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from datetime import datetime
import functools
import os
import time

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from py_wake import NOJ
from py_wake.deficit_models import fuga
from py_wake.deficit_models.gaussian import IEA37SimpleBastankhahGaussian
from import wt_x, wt_y, HornsrevV80, Hornsrev1Site
from py_wake.tests import npt
from py_wake.tests.test_files import tfp
from pandas.plotting import register_matplotlib_converters
import sys

def timeit(func, min_time=1, min_runs=3):
    def newfunc(*args, **kwargs):
        t_lst = []
        for i in range(100000):
            startTime = time.time()
            res = func(*args, **kwargs)
            t_lst.append(time.time() - startTime)
            if sum(t_lst) > min_time and len(t_lst) >= min_runs:
                if hasattr(func, '__name__'):
                    fn = func.__name__
                    fn = "Function"
                print('%s: %f +/-%f (%d runs)' % (fn, np.mean(t_lst), np.std(t_lst), i + 1))
                return res, t_lst
    return newfunc

def check_speed_Hornsrev(WFModel):
    assert getattr(sys, 'gettrace')() is None, "Skipping speed check, In debug mode!!!"
    wt = HornsrevV80()
    site = Hornsrev1Site()
    wf_model = WFModel(site, wt)
    aep, t_lst = timeit(lambda x, y: wf_model(x, y).aep())(wt_x, wt_y)

    fn = tfp + "speed_check/%s.txt" % WFModel.__name__
    if os.path.isfile(fn):
        with open(fn) as fid:
            lines = fid.readlines()

        # check aep
        npt.assert_almost_equal(float(lines[-1].split(";")[1]), aep)

        timings = np.array([(np.mean(eval(l.split(";")[2])), np.std(eval(l.split(";")[2]))) for l in lines])
        dates = [np.datetime64(l.split(";")[0]) for l in lines]
        dates = np.r_[dates,]
        y = np.r_[timings[:, 0], np.mean(t_lst)]

        error = np.r_[timings[:, 1], np.std(t_lst)]
        fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1)
        for x, ax in zip([dates, np.arange(len(dates))], axes):
            ax.fill_between(x, y - 2 * error, y + 2 * error)
            ax.plot(x, y, '.-k')
            ax.axhline(y[:-1].mean() + 2 * error[:-1].mean(), ls='--', color='gray')

        if y[-1] > (y[:-1].mean() + 2 * error[:-1].mean()):
            raise Exception("Simulation time too slow, %f > %f" % (y[-1], (y[:-1].mean() + 2 * error[:-1].mean())))

    with open(fn, 'a') as fid:
        fid.write("%s;%.10f;%s\n" % (, aep, t_lst))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    path = tfp + 'fuga/2MW/Z0=0.03000000Zi=00401Zeta0=0.00E+0/'

    def Fuga(site, wt):
        return fuga.Fuga(path, site, wt)

    for WFModel in [NOJ, IEA37SimpleBastankhahGaussian, Fuga]:
        except Exception as e: