diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ddb659107ae3fc7a906812e42c1941a5c97c6b6d..7760d2a56df2e6c3bb10f1732fd46777cd8a0564 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -11,6 +11,25 @@ in [Hawc2io](wetb/hawc2/Hawc2io.py). These different implementations will be
 merged in due time.
+# How to create HAWC2 DLB's and run them on a cluster
+The process of how to generated, run and post-process a design load basis (DLB)
+of HAWC2 simulations on a DTU Wind Energy cluster is outlined in more detail
+in the documentation:
+* [Auto-generation of Design Load Cases](docs/howto-make-dlcs.md)
+* [House rules mimer/hawc2sim and HAWC2 folder structure](docs/houserules-mimerhawc2sim.md)
+* [Generate DLB spreadsheets](docs/generate-spreadsheet.md)
+* [How to use the Statistics DataFrame](docs/using-statistics-df.md)
+You can also use the Pdap for post-processing, which includes a MS Word report
+generator based on a full DLB, a GUI for easy plotting of HAWC2 result files,
+and a Python scripting interface:
+* [Pdap](http://www.hawc2.dk/Download/Post-processing-tools/Pdap)
+* [Pdap report/docs](http://orbit.dtu.dk/en/publications/post-processing-of-design-load-cases-using-pdap%28827c432b-cf7d-44eb-899b-93e9c0648ca5%29.html)
 # Works with Python 2 and Python 3
 This module is tested for Python 2 and 3 compatibility, and works on both
diff --git a/docs/houserules-mimerhawc2sim.md b/docs/houserules-mimerhawc2sim.md
index e610558956e53786f51941f21fc8daf36b9386b8..6b5e2e91932f9a1eb097c122bbd0d3abb9725d48 100644
--- a/docs/houserules-mimerhawc2sim.md
+++ b/docs/houserules-mimerhawc2sim.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-House Rules for ```mimer/hawc2sim```
+House Rules for ```mimer/hawc2sim``` and HAWC2 model folder structure
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ The HAWC2 simulations are located on the data capacitor [mimer]
 The following structure is currently used for this ```hawc2sim``` directory:
 * turbine model (e.g. DTU10MW, NREL5MW, etc)
     * set ID: 2 alphabetic characters followed by 4 numbers (e.g. AA0001)
+* letters are task/project oriented, numbers are case oriented
 For example:
 * DTU10MW
diff --git a/docs/install-manual-detailed.md b/docs/install-manual-detailed.md
index c88d04f82c8c77686594a21ae8f18ef702ecffe1..aa2216a782555a026b521dc1e46eb6f0a60f6d8b 100644
--- a/docs/install-manual-detailed.md
+++ b/docs/install-manual-detailed.md
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-!! This guide is not finished, and might contain innacuracies. Please report
+> !! This guide is not finished, and might contain innacuracies. Please report
 any mistakes/bugs by creating an
 This is a WIP (Work In Progress) !!