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from numpy import newaxis as na
import xarray as xr
import yaml
import os
from pathlib import Path
from import StraightDistance
from py_wake.utils import weibull, gradients
from py_wake.utils.ieawind37_utils import iea37_names
from py_wake.utils.grid_interpolator import GridInterpolator, EqDistRegGrid2DInterpolator
import urllib.request
from autograd.numpy.numpy_boxes import ArrayBox
    """The flexible general base class behind all Sites"""
    use_WS_bins = False

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    def __init__(self, ds, initial_position=None, interp_method='linear', shear=None, distance=None,
                 default_ws=np.arange(3, 26), bounds='check'):
        """Instantiate a site from an xarray dataset

        ds : xarray dataset
            See for details
        initial_position : array_like, optional
            initial position of turbines can be stored in the site object
        interp_method : {'linear', 'nearest'} or dict
            interpolation method. Default is linear.
            Methods can be mixed by specifying the variable and corresponding method in a dict, e.g.
            {'wd': 'nearest', 'x': 'linear'}
        shear : Shear-object or function (lw, WS_ref, lw.h) -> WS_z
            Function to compute the wind speed at different heights
        distance : Distance-object or None
            If None, default, the distance method is set to StraightDistance
        default_ws : array_like
            The default range of wind speeds
        bounds : {'check', 'limit', 'ignore'}
            Specifies how bounds is handled:\n
            - 'check': bounds check is performed. An error is raised if interpolation point outside area
            - 'limit': interpolation points are forced inside the area
            - 'ignore': Faster option with no check. Use this option if data is guaranteed to be inside the area

        if isinstance(interp_method, dict):
            assert all([v in ['linear', 'nearest'] for v in interp_method.values()]), \
                'interp_method "%s" not implemented. Values must be "linear" or "nearest"' % interp_method
            assert interp_method in ['linear', 'nearest'],\
                'interp_method "%s" not implemented. Must be "linear" or "nearest"' % interp_method
        assert bounds in ['check', 'limit', 'ignore'], 'bounds must be "check", "limit" or "ignore"'
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        distance = distance or StraightDistance()
        self.interp_method = interp_method
        self.shear = shear
        self.bounds = bounds
        Site.__init__(self, distance)
        if 'ws' not in ds.dims:
            ds.update({'ws': self.default_ws})
        if 'wd' in ds and len(np.atleast_1d(ds.wd)) > 1:
            wd = ds.coords['wd']
            sector_widths = np.diff(wd)
            assert np.allclose(sector_widths, sector_widths[0]), \
                "all sectors must have same width"
            sector_width = sector_widths[0]
            sector_width = 360
        if 'P' not in ds:
            assert 'Weibull_A' in ds and 'Weibull_k' in ds and 'Sector_frequency' in ds
        ds.attrs['sector_width'] = sector_width

        if initial_position is not None:
            ds.attrs['initial_position'] = initial_position

        # add 360 deg to all wd dependent datavalues
        if 'wd' in ds and ds.wd[-1] != 360 and 360 - ds.wd[-1] == sector_width:
            ds = xr.concat([ds, ds.sel(wd=0)], 'wd', data_vars='minimal')
            ds.update({'wd': np.r_[ds.wd[:-1], 360]})
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        if 'Elevation' in ds:
            self.elevation_interpolator = EqDistRegGrid2DInterpolator(ds.x.values,
        self.ds = ds

    def initial_position(self):
        return self.ds.initial_position

    def initial_position(self, initial_position):
        self.ds.attrs['initial_position'] = initial_position

    def save(self, filename):

    def load(filename, interp_method='nearest', shear=None, distance=StraightDistance()):
        ds = xr.load_dataset(filename)
        return XRSite(ds, interp_method=interp_method, shear=shear, distance=distance)

    def from_flow_box(flowBox, interp_method='linear', distance=StraightDistance()):
        ds = flowBox.drop_vars(['WS', 'TI']).rename_vars(WS_eff='WS', TI_eff='TI').squeeze()
        ds = ds.transpose(*[n for n in ['x', 'y', 'h', 'wd', 'ws'] if n in ds.dims])
        site = XRSite(ds, interp_method=interp_method, distance=distance)

