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numpy>=2.0 and openmdao upgrade; tests, CI and devenv improvements

Ernestas Simutis requested to merge np_openddao_upgrade into master
  • numpy>=2.0 port changes; API changes and adaptation
  • openmdao latest version port changes; API compatibility issues, thus some tests and topfarm code had to change but the logic stays the same
  • pyoptsparse still doens't support numpy>=2.0. Hoping they are going to merge the upgrade soonish... For now, only the latest python3.12 is going to test against numpy>=2.0 by excluding pyoptsparse from the environment and tests
  • pytest-xdist parallelization improvement, test time is reduced significantly :)
  • pre-commit notebook strip changes so we have fewer lines changed in the notebooks and in MR we can see the actual diff lines rather than metadata changes
  • moved the testing of all python version to a separate manual job in CI, so the MR pipelines can give quick response and the full suite can be run manually on main branch
  • Developer docs note on pre-commit usage
  • Added osx-[64|arm64] for pixi to resolve and make sure macOS users can recreate the environment

Closes #118 (closed)

Edited by Ernestas Simutis

Merge request reports
