from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import division from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import absolute_import from io import open from builtins import str from future import standard_library from wetb.utils.cluster_tools.cluster_resource import LocalResource, \ PBSClusterResource from wetb.utils.cluster_tools.pbsjob import PBSJob import io import time from wetb.utils.cluster_tools import pbsjob standard_library.install_aliases() import os from wetb.hawc2.htc_file import HTCFile from wetb.hawc2.log_file import LogFile, LogInfo from threading import Timer, Thread import sys from multiprocessing import Process import psutil import subprocess import shutil import json import glob from wetb.hawc2 import log_file import re import threading QUEUED = "queued" #until start PREPARING = "Copy to host" # during prepare simulation INITIALIZING = "Initializing" #when starting SIMULATING = "Simulating" # when logfile.status=simulating FINISH = "Finish" # when HAWC2 finish ERROR = "Error" # when hawc2 returns error ABORTED = "Aborted" # when stopped and logfile.status != Done CLEANED = "Cleaned" # after copy back class Simulation(object): is_simulating = False status = QUEUED def __init__(self, modelpath, htcfilename, hawc2exe="HAWC2MB.exe"): self.modelpath = os.path.abspath(modelpath) + "/" self.folder = os.path.dirname(htcfilename) if not os.path.isabs(htcfilename): htcfilename = os.path.join(modelpath, htcfilename) self.htcfilename = htcfilename self.filename = os.path.basename(htcfilename) self.htcFile = HTCFile(htcfilename) self.time_stop = self.htcFile.simulation.time_stop[0] self.copy_turbulence = True self.simulation_id = os.path.relpath(self.htcfilename, self.modelpath).replace("\\", "_") + "_%d" % id(self) self.stdout_filename = "%s.out" % self.simulation_id if 'logfile' in self.htcFile.simulation: self.log_filename = self.htcFile.simulation.logfile[0] else: self.log_filename = self.stdout_filename if os.path.isabs(self.log_filename): self.log_filename = os.path.relpath(self.log_filename, self.modelpath) else: self.log_filename = os.path.relpath(self.log_filename) self.log_filename = self.log_filename.replace("\\", "/") self.logFile = LogFile(os.path.join(self.modelpath, self.log_filename), self.time_stop) self.logFile.clear() self.last_status = self.status self.errors = [] self.thread = Thread(target=self.simulate_distributed) self.hawc2exe = hawc2exe self.updateStatusThread = UpdateStatusThread(self) self.resource = LocalSimulationResource(self) def input_sources(self): def fmt(src): if os.path.isabs(src): src = os.path.relpath(os.path.abspath(src), self.modelpath) else: src = os.path.relpath (src) assert not src.startswith(".."), "%s referes to a file outside the model path\nAll input files be inside model path" % src return src return [fmt(src) for src in self.htcFile.input_files() + self.htcFile.turbulence_files() + self.additional_files().get('input', [])] def output_sources(self): def fmt(dst): if os.path.isabs(dst): dst = os.path.relpath(os.path.abspath(dst), self.modelpath) else: dst = os.path.relpath (dst) dst = dst.replace("\\", "/") assert not dst.startswith(".."), "%s referes to a file outside the model path\nAll input files be inside model path" % dst return dst return [fmt(dst) for dst in self.htcFile.output_files() + ([], self.htcFile.turbulence_files())[self.copy_turbulence]] def prepare_simulation(self): self.status = PREPARING self.tmp_modelpath = os.path.join(".hawc2launcher/%s/" % self.simulation_id) self.resource._prepare_simulation() def simulate(self): #starts blocking simulation self.is_simulating = True self.errors = [] self.status = INITIALIZING self.logFile.clear() self.resource._simulate() if self.resource.returncode or 'error' in self.resource.stdout.lower(): self.errors = (list(set([l for l in self.resource.stdout.split("\n") if 'error' in l.lower()]))) self.status = ERROR if 'HAWC2MB version:' not in self.resource.stdout: self.errors.append(self.stdout) self.status = ERROR self.logFile.update_status() self.errors.extend(list(set(self.logFile.errors))) self.update_status() self.is_simulating = False if self.resource.returncode or self.errors: raise Exception("Simulation error:\n" + "\n".join(self.errors)) elif self.logFile.status != log_file.DONE or self.logFile.errors: raise Warning("Simulation succeded with errors:\nLog status:%s\nErrors:\n%s" % (self.logFile.status, "\n".join(self.logFile.errors))) else: self.status = FINISH def finish_simulation(self): lock = threading.Lock() with lock: if self.status == CLEANED: return if self.status != ERROR: self.status = CLEANED self.resource._finish_simulation() def update_status(self, *args, **kwargs): self.resource.update_logFile_status() if self.status in [INITIALIZING, SIMULATING]: if self.logFile.status == log_file.SIMULATING: self.status = SIMULATING if self.logFile.status == log_file.DONE and self.is_simulating is False: self.status = FINISH def __str__(self): return "Simulation(%s)" % self.filename def show_status(self): #print ("log status:", self.logFile.status) if self.logFile.status == log_file.SIMULATING: if self.last_status != log_file.SIMULATING: print ("|" + ("-"*50) + "|" + ("-"*49) + "|") sys.stdout.write("|") sys.stdout.write("."*(self.logFile.pct - getattr(self, 'last_pct', 0))) sys.stdout.flush() self.last_pct = self.logFile.pct elif self.last_status == log_file.SIMULATING: sys.stdout.write("."*(100 - self.last_pct) + "|") sys.stdout.flush() print ("\n") elif self.logFile.status == log_file.UNKNOWN: print (self.status) else: print (self.logFile.status) if self.logFile.status != log_file.SIMULATING: if self.logFile.errors: print (self.logFile.errors) self.last_status = self.logFile.status def additional_files(self): additional_files_file = os.path.join(self.modelpath, 'additional_files.txt') additional_files = {} if os.path.isfile(additional_files_file): with open(additional_files_file, encoding='utf-8') as fid: additional_files = json.load(fid) return additional_files def add_additional_input_file(self, file): additional_files = self.additional_files() additional_files['input'] = list(set(additional_files.get('input', []) + [file])) additional_files_file = os.path.join(self.modelpath, 'additional_files.txt') with open(additional_files_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fid: json.dump(additional_files, fid) def simulate_distributed(self): self.prepare_simulation() self.simulate() self.finish_simulation() def fix_errors(self): def confirm_add_additional_file(folder, file): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.modelpath, folder, file)): filename = os.path.join(folder, file).replace(os.path.sep, "/") if self.get_confirmation("File missing", "'%s' seems to be missing in the temporary working directory. \n\nDo you want to add it to additional_files.txt" % filename): self.add_additional_input_file(filename) self.show_message("'%s' is now added to additional_files.txt.\n\nPlease restart the simulation" % filename) for error in self.errors: for regex in [r".*\*\*\* ERROR \*\*\* File '(.*)' does not exist in the (.*) folder", r".*\*\*\* ERROR \*\*\* DLL (.*)()"]: m = re.compile(regex).match(error.strip()) if m is not None: file, folder = m.groups() confirm_add_additional_file(folder, file) continue m = re.compile(r".*\*\*\* ERROR \*\*\* File '(.*)' does not exist in the working directory").match(error.strip()) if m is not None: file = m.groups()[0] for root, folder, files in os.walk(self.modelpath): if "__Thread" not in root and file in files: folder = os.path.relpath(root, self.modelpath) confirm_add_additional_file(folder, file) continue def get_confirmation(self, title, msg): return True def show_message(self, msg, title="Information"): print (msg) def start(self, update_interval=1): """Start non blocking distributed simulation""" self.is_simulating = True self.updateStatusThread.start() self.thread.start() def wait(self): self.thread.join() self.update_status() def abort(self): self.resource.stop() for _ in range(100): if self.is_simulating: break time.sleep(0.1) try: self.finish_simulation() except Exception as e: print (str(e)) pass if self.logFile.status not in [log_file.DONE]: self.status = ABORTED self.update_status() class SimulationThread(Thread): def __init__(self, simulation, low_priority=True): Thread.