        # Correct P from propability pr. deg to sector probability as expected by XRSite
        site.ds['P'] = site.ds.P * site.ds.sector_width
        return site
    def elevation(self, x_i, y_i):
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        if hasattr(self, "elevation_interpolator"):
            return self.elevation_interpolator(np.asarray(x_i, dtype=(float, np.complex128)[np.iscomplexobj(x_i)]),
                                               np.asarray(y_i, dtype=(float, np.complex128)[np.iscomplexobj(y_i)]),

    def _local_wind(self, localWind, ws_bins=None):
        LocalWind object containing:
            WD : array_like
                local free flow wind directions
            WS : array_like
                local free flow wind speeds
            TI : array_like
                local free flow turbulence intensity
            P : array_like
        lw = localWind

        def get(n, default=None):
            if n in self.ds:
                return self.ds[n].interp_ilk(lw.coords, deg=(n == 'WD'))
                return default

        if 'time' in lw.coords:
            default_ws =[na, :, na]
            default_ws =[na, na]
        WS, WD, TI, TI_std = [get(n, d) for n, d in [('WS', default_ws), ('WD', lw.wd[na, :, na]),
                                                     ('TI', None), ('TI_std', None)]]

        if 'Speedup' in self.ds:
            if 'i' in lw.coords and 'i' in self.ds.Speedup.dims and len(lw.i) != len(self.ds.i):
                WS = self.interp(self.ds.Speedup, lw) * WS

        if self.shear:
            assert 'h' in lw and np.all(lw.h != None), "Height must be specified and not None"  # nopep8
            if isinstance(lw.h, ArrayBox):
                WS = self.shear(lw, WS, lw.h)
                    h = h[:1]
                WS = self.shear(lw, WS, h)

        if 'Turning' in self.ds:
            if 'i' in lw.coords and 'i' in self.ds.Turning.dims and len(lw.i) != len(self.ds.i):
                WD = gradients.mod((self.interp(self.ds.Turning, lw, deg=True) + WD), 360)

        lw.set_W(WS, WD, TI, ws_bins, self.use_WS_bins)
        lw.set_data_array(TI_std, 'TI_std', 'Standard deviation of turbulence intensity')

        if 'time' in lw:
            lw['P_ilk'] = np.atleast_1d(1 / len(lw.time))[na, :, na]
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            if 'P' in self.ds:
                if ('ws' in self.ds.P.dims and 'ws' in lw.coords):
                    d_ws =
                    c_ws = lw.coords['ws']
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                    i = np.searchsorted(d_ws, c_ws[0])
                    if (np.any([ws not in d_ws for ws in c_ws]) or  # check all coordinate ws in data ws
                        len(d_ws[i:i + len(c_ws)]) != len(c_ws) or  # check subset has same length
                            np.any(d_ws[i:i + len(c_ws)] != c_ws)):  # check subset are equal
                        raise ValueError("Cannot interpolate ws-dependent P to other range of ws")
                lw['P_ilk'] = self.interp(self.ds.P, lw) / self.ds.sector_width * lw.wd_bin_size
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                sf = self.interp(self.ds.Sector_frequency, lw)
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                p_wd = sf / self.ds.sector_width * lw.wd_bin_size
                A, k = self.interp(self.ds.Weibull_A, lw), self.interp(self.ds.Weibull_k, lw)
                lw['Weibull_A_ilk'] = A
                lw['Weibull_k_ilk'] = k
                lw['Sector_frequency_ilk'] = p_wd
                lw['P_ilk'] = p_wd * (weibull.cdf(localWind.ws_upper, A=A, k=k) -
                                      weibull.cdf(localWind.ws_lower, A=A, k=k))
        lw.descriptions['P_ilk'] = "Probability of wind flow case (i.e. wind direction and wind speed)"
        return lw
    def interp(self, var, lw, deg=False):
        return var.interp_ilk(lw.coords, deg=deg, interp_method=self.interp_method, bounds=self.bounds)

