@@ -8,50 +8,50 @@ This appendix contains the derivations of the discrete filters and a test of the
\subsection{Low pass filter}
In continuous form the first order low-pass filter can be written as
\dot{\bar x} + \omega\bar x = \omega x
\tau\dot{\bar x} + \bar x = x
where $x=x(t)$ is the original signal, $\bar x(t)$ is the filtered signal, $\omega$ is the user-defined cut-off frequency of the filter in radian per second, and $\dot{(\,)}=d/dt$ denotes the time derivative. The discrete first order low-pass filter used in the controller is derived from this continuous formulation by approximating the states and their time derivatives as an average based on the previous and current step:
where $x=x(t)$ is the original signal, $\bar x(t)$ is the filtered signal, $\tau$ is the user-defined time constant of the filter, and $\dot{(\,)}=d/dt$ denotes the time derivative. The discrete first order low-pass filter used in the controller is derived from this continuous formulation by approximating the states and their time derivatives as an average based on the previous and current step:
where $k$ is the index of the current time step, and $\Delta t$ is the time step length. Substitution into \eqref{e:f1cont} and rearranging the terms, the $f_1$-function is obtained as
To test this discrete filter, the Finite-Difference Method for constructing periodic solutions \cite{Nayfeh95} has been used to obtain the period solutions to harmonic excitation of the filter with a large number of different excitation frequencies. Figure~\ref{f:f1} shows the amplitude and phase of these solutions (red circles) compared to the transfer function obtained by transformation of the continuous formulation \eqref{e:f1cont} into the frequency domain.
\caption{Test of the first order low-pass filter function \eqref{e:f1} with a cut-off frequency of $\omega=1~\mathrm{rad/s}\approx0.159~\mathrm{Hz}$ and a time step of $\Delta t =0.125$~s. \label{f:f1}}
\caption{Test of the first order low-pass filter function \eqref{e:f1} with a time constant $\tau=1~\mathrm{s}$ and a time step of $\Delta t =0.125$~s. \label{f:f1}}
\subsection{First order high pass filter}
The continuous-time representation of the first order high pass filter can be written as follows:
\dot{\bar{x}} + \omega\bar{x} = \dot{x},
\tau\dot{\bar{x}} + \bar{x} = \tau\dot{x},
where $x = x(t)$ and $\bar{x}$ are the original and filtered signals, respectively. The user-defined cut-off frequency of the filter in radian per second is denoted as $\omega$ and $\dot{(\,)}= d/dt$ denotes the time derivative. Substituting the approximation of the states and their time derivatives~\eqref{e:1storder} into~\eqref{eq:highpass}, the discrete-time form of the first order high pass filter can be written as follows:
where $x = x(t)$ and $\bar{x}$ are the original and filtered signals, respectively. The user-defined time constant of the filter is denoted as $\omega$ and $\dot{(\,)}= d/dt$ denotes the time derivative. Substituting the approximation of the states and their time derivatives~\eqref{e:1storder} into~\eqref{eq:highpass}, the discrete-time form of the first order high pass filter can be written as follows:
\caption{Test of the first order high-pass filter function \eqref{eq:f_1,hp} with a cut-off frequency of $\omega=1~\mathrm{rad/s}\approx0.159~\mathrm{Hz}$ and a time step of $\Delta t =0.125$~s. \label{f:f_hp_1st}}
\caption{Test of the first order high-pass filter function \eqref{eq:f_1,hp} with a time constant of $\tau=1~\mathrm{s}$ and a time step of $\Delta t =0.125$~s. \label{f:f_hp_1st}}