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from numpy import newaxis as na

import numpy as np
from py_wake.deficit_models import DeficitModel
from py_wake.superposition_models import SquaredSum
from py_wake.wind_farm_models.engineering_models import PropagateDownwind
from py_wake.rotor_avg_models.rotor_avg_model import RotorCenter

class BastankhahGaussianDeficit(DeficitModel):
    """Implemented according to
    Bastankhah M and Porté-Agel F.
    A new analytical model for wind-turbine wakes.
    J. Renew. Energy. 2014;70:116-23.
    args4deficit = ['WS_ilk', 'D_src_il', 'dw_ijlk', 'cw_ijlk', 'ct_ilk']

    def __init__(self, k=0.0324555):
        self.k = k

    def calc_deficit(self, WS_ilk, D_src_il, dw_ijlk, cw_ijlk, ct_ilk, **_):
        sqrt1ct_ilk = np.sqrt(1 - ct_ilk)
        beta_ilk = 1 / 2 * (1 + sqrt1ct_ilk) / sqrt1ct_ilk
        sigma_sqr_ijlk = (self.k * dw_ijlk / D_src_il[:, na, :, na] + .2 * np.sqrt(beta_ilk)[:, na])**2
        exponent_ijlk = -1 / (2 * sigma_sqr_ijlk) * (cw_ijlk**2 / D_src_il[:, na, :, na]**2)
        # maximum added to avoid sqrt of negative number
        radical_ijlk = np.maximum(0, (1. - ct_ilk[:, na] / (8. * sigma_sqr_ijlk)))
        deficit_ijlk = (WS_ilk[:, na] * (1. - np.sqrt(radical_ijlk)) * np.exp(exponent_ijlk)) * (dw_ijlk > 0)
        return deficit_ijlk

    def wake_radius(self, D_src_il, dw_ijlk, ct_ilk, **_):
        sqrt1ct_ilk = np.sqrt(1 - ct_ilk)
        beta_ilk = 1 / 2 * (1 + sqrt1ct_ilk) / sqrt1ct_ilk
        sigma_ijlk = self.k * dw_ijlk / D_src_il[:, na, :, na] + .2 * np.sqrt(beta_ilk)[:, na]
        return 2 * sigma_ijlk * D_src_il[:, na, :, na]

class IEA37SimpleBastankhahGaussianDeficit(BastankhahGaussianDeficit):
    """Implemented according to

    Equivalent to BastankhahGaussian for beta=1/sqrt(8) ~ ct=0.9637188
    args4deficit = ['WS_ilk', 'D_src_il', 'dw_ijlk', 'cw_ijlk', 'ct_ilk']
    args4update = ['ct_ilk']

    def __init__(self, ):
        BastankhahGaussianDeficit.__init__(self, k=0.0324555)

    def _calc_layout_terms(self, WS_ilk, D_src_il, dw_ijlk, cw_ijlk, **_):
        eps = 1e-10
        sigma_ijlk = self.k * dw_ijlk * (dw_ijlk > eps) + (D_src_il / np.sqrt(8.))[:, na, :, na]
        self.layout_factor_ijlk = WS_ilk[:, na] * (dw_ijlk > eps) * \
            np.exp(-0.5 * (cw_ijlk / sigma_ijlk)**2)
        self.denominator_ijlk = 8. * (sigma_ijlk / D_src_il[:, na, :, na])**2

    def calc_deficit(self, WS_ilk, D_src_il, dw_ijlk, cw_ijlk, ct_ilk, **_):
        if not self.deficit_initalized:
            self._calc_layout_terms(WS_ilk, D_src_il, dw_ijlk, cw_ijlk)
        ct_factor_ijlk = (1. - ct_ilk[:, na] / self.denominator_ijlk)
        return self.layout_factor_ijlk * (1 - np.sqrt(ct_factor_ijlk))  # deficit_ijlk

class BastankhahGaussian(PropagateDownwind):
    def __init__(self, site, windTurbines, k=0.0324555,
                 rotorAvgModel=RotorCenter(), superpositionModel=SquaredSum(),
                 deflectionModel=None, turbulenceModel=None):
        site : Site
            Site object
        windTurbines : WindTurbines
            WindTurbines object representing the wake generating wind turbines
        rotorAvgModel : RotorAvgModel
            Model defining one or more points at the down stream rotors to
            calculate the rotor average wind speeds from.\n
            Defaults to RotorCenter that uses the rotor center wind speed (i.e. one point) only
        superpositionModel : SuperpositionModel, default SquaredSum
            Model defining how deficits sum up
        deflectionModel : DeflectionModel, default None
            Model describing the deflection of the wake due to yaw misalignment, sheared inflow, etc.
        turbulenceModel : TurbulenceModel, default None
            Model describing the amount of added turbulence in the wake
Mads M. Pedersen's avatar
Mads M. Pedersen committed
        PropagateDownwind.__init__(self, site, windTurbines, wake_deficitModel=BastankhahGaussianDeficit(k=k),
                                   rotorAvgModel=rotorAvgModel, superpositionModel=superpositionModel,
                                   deflectionModel=deflectionModel, turbulenceModel=turbulenceModel)
    def __init__(self, site, windTurbines,
                 rotorAvgModel=RotorCenter(), superpositionModel=SquaredSum(),
                 deflectionModel=None, turbulenceModel=None):
        site : Site
            Site object
        windTurbines : WindTurbines
            WindTurbines object representing the wake generating wind turbines
        rotorAvgModel : RotorAvgModel
            Model defining one or more points at the down stream rotors to
            calculate the rotor average wind speeds from.\n
            Defaults to RotorCenter that uses the rotor center wind speed (i.e. one point) only
        superpositionModel : SuperpositionModel, default SquaredSum
            Model defining how deficits sum up
        deflectionModel : DeflectionModel, default None
            Model describing the deflection of the wake due to yaw misalignment, sheared inflow, etc.
        turbulenceModel : TurbulenceModel, default None
            Model describing the amount of added turbulence in the wake
        PropagateDownwind.__init__(self, site, windTurbines,
                                   rotorAvgModel=rotorAvgModel, superpositionModel=superpositionModel,
                                   deflectionModel=deflectionModel, turbulenceModel=turbulenceModel)

def main():
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        from import IEA37Site
        from import IEA37_WindTurbines
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        # setup site, turbines and wind farm model
        site = IEA37Site(16)
        x, y = site.initial_position.T
        windTurbines = IEA37_WindTurbines()

        wf_model = IEA37SimpleBastankhahGaussian(site, windTurbines)


        # run wind farm simulation
        sim_res = wf_model(x, y)

        # calculate AEP
        aep = sim_res.aep()

        # plot wake map
        flow_map = sim_res.flow_map(wd=30, ws=9.8)
        plt.title('AEP: %.2f GWh' % aep)
