Contents of WindEnergyToolbox,hawc2
- Hawc2io: Read binary, ascii and flex result files
- sel_file: Read/write *.sel (sensor list) files
- htc_file: Read/write/manipulate htc files
- ae_file: Read AE (aerodynamic blade layout) files
- pc_file: Read PC (profile coefficient) files
- shear_file: Create user defined shear file
- at_time_file: Read at output_at_time files
- log_file: Read and interpret log files
- ascii2bin: Compress HAWC2 ascii result files to binary
General Time Series Data Format, a binary hdf5 data format for storing time series data.
- gtsdf: read/write/append gtsdf files
- unix_time: convert between datetime and unix time (seconds since 1/1/1970)
- fatigue: Rainflow counting, cycle matrix and equvivalent loads
- bearing_damage: Calculate a comparable measure of bearing damage
- shear: Calculate and fit wind shear
Module for working with "Design load cases" (Code independent)
- high_level Class for working with the highlevel dlc excell sheet
Tools for working with NREL's FAST code (An aeroelastic computer-aided engineering (CAE) tool for horizontal axis wind turbines)
- fast_io: Read binary and ascii result files
Other functions
- geometry: Different kind of geometry conversion functions
- process_exec: Run system command in subprocess
- timing: Decorators for evaluating execution time of functions
- caching: Decorators to create cached (calculate once) functions and properties