspect import os import re import shutil import subprocess import sys import numpy as np import warnings import imp def wrap(f, autodeclare, *args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper function returned by the cython_compile and cython_compile_autodeclare decorators :param f: Function to compile :type f: function :param py2pyx_func: py2pyx or py2pyx_autodeclare :type py2pyx_func: function """ # Generate name: "c:\documents\project\mymodule.py" -> mymodule_myfunction # When called from ipython notebooks, filename is an object e.g: "<ipython-input-12-e897f9fefc0c>" # therefore <,>,- is removed to make it a legal python module name name = os.path.relpath(inspect.getabsfile(f), os.getcwd()).replace(".py", "") name = name.replace("<", "").replace(">", "").replace("-", "") name = "%s_%s" % (name, f.__name__) if name.startswith(".."): rel_dir = os.path.dirname(name) + os.path.sep sys.path.append(rel_dir) name = name[len(rel_dir):] pass module_name = name.replace(os.path.sep, ".") # import compiled module_name if exists, otherwise compile and import try: cmodule = __import__(module_name, fromlist="*") if cmodule.__name__ != module_name or not hasattr(cmodule, f.__name__): raise ImportError() except ImportError: # Generate pyrex code lines if autodeclare: pyx_lines = py2pyx_autodeclare(f, args, kwargs.copy()) else: # source lines except '@cython_compile' source_lines = inspect.getsourcelines(f)[0][1:] indent = source_lines[0].index("def") pyx_lines = py2pyx([l[indent:] for l in source_lines]) # Write pyrex code lines to .pyx file pyx_filename = name.replace("\\", "/") + ".pyx" with open(pyx_filename, 'w') as fid: fid.writelines(pyx_lines) # compile, import compiled module_name and delete temporary files cmodule = compile_and_cleanup(module_name, pyx_filename, module_name) try: cf = getattr(cmodule, f.__name__) if kwargs == {}: return cf(*args) else: return cf(*args, **kwargs) except AttributeError: warnings.warn( "Compilation or import of %s failed. Python function used instead" % f) return f(*args, **kwargs) def cython_compile(f): """Decorator for compilation, import and execution of the function, f. Variables can be declared using Pure or cdef syntax, see module description Example: @cython_compile def my_func(p): pass """ w = lambda *args, **kwargs: wrap(f, False, *args, **kwargs) w.__name__ = f.__name__ return w def cython_compile_autodeclare(f): """Decorator for autodeclaring, compilation, import and execution of the function, f. Declared variables using cdef syntax overrides autodeclaration, see module description Example: @cython_compile_autocompile def my_func(p): pass """ w = lambda *args, **kwargs: wrap(f, True, *args, **kwargs) w.__name__ = f.__name__ return w def cython_import(import_module_name, compiler=None): """Compiles and imports a module. Use it similar to the normal import Example (import my_func from my_module): from wetb.utils.cython_compile import cython_import cython_import('my_module') import my_module # import must be after cython_import statement my_module.my_func() """ module_name = import_module_name.split(".")[-1] globals()[module_name] = __import__(import_module_name, fromlist=module_name) pyd_module = eval(module_name) if not is_compiled(pyd_module): # Read py-module file_name = import_module_name.replace(".", "/") + ".py" for p in ["."] + sys.path: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(p, file_name)): file_path = os.path.join(p, file_name).replace("\\", "/") break else: raise IOError("Module %s cannot be found" % file_name) fid = open(file_path) pylines = fid.readlines() fid.close() # write pyrex file pyx_filename = file_path.replace('.py', '.pyx') fid = open(pyx_filename, 'w') pyxlines = py2pyx(pylines) fid.writelines(pyxlines) fid.close() # compile, import compiled module and delete temporary files module_relname = os.path.relpath(eval(module_name).