"- `GroundModel` is now an input to `DeficitModel` instead of `WindFarmModel`. This means that a ground model can be applied to the blockage or wake, only.\n",
"- PyWake can now compute gradients via finite differnece, complex step and automatic differentiation, see https://topfarm.pages.windenergy.dtu.dk/PyWake/notebooks/Gradients.html. Most models supports all three methods, while a few does not work yet.\n",
"- Flow maps can be computed in both the vertical downwind and crosswind plane\n",
"### New models\n",
"- WakeDeficitModels\n",
" - CarbajofuertesGaussianDeficit \n",
" - TurboNOJDeficit \n",
" - TurboGaussianDeficit\n",
"- BlockageDeficitModels\n",
" - RathmannScaled\n",
"- DeflectionModels\n",
" - GCLHillDeflection \n",
" - JimenezWakeDeflection (extended with vertical deflection due to rotor tilt)\n",
"- WeightModels (to be used with the STF2005 and STF2017 TurbulenceModels)\n",
" - FrandsenWeight (the previous implementation)\n",
" - IECWeight (weight as specified in the IEC standard) \n",
"- SiteModels\n",
" - GlobalWindAtlasSite (site with data from online global wind atlas)\n",
" - DistanceModels\n",
" - JITStreamlineDistance (compute distances between wind turbines along streamlines)\n",
-`GroundModel` is now an input to `DeficitModel` instead of `WindFarmModel`. This means that a ground model can be applied to the blockage or wake, only.
- PyWake can now compute gradients via finite differnece, complex step and automatic differentiation, see https://topfarm.pages.windenergy.dtu.dk/PyWake/notebooks/Gradients.html. Most models supports all three methods, while a few does not work yet.
- Flow maps can be computed in both the vertical downwind and crosswind plane
### New models
- WakeDeficitModels
- CarbajofuertesGaussianDeficit
- TurboNOJDeficit
- TurboGaussianDeficit
- BlockageDeficitModels
- RathmannScaled
- DeflectionModels
- GCLHillDeflection
- JimenezWakeDeflection (extended with vertical deflection due to rotor tilt)
- WeightModels (to be used with the STF2005 and STF2017 TurbulenceModels)
- FrandsenWeight (the previous implementation)
- IECWeight (weight as specified in the IEC standard)
- SiteModels
- GlobalWindAtlasSite (site with data from online global wind atlas)
- DistanceModels
- JITStreamlineDistance (compute distances between wind turbines along streamlines)
- ShearModels
- LogShear
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## PyWake 2.2 (March 26, 2021)
### New features and API changes
- All DeficitModels should inherrit either `WakeDeficitModel` or `BlockageDeficitModel`
- All Sites are now subclasses of XRSite
- WeightedSum SuperpositionModel reimplemented to be more efficient
- TurbulenceModels now take a RotorAvgModel as optional input. This allow PyWake to use different RotorAvgModels for wake and turbulence.
- Validation feature updated, see [here](https://topfarm.pages.windenergy.dtu.dk/PyWake/notebooks/exercises/Validation.html)
- The Power/Ct curve functionality of `WindTurbines` has been updated to support multidimensional Power and Ct curves, e.g. curves depending on turbulence intensity, air density, yaw misalignment, operational mode etc. This means that instantiating `WindTurbines` and `OneTypeWindTurbines` with the old set of arguments, i.e. `name, diameter, hub_height, ct_func, power_func, power_unit`, is deprecated. Use the the new `WindTurbine` and `Windturbines` classes with the arguments `name, diameter, hub_height, powerCtFunction` instead, see [here](https://topfarm.pages.windenergy.dtu.dk/PyWake/notebooks/WindTurbines.html). Backward compatibility is ensured (with runtime warning) for most use cases.
The `powerCtFunction` can be one of the classes from py_wake.wind_turbines.power_ct_functions, i.e.
- Support for time series of wd and ws, see [here](https://topfarm.pages.windenergy.dtu.dk/PyWake/notebooks/RunWindFarmSimulation.html#Time-series). Possible use cases:
- Time-dependent inflow, e.g. measurements of wd, ws, ti, shear, density, etc.
- Time-dependent operation, e.g. periods of failure or maintaince of a wind turbine
- Added support for load surrogates to predict wind turbine loads
### New models
- BlockageDeficitModels (see [here](https://topfarm.pages.windenergy.dtu.dk/PyWake/notebooks/EngineeringWindFarmModels.html#Blockage-deficit-models)
- LocalWind, SimulationResult and FlowMap are now `xarray.Dataset`-objects with some additional methods and attributes
-`simulationResult.aep()` now returns a `xarray.DataArray` with aep for all wind turbines, wind directions and wind speeds. To get the total AEP as before, use `simulationResult.aep().sum()`
- New general XRSite where the site is defined as an xarray with the following structure:
- Required data variables:
- P(probability) or f(sector frequency), A(Weibull scale), k(Weibull shape)
- All data variables may be constant or dependent on any of:
- ws (reference wind speed)
- wd (reference wind direction)
- position in terms of
- gridded 2D position, (x,y)
- gridded 3D position, (x,y,z)
- wt position, (i)
-[Include effects of neighbouring wind farms](Optimization.ipynb#Pregenerated-site-with-wake-effects-from-neighbouring-wind-farms) in site (wind resource) to speed up optimization of a wind farm with neighbouring farms

- Vertical flow map via the [YZGrid](RunWindFarmSimulation.ipynb#YZGrid)

### New models
- New `RotorAverageModel`, see [here](EngineeringWindFarmModels.ipynb#Rotor-average-models). The default model, `RotorCenter`, behaves as before as it estimates the rotor-average wind speed from the wind speed at the rotor center. Other models, however, provides a more accurate estimate based on multiple points on the cost of computation. The `CGIRotorAvg(4)` and `CGIRotorAvg(7)` with 4 and 7 points, respectively, provides good compromises between accuracy and computational cost.
- Deficit model:
-[GCLDeficit](EngineeringWindFarmModels.ipynb#GCLDeficit): The Gunner Larsen semi-analytical wake model
- Superposition model:
- WeightedSum A weighted sum approach taking wake convection velocity into account. The model is so far only applicable to the gaussian models. The model is based on "A momentum-conserving wake superposition method for wind farm power prediction" by Haohua Zong and Fernando Porté-Agel, J. Fluid Mech. (2020), vol. 889, A8; doi:10.1017/jfm.2020.77
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## PyWake 2.0 (April 15, 2020)
- New structure
- Purpose:
- Easier combination of different models for flow propagation, wake and blockage deficit, superposition, wake deflection and turbulence
- More consistent interface to and support for engineering models and PyWake-Rans
- Changes
-`WakeModel` class refactored mainly into the `WindFarmModel`s `EngineeringWindFarmModel` and `PropagateDownwind`
-`WindFarmModel`s, e.g. `NOJ`, `Fuga`, `BastankhahGaussian` returns a `SimulationResult` containing the results as well as an AEP and a flow_map method. See the QuickStart tutorial
- and many more
- Backward compatibility
- AEP Calculator works as before, but is now deprecated
- Lower level interfaces and implementations has changed
- New documentation matching the new structure
- Optional blockage deficit models and implementation of the SelfSimilarity model
- Optional wake deflection models and implementation of a model by Jimenez