For a given wind turbine type and effective wind speed (WSeff), the `WindTurbine` object provides the power and thrust coefficient (CT), as well as the wind turbine hub height (H) and diameter (D).
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## Setting up Windturbine objects
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### Predefined example WindTurbines
PyWake contains a few predefined turbines, e.g. the V80 from Hornsrev1, the 3.35MW from IEA task 37 and the DTU10MW.
PyWake has a `GenericWindTurbine` class which make a wind turbine where the power is computed by a analytical model based on diameter and nominal power.
The model takes a lot of optional inputs which default to empirical values, e.g.
Some WAsP wtg files defines multiple wind turbine modes. E.g. the `Vestas V112-3.0 MW.wtg` which has 12 modes representing different levels of air density. In this case, the mode defaults to 0.
WindTurbines can be defined using a `PowerCtFunctionList`. In fact this is the approach used by multi-mode WAsP wind turbines and also when creating multi-type wind turbine (in which case the key is `type`)
It is also possible to setup a wind turbine using a multidimensional power and ct tabular array. In this case the power can ct values will be calculated using multidimensional linear interpolation.
The `GenericTIRhoWindTurbine` extends the [`GenericWindTurbine`](#Generic-WindTurbine) by with multidimensional power/ct curves that depends on turbulence intensity, `TI_eff` and the air density, `Air_density`.