House Rules for ```mimer/hawc2sim``` and HAWC2 model folder structure ===================================================================== Objectives ---------- * Re-use turbulence boxes (save disk space) * Find each others simulations, review, re-run * Find working examples of simulations, DLB's * Avoid running the same DLB, simulations more than once * Disk usage quota review: administrators will create an overview of disk usage as used per turbine and user. Basic structure --------------- The HAWC2 simulations are located on the data capacitor [mimer] (, on the following address: ``` # on Windows, use the following address when mapping a new network drive \\mimer\hawc2sim # on Linux you can use sshfs or mount -t cifs // ``` The following structure is currently used for this ```hawc2sim``` directory: * turbine model (e.g. DTU10MW, NREL5MW, etc) * set ID: 2 alphabetic characters followed by 4 numbers (e.g. AA0001) * letters are task/project oriented, numbers are case oriented For example: * DTU10MW * AA0001 * AA0002 * AB0001 * log_AA.xlsx * log_BB.xlsx * log_overview.xlsx * NREL5MW * AA0001 * AA0002 * BA0001 * log_AA.xlsx * log_BB.xlsx * log_overview.xlsx House rules ----------- * New Turbine model folder when a new size of the turbulence box is required (i.e. when the rotor size is different) * One "set ID" refers to one analysis, and it might contain more than one DLB * If you realize more cases have to be included, add them in the same "set ID". Don't start new "set ID" numbers. * Each "set ID" number consists of 2 alphabetic followed by 4 numerical characters. * Log file * Indicate which DLB used for the given "set ID" in the log file * Indicate the changes wrt to a previous "set ID" * Write clear and concise log messages so others can understand what analysis or which DLB is considered * Indicate in the log if something works or not. * Indicate if a certain "set ID" is used for a certain publication or report * Keep a log file of the different letters. For instance AA might refer to load simulations carried out within a certain project * When results are outdated or wrong, delete the log and result files, but keep the htc, data and pbs input files so the "set ID" could be re-run again in the future. This is especially important if the given "set ID" has been used in a publication, report or Master/PhD thesis. File permissions ---------------- * By default only the person who generated the simulations within a given "set ID" can delete or modify the input files, other users have only read access. If you want to give everyone read and write access, you do: ``` # replace demo/AA0001 with the relevant turbine/set id g-000 $ cd /mnt/mimer/hawc2sim/demo g-000 $ chmod 777 -R AA0001 ``` HAWC2 folder structure ---------------------- The current DLB setup assumes the following HAWC2 model folder structure: ``` |-- control | |-- ... |-- data | |-- ... |-- htc | |-- DLCs | | |-- dlc12_iec61400-1ed3.xlsx | | |-- dlc13_iec61400-1ed3.xlsx | | |-- ... | |-- _master | | `-- ``` The load case definitions should be placed in Excel spreadsheets with a ```*.xlsx``` extension. The above example shows one possible scenario whereby all the load case definitions are placed in ```htc/DLCs``` (all folder names are case sensitive). Alternatively, one can also place the spreadsheets in separate sub folders, for example: ``` |-- control | |-- ... |-- data | |-- ... |-- htc | |-- dlc12_iec61400-1ed3 | | |-- dlc12_iec61400-1ed3.xlsx | |-- dlc13_iec61400-1ed3 | | |-- dlc13_iec61400-1ed3.xlsx ``` In order to use this auto-configuration mode, there can only be one master file in ```_master``` that contains ```_master_``` in its file name. For the NREL5MW and the DTU10MW HAWC2 models, you can find their respective master files and DLC definition spreadsheet files on ```mimer/hawc2sim```.