''' Created on 24/04/2014 @author: MMPE ''' import numpy as np import os def save(filename, y_coordinates, z_coordinates, u=None, v=None, w=None): """ Parameters ---------- filename : str filename y_coordinates : array_like lateral coordinates z_coordinates : array_like vertical coordinates u : array_like, optional shear_u component, normalized with U_mean\n shape must be (#z_coordinates, #y_coordinates) or (#z_coordinates,) v : array_like, optional shear_v component, normalized with U_mean\n shape must be (#z_coordinates, #y_coordinates) or (#z_coordinates,) w : array_like, optional shear_w component, normalized with U_mean\n shape must be (#z_coordinates, #y_coordinates) or (#z_coordinates,) """ shape = (len(z_coordinates), len(y_coordinates)) vuw = [v, u, w] for i in range(3): if vuw[i] is None: if i == 1: vuw[i] = np.ones((shape)) else: vuw[i] = np.zeros((shape)) else: vuw[i] = np.array(vuw[i]) if len(vuw[i].shape) == 1 and vuw[i].shape[0] == shape[0]: vuw[i] = np.repeat(np.atleast_2d(vuw[i]).T, shape[1], 1) assert vuw[i].shape == shape, (i, vuw[i].shape, shape) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) with open(filename, 'w') as fid: fid.write(" # autogenerated shear file\n") fid.write(" %d %d\n" % (len(y_coordinates), len(z_coordinates))) for i, l in enumerate(['v', 'u', 'w']): fid.write(" # shear %s component\n " % l) fid.write("\n ".join([" ".join(["%.10f" % v for v in r ]) for r in vuw[i]])) fid.write("\n") for yz, coor in (['y', y_coordinates], ['z', z_coordinates]): fid.write(" # %s coordinates\n " % yz) fid.write("\n ".join("%.10f" % v for v in coor)) fid.write("\n") if __name__ == "__main__": save("test.dat", [-55, 55], [30, 100, 160] , u=np.array([[0.7, 1, 1.3], [0.7, 1, 1.3]]).T)