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Fixing UniformSite/IEA Task 37 related code

Jenni Rinker requested to merge add_iea37_b2 into master

Wanted to recreated the AEP results reported by IEA Task 37, which required quite a few changes:

  • Added the 9-turbine IEA 37 model from Case Study 2
  • Update UniformSite to not inherit the default wsp from Site
  • Update UniformWeibullSite to not inherit the default wsp from UniformSite
  • Change the probability normalization in UniformSite so that p_wd sums to 1
  • Updated the aep map test that uses the IEA Task 37 model because I have no idea where it's number came from and it was broken
  • Fixed a bunch of tests related to these changes
  • Added a test to check that the AEP values stored in the IEA 37 yaml files match those calculated by the iea 37 aep calculator
  • Many line breaks to adhere to PEP's max-line convention of 79 characters
  • Probably other changes I can't remember

I also added stuff to the git ignore related to the validation report.

This will resolve Issue #10 (closed).

Requesting code review/merge request acceptance from @pire @mmpe @mikf or anyone else who feels energetic. Let me know if my constant spamming is annoying. :/

Merge request reports