__init__(self) self.sim = simulation self.modelpath = self.sim.modelpath self.res = [0, "", ""] self.low_priority = low_priority def start(self): CREATE_NO_WINDOW = 0x08000000 modelpath = self.modelpath htcfile = os.path.relpath(self.sim.htcFile.filename, self.sim.modelpath) hawc2exe = self.sim.hawc2exe stdout = self.sim.stdout_filename if == "nt": self.process = subprocess.Popen('"%s" %s 1> %s 2>&1' % (hawc2exe, htcfile, stdout), stdout=None, stderr=None, shell=True, cwd=modelpath) #, creationflags=CREATE_NO_WINDOW) else: self.process = subprocess.Popen('wine "%s" %s 1> %s 2>&1' % (hawc2exe, htcfile, stdout), stdout=None, stderr=None, shell=True, cwd=modelpath) Thread.start(self) def run(self): p = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) if self.low_priority: p.set_nice(psutil.BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS) self.process.communicate() errorcode = self.process.returncode with open(self.modelpath + self.sim.stdout_filename, encoding='utf-8') as fid: stdout = self.res = errorcode, stdout def stop(self): print ("stop") subprocess.Popen("TASKKILL /F /PID {pid} /T".format( print ("stop2") class UpdateStatusThread(Thread): def __init__(self, simulation, interval=1): Thread.__init__(self) self.simulation = simulation self.interval = interval def start(self): Thread.start(self) def run(self): while self.simulation.is_simulating: self.simulation.update_status() time.sleep(self.interval) class SimulationResource(object): def __init__(self, simulation): self.sim = simulation logFile = property(lambda self : self.sim.logFile) errors = property(lambda self : self.sim.errors) modelpath = property(lambda self : self.sim.modelpath) tmp_modelpath = property(lambda self : self.sim.tmp_modelpath, lambda self, v: setattr(self.sim, "tmp_modelpath", v)) simulation_id = property(lambda self : self.sim.simulation_id) htcFile = property(lambda self : self.sim.htcFile) additional_files = property(lambda self : self.sim.additional_files) input_sources = property(lambda self : self.sim.input_sources) output_sources = property(lambda self : self.sim.output_sources) log_filename = property(lambda self : self.sim.log_filename) status = property(lambda self : self.sim.status, lambda self, v: setattr(self.sim, "status", v)) class LocalSimulationResource(SimulationResource, LocalResource): def __init__(self, simulation): SimulationResource.__init__(self, simulation) LocalResource.__init__(self, "hawc2mb") self.simulationThread = SimulationThread(self.sim) def _prepare_simulation(self): # must be called through simulation object self.tmp_modelpath = os.path.join(self.modelpath, self.tmp_modelpath) for src in self.input_sources(): for src_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.modelpath, src)): dst = os.path.join(self.tmp_modelpath, os.path.relpath(src_file, self.modelpath)) # exist_ok does not exist in Python27 if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(dst)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst)) #, exist_ok=True) shutil.copy(src_file, dst) if not os.path.isfile(dst) or os.stat(dst).st_size != os.stat(src_file).st_size: print ("error copy ", dst) self.logFile.filename = os.path.join(self.tmp_modelpath, self.log_filename) self.simulationThread.modelpath = self.tmp_modelpath def _simulate(self): #must be called through simulation object self.returncode, self.stdout = 1, "Simulation failed" self.simulationThread.start() self.simulationThread.join() self.returncode, self.stdout = self.simulationThread.res self.logFile.update_status() self.errors.extend(list(set(self.logFile.errors))) def _finish_simulation(self): for dst in self.output_sources(): src = os.path.join(self.tmp_modelpath, dst) for src_file in glob.glob(src): dst_file = os.path.join(self.modelpath, os.path.relpath(src_file, self.tmp_modelpath)) # exist_ok does not exist in Python27 if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(dst_file)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst_file)) #, exist_ok=True) if not os.path.isfile(dst_file) or os.path.getmtime(dst_file) != os.path.getmtime(src_file): shutil.copy(src_file, dst_file) self.logFile.filename = os.path.join(self.modelpath, self.log_filename) try: shutil.rmtree(self.tmp_modelpath) except (PermissionError, OSError) as e: raise Warning(str(e)) def update_logFile_status(self): self.logFile.update_status() def stop(self): self.simulationThread.stop() self.simulationThread.join() class PBSClusterSimulationResouce(PBSClusterResource): def __init__(self, simulation, htcfilename, host, username, password, port=22): PBSClusterResource.