    def to_ieawind37_ontology(self, name='Wind Resource', filename='WindResource.yaml', data_in_netcdf=False):
        name_map = {k: v for k, v in iea37_names()}
        ds = self.ds.sel(wd=self.ds.wd[:-1])
        ds_keys = list(ds.keys()) + list(ds.coords)
        map_dict = {key: name_map[key] for key in ds_keys if key in name_map}
        ds = ds.rename(map_dict)

        def fmt(v):
            if isinstance(v, dict):
                return {k: fmt(v) for k, v in v.items() if fmt(v) != {}}
            elif isinstance(v, tuple):
                return list(v)
                return v
        data_dict = fmt(ds.to_dict())

        if not data_in_netcdf:
            # yaml with all
            yml = yaml.dump({'name': name, 'wind_resource': {**{k: v['data'] for k, v in data_dict['coords'].items()},

            # yaml with data in netcdf
            ds.to_netcdf(filename.replace('.yaml', '.nc'))
            yml_nc = yaml.dump({'name': name, 'wind_resource': "!include %s" % os.path.basename(
                filename).replace('.yaml', '.nc')}).replace("'", "")

    def from_iea37_ontology_yml(filename, data_in_netcdf=False):
        name_map = {v: k for k, v in iea37_names()}
        if not data_in_netcdf:
            with open(filename) as fid:
                yml_dict = yaml.safe_load(fid)['wind_resource']
                for k, v in yml_dict.items():
                    if not isinstance(v, dict):  # its a coord
                        yml_dict[k] = {'dims': [k], 'data': v}
                ds = xr.Dataset.from_dict(yml_dict)
                map_dict = {key: name_map[key] for key in list(ds.keys()) + list(ds.coords)}
                ds = ds.rename(map_dict)
                xr_site = XRSite(ds)
            with xr.open_dataset(filename.replace(".yaml", '.nc')).load() as ds:
                map_dict = {key: name_map[key] for key in list(ds.keys()) + list(ds.coords)}
                ds = ds.rename(map_dict)
                xr_site = XRSite(ds)
        return xr_site

    def from_pywasp_pwc(cls, pwc, **kwargs):
        """Instanciate XRSite from a pywasp predicted wind climate (PWC) xr.Dataset

        pwc : xr.Dataset
            pywasp predicted wind climate dataset. At a minimum should contain
            "A", "k", and "wdfreq".

        pwc = pwc.copy()

        # Drop coordinates that are not needed
        for coord in ["sector_floor", "sector_ceil", "crs"]:
            if coord in pwc.coords:
                pwc = pwc.drop_vars(coord)

        # Get the spatial dims
        if "point" in pwc.dims:
            xyz_dims = ("point",)
            xy_dims = ("point",)
        elif all(d in pwc.dims for d in ["west_east", "south_north"]):
            xyz_dims = ("west_east", "south_north", "height")
            xy_dims = ("west_east", "south_north")
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ValueError(f"No spatial dimensions found on dataset!")

        # Make the dimensin order as needed
        pwc = pwc.transpose(*xyz_dims, "sector", ...)

        ws_mean = xr.apply_ufunc(
            weibull.mean, pwc["A"], pwc["k"], dask="allowed"

        pwc["Speedup"] = ws_mean / ws_mean.max(dim=xy_dims)