__file__, os.getcwd()).replace(os.path.sep, ".")[:-3] return compile_and_cleanup(import_module_name, pyx_filename, module_relname, compiler) return eval(module_name) def compile_and_cleanup(module, pyx_filename, module_relname, compiler=None): """compile, import compiled module and delete temporary files""" # Generate setup.py script fid = open('setup.py', 'w') setup_str = """from distutils.core import setup from distutils.extension import Extension from Cython.Distutils import build_ext import numpy ext_modules = [Extension("%s", ["%s"], include_dirs = [numpy.get_include()])] setup( name = 'name', cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext}, ext_modules = ext_modules )""" % (module_relname, pyx_filename) fid.write(setup_str) fid.close() if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'): raise Exception ("Trying to compile %s in frozen application" % str(module)) # create compile command import platform if compiler is not None: compiler_str = "--compiler=%s" % compiler elif platform.architecture()[0] == "32bit" and os.name == 'nt' and "mingw" in os.environ['path'].lower(): compiler_str = "--compiler=mingw32" else: compiler_str = "" bin_python = sys.executable cmd = "%s setup.py build_ext --inplace %s" % (bin_python, compiler_str) # compile print ("compiling %s: %s" % (module, cmd)) proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True) (out, err) = proc.communicate() # Reload and check that module is compiled try: try: del sys.modules[module] except KeyError: pass cmodule = __import__(module, fromlist=module.split(".")[-1]) imp.reload(cmodule) except ImportError: cmodule = None if cmodule is None or is_compiled(cmodule) == False: line = '\n' + '=' * 79 + '\n' sys.stderr.write("%s was not compiled correctly. It may result in slower execution" % module) sys.stderr.write('%sstdout:\n%s' % (line, out.decode())) sys.stderr.write('%sstderr:%s%s' % (line, line, err)) else: print ("Compiling succeeded") for f in ['setup.py', pyx_filename, pyx_filename.replace(".pyx", '.c')]: if os.path.isfile(f): os.remove(f) # Clean up. Remove temporary files and folders if os.path.isdir("build"): try: shutil.rmtree("build") except: pass return cmodule def py2pyx_autodeclare(f, args, kwargs): """Generate pyrex code of function f and its input arguments This function invokes py2pyx and extends with autodeclarations: - arguments: input arguments are declared based their values in args and kwargs - cdef: Variables declared by cdef, overrides autodeclaration, e.g: "def func(a): #cpdef func(int a):" -> "cpdef func(int a):" (independent of type of a) "#cdef int a" - "cdef int a" (independent of type of a) - assignment: Variables assigned in function, e.g. "a = xxx" are declared based on the type of eval(xxx) - in: variables returned by iterators, e.g: "for a in range(5)", "for a,b in [(1,.2)]:" are declared base on the type of the first element in eval(iterator), e.g. "type(eval(range(5)[0]))" """ arg_names, _, _, defaults = inspect.getargspec(f) # update kwargs with defaults if defaults: for k, v in zip(arg_names[::-1], defaults[::-1]): if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = v kwargs.update(dict(zip(arg_names, args))) # get pyx code lines using py2pyx lines = inspect.getsourcelines(f)[0] if lines[0].strip() == "@cython_compile_autodeclare": lines = lines[1:] lines = py2pyx(lines) # prepare regular expressions var_name = "(?:_*[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)" # optional "_" + one alpha + [0..n] x alphanum. "?:" = no group reg_args = re.compile("[ \t]*def +(?:%s) *\(([^:]*)\) *:" % (var_name)) reg_import = re.compile("[ \t]*c?import *(%s)(?: +as +(%s))?" % (var_name, var_name)) reg_cdef = re.compile("[ \t]*cdef +(?:(?:signed|unsigned|int|long|float|double|np\.ndarray\[.*\]) *)*(%s)" % var_name) reg_assign = re.compile('[ \t]*(%s) *=(.