.. Example 1
Example 1: Constrained Layout Optimization
This example demonstrates the optimization of a wind turbine layout that is
subject to boundary constraints.
- The cost function is a dummy function that penalizes the turbines when they
are far away from pre-specified, desired positions.
- There is a boundary beyond which the turbines cannot go.
- The turbines cannot be closer than 2D.
The optimization results are visualized in the figure below. The turbines'
trajectories during the optimizations are shown by the colored lines.
- All turbines that begin outside the boundary immediately jump inside the
- Turbines 1 and 3 rotate around each other as they try to reach their
specified final locations but stay at least 2D away from each other.
- Turbine 2 remains on the boundary but tries to minimize its distance to
its specified final location.
- Turbine 4 converges to its specified location.
.. figure:: /../../examples/example_1_constrained_layout_optimization.png
.. literalinclude:: /../../examples/