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from numpy import newaxis as na
from py_wake.turbulence_models.turbulence_model import TurbulenceModel, LinearSum
class STF2017TurbulenceModel(LinearSum, TurbulenceModel):
    """Steen Frandsen model implemented according to IEC61400-1, 2017"""

    args4addturb = ['dw_ijlk', 'cw_ijlk', 'D_src_il', 'ct_ilk', 'TI_ilk']
        # The weight is given by the exponential term in Eq 3.16 and accounts
        # for the lateral offset between the wake and the affected turbine.
        with np.warnings.catch_warnings():
            np.warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', r'divide by zero encountered in true_divide')

            # Theta_w is the characteristic view angle defined in Eq. (3.18) of
            # ST Frandsen's thesis
            theta_w = (180.0 / np.pi * np.arctan2(1, s_ijlk) + 10) / 2

            # thetq denotes the acutally view angles

        # weights_jl = np.where(theta < 3 * theta_w, np.exp(-(theta / theta_w)**2), 0)
        weights_ijlk = np.where(theta < theta_w, np.exp(-(theta / theta_w)**2), 0)
        return weights_ijlk
    def calc_added_turbulence(self, dw_ijlk, cw_ijlk, D_src_il, ct_ilk, TI_ilk, **_):
        """ Calculate the added turbulence intensity at locations specified by
        downstream distances (dw_jl) and crosswind distances (cw_jl)
        caused by the wake of a turbine (diameter: D_src_l, thrust coefficient: Ct_lk).

            Effective turbulence intensity [-]
        # The turbulence model assumes a bell-shaped turbulence profile, it
        # provides a maximum added TI (ie at the peak of the bell) and then
        # weights to account for the lateral offset between the source and
        # wake target to arrive at an effective TI..
        # In the standard (see page 103), the maximal added TI is calculated as
        # TI_add = 1/(1.5 + 0.8*d/sqrt(Ct))
        with np.warnings.catch_warnings():
            np.warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', r'divide by zero encountered in true_divide')
            np.warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', r'invalid value encountered in true_divide')
            TI_add_ijlk = 1 / (1.5 + 0.8 * (dw_ijlk / D_src_il[:, na, :, na]) / np.sqrt(ct_ilk)[:, na])
        TI_add_ijlk[np.isnan(TI_add_ijlk)] = 0
        # compute the weight considering a bell-shaped
        # the way effective added TI is calculated is derived from Eqs. (3.16-18)
        # in ST Frandsen's thesis. This is the effective TI and should not be
        # mistaken with the added turbulence. The term is the bracket is defined
        # as alpha by Frandsen.
        TI_add_ijlk = weights_ijlk * (np.hypot(TI_add_ijlk, TI_ilk[:, na]) - TI_ilk[:, na])
class STF2005TurbulenceModel(STF2017TurbulenceModel):
    """Steen Frandsen model implemented according to IEC61400-1, 2005"""
    args4addturb = ['dw_ijlk', 'cw_ijlk', 'D_src_il', 'WS_ilk', 'TI_ilk']
    def calc_added_turbulence(self, dw_ijlk, cw_ijlk, D_src_il, WS_ilk, TI_ilk, **_):
        """ Calculate the added turbulence intensity at locations specified by
        downstream distances (dw_jl) and crosswind distances (cw_jl)
        caused by the wake of a turbine (diameter: D_src_l, thrust coefficient: Ct_lk).

        TI_eff_jlk: array:float
            Effective turbulence intensity [-]

        # In the standard (see page 74), the maximal added TI is calculated as
        # TI_add = 0.9/(1.5 + 0.3*d*sqrt(V_hub/c))

        TI_maxadd_ijlk = 0.9 / (1.5 + 0.3 * (dw_ijlk / D_src_il[:, na, :, na]) * np.sqrt(WS_ilk)[:, na])

        # the way effective added TI is calculated is derived from Eqs. (3.16-18)
        # in ST Frandsen's thesis
        TI_add_ijlk = weights_ijlk * (np.hypot(TI_maxadd_ijlk, TI_ilk[:, na]) - TI_ilk[:, na])
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        from import IEA37Site
        from import IEA37_WindTurbines
        from py_wake import NOJ
        # setup site, turbines and flow model
        site = IEA37Site(16)
        x, y = site.initial_position.T
        windTurbines = IEA37_WindTurbines()

        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2)
        for ax, wf_model, lbl in [(ax1, NOJ(site, windTurbines, turbulenceModel=STF2005TurbulenceModel()), 'STF2005'),
                                  (ax2, NOJ(site, windTurbines, turbulenceModel=STF2017TurbulenceModel()), 'STF2017')]:
            flow_map = sim_res.flow_map(wd=0, ws=9.8)
            c = flow_map.plot_ti_map(ax=ax, plot_colorbar=False)
            ax.set_title('Turbulence intensity calculated by %s' % lbl)
        cbaxes = fig.add_axes([.92, 0.1, 0.01, 0.8])
        plt.colorbar(c, cax=cbaxes, label='turbulence intensity [m/s]')
