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added new turbine specific boundary component

Mikkel Friis-Møller requested to merge sgd_upd into master

connected turbine specific component to constraint component

added type to the boundary component

turbine specific plotting

added new turbine specific boundary component

connected turbine specific component to constraint component

added type to the boundary component

Turbine type plot component with type specific color

relaxation: plot component for relaxed polygons and fixed dD/dt

fixed the turbine specific object

added SGD driver

adapted plot component for turbine type specific optimization

removed relaxation plot component from turbine specific

fixed compatibility of multi_polygon and turbine_specific components

topfarm model components can skip partials if if they are not contributing towards the requested totals

added mhat and vhat to sgd (in accordance with original adam algorithm)

square the boundary penalty This way, gradients become larger as the turbines go further outside the boundary, and the spacing and boundary constraints are in the same units.

typo - vhat not vham

copy learning rate for sanity

aggr plot component and plot limits fixed

design var limits including all polygons

the final learning rate should be 1e-2, not 1e-2 times the initial learning rate

allow for iterations to be set based on a maximum time

update example for propper spacing control, new plot component

improve comparison case: different wake model and turbine, both plot components

save figures in seperate folder

save images from the plot components

added SGD speedup when threshold is reached

added analytical gradients for constraint aggregation.

break when convergence criterion is met

Merge request reports