        # Add TI if not already present
        for var in ["turbulence_intensity"]:
            if var not in pwc.data_vars:
                pwc[var] = pwc["A"] * 0.0

        new_names = {
            "wdfreq": "Sector_frequency",
            "A": "Weibull_A",
            "k": "Weibull_k",
            "turbulence_intensity": "TI",
            "sector": "wd",
            "point": "i",
            "west_east": "x",
            "south_north": "y",
            "height": "h",

        pwc_renamed = pwc.rename({
            old_name: new_name for old_name, new_name in new_names.items()
            if old_name in pwc or old_name in pwc.dims

        return cls(pwc_renamed, **kwargs)

class UniformSite(XRSite):
    """Site with uniform (same wind over all, i.e. flat uniform terrain) and
    constant wind speed probability of 1. Only for one fixed wind speed

    def __init__(self, p_wd=[1], ti=0.1, ws=12, interp_method='nearest', shear=None, initial_position=None):
            data_vars={'P': ('wd', p_wd)},
            coords={'wd': np.linspace(0, 360, len(p_wd), endpoint=False)})
        if ti is not None:
            ds['TI'] = ti
        XRSite.__init__(self, ds, interp_method=interp_method, shear=shear, initial_position=initial_position,

class UniformWeibullSite(XRSite):
    """Site with uniform (same wind over all, i.e. flat uniform terrain) and
    weibull distributed wind speed

    def __init__(self, p_wd, a, k, ti=None, interp_method='nearest', shear=None):
        """Initialize UniformWeibullSite

        p_wd : array_like
            Probability of wind direction sectors
        a : array_like
            Weilbull scaling parameter of wind direction sectors
        k : array_like
            Weibull shape parameter
        ti : float or array_like, optional
            Turbulence intensity
        interp_method : 'nearest', 'linear'
            p_wd, a, k, ti and alpha are interpolated to 1 deg sectors using this
        shear : Shear object
            Shear object, e.g. NoShear(), PowerShear(h_ref, alpha)

        The wind direction sectors will be: [0 +/- w/2, w +/- w/2, ...]
        where w is 360 / len(p_wd)

        ds = xr.Dataset(
            data_vars={'Sector_frequency': ('wd', p_wd), 'Weibull_A': ('wd', a), 'Weibull_k': ('wd', k)},
            coords={'wd': np.linspace(0, 360, len(p_wd), endpoint=False)})
        if ti is not None:
            ds['TI'] = ti
        XRSite.__init__(self, ds, interp_method=interp_method, shear=shear)

class GlobalWindAtlasSite(XRSite):
    """Site with Global Wind Climate (GWC) from the Global Wind Atlas based on
    lat and long which is interpolated at specific roughness and height.
    NOTE: This approach is only valid for sites with homogeneous roughness at the site and far around
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    def __init__(self, lat, long, height, roughness, ti=None, **kwargs):  # pragma: no cover
        lat: float
            Latitude of the location
        long: float
            Longitude of the location
        height: float
            Height of the location
        roughness: float
            roughness length at the location
        self.gwc_ds = self._read_gwc(lat, long)
        if ti is not None:
            self.gwc_ds['TI'] = ti
        XRSite.__init__(self, ds=self.gwc_ds.interp(height=height, roughness=roughness), **kwargs)

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    def _read_gwc(self, lat, long):  # pragma: no cover

        url_str = f'{{"type":"Point","coordinates":[{long},{lat}]}}'
        s = urllib.request.urlopen(url_str).read().decode()  # response contains link to generated file
        url = s[s.index(''):].split('"')[0]
        lines = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode().strip().split("\r\n")

        # Read header information one line at a time
        # desc = txt[0].strip()  # File Description
        nrough, nhgt, nsec = map(int, lines[1].split())  # dimensions
        roughnesses = np.array(lines[2].split(), dtype=float)  # Roughness classes
        heights = np.array(lines[3].split(), dtype=float)  # heights
        data = np.array([l.split() for l in lines[4:]], dtype=float).reshape((nrough, nhgt * 2 + 1, nsec))
        freq = data[:, 0] / data[:, 0].sum(1)[:, na]
        A = data[:, 1::2]
        k = data[:, 2::2]
        ds = xr.Dataset({'Weibull_A': (["roughness", "height", "wd"], A),
                         'Weibull_k': (["roughness", "height", "wd"], k),
                         "Sector_frequency": (["roughness", "wd"], freq)},
                        coords={"height": heights, "roughness": roughnesses,
                                "wd": np.linspace(0, 360, nsec, endpoint=False)})
        return ds