*)' % var_name) reg_in = re.compile('[ \t]*for +(%s(?:, *%s)*) +in +(.*):' % (var_name, var_name)) def declare_str(var_name, var_value): """Generate declaration string '<type(var_value)> <var_name>' e.g: declare_str('a',1) -> "long a" """ if isinstance(var_value, (int)): return "long long %s" % var_name if isinstance(var_value, float): return "double %s" % var_name elif isinstance(var_value, np.ndarray): return "np.ndarray[np.%s_t,ndim=%d] %s" % (var_value.dtype, len(var_value.shape), var_name) else: raise NotImplementedError(type(var_value)) defs = {} # dict for known local variables def_line = None # line nr of "def func():". Autodeclaration of local field inserted below this line for i, line in enumerate(lines): if def_line is None and 'def' in line: # first line containing "def" = function declaration line def_line = i match = reg_args.match(line) if match is not None: args = match.group(1).strip() # line=" def func(xxx):#comment" -> args='xxx' arg_strs = [] if args != "": for arg in args.split(','): arg_name = arg.split('=')[0].strip() arg_value = kwargs[arg_name] try: arg_strs.append(arg.strip().replace(arg_name, declare_str(arg_name, arg_value), 1)) except NotImplementedError: arg_strs.append(arg) # replace function declaration line lines[i] = '%scpdef %s(%s):\n' % (" " * line.index('def'), f.__name__, ", ".join(arg_strs)) else: #Import: import x as y match = reg_import.match(line) if match is not None: # add imported moduled to kwargs -> enable evaluation of variables import_module = match.group(1) if match.group(2) is None: kwargs[import_module] = __import__(import_module) else: # import xxx as y kwargs[match.group(2)] = __import__(import_module) continue #Cdef: cdef int x match = reg_cdef.match(line) if match is not None: # line contains a 'cdef' declaration. # Add to defs to avoid redeclaration var_name = match.group(1) if var_name not in defs: defs[var_name] = None continue #Assignment: x = y match = reg_assign.match(line) if match is not None: # line contains an assignment, e.g. a = xxx. # Try to evaluate xxx and declare a as type of eval(xxx) try: var_name = match.group(1) if var_name not in defs: var_value = eval(match.group(2), globals(), kwargs) defs[var_name] = declare_str( var_name.strip(), var_value) kwargs[var_name] = var_value except NotImplementedError: pass continue #In: For x in y match = reg_in.match(line) if match is not None: # line contains 'for xxx in yyy:'. # Try to evaluate yyy and declare xxx as type of first element # of eval(yyy) var_names = [v.strip() for v in match.group(1).split(",")] var_values = eval(match.group(2), globals(), kwargs)[0] if not isinstance(var_values, (list, tuple)): var_values = (var_values,) for var_name, var_value in zip(var_names, var_values): try: if var_name not in defs: defs[var_name] = declare_str(var_name, var_value) kwargs[var_name] = var_value except NotImplementedError: pass indent = lines[def_line + 1].replace(lines[def_line + 1].lstrip(), "") # Insert declaration of local fields ordered by name just below function # declaration for key in sorted(defs.keys(), reverse=True): if defs[key] is not None: lines.insert(def_line + 1, "%scdef %s\n" % (indent, defs[key])) return lines def py2pyx(pylines): """Generate pyrex code lines from python code lines - Adds import of cython and numpy - searches every line for "#c". If found text before "#c" is replaced with text after "#c", e.g: "def func(a): #cpdef func(int a):" -> "cpdef func(int a): "#cdef int b" -> "cdef int b" """ pyxlines = ['import cython\n', 'import numpy as np\n', 'cimport numpy as np\n'] for l in pylines: if "#c" in l: indent = l[:len(l) - len(l.lstrip())] cdef = l[l.index("#c") + 1:] l = indent + cdef pyxlines.append(l) return pyxlines def is_compiled(module): return module.__file__.lower()[-4:] == ".pyd" or module.__file__.lower()[-3:] == ".so"