__init__(self, host, username, password, port) = htcfilename self.pbsjob = PBSJob(self) def _prepare_simulation(self): with self.ssh: self.ssh.execute(["mkdir -p .hawc2launcher/%s" % self.simulation_id], verbose=False) self.ssh.execute("mkdir -p %s%s" % (self.tmp_modelpath, os.path.dirname(self.log_filename))) for src in self.input_sources(): for src_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.modelpath, src)): dst = (self.tmp_modelpath + os.path.relpath(src_file, self.modelpath)).replace("\\", "/") self.ssh.execute("mkdir -p %s" % os.path.dirname(dst), verbose=False) self.ssh.upload(src_file, dst, verbose=False) ##assert self.ssh.file_exists(dst) f = io.StringIO(self.pbsjobfile(self.simulation_id)) self.ssh.upload(f, self.tmp_modelpath + "" % self.simulation_id) remote_log_filename = "%s%s" % (self.tmp_modelpath, self.log_filename) self.ssh.execute("rm -f %s" % remote_log_filename) def _finish_simulation(self): with self.ssh: for dst in self.output_sources(): src = os.path.join(self.tmp_modelpath, dst).replace("\\", "/") for src_file in self.ssh.glob(src): dst_file = os.path.join(self.modelpath, os.path.relpath(src_file, self.tmp_modelpath)) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst_file), exist_ok=True), dst_file, verbose=False) self.ssh.execute('rm -r .hawc2launcher/%s' % self.simulation_id) self.ssh.execute('rm .hawc2launcher/status_%s' % self.simulation_id) print ("finish3", self.simulation_id) def _simulate(self): """starts blocking simulation""" print ("simulate1", self.simulation_id) self.sim.logFile = LogInfo(log_file.MISSING, 0, "None", "") pbs_out_file = "%s.out" % self.simulation_id self.pbsjob.submit("" % self.simulation_id, self.tmp_modelpath , pbs_out_file) sleeptime = 1 print ("simulate2", self.simulation_id) while self.is_simulating: self.update_status() time.sleep(sleeptime) print ("simulate3", self.simulation_id) local_out_file = self.modelpath + os.path.splitext(self.log_filename)[0] + ".out" with self.ssh: try: + pbs_out_file, local_out_file) with open(local_out_file) as fid: _, self.stdout, returncode_str, _ ="---------------------") self.returncode = returncode_str.strip() != "0" except Exception: self.returncode = 1 self.stdout = "error: Could not download and read stdout file" try: + self.log_filename, self.modelpath + self.log_filename) except Exception: raise Exception ("Logfile not found") self.sim.logFile = LogFile.from_htcfile(self.htcFile, self.modelpath) # @property # def status(self): # return self._status # # @status.setter # def status(self, status): # self._status = status def update_status(self, *args, **kwargs): status = self.pbsjob.status if status == pbsjob.NOT_SUBMITTED: return self.status elif status == pbsjob.DONE: self.is_simulating = False return self.status try: _, out, _ = self.ssh.execute("cat .hawc2launcher/status_%s" % self.simulation_id) out = out.split(";") if len(out) == 5: self.status = out[0] self.logFile = LogInfo(*out[1:]) except Exception as e: if "No such file or directory" in str(e): pass else: raise Simulation.update_status(self) def start(self): """Start non blocking distributed simulation""" self.thread.start() def abort(self): self.pbsjob.stop() self.stop() try: self.finish_simulation() except: pass if self.status != ERROR and self.logFile.status not in [log_file.DONE]: self.status = ABORTED def stop(self): self.is_simulating = False self.pbsjob.stop() def pbsjobfile(self, simulation_id): cp_back = "" for folder in set([os.path.relpath(os.path.dirname(f)) for f in self.htcFile.output_files() + self.htcFile.turbulence_files()]): cp_back += "mkdir -p $PBS_O_WORKDIR/%s/. \n" % folder cp_back += "cp -R -f %s/. $PBS_O_WORKDIR/%s/.\n" % (folder, folder) rel_htcfilename = os.path.relpath(self.htcfilename, self.modelpath).replace("\\", "/") return """ ### Standard Output #PBS -N %s ### merge stderr into stdout #PBS -j oe #PBS -o %s.out ### Maximum wallclock time format HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS #PBS -l walltime=01:00:00 ###PBS -a 201547.53 #PBS -lnodes=1:ppn=1 ### Queue name #PBS -q workq ### Create scratch directory and copy data to it cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR pwd cp -R . /scratch/$USER/$PBS_JOBID ### Execute commands on scratch nodes cd /scratch/$USER/$PBS_JOBID pwd echo "---------------------" python -c "from wetb.hawc2.cluster_simulation import ClusterSimulation;ClusterSimulation('.','%s', '%s')" echo "---------------------" echo $? echo "---------------------" ### Copy back from scratch directory cd /scratch/$USER/$PBS_JOBID %s echo $PBS_JOBID cd /scratch/ ### rm -r $PBS_JOBID exit""" % (simulation_id, simulation_id, rel_htcfilename, self.hawc2exe, cp_back) if __name__ == "__main__": sim = Simulation('C:\mmpe\HAWC2\Hawc2_model/', 'htc/long1/', hawc2exe="hawc2-123_beta.exe") sim.start() for i in range(10): sim.show_status() time.sleep(0.1) sim.abort() sim.show_status() sim.show_status()