# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# HPP Global
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
G_MW: 300 # Grid capacity
N_life: 25
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Wind
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
wind_turbine_cost: 640_000 # [Euro/MW] for reference turbine
wind_civil_works_cost: 260_000 # [Euro/MW]
wind_fixed_onm_cost: 12_600 # Wind fixed O&M cost per year [Euro/MW /year]
wind_variable_onm_cost: 1.35 #[EUR/MWh_e] Danish Energy Agency
d_ref: 145
hh_ref: 100
p_rated_ref: 5.0 #[MW]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# PV
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
solar_PV_cost: 110_000 # [Euro/MW DC]
solar_hardware_installation_cost: 100_000 # [Euro/MW DC]
solar_inverter_cost: 20_000 #[Euro/MW]
solar_fixed_onm_cost: 4_500 # Solar O&M cost per year [Euro/MW] DC
pv_deg_per_year: 0.5e-2
land_use_per_solar_MW: 0.01226 # Danish energy agency
#selected tracker
tracking: 'No' # 'single_axis' #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Battery
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#battery_energy_cost: 90_000 # [Euro/MWh]
#battery_power_cost: 32_000 # Power conversion system cost [Euro/MW]
#battery_BOP_installation_commissioning_cost: 36_000 # Electric BalanceOfPlant, instal+commission cost [Euro/MW]
#battery_control_system_cost: 9_000 # Grid management control system cost[Euro/MW]
#battery_energy_onm_cost: 0
battery_energy_cost: 45_000 # [Euro/MWh]
battery_power_cost: 16_000 # Power conversion system cost [Euro/MW]
battery_BOP_installation_commissioning_cost: 18_000 # Electric BalanceOfPlant, instal+commission cost [Euro/MW]
battery_control_system_cost: 4_500 # Grid management control system cost[Euro/MW]
battery_energy_onm_cost: 0
# EMS and Degradation parameters
battery_depth_of_discharge: 0.9 # 1 - Minimum energy level in the battery
battery_charge_efficiency: 0.98 # Charge efficiency for Lithium-ion
battery_price_reduction_per_year: 0.05 # Battery price reduction per year
peak_hr_quantile: 0.9 # An hour of peak price has prices above this quantile
n_steps_in_LoH: 20 # Number of battery degradation levels for discretization of lifetime operation
min_LoH: 0.7 # Minimum energy storage capacity in percent for the storage to be replaced
# Penalty is defined as: Number of peak hours of full load expected per day.
# Indian case Penalty has expected hours at 0.85*3= 2.55
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Shared costs
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
hpp_BOS_soft_cost: 119_940 # [Euro/MW]
hpp_grid_connection_cost: 37_074 # [Euro/MW]
#land cost not same format in excel it's per MW
land_cost: 300_000 # [Euro/km**2] from Hybridize imputs 6-12k Euro/acre. 1km2 = 247.105acre
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Financial and Economic data
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
discount_factor: 0.06
wind_WACC: 0.052 # Markup of after tax WACC for onshore WT
solar_WACC: 0.048 # After tax WACC for solar PV
battery_WACC: 0.080 # After tax WACC for stationary storge li-ion batteries
tax_rate: 0.22 # Corporate tax rate
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Weather databases
# Not required if the user provides input_ts_fn.csv to hpp_model
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
era5_zarr: '/groups/reanalyses/era5/app/era5.zarr' # location of wind speed renalysis
ratio_gwa_era5: '/groups/INP/era5/' # location of mean wind speed correction factor
era5_ghi_zarr: '/groups/INP/era5/ghi.zarr' # location of GHI renalysis
elevation_fn: '/groups/INP/era5/' # Altitude map for extracting altitude
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# P2X data
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
price_H2: 5 #[Euro/kg]
storage_eff: 1 #Compressor efficiency
ptg_deg: 0.99 #Weekly degradation for 20 years of lifetime
hhv: 39.3 #[kWh/kg]
water_consumption: 9.4 #l/kg
electrolyzer_capex_cost: 480_000 #[EUR/MW]
electrolyzer_opex_cost: 9600 #Electrolyzer_capex_cost * 0.02 #[EUR/MW]
electrolyzer_power_electronics_cost: 0 #[EUR/MW]
water_cost: 4 #[EUR/m3]
water_treatment_cost: 2 #[EUR/m3]
compressor_capex_cost: 0 #[EUR/MW]
compressor_opex_cost: 0 #[EUR/MW]