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Commit f6b1b22b authored by Mads M. Pedersen's avatar Mads M. Pedersen
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Created on 17. maj 2018
@author: mmpe
from topfarm import TopFarm
import numpy as np
import pytest
from topfarm.cost_models.dummy import DummyCost, DummyCostPlotComp
from topfarm.plotting import NoPlot
from topfarm.easy_drivers import EasyScipyOptimizeDriver, EasySimpleGADriver
initial = [[6, 0], [6, -8], [1, 1]] # initial turbine layouts
optimal = np.array([[2.5, -3], [6, -7], [4.5, -3]]) # desired turbine layouts
boundary = [(0, 0), (6, 0), (6, -10), (0, -10)] # turbine boundaries
desired = [[3, -3], [7, -7], [4, -3]] # desired turbine layouts
def topfarm_generator():
def _topfarm_obj(driver):
plot_comp = DummyCostPlotComp(desired)
#plot_comp = NoPlot()
return TopFarm(initial, DummyCost(desired), 2, plot_comp=plot_comp, boundary=boundary, driver=driver)
return _topfarm_obj
# # CONMIN-specific Settings
# self.driver.itmax = 30
# self.driver.fdch = 0.00001
# self.driver.fdchm = 0.000001
# self.driver.ctlmin = 0.01
# self.driver.delfun = 0.001
# # NEWSUMT-specific Settings
# #self.driver.itmax = 10
# # COBYLA-specific Settings
# #self.driver.rhobeg = 1.0
# #self.driver.rhoend = 1.0e-4
# #self.driver.maxfun = 1000
# # SLSQP-specific Settings
# #self.driver.accuracy = 1.0e-6
# #self.driver.maxiter = 50
# # Genetic-specific Settings
# #self.driver.population_size = 90
# #self.driver.crossover_rate = 0.9
# #self.driver.mutation_rate = 0.02
# #self.selection_method = 'rank'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('driver,tol',[(EasyScipyOptimizeDriver(), 1e-4),
(EasyScipyOptimizeDriver(tol=1e-3), 1e-2),
(EasyScipyOptimizeDriver(maxiter=13), 1e-1),
(EasyScipyOptimizeDriver(optimizer='COBYLA', tol=1e-3), 1e-2),
(EasySimpleGADriver(), 1e-4)][-1:])
def test_optimizers(driver, tol, topfarm_generator):
tf = topfarm_generator(driver)
tb_pos = tf.turbine_positions
assert sum((tb_pos[2] - tb_pos[0])**2) > 2**2 - tol # check min spacing
assert tb_pos[1][0]< 6 + tol # check within border
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(tb_pos, optimal, -int(np.log10(tol)))
#print (tb_pos - optimal)
File moved
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class TopFarm(object):
def __init__(self, turbines, cost_comp, min_spacing, boundary, boundary_type='convex_hull', plot_comp=None,
driver_options={'optimizer': 'SLSQP'}):
self.initial_positions = turbines = np.array(turbines)
......@@ -32,19 +32,18 @@ class TopFarm(object):
indeps = prob.model.add_subsystem('indeps', IndepVarComp(), promotes=['*'])
min_x, min_y = self.boundary_comp.vertices.min(0)
mean_x, mean_y = self.boundary_comp.vertices.mean(0)
if driver_options['optimizer'] == 'SLSQP':
design_var_kwargs = {}
if 'optimizer' in driver.options and driver.options['optimizer'] == 'SLSQP':
min_x, min_y, mean_x, mean_y = 0, 0, 1, 1 # scaling disturbs SLSQP
# Default +/- sys.float_info.max does not work for SLSQP
design_var_kwargs = {'lower': np.nan, 'upper': np.nan}
indeps.add_output('turbineX', turbines[:, 0], units='m', ref0=min_x, ref=mean_x)
indeps.add_output('turbineY', turbines[:, 1], units='m', ref0=min_y, ref=mean_y)
indeps.add_output('boundary', self.boundary_comp.vertices, units='m')
prob.model.add_subsystem('cost_comp', cost_comp, promotes=['*'])
prob.driver = ScipyOptimizeDriver()
design_var_kwargs = {}
if driver_options['optimizer'] == 'SLSQP':
# Default +/- sys.float_info.max does not work for SLSQP
design_var_kwargs = {'lower': np.nan, 'upper': np.nan}
prob.driver = driver
prob.model.add_design_var('turbineX', **design_var_kwargs)
prob.model.add_design_var('turbineY', **design_var_kwargs)
......@@ -19,9 +19,6 @@ class DummyCost(ExplicitComponent):
self.optimal = np.array(optimal_positions)
self.N = self.optimal.shape[0]
def cost(self, x, y):
"""Evaluate cost function"""
def setup(self):
self.add_input('turbineX', val=np.zeros(self.N), units='m')
self.add_input('turbineY', val=np.zeros(self.N), units='m')
from openmdao.drivers.scipy_optimizer import ScipyOptimizeDriver
#from openmdao.drivers.pyoptsparse_driver import pyOptSparseDriver
from openmdao.drivers.genetic_algorithm_driver import SimpleGADriver
class EasyScipyOptimizeDriver(ScipyOptimizeDriver):
def __init__(self, optimizer='SLSQP', maxiter=200, tol=1e-6, disp=True):
optimizer : {'Nelder-Mead', 'Powell', 'CG', 'BFGS', 'Newton-CG', 'L-BFGS-B',
Inequality constraints are supported by COBYLA and SLSQP,
but equality constraints are only supported by SLSQP. None of the other
optimizers support constraints.
maxiter : int
Maximum number of iterations.
tol : float
Tolerance for termination. For detailed control, use solver-specific options.
disp : bool
Set to False to prevent printing of Scipy convergence messages
self.options.update({'optimizer': optimizer, 'maxiter': maxiter, 'tol': tol, 'disp': disp})
# class EasyPyOptSparseSLSQP(pyOptSparseDriver):
# def __init__(self, maxit=200, acc=1e-6):
# pyOptSparseDriver.__init__(self)
# raise NotImplementedError
class EasySimpleGADriver(SimpleGADriver):
def __init__(self, elitism=True, max_gen=100):
"""Simple Genetic Algorithm Driver with argument
bits : dict
Number of bits of resolution. Default is an empty dict, where every unspecified variable is assumed to be integer, and the number of bits is calculated automatically. If you have a continuous var, you should set a bits value as a key in this dictionary.
debug_print : list
List of what type of Driver variables to print at each iteration. Valid items in list are ‘desvars’, ‘ln_cons’, ‘nl_cons’, ‘objs’, ‘totals’
elitism : bool
If True, replace worst performing point with best from previous generation each iteration.
max_gen : int
Number of generations before termination.
pop_size :
Number of points in the GA. Set to 0 and it will be computed as four times the number of bits.
procs_per_model : int
Number of processors to give each model under MPI.
run_parallel : bool
Set to True to execute the points in a generation in parallel.
self.options.update({'elitism': elitism, 'max_gen': max_gen})
# class COBYLADriverWrapper(CONMINdriver):
# # CONMIN-specific Settings
# self.driver.itmax = 30
# self.driver.fdch = 0.00001
# self.driver.fdchm = 0.000001
# self.driver.ctlmin = 0.01
# self.driver.delfun = 0.001
# # NEWSUMT-specific Settings
# #self.driver.itmax = 10
# # COBYLA-specific Settings
# #self.driver.rhobeg = 1.0
# #self.driver.rhoend = 1.0e-4
# #self.driver.maxfun = 1000
# # SLSQP-specific Settings
# #self.driver.accuracy = 1.0e-6
# #self.driver.maxiter = 50
# # Genetic-specific Settings
# #self.driver.population_size = 90
# #self.driver.crossover_rate = 0.9
# #self.driver.mutation_rate = 0.02
# #self.selection_method = 'rank'
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