''' Created on 24/04/2014 @author: MMPE ''' from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import absolute_import from io import open from builtins import range from builtins import int from future import standard_library standard_library.install_aliases() from wetb.hawc2.ae_file import AEFile import numpy as np class PCFile(AEFile): """Read HAWC2 PC (profile coefficients) file examples -------- >>> pcfile = PCFile("tests/test_files/NREL_5MW_pc.txt", "tests/test_files/NREL_5MW_ae.txt") # Same attributes as AEFile >>> pcfile.thickness(36) # Interpolated thickness at radius 36 23.78048780487805 >>> pcfile.chord(36) # Interpolated chord at radius 36 3.673 >>> pcfile.pc_set_nr(36) # pc set number at radius 36 1 # Additional attributes >>> pcfile.CL(36,10) # CL at radius=36m and AOA=10deg 1.358 >>> pcfile.CD(36,10) # CD at radius=36m and AOA=10deg 0.0255 >>> pcfile.CM(36,10) # CM at radius=36m and AOA=10deg -0.1103 """ def __init__(self, filename, ae_filename): AEFile.__init__(self, ae_filename) with open (filename) as fid: lines = fid.readlines() nsets = int(lines[0].split()[0]) self.sets = {} lptr = 1 for nset in range(1, nsets + 1): nprofiles = int(lines[lptr].split()[0]) lptr += 1 #assert nprofiles >= 2 thicknesses = [] profiles = [] for profile_nr in range(nprofiles): profile_nr, n_rows, thickness = lines[lptr ].split()[:3] profile_nr, n_rows, thickness = int(profile_nr), int(n_rows), float(thickness) lptr += 1 data = np.array([[float(v) for v in l.split()[:4]] for l in lines[lptr:lptr + n_rows]]) thicknesses.append(thickness) profiles.append(data) lptr += n_rows self.sets[nset] = (np.array(thicknesses), profiles) def _Cxxx(self, radius, alpha, column, ae_set_nr=1): thickness = self.thickness(radius, ae_set_nr) pc_set_nr = self.pc_set_nr(radius, ae_set_nr) thicknesses, profiles = self.sets[pc_set_nr] index = np.searchsorted(thicknesses, thickness) if index == 0: index = 1 Cx0, Cx1 = profiles[index - 1:index + 1] Cx0 = np.interp(alpha, Cx0[:, 0], Cx0[:, column]) Cx1 = np.interp(alpha, Cx1[:, 0], Cx1[:, column]) th0, th1 = thicknesses[index - 1:index + 1] return Cx0 + (Cx1 - Cx0) * (thickness - th0) / (th1 - th0) def CL(self, radius, alpha, ae_set_nr=1): return self._Cxxx(radius, alpha, 1, ae_set_nr) def CD(self, radius, alpha, ae_set_nr=1): return self._Cxxx(radius, alpha, 2, ae_set_nr) def CM(self, radius, alpha, ae_set_nr=1): return self._Cxxx(radius, alpha, 3, ae_set_nr) if __name__ == "__main__": pc = PCFile(r"C:\mmpe\Projects\inflow\Hawc2aero_setup/data/Hawc_pc.b52", r"C:\mmpe\Projects\inflow\Hawc2aero_setup/data/S36_ae_h2.001") print